The Purchase Orders screen is used for rolling and closing all open and pending POs as part of the end of year rollover process. Once the new fiscal year begins, all outstanding POs will need to be rolled in order to create new invoices for these POs in the new fiscal year. You will also need to close (Liquidate Remaining Balance) all POs that will not roll, which can be done from the same screen. Rolling a PO moves it to the next year, moves the encumbrance, and increases the budgeted amount by the amount of the remaining encumbrance.
The Open Requests tab allows you to close or roll open purchase orders created via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders.
1. From the Setup menu, click Purchase Orders under the Rollover sub-heading.

2. Click the Open Requests tab.

The report displays the Type of PO, the PO #, the Requisition #, PO Name, PO Date, Vendor, Vendor #, accounting strip information (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.), Committed amount, Original Encumbrance, Expended amount, Remaining Encumbrance, the Budgeted indication, the Invoice Amount Pending Payment (PO Summary > Pending Payment Total), and the Close When Check Written indicator.
3. Select the fiscal year into which the POs should be rolled from the Roll Into pull-down.

4. Click the PO # link to open the purchase order via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

5. Identify which POs need to be closed, and select the Close check box for each of these. Note: Closing the Purchase Order does not roll the PO and reduces the remaining encumbrance.

You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Close column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
6. Once you have selected all POs to be closed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Close Checked Requests button.

As POs are closed, they will disappear from the Open Requests tab.
7. The remaining POs to be rolled into the next fiscal year can now be selected via the check box in the Rollover column. Note: Rolling POs will also roll the remaining encumbrance and increase the budget by the remaining amount.
You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Rollover column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
8. To finalize the Rollover for the selected POs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Rollover Requests.
When a purchase order is rolled and has money encumbered on an accounting strip where the account is no longer in the PO Allocations via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders, the encumbrance is not cleared when closing/liquidating the purchase order.
As POs are rolled, they will disappear from the Open Requests list.

At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Total shows the actual grand total for the Committed, Encumbered, and Expended columns. These totals are not affected by a change of the page.
The Pending Requests tab allows you to close or roll pending purchase orders created via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders.
1. From the Setup menu, click Purchase Orders under the Rollover sub-heading.

2. Click the Pending Requests tab to view all pending POs for rollover or closing.

The report displays the Type of PO, the Requisition #, PO Name, PO Date, Vendor, Vendor #, accounting strip information (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.), Committed amount, and the Budgeted indication.
3. Select the fiscal year into which the POs should be rolled from the Roll Into pull-down.

4. Identify which POs need to be closed, and select the Close check box for each of these. Note: Closing the Purchase Order does not roll the PO and cancels the pending PO.

You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Close column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
5. Once you have selected all POs to be closed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Cancel Checked Requests button.

As POs are closed, they will disappear from the Pending Requests tab.
6. The remaining POs to be rolled into the next fiscal year can now be selected via the check box in the Rollover column. Note: Rolling POs will also roll the committed amount and increase the budget by that amount.

You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Rollover column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
7. To finalize the Rollover for the selected POs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Rollover Requests.

As POs are rolled, they will disappear from the Pending Requests list.

At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Total shows the actual grand total for the Committed, Encumbered, and Expended columns. These totals are not affected by a change of the page.
The Templates tab allows you to delete or roll purchase order templates created via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders > Templates.
1. From the Setup menu, click Purchase Orders under the Rollover sub-heading.

2. Click the Templates tab.
The report displays the Type of PO template, the Template Name, Template Date, Vendor, Vendor #, Facility, accounting strip information (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.), Committed amount, Encumbered amount, Expended amount, and the Budgeted indication.
3. Select the fiscal year into which the POs should be rolled from the Roll Into pull-down.

4. Identify which PO templates need to be deleted, and select the Delete check box for each of these.

You can choose to select all templates at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Delete column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all PO templates shown.
5. Once you have selected all PO templates to be deleted, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Delete Checked Templates button.

As PO templates are deleted, they will disappear from the Templates tab.
If you have permission to the Purchase Orders screen via Setup > Profiles, you have the ability to delete all selected templates even if you were not the requester or associated with the requester.
6. The remaining PO templates to be rolled into the next fiscal year can now be selected via the check box in the Rollover column.

You can choose to select all PO templates at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Rollover column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all PO templates shown.
7. To finalize the Rollover for the selected PO templates, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Rollover Templates.

As PO templates are rolled, they will disappear from the Templates list.
At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1. The Grand Total shows the actual grand total for the Committed, Encumbered, and Expended columns. These totals are not affected by a change of the page.
The Rolled Requests tab allows you to reroll encumbrances of POs that were previously rolled the previous fiscal year.
1. From the Setup menu, click Purchase Orders under the Rollover sub-heading.

2. Click the Rolled Requests tab.
The report displays the Type of PO, the PO #, the Requisition #, PO Name, PO Date, Vendor, Vendor #, accounting strip information (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.), Committed amount, Original Encumbrance, Expended amount, Remaining Encumbrance, the Budgeted indication, the Invoice Amount Pending Payment (PO Summary > Pending Payment Total), and the Close When Check Written indicator.
3. Select the fiscal year into which the POs should be rolled from the Roll Into pull-down.

4. Click the PO # link to open the purchase order via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

5. Select the Reroll check boxes to re-roll the POs, which deletes the original rollover journals and creates new rollover journals.
You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Reroll column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
6. To finalize the rerollver for the selected POs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Rollover Requests.
As POs are rerolled, they will disappear from the Rolled Requests tab.

At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Total shows the actual grand total for the Committed, Encumbered, and Expended columns. These totals are not affected by a change of the page.
The Open P-Cards tab allows you to view and select Purchase Card (P-Card) drafts for rollover into the new fiscal year.
1. From the Setup menu, click Purchase Orders under the Rollover sub-heading.

2. Click the Open P-Cards tab.
Review the Type, PO #, Requisition #, PO Name, PO Date, Total, Vendor, Vendor #, accounting strip elements (Fund, Function, Object, etc.), Committed, Original Encumbrance, Expended, Remaining Encumbrance, Budgeted, Invoice Amount Pending Payment, and Close When Check Written.
3. Select the fiscal year into which the POs should be rolled from the Roll Into pull-down.

4. Identify which P-Card POs need to be closed, and select the Close check box for each of these. Note: Closing the P-Card Purchase Order does not roll the PO and cancels the pending PO.

You can choose to select all P-Card POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Close column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
5. Once you have selected all P-Card POs to be closed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Close Checked Requests.

As P-Card POs are closed, they will disappear from the Open P-Cards tab.
6. The remaining P-Card POs to be rolled into the next fiscal year can now be selected via the check box in the Rollover column. Note: Rolling P-Card POs will also roll the committed amount and increase the budget by that amount.

You can choose to select all P-Card POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Rollover column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.
7. To finalize the Rollover for the selected P-Card POs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Rollover Requests.

As P-Card POs are rolled, they will disappear from the Open P-Cards list.
At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 3.
The Grand Total shows the actual grand total for the Committed, Original Encumbered, Expended, and Remaining Encumbrance columns. These totals are not affected by a change of the page.
Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed.

a. Clear the selected check boxes to remove the columns from the report. Select the check box again to display the column.
If a column is hidden/removed from the report, it will remain hidden until you reselect the check box in the Toggle Columns pop-up even when you navigate away from the screen.
Navigating from page to page can be done using the Prev and Next buttons. To skip to a page, type the page number in the text box and press Enter.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export Initial Account Balances to an Excel spreadsheet.
Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print Initial Account Balances.

Click Filters to breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.
If you use filters to change the data, the Current Page Totals and Grand Totals will change. See Additional Features for more information on how to use filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the header names with double black arrows. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending.