All of the screens and tabs explained here are linked to Human Resources included in the Finance (ERP) module. Employee Self Service is intended for employee to view his or her own information. For Human Resource officials, these tabs will be accessed via ERP > Human Resources > Employee.

Employee Self Service can be accessed via the Student Information System (SIS) or Enterprise resource planning module (ERP).
1. From the Employee Self Service menu, click My Information.

2. Click the desired tab to view corresponding information.
Use the Filter fields… text box to quickly find a tab.

Click the Expand/Shrink gray arrow to close/ shrink the panel of tabs and create more space on the main screen. Once closed, you can click the gray arrow again to expand the panel.
3. Depending on permissions given, you may have the ability to enter and edit your information. If any of your information is changed, be sure to click the Save button. The Save button will become active (turn red) when data has been altered, as shown in the image.
4. You also have the ability to print any of your information by clicking the Printer icon.

Upon clicking the Printer icon, a print preview will display.

5. The first tab shown is the Address tab. The fields shown on this particular tab have been flagged to Require Approval upon being edited, indicated by the lock sign. Hover over the lock with the mouse to display the following message: This field requires approval.
If you have not been granted permission to make changes, see Employee Requests for information on requesting changes to your information, such as your Legal Name.
6. If you make changes and click Save, a message will display explaining that Your changes have been saved. However, some changes require approval. A change request for these changes has been submitted, as shown in the image.
If edits are allowed with approval required a change request would automatically be submitted for the change. However, for tabs where edits are not allowed, and a change is needed, you can request changes via Employee Self Service > Employee Requests.
7. If your district is utilizing the Charter/Contracted Emp Info tab, your information will display here. For more information specifically on this tab, see Charter/Contracted Emp Info. However, note that the article above was written for district HR personnel. The tab shown here is View only; therefore, no changes can be made.
8. Utilize the Communications Log by tracking meetings and other correspondents by logging them here. You can log the Date, the person who conducted the meeting/contact (Contact Made By), Notes about the meeting, and supporting Files that need to be attached. In this case, this tab is View only, so you can review communications logged. Click the View button to see Notes made.
a. If a file has been uploaded, you have the option to view the file or download the file. Note: These options may vary depending on permissions.

b. If you have additional permissions, for more information about the Communications Log, see Communications Log Tab.
9. Next is the Contact tab. Here, you will see your recorded phone numbers, emails, etc. In the image shown, all permissions have been granted with required approval, as indicated by the lock sign.
a. To add new contact information, use the top blank row, as shown in the image above. When finished, press Enter. The committed line will turn yellow. Be sure to click the Save button to save the data before navigating away from the screen.
b. You can also click the View button to open each record and edit it one by one. To return to the main screen, click Return to Contact.
If you have not been granted permission to make changes, see Employee Requests to learn how to request changes.
10. Utilize the Demographic tab to document specifics, such as Original Hire Date, Continuous Employment Date, Birthdate, Marital Status, etc. For more information about the tab, see Employee Demographic Tab; however, this tab will only having viewing permissions for most users.
If you have not been granted permission to make changes, see Employee Requests to learn how to request changes.
11. For details about your Direct Deposit information, select the corresponding tab. Here you can see the Account Number, Account Type, Amount being deposited to the account, Percent being deposited, etc. In the image shown, editing permissions have been granted; however, most users will not have permission to edit this tab.
a. You can also click the View button to open each record and view and or edit it one by one. To return to the main screen, click Return to Direct Deposit.
The Percent field displays if the field has been enabled via Setup > Profiles > Permission Type: Employee Fields.
If you have not been granted permission to make changes, see Employee Requests to learn how to request changes.
12. The ELL tab contains specifics that pertain to certifications, etc.

13. The Education tab displays all of your degrees, majors, and corresponding information. If editing rights have been granted, you will have the option to delete, create, and edit existing information.
14. To view and/or edit your Emergency Contacts, utilize the corresponding tab.
a. To delete current contacts, click the delete button (red minus sign). To add a new contact, enter information in the top blank row, then press Enter. Once the information is entered, be sure to click the Save button. If information has been edited, the field will turn yellow until the Save button has been clicked.
15. If any Exigent Circumstances are present, you can view them here. Administrative staff is likely to be the only users with permission to create, delete, and edit information.
16. To view your Fingerprint information, select the corresponding tab. All fingerprinting information will be recorded via HR staff and made viewable here.
17. Review the General tab, which includes your E-mail Address, Florida Education Identifier, Phone Number, and more. The fields shown on this tab are important as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.
18. The Licenses tab allows you to review your information, such as License Type, License Number, etc.
19. The Permissions tab shows SIS and ERP profiles and Schools that have been assigned to you.
a. Click the View button to see more detailed information that pertains to the permission. To return to all permissions, click the Return to Permissions link.
20. To review your evaluations, select the Personnel Evaluation tab. To review each evaluation in a separate screen, click the View button.
21. If you have established any district Skills, they will be listed under the corresponding tab. To review each skill in a separate screen, click the View button.
22. For your listed experience, select the Staff Experience tab. Here the Experience Type, Previous years of experience, Current years of experience, and information about pay Increment Override will be listed. To review listed experiences in a separate screen, click the View button.
23. For your State Reporting information, select the corresponding ta, which includes your Qualified Paraprofessional information, Performance Pay, and Reading Endorsement Competencies, etc. The fields shown on this tab are important as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.
24. Select the Teachers tab for information on your certifications, Homeroom Number, and more. The fields shown on this tab are important as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.
25. Review the W4 Information tab by including the your W4 Status, Allowances, exemptions, etc. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software. This tab, unlike most others, is likely to be editable with required approval, as indicated by the lock sign.

a. If changes are made, be sure to click the Save button. Upon doing so, a pop-up message will display notifying you that an automatic change request has been submitted for your changes.
If you have not been granted permission to make changes, see Employee Requests to learn how to request changes.
For information on features, such as Filters, etc., see the article titled, Additional Features.
For information regarding permissions, see the article titled, Profiles and Permissions for ESS.