The Applicant Tracking system handles the hiring of employees from start to finish. Districts can post job offerings. Applicant profiles can be created and positions made available for application. Focus can seamlessly transition to the interview and offering of the process. The system also houses functionality to handle the onboarding process.
Applications/Forms are set up via SIS > Setup > Application Editor.
Navigate to Human Resources > Online Applications to review and approve required applications.
To add messages to the top of the Job Applications page, enter the text and data in the Optional Custom HTML for Employee Applications text box via SIS > Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Parent Registration tab.
District/HR Profiles Set Up
Enable Applicant Tracking Permission
- From ERP, in the Setup menu, click Profiles.
- From the Permission Type pull-down, select Menu. From the Role pull-down, select Admin. From the Profiles pull-down, select the applicable Profiles, such as HR.
- Click the Human Resources tab.
- In the Applicant Tracking section, select the applicable View check boxes from the following:
- Applicant Tracking: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking
- View Job Postings: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Drafts / Templates / Postings
- See All Postings: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Can view all drafts, templates, and postings created by other users.
- Offer: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Applicants > View Applicant > Offer.
- Recommend: If enabled, the profile can initiate the recommendation process for a selected applicant by clicking Recommend via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Enter Slot/Salary: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Applicants > View Applicant > Slot / Salary.
- Terminate Positions: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Applicants > View Applicant > Terminate Positions.
- Insert Applicants: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Postings > Applicants > Can add an applicant manually.
- View Transfer Applications: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Applicants tab and Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Postings > View Posting > Applicants tab > Can view employees' transfer applications from one position to another, as well as new employee applications.
- View All Offers: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > View All Offers
- View All Recommendations: If enabled, the profile can view the View All Recommendations tab, which displays all recommendations made including recommendation details.
- Send Back to Originator: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Pending Offers and Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Pending Offers > View > Submissions/Interviews section > Can "Send Back to Originator" instead of denying the job offer request. Also displays via Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Offer History > View > Submissions/Interviews section and Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > View All Offers > View > Submissions/Interviews section.
- Edit Approved Job Postings: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Pending Job Posting Approval tab > Can edit job postings even after they have been approved including posting dates and additional fields. Without this permission, users cannot edit any data once the posting is approved.
- Edit Filled Position: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Drafts > Current Posting and Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Postings > View Posting > Current Posting > Can select or clear the Position Filled check box.
- Pin Job Postings: Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Drafts and Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Current Posting > Posting tab > Can select the Pin Job Posting check box to display the posting at the top of the public jobs page before all other postings.
- Edit Posting Title: If enabled, the profile can edit the title of job postings in both the Draft and Template tabs.
- Edit Applicant Status: If enabled, the profile can make selections/edit the Applicant Status pull-down via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Offer Letter: If enabled, the profile can make selections/edit the Offer Letter pull-down via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Step: If enabled, the profile can make selections/edit the Step pull-down via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Salary: If enabled, the profile can enter/edit the Salary field via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Hours Per Day: If enabled, the profile can enter/edit the Hours Per Day field via Applicants > View Applicant, which defaults from Position Control.
- Edit Out Of Field: If enabled, the profile can select/edit the Out of Field check box via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Start Date: If enabled, the profile can enter/edit the Start Date field via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Public Comments: If enabled, the profile can enter/edit the Public Comments section via Applicants > View Applicant.
- Edit Onboard User: If enabled, the profile can select/edit the Onboard User check box via Applicants > View Applicant, initiating the onboarding process.
- Edit Terminate Position: If enabled, the profile can make selections/edit the Terminate Position pull-down via Applicants > View Applicant, affecting the employee's position status.
Applicant Profile Set Up
ERP Profile Settings
- In the Setup menu, click Settings. Then, click the Miscellaneous tab, and scroll to the Misc section.
- Default "Applicant" Profile: Select the profile from the pull-down to define applicant employees profile (Human Resources). The profile must first be set up via Setup > Profiles.
- Default "Vendor" Profile: Select the profile from the pull-down to define the vendor profile applicable for specific imported P-Card invoice batches, which is normally the bank that owns the P-Card, rather than each individual vendor. The profile must first be set up via Setup > Profiles.
- Default Termination Code for Applicants: Select the code from the pull-down that acts as the default termination code for the Terminate Position column on the Applicant Tracking screen.
SIS Profile System Preferences
- On the SIS side, in the Setup menu, click System Preferences. Then, click the Default School Preferences tab and the Parent Registration tab.
- Choose Parent Profile: If a user successfully completes the Parent Portal Registration process, a new user will be created in your database. Select the desired profile type to be assigned to parent users generated from the Parent Portal Registration process, if applicable to Applicant Tracking.
- Choose User Profile: If a user successfully completes the user portal registration process, a new user will be created in your database. Select the desired profile type to be assigned to users generated from the registration process. Note: This setting displays when Applicant Tracking has been enabled for the district.
- Choose Required User Application: Select the application from the pull-down that is required for completion by new users. The application populated in the pull-down pull from Setup > Application Editor. Note: This setting displays when Applicant Tracking has been enabled for the district.
Job Posting Set Up
See Human Resources > Job Posting Setup.
Required Applicant Forms Set Up
- To set required forms for new applicants and employees transferring, from ERP, in the Payroll menu, click Maintenance.
- Click the Job Codes tab.
- Select the online application forms that should be required for completion by users applying for positions at the district from the Required Form(s) for New Applicants pull-down. The pull-down is populated by forms made via SIS > Setup > Application Editor.
- Select the online application forms that should be required for completion by users requesting a position transfer within the district from the Required Form(s) for Transfers pull-down. The pull-down is populated by forms made via SIS > Setup > Application Editor.
Offer Letter Set Up
Creating Offer Letters
- In order to create an offer letter, from SIS, in the Users menu, click Print Letters & Send Email.
- Create the Offer Letter entry, then click View or Edit.
- From the letter pop-up window, click Insert A Field to insert Applicant Tracking fields into the letter, such as Job Title, Position, Public Comments, Salary, Start Date, etc.
Default Offer Letter Assignment
- From ERP, in the Payroll menu, click Maintenance.
- Click the Job Codes tab.
- Select the letter that generates when an application is accepted from the Offer Letter Template pull-down.
Position Control Set Up
Complete all necessary position set up via Human Resources > Position Control.
Job Postings Set Up
Onboarding Set Up
- In the Human Resources menu, click Employment Agreement Maintenance. Then, click the View/Create Agreements tab to create agreements that generate for new employees and non-employees, such as applicants, as part of the applicant and onboarding process.
- Select the Generate For New Employees check box to assign the employment agreement to new employees.
- Select the Generate For Non-Employees check box to assign the employment agreement to non-employees, such as applicants.
Storing Employee Agreements During Onboarding
- You must have permission to Store Employee Agreements enabled via Setup > Profiles > Setup tab.
- Make a selection from the Store Employee Agreements pull-down to choose a specific folder in which to store different types of onboarding agreements as it pertains to Applicant Tracking via Setup > Settings > Employee Files > HR File Folders.
- Once a selection is made from the Store Employee Agreements pull-down, agreements for employees can be viewed and managed. For example, an administrator can view an employee's multiple agreements in the Agreement Summary tab of the Employee screen and verify that they are stored in the correct folders.
- To ensure that the signed forms appear in the correct folders within the employee’s profile, review the Agreement Summary section, as mentioned above, and the specific folders under the Files tab in the Employee screen.
- For more information about employee agreements, see Employment Agreement Maintenance.
- New employees can log into their Portal pages to view and sign pending agreements. Signed agreements are automatically stored in the designated folders.
Default Profile Assignment for Accepted Positions (New Employees)
- From ERP, in the Payroll menu, click Maintenance.
- Click the Job Codes tab.
- Select the SIS Profiles from the pull-down to determine the SIS profiles assigned to the applicant once they have accepted the position.
- Select the ERP Profiles from the pull-down to determine the ERP profiles assigned to the applicant once they have accepted the position.
Enabling Applicant Profile Login
- From the SIS side, in the Users menu, click Profiles.
- Select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down. Select Applicant from the Role pull-down. Select the Applicant (Job) Profile from the Profiles pull-down.
- Click the School Information tab, and select the View check box for Allow Login.
Enable Job Posting View for Applicants Profile
- From ERP, in the Setup menu, click Profiles.
- From the Permission Type pull-down, select Menu. From the Role pull-down, select Applicant. From the Profiles pull-down, select Applicant (Job) Profile.
- Click the Employee Self Service tab, and select the View check box for Job Postings.
Enable Job Posting View for Parent Applicant Profile
- From SIS, in the Users menu, click Profiles.
- From the Permission Type pull-down, select Menu. From the Role pull-down, select Parent. From the Profiles pull-down, select Applicant Parent.
- Click the Applicant tab.
- Select the View check box for Applications and Job Postings.
Assigning an Applicant Profile to Existing Users
- From ERP, in the Human Resources menu, click Employee.
- Click the Permissions tab.
- Add Applicant profile.
- Once assigned, users can switch to the Other profile using the profile pull-down located in the header.
1. Click SIS.
2. In the Users menu, click User Fields.

a. From the Categories tab, create a new category to house the References fields, such as Job Application. See User Fields for details on creating a category.
b. Be sure to select the Form and ERP check boxes.
c. Click the Fields tab and locate the References field.
d. Click Edit Field.
e. In the Edit Field: References pop-up window, enable the Form Categories toggle.
f. Select the category you created in the previous step, such as Job Application, from the Select Categories pull-down.
For additional information on creating categories and fields, see User Fields.
3. In the Setup menu, click Application Editor.

a. From the Form Setup tab, select the local category (Job Application References) from the Form pull-down.
b. Finish the form and save the layout.
See Application Editor for details on creating forms.
4. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.
a. Click the Default School Preferences tab and the Parent Registration tab.
b. Select the form created for references from the Choose Reference Form pull-down.
The References section now displays in the applicants' job application as a logging field.
1. To customize Recommendation Letters, you need to first ensure the Allow Recommendations setting is enabled via Human Resources > Setup > Job Posting Setup > Miscellaneous tab.
2. Once this setting is confirmed, you can create a custom Recommendation Letter via SIS > Users > Print Letters & Send Emails. From this screen, you can either create a new letter or use an existing template. For a new letter, create a new row, assign it a title (e.g., Recommendation Letter), associate it with a system profile (e.g., "Administrator - System"), and input the necessary content by editing and saving the letter.
3. Assign the new Recommendation Letter to the appropriate job codes via Payroll > Maintenance > Maintenance By Fiscal Year > Job Codes tab. For each job code, you can select the Recommendation Letter from the pull-down, where the letter you created in the previous step will appear. Simply click on the pull-down, locate your custom letter (e.g., Recommendation Letter), and assign it to the desired job code.
4. After assigning the letter to the job code, you can post the job via Human Resources > Applicant Tracking > Drafts tab. Create a job posting by selecting a job code that has the custom Recommendation Letter attached, then enter the necessary details like the title, position, and posting dates. Once the job is posted, applicants will be able to receive the customized Recommendation Letter upon click Recommendation via Applicant Tracking > Applicants.
5. To ensure that only authorized users can recommend applicants, enable the necessary permissions via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab. Ensure that the Recommend permission is enabled for the appropriate staff profiles.
When an applicant is recommended for a job with a custom Recommendation Letter, the system will send that letter as part of the communication. If the letter is properly assigned, the applicant will receive the custom letter rather than the default template, completing the recommendation process successfully.
Posting jobs starts with creating a job posting draft.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. The Applicant Tracking screen defaults to the Drafts tab.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to display and create drafts for a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Enter the job posting draft Title in the provided text box.
Selecting the Enables a drop-down for job creation check box via Human Resources > Job Posting Setup to enable a pull-down instead of a text field for the Title field for creating a job posting. The pull-downs display on the Drafts and Templates tabs as well as when editing an existing Draft or Template. The pull-down contains the titles of the active values in Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units.
5. Select the applicable Position from the pull-down. The active positions listed in the pull-down pull from Human Resources > Position Control. The position pull-down displays the job code, current employee name or "Vacant" if no one is employed, job title, and the associated facility.
6. Select the Type of job posting from the corresponding pull-down.
Select Public to allow the public to view and apply for the position.
Select Internal (Current Employees Applications) to allow employees to complete an application and applicable addendum(s) for jobs outside of the bargaining unit. The process is identical to the Public posting process but only current employees are eligible to apply.
Select Transfer (Current Employees Transfer) to allow employees to complete an application to transfer within the same bargaining unit.
7. Select the Pin Posting check box to display the posting at the top of the public jobs page before all other postings.
8. Click Create.
Upon generating a job posting draft, the screen opens to Current Posting tab > Posting tab.
At any point while creating the job posting, you can close the screen and complete the draft later. All changes are saved automatically as a draft on the Drafts tab. See Existing Job Posting Drafts for more information.
9. The Posting Title pull-down populates based on the information selected from the Drafts tab but can be changed as needed.
10. The Position pull-down populates based on the information selected from the Drafts tab but can be changed as needed.
If a position wasn't previously selected, select the applicable Position from the pull-down. The active positions listed in the pull-down pull from Human Resources > Position Control.
a. Click Position Control to open the selected position in Position Control.

11. If enabled for Multi Position, click Set Jobs to post multiple positions within this single job posting.
a. In the Multi-Positions pop-up window, select the Position and Jobs from the corresponding pull-downs, then press the Enter/Return key.

b. Add as many positions and jobs as needed. When finished, click the white X to close the pop-up window.
12. The Approval Status displays the status of the job posting.
13. The Request Date displays once the job posting draft is submitted for approval.
14. Enter the Post Open Date in the text field to determine when the job posting should be published and made available for application.
15. Enter the Post Close Date in the text field to determine when the job posting should be unpublished and made unavailable for application.
16. The Posting Type pull-down populates based on the information selected from the Drafts tab but can be changed as needed.
If a posting type wasn't previously selected, select the Type of job posting from the corresponding pull-down.
Select Public to allow the public to view and apply for the position.
Select Internal (Current Employees) to keep the job posting internal so only current employees can view and apply.
17. Select the Post Online check box to allow applicants to view the posting online.
18. Select the job being posted from the Post Job pull-down.
19. The Position Filled indicator allows users to quickly determine whether the postion has been filled or not.
20. The Number of Openings displays the number of positions available, which is based on data entered in Position Control.
21. The Number of Applicants displays the number of people who have applied to the postion.
22. The Posting Number is an automatically assigned number for the job posting, which can be referenced, as needed.
23. Select the Pin Job Posting check box to display the posting at the top of the public jobs page before all other postings.
24. Select the Insurance Override check box to indicate that the job position should include an Insurance Override Allocation, which will be reflected in the Employee Action Form once the position is filled.
25. Complete all applicable entries in the Posting Information section. Use the rich text editing boxes to load pictures, links, or text. See the Word Processing Tools section below for detailed information pertaining to the features available.
The sections displayed in the Posting Information section are determined by the set up conducted via Human Resources > Job Posting Setup > Posting Information tab.
1. Click the Preview icon to preview the page content.

2. Correct spelling and grammatical errors with the SpellCheck tool.

3. Undo and Redo any actions while creating the page content.

4. Link or Unlink hyperlinks using these two tools. There are several options for creating links with Phantom JS:

a. On the Link Info tab, enter how you’d like to see the link displayed in the Display Text text box. Choose a Link Type from the pull-down; options include: URL, Link to anchor in the text, and Email. Select a Protocol, such as http:// or news://. Then enter the URL in the text box provided. Click OK when finished.

i. Select Email under Link Type to create links for letter recipients to reply with an email. You can select to write automated subject titles and/or text, as well. Different information will be required, such as E-Mail Address, Message Subject, and Message Body.

b. If using a URL, you will see a Target tab. Select this tab to set a Target, such as <frame>, <popup window>, Same Window (…self), Parent Window (…parent), etc. This determines how you want recipients to open the link.

c. If desired, you also have the ability to upload a document as a link. Select the Upload tab to Choose File. Once uploaded, you can choose to Send it to the Server to be saved there as well.

d. For additional options for either a URL, Email, or Upload, click on the Advanced tab.

5. If you have applied a format or have copied and pasted text into the body of the word processing box, you can utilize the tool shown to Remove Format.

6. Use these tools to Cut selected text, Copy selected text, Paste text from another document, or Paste from Word.

7. You can also Bold selected text, use the Italics tool, Underline text, and Strikethrough text.

8. Use the X tools for Subscript and Superscript text as shown in the image.

9. Use the following tools to Insert/Remove Numbered List, Insert/Remove Bulleted List, Decrease Indent, Increase Indent, and create a Block Quote.

10. Use the following tools to Align Left, Center, Align Right.

11. To insert an image, click on the Image icon. This will allow you to browse for an image attachment. If there is a lot of data that you’d like to sort into a table, click on the Table icon. If needed, you can Insert Horizontal Line, or Insert Special Character. The last tool shown here can be used to Insert Page Break for Printing.

a. If Table is selected, a Table Properties pop-up will display. Here you can set the number of Rows, Columns, etc.

12. To change the font/format, use the Paragraph Format pull-down. Some of the options include different headings, Address, Normal (DIV), etc.

13. To change the size of the font, use the Font Size pull-down.

14. Click on the Source button for CSS/HTML embedding.

15. Select the Text Color button for a variety of text color options or the Background Color button to change the background color of the text.

16. Use this tool to Insert a Field from Focus.

17. At the bottom of the word processing box, you will see a description of each entered section. Clicking on any of them will highlight the corresponding section. For example, if you click on body, all of the text entered will be selected. Or, clicking on h1, will select the heading entered.

26. Select a Question from the pull-down to add applicable questions to the job posting.
The questions available in the pull-down pull from Human Resources > Job Posting Setup > Posting Questions tab.
27. Enter the Display Order in the text box to determine the order in which the questions appear on the posting.
28. Press the Enter key to save the line and add another questions, if needed.
29. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

30. To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box. Then, click the Post button.

31. When the job posting draft is ready for review and approval, click Submit.
Once submitted, the Job Posting submission displays on the Postings tab.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. From the Drafts tab, scroll down to the Existing Drafts section for all job postings started but not submitted.

The Existing Drafts section displays the Title of the job posting, the Position, and the Type of posting.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view and create drafts for a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. If you have permission to view drafts created by other users, click View All Users.

a. Upon viewing drafts created by all other users, click Hide All Users to view drafts created by you only.

5. To delete an existing draft, click the delete button (red minus sign).

6. To edit the title of a draft, click the Title field of the corresponding job posting and change the title as needed.

Selecting the Enables a drop-down for job creation check box via Human Resources > Job Posting Setup to enable a pull-down instead of a text field for the Title field for creating a job posting. The pull-downs display on the Drafts and Templates tabs as well as when editing an existing Draft or Template. The pull-down contains the titles of the active values in Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units.
7. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the job posting draft.

a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new draft. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Drafts tab with no changes made.

8. Click View to open the draft in the Current Posting tab. For more information about creating job postings, see Creating a Job Posting.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. To create a job postings template from which to create and submit job postings in the future, click the Templates tab.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view and create templates for a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Enter the job posting template Title in the provided text box.
Selecting the Enables a drop-down for job creation check box via Human Resources > Job Posting Setup to enable a pull-down instead of a text field for the Title field for creating a job posting. The pull-downs display on the Drafts and Templates tabs as well as when editing an existing Draft or Template. The pull-down contains the titles of the active values in Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units.

5. Select the applicable Position from the pull-down. The active positions listed in the pull-down pull from Human Resources > Position Control.
6. Select the Type of job posting from the corresponding pull-down.
Select Public to allow the public to view and apply for the position.
Select Internal (Current Employees) to keep the job posting internal so only current employees can view and apply.
7. Select the Pin Posting check box to display the posting at the top of the public jobs page before all other postings when the template is applied.
8. Click Create.
9. Enter all the information needed for the template. This information can be changed as needed. You cannot submit a template; templates are used to generate job posting drafts. See Creating a Job Posting for details.
10. Template data is saved automatically and templates are stored on the Templates tab in the Existing Templates section.

11. Click Use to generate a job posting draft populated with the template data.

a. Clicking Use prompts you to name the draft. Click OK to continue with your job posting. Click Cancel to return to the Templates tab with no changes made. For information about creating a job posting, see Creating a Job Posting.

12. To open the template and edit it again, click View.

13. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the template.

a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new template. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Templates tab with no changes made.

14. If you have permission to view templates created by other users, click View All Users.

a. Upon viewing templates created by all other users, click Hide All Users view templates created by you only.

15. To delete an existing template, click the delete button (red minus sign).

16. To edit the title of a template, click the Title field of the corresponding template and change the title as needed.

Once a draft is submitted for approval, the job posting and the status and details can be viewed on the Postings tab.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. Click the Postings tab.
The Posting tab displays the Title, Position, Posting Number, Type of posting, Facility, Open Date, Closed Date, Applicants, Status, Approval Staus, Position Code, Job Code, Request Date, Post Online, Position Filled, Job Pinned, Insurance Override, and Available Units.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view and create postings for a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Hover over the Approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the job posting and approving or denying the draft.

5. Click View Posting to open the job posting in the Current Posting tab.

Users who have applied to the posting, can be reviewed here as well, and allows human resource employees to schedule interviews and more.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2a. Click the Postings tab.

a. Click View Posting to open the job posting in the Current Posting tab.
b. To view applicants for the specific job posting, click the Applicants tab.
The Applicants tab displays the applicant's Name, SSN, Type, posting Title, EIN, Most Recent Position, Position, Facility, Posting Number, Submission Date, Veteran's Points, Next Interview Date, Interview Date(s), the Status, applicant's Email address, applicant's Phone number, Position Code, Job Code, Request Date, Post Open Date, and Post Closed Date.
The EIN column displays zeros for new applicants and an EIN for existing employees. When employees accept the position offered, an EIN is automatically assigned.
The last four digits of applicant's SSN displays if you have the Social Security Number profile permission set via Setup > Profiles > Permission Type: Employee Fields; Role: Admin; Profiles: Applicable Profiles.
2b. From the Applicant Tracking screen, click the Applicants tab.
The Applicants tab display all applicants for all jobs as opposed to the Postings > Applicants tab, which displays applicants for the selected job only.
The Applicants tab displays the applicant's Name, SSN, Type, posting Title, EIN, Most Recent Position, Position, Facility, Posting Number, Submission Date, Veteran's Points, Next Interview Date, Interview Date(s), Status, applicant's Email address, applicant's Phone number, Position Code, Job Code, Request Date, Post Open Date, Post Closed Date, Certification - HR Approved, and Teacher Certification.
3. From either tab, select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view applicants applicable during a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Click Insert Applicant to add an applicant manually.
a. Select the applicable applicant from the Insert Applicant pull-down.

b. Click Create Applicant.
5. Click the Status pull-down to update the status of the user's application.
6. Click View Applicant to view details about the applicant.
The screen holds information about the applicant including personal information, applications, and submissions/interviews.
7. Click View Application Verification to access the applicant's application verification screen, where you can view detailed information related to the applicant's certifications, demographics, ELL status, fingerprints, and other relevant data.
a. The View Application Verification pop-up window displays the applicant's information, including degrees, transcripts, certifications, fingerprints, education, application status, references, and more. From here, you can make any entries, edits, or deletions, as needed.
These sections depend on your district's selected Employee Field Categories set via Job Postings Setup > Miscellaneous > Select 'View Application Verification Category and the specific information available for each applicant.
b. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
8. Click Interviews to schedule interview(s) with the applicant.

a. Enter the Interview Date, Interview Time, Location, and Notes in the corresponding text boxes.

b. Press the Enter key to save the scheduled interview.

c. Click Show Attendees to add users who should be in attendance at the interview.

i. In the Attendees section, select one user at a time from the Attendees pull-down.

ii. Enter any Notes in the text box.
iii. Press the Enter key to add the attendees.
d. Follow the previous steps to add additional Interviews and/or Attendees.
e. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

9. Click View Questions to review responses to the job posting questions.

The Questions pop-up window displays the Question and the applicant's Answer.

a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
10. Click Email Applicant to open a Rich Text Editor and send an email to the applicant.
a. Create the email and click Send Email. See Word Processing Tools for information about all the available tools.

11. If the applicant has uploaded any files, the files can be clicked and viewed or downloaded from the Applicant Uploads section.

12. To offer the applicant the position, follow the steps listed below:
a. Select the Applicant Status from the pull-down.
b. Select the pay Step from the pull-down.
c. Enter the applicable Salary in the text box. The salary may populate based on the Step selected.
d. Enter the applicant's Start Date in the text box.
e. Enter any applicable Public Comments in the text box.
f. Select the Onboard User check box to ensure that the applicant receives all onboarding documents after accepting their job offer, enabling them to complete the onboarding process as part of their hiring.
g. Select the position that should be terminated from the Terminate Positions pull-down. This is applicable to applicants already employed in another position.
h. Click Offer.

1. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Yes.

i. Once an offer is initiated, it must be approved by the approval chain set up by the district. Hover over the Offer Pending status to view the Approval Chain and the users responsible for reviewing your request.
Once approved by all users, an offer will be made to the applicant.
Once an offer is accepted, if there is only one position available, the post is closed and an email is sent to all other applicants thanking them for applying.
j. Once an offer has been made, you can view the offer letter by clicking View Offer Letter, as mentioned above.
1. When finishing viewing, click the white X to close the pop-up window.
13. Click Recommend to trigger the recommendation process for the selected applicant. If a custom Recommendation Letter has been created and assigned to the job code, the system will automatically send that custom letter to the applicant. The letter will be part of the communication that confirms their recommendation for the job. This action completes the recommendation process, ensuring the applicant receives the appropriate communication, either the custom letter or the default template if no custom letter is assigned.
a. In the pop-up window, click Yes to complete the recommendation.

If you are a part of the Applicant Tracking approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying job postings submissions, the Pending Job Posting Approval tab displays with postings awaiting approval. Once approved or denied, all requested postings display on the Approval History tab.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. Click the Pending Job Posting Approval tab.
The Pending Job Posting Approval tab displays the Title of the posting, the Position, the Requester, the Request Date, and the Status.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view pending job postings for a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Hover over the Status with the computer mouse to review the Approval Chain.
5. Click View to open the job posting and review details being approving or denying the request. You can also Approve or Deny the request from the Current Posting > Posting tab.
6. Review the job posting and make any necessary changes. If changes are made, they save automatically. For information about the Posting, see Creating a Job Posting. For information about the applicants, see Applicants.
7a. To approve or deny the request, scroll to the bottom of the screen from the Current posting > Posting tab, and click Approve to approve the posting or click Deny to deny the posting.
a. Click Send Back to Originator to deny the posting and send it back to the originator (the creator of the posting) in order to make the necessary changes. When sent back to the originator, the job posting gets reverted back to a Draft where the creator/user can edit and resubmit the job posting.
7b. From the Pending Job Posting Approval tab, and click Approve or Deny for the applicable posting.
8. Once the posting request has been approved or denied, it is moved to the Approval Job Posting History tab.
The Approval Job Posting History tab displays the Title of the posting, the Position, the Requester, the Request Date, Approved Date, and Status of the request.
9. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view approval history during a specific year.
10. Click View to open and view the job posting.
Review posting information and make changes, as needed. Changes save automatically. For information about the Posting, see Creating a Job Posting. For information about the applicants, see Applicants.
If you have permission to view all recommendations, the View All Recommendations tab displays all the recommendations made for applicants.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. Click the View All Recommendations tab.
The report displays the following columns of information:
Position: The job title or role the applicant applied for.
Facility: The location or department where the position is based.
Job Posting Number: A unique identifier for the job posting, helping users track recommendations by specific postings.
Applicant Name: The name of the candidate for whom the recommendation was submitted.
Recommender: The individual who submitted the recommendation (e.g., a supervisor, manager, or external referee).
Recommendation Date: The date the recommendation was submitted, helping track the timeline of the recruitment process.
Status: The current status of the recommendation, such as accepted, denied, etc.
If you have permission to view all offers, the View All Offers tab displays all the offers made to applicants for all job postings.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. Click the View All Offers tab.
The View All Offers tab displays the Position, Facility, Applicant name, Requester, Request Date, Approved Date, Status, Accepted date, and the Declined date.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view offers from a specific year.
To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Hover over the Status with the computer mouse to review the Approval Chain.

5. Click View to open and review details of the job posting and applicant in the Current Applicant tab.

6. Review the applicant information and make any necessary changes. If changes are made, they save automatically. For information about the applicants, see Applicants.
If you are a part of the Applicant Tracking approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying job offers, the Pending Offers tab displays with job offers awaiting approval. Once approved or denied, all requested offers display on the Offer History tab.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Applicant Tracking.

2. Click the Pending Offers tab.
The Pending Offers tab displays the Position, Facility, Applicant, Requester, Hours Per Day, Request Date, Onboard User indicator, and Status.
3. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to view pending offers from a specific year.

To set a default Fiscal Year, see Setup > User Preference > Your User Preferences.
4. Hover over the Status with the computer mouse to review the Approval Chain.
5. Select the Onboard User check box to ensure that the applicant receives all onboarding documents after accepting their job offer, enabling them to complete the onboarding process as part of their hiring.
6. Click View to open and review details of the job posting and applicant in the Current Applicant tab.

7. Review the applicant information and make any necessary changes. If changes are made, they save automatically. For information about the applicants, see Applicants.
8a. To approve or deny the job offer, scroll to the right in the Submissions/Interviews section from the Current Applicant tab, and click Approve to approve the offer or click Deny to deny the offer.
a. Click Send Back to Originator instead of denying the application to send the application back to the applicant.
8b. From the Pending Offers tab, and click Approve or Deny for the applicable offer.

a. Click Send Back to Originator instead of denying the application to send the application back to the applicant.
9. Once the offer request has been approved or denied, it is moved to the Offer History tab.
10. Click View to open and view the job offer.
Applicants can use Focus to create a profile, upload documents, view and submit applications for job postings, accept or deny offers, and complete the onboarding process.
1a. Use the URL provided by the district, such as
1b. In the Employee Self Service menu, click Job Postings.

2. Click Login / Create Account if you already have an account and want to view and apply for positions.
3. To filter job posting by facility, select the Facility from the corresponding pull-down.

4. Select a Category from the pull-down to view specific job postings, such as Administrative Support.

5. Select a Bargaining Units from the pull-down to view specific bargaining units, such as Instructional or Non-Bargaining.

The Job Filters displayed here depend on the settings enabled via Human Resources > Job Posting Setup > Miscellaneous.
6. Click View to view job posting details.

Clicking View displays additional details, such as job Summary, Description, Qualifications, Contact Information, etc.
a. Click the X at the top to close the job posting details.

7. Click Apply to apply to the job posting.

8. From the User Registration screen, click the applicable option from the following list of choices:
I DO NOT have a User Account Registered: Click this option to register for an account and apply for the job posting.
I Have an Account and Would Like to Login: Click this option if you already have an account registered and would like to log in to your account in order to apply for the job.
I am a Current Employee: Click this option if you are already an employee, have an account, and want to apply to the job posting.
I Forgot My Password: Click this option if you already have an account but forgot your password.
a. Follow the screen prompts based on your selection. If you are creating a new account, enter all the required information, and click Submit.
9. Once logged in, from the Applications menu, you can start job applications in the Required Applications section, review Available Applicants as well as Completed Applications.
10. Click Start to complete the application.
a. Complete all necessary fields and click Next Page to continue if there are multiple pages in the application.
Before you can Submit the application, be aware of all required fields, which display as Errors along the right side of the screen.
b. At any point while completing the application, you can click Save to save what you have completed so far and finish later.
c. When you are ready to submit the application for review, click Save, then click Submit.
Click the Printer icon to print the application.
d. In the confirmation pop-up, click Confirm to submit the application or click Review/Make Changes to continue adding information.
11. From the Applications menu, you can begin any other Required Applications, complete Available Applications, and Review/Make Changes to Completed Applications.
12. Once an offer has been made and approved by the district, you will see the offer letter upon logging into your applicant account.
a. You can then click Decline or Accept.
If you decline the offer, an email will be sent to the user who initiated the offer. The Status column on the Applicants tab will update to Not Accepted.
If you click Accept, you can start the Onboarding process. An email will be sent to the offer creator and the Status column updates to Accepted.
Once you accept an offer, you will be redirected to the onboarding welcome page to start the onboarding process. You are guided through the steps to collect information, as well as review and sign contracts. When this process is completed, and everything is approved, you will be set up as a new employee in the Focus system.
13. Click Get Started on the Introduction tab to begin the onboarding process.

a. Fill in the information on the Contact information tab and click Next to continue

b. Enter your Address and click Next to continue.

c. Enter Emergency Contact information and click Next to continue.

d. Complete all other applicable tabs required by the district, then fill out and sign any district employee agreement documents and click Next to continue.

At any time, you can click Exit to close the onboarding process.

e. Click Complete to finish the onboarding process.

Once the onboarding process is complete, you will be registered as an employee viewable by Human Resources via ERP > Human Resources > Employee.