Documentation for Administrators


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The Catalog module is used to set up and view Warehouse items, as well as generate the Catalog Report.

The Catalog Report

1a. In ERP, in the Warehouse menu, click Catalog.


1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Warehouse Catalog.

Warehouse Catalog

2. The Catalog Report automatically displayed lists all catalog items. To filter the report, enter applicable report criteria at the top of the screen.

3. To filter by Item Number, enter the number to identify items by their specified identification number.

4. Enter the Description, which is any extended information about items.

5. Select the UOM (unit of measure), which pulls inventory tracked by the selected units, rather than by individual count.

6. Select whether or not you want to pull items that contain a Reorder Indicator from the pull-down.

7. Select the Pool from the pull-down to filter items based on their virtual containers.

8. Select the Type from the pull-down, which contain items that are further organized by labels useful for sorting within Pools.

9. To filter items as they pertain to select Vendor(s), select them from the Vendor pull-down.

10. Select whether you want to filter by Stock Items Only, Non-stock Items Only, or Show Both from the Stock Item pull-down. Note: Stock Items are included in the warehouse’s inventory but are not available for schools to order.

11. The next filters allow you to enter a range of data from which items will be filtered; for example, Inventory Balance (total number of items, listed by UOM, at the warehouse): 3 (Min) -> 8 (Max); this data will display all items with a balance that falls within this range. You can filter by the following ranges: Available Balance (accounts for the Inventory Balance plus encumbered items), Used to date (tracks the number of items removed from inventory after use), Price (dollars per UOM), Extended Cost (an item’s price multiplied by the number of purchased items), Last school ordered date, Last vendor ordered date, and Last activity date (inventory activity such as Pool and Type tracking).

12. When all report criteria has been entered or selected, click Run Report to generate the Catalog Report.

You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk icon to name and save the report.

a. Name the report and click Save.

b. You can also click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.

c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.

d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Catalog screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

The Catalog Report displays the Item #, Description, UOM (Unit of Measure), the Reorder indicator (the color determines whether or not the item needs to be reordered; red-- do not reorder; green -- reorder item), Reorder Threshold (a threshold that triggers the system to auto-generate a PO Draft to replenish items), Inventory Balance (total number of items, listed by UOM, at the warehouse), Available Inventory (the Inventory Balance minus orders that have not yet been delivered), Encumbered, Reorder Min, Reorder Max, Used to date (tracks the number of items removed from inventory after use), Price (dollars per UOM), Extended Cost (an item’s price multiplied by the number of purchased items), Primary Vendor, Primary Vendor Part Number, Aisle, Bin, Max School Order, Pool, MSDS, Type, Commodity, School Requester, Last Time ordered by School, Vendor Requester, Last Time ordered from Vendor, Last Activity Date (inventory activity such as Pool and Type tracking), Days Inactive, and Discontinued Date.

When processed Work Order products from the Warehouse are used as Replacements via Work Orders > Work Order Requests, the changes will be reflected in the Inventory Balance column.

13. Click the Item # link to view detailed information pertaining to the item in the View Item tab. This screen also allows you to edit item details.

For more information on each field in the Properties section, see Creating a New Catalog Item. For more information on all other sections, see Viewing an Item.

Viewing an Item

1. From the Catalog Report, click the Item # link to view detailed information pertaining to the item in the View Item tab. This screen also allows you to edit item details.

2. The Properties section can be edited and reviewed. Click into any of the fields to make an adjustment or add/remove details. For more information on each of these fields, see Creating a New Catalog Item.

3. Upon viewing an item, just created or otherwise, you can add Suppliers. Here you can define information that is specific to reordering the item from an outside vendor, for the purposes of restocking the warehouse. Start by selecting the applicable Vendor from which the order will be placed from the pull-down.

4. Enter the Supplier Part Number as a reference for the part with the vendor’s catalog.

5. Enter the Part URL to store a link to the part/item, if applicable.

6. Enter the Unit Divisor to define the number of items included in a single UOM from the supplier.

7. Select the Supplier UOM from the pull-down, which denotes the quantity of an item as shipped from the supplier.

8. Enter the overall Price per UOM, when ordering from the vendor.

If an item is invoiced for an amount that differs from the item price in the catalog, upon submitting the invoice and generating a check, the catalog item price is automatically updated.

9. Enter any specific information regarding the item/part in the Notes text box.

10. If utilizing the bid system, an existing bid can be selected and tied to ordering the item from the Bid Contract pull-down.

11. Enter any information related to ordering the item in the Order Description text box.

12. Select the Primary check box to designate the preferred vendor when orders are placed; this is also useful when pulling reports.

13. When all information has been entered/selected, click into a text field, and press the Enter key to save the line of data.

The supplier has saved when the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays. You will see the Reorder button.

14. Click the Reorder button to automatically initiate a PO for ordering the item.

You can add as many suppliers as needed. To delete an added supplier, click the delete button (red minus sign). Once added, you can edit any of the fields, as needed.

15. The Reporting section aids in tracking and reviewing order information for specific items. The graph can be customized by inventory, price, or shipping information. Set the Graph Controls parameters by selecting the information you'd like to Display from the pull-down; the chart displays the Inventory Balance (amount of items, listed by UOM, at the warehouse) and the Available Inventory (the Inventory Balance minus orders that have not yet been delivered) over the Timeframe selected from the pull-down.

16. Select the Display option to display the balance, price, or received/shipped information. Select the Timeframe between 1-90 days. Once Graph Controls have been set, click Update. Depending on the data set, averages display the Inventory Balance and Available Inventory averages of the item during the set Timeframe display directly below the Graph Controls.

17. Hover over the graph to display balances as of the selected time.

The Transaction Log report displays item-tracking information and breaks down the quantities that have been requested, received, ordered, or adjusted.

The report includes the Date, Type, Source, Adjustment Type, PO #, Request Name, Requester, Vendor, Facility, Work Order #, Technician, Incoming, Allocated, Committed, Encumbered, Expended, Completed, and Price.

The Miscellaneous section serves as a place to hold any Files related to the specific item, as well as record any warehouse-specific Private Notes, and Public Notes (which are visible to school end-users).

18. Upload/attach any files necessary to document; As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

19. Post any necessary Private Notes and/or Public Notes by entering the note in the provided text box and clicking the Post button.

Once a note is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.

20. To create a new item based on data displayed for the item currently being viewed, click Duplicate Item. The Properties for the original item will display for the item being created on the new Item tab. For information on creating the new item, see Creating a New Catalog Item.

21. While viewing an item, you have the ability to view the Previous Item or the Next Item in the Catalog Report by clicking the corresponding links.

Creating a New Catalog Item

1a. In ERP, in the Warehouse menu, click Catalog.


1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Warehouse Catalog.

Warehouse Catalog

2. From the Catalog screen, click the New Item tab.

Warehouse Catalog

3. To create a new item, begin by entering the item's Properties.


4. Select the applicable Pool from the pull-down; the Pool is an organizational unit for Warehouse items tracked in the system; each Pool has its own allocation strip, which it shares with all items assigned to it.

5. Select the applicable Type from the pull-down; the Type identifies smaller containers for organizing items within the same Pools.

6. Enter the Item Number, the unique identifier for the item. The Item Number is used for tracking purposes.

7. Enter any additional information regarding the item in the Description field.

8. Select the School Order Unit of Measure that will be used by schools when ordering from the pull-down.

9. Select the item’s NIGP Commodity Code from the pull-down, if applicable.

10. Enter the Aisle/Bin to identify where the item is physically stored in the Warehouse.

11. Select the Stock Item check box to disallow schools to order the item but include the item in the Warehouse's inventory.

12. Enter the date the item is no longer available for ordering in the Discontinued Date field.

13. Enter the Reorder Min/Max to limit the number of units that can be requested for reordering.

14. Enter the Max School Order to limit the maximum order size for a particular school/facility. Note: The Max School Order references the school's Unit of Measure.

15. Enter a threshold that trigger the system to automatically generate a PO to replenish items in the Reorder Indicator field via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

16. Enter a link to reference the item’s Material Safety Data Sheet in the MSDS Data URL field.

17. Enter the item's Barcode. This is a required field.

The Barcode field displays if the Enable Catalog Barcodes setting is enabled via Warehouse > General or Internal General > Miscellaneous tab.

18. To add an image to the item, click Product Image to upload/attach an image. You can only upload 1 file at a time. Therefore, the existing photo must be deleted before uploading the new file. From here, you can drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

19. When all information has been entered/selected, click Submit to save the new item.

Several new sections display once the item is submitted, such as Suppliers and Reporting. For information on these sections, see Viewing an Item.

From this screen, you also have permission to delete the item you just created by clicking Delete Item.

Additional Features

To quickly locate an item from any of the tabs, select the Item # from the pull-down.

Warehouse Catalog

Use the Filter text box located in various places to quickly find listed information. For example, start typing the item number in the Filter text box to bring applicable items to the top of the list to avoid having to scroll through the entire list.

Warehouse Catalog

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, data has been sorted by clicking Description once.

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