Documentation for Administrators

Position Control

Updated on

The Position Control screen allows users to look up, view, and edit positions and position details, such as title, code, hours, supplements, number of positions available, as well maximum supplements.

Set the appropriate permissions via Setup > Profiles to specify view and edit rights to each column available on the screen to restrict users from entering/updating fields that are outside of their remit.

  • Edit Job-Related Position Fields: When this permission is enabled, users can edit Job Fields Only including the Job Posted and Jobs fields. All other fields will be view only.
  • Edit Payroll-Related Position Fields: When this permission is enabled, users can edit Payroll Fields Only including the following fields: Slots, Pay Type, Facility, Hrs/Day, and Workmans Comp. All other fields will be view only.

There are several other profile permissions that must be enabled to Edit Positions, View Job Postings, and See All Posting Applicants.


1. In the Human Resources menu, click Position Control.

2. Click the Positions tab.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down from which to view and/or edit positions.

4. Select facilities from the Facility pull-down for linked positions.

5. The Effective Date shows the position filled counts based on the date specified in the text box. The date defaults to the current date, but the date can be edited to see how the positions were filled on different dates. For example, to see how the positions were filled on the first day of school, you could change this date to the first day of school.

6. Click Show Positions to see a list of positions tied to the facility selected or to add a position to that selected facility.

Position Control

The Positions tab displays the Title, Code, Authorized slots, Available Hour(s), Available Unit(s), FMLA, Filled Hour(s), Filled Unit(s), Begin date, End date, Job Posted indicator, Decision Package pull-down, Planned End Date, Allow 1 extra allocation until (date), Jobs linked to the position, Slots linked to the position, Pay Type, Facility, Hrs/Day, Workman's Comp, TKL, Schedule, Special Requests, Timecards Auto Dockage, and more.

Position Control

Title: The title is used to specify a district description for the position.

Code: The code, sometimes referred to as the position control code or billet code, is an internal code which is usually made up of numbers and/or letters that internally describe something about the position. This code might describe how the position is funded, the type of position (instructional, non-instructional, administrative, etc.), or any number of things. Typically a district will have an internal scheme for creating these codes.

Authorized: This field, along with the Hrs/Day field, control how many FTE employees can be assigned to a particular position. Typically this number is a whole number and represents the total number of full time employees that can be assigned to this position, but this number could be part of a whole number also. For example, if the district only budgeted for a ½ day teacher's aide, the authorized employees could be entered as 0.5.

Available Hour(s): This number represents the number of available positions (again based on Hrs/day) that can be assigned as a job to employees.

Available Unit(s): This number represents the number of available position units that can be assigned as a job to employee(s).

FMLA: This number represent the number of employees out on Family Medical Leave or Extended Leave. Since employees on FMLA/extended leave need to have their positions held for them this is a way the system represents that this position is not currently “Filled," but is not “Available” either.

Filled Hour(s): This number represents the number of employees currently filling this position. This number can show decimals, if, for example, a person is working less than the “Hrs/Day” specified.

Filled Unit(s): This number represents the number of positions filled. For example, if there are two teacher positions available and one was filled, a 1 would display. If both positions were filled, a number 2 would display.

Begin: Enter the starting date of the position in the text box.

End: Enter the end date of the position in the text box.

Job Posted: This check box is selected if the job has been posted in order for employees to apply for said position.

Job Notes: You can enter any job related notes in this text box.

Decision Package: Select the Decision Package from the pull-down to categorize the position under a specific budgetary initiative or program, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting for state compliance and resource allocation. Decision package codes are set up via Setup > District Codes > Decision Packages tab.

Planned End Date: Enter the expected end date of the position in the text box.

Allow 1 extra allocation until: This date field can be filled in to allow for a 1 FTE temporary overfill of this position up until the date specified. This feature can be utilized if the district allows an overlap with an outgoing and incoming employee in the same position so that the two can work together before the outgoing employee leaves.

Jobs: This multi-select field is used to specify which job title(s) are valid for this position. Job Titles are set up via Payroll > Maintenance > Job Codes. These titles can be user defined and mapped to the equivalent state code for reporting purposes or the district may choose to just use the state codes. You can select multiple, which allows you to budget/track positions at a more generic level, for example, “elementary teachers for school A,” to better utilize position control.

Slots: The slot determines the district codes, whether hourly or salary, number of days/hours worked per year.

Pay Type: The pay type associated with the position defines elements like the number of total pays, calendars, start and stop dates, etc. The same pay type is usually associated with groups of employees, like Teachers or Administrators. Pay types are defined via Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Types.

Bargaining Unit: The bargaining unit automatically populates based on the pay type selected and the union that applies to the position. Bargaining units are set up via Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units tab.

Facility: Displays the facility where positions are applicable.

Hrs/Day: This number represents the number of hours per day for which the “Authorized Employees” are budgeted.

The Authorized Employees and Hrs/Day correlation are important to understand. The two values together represent the the number of employee hours which are budgeted/authorized for the position. Therefore, if a position has a 1 in the Authorized Employees field and an 8 in the Hrs/Day field, there could actually have more than 1 employee active in that position. This is because the position is budgeted/authorized to have 1 x 8 = 8 employee hours. With that in mind, the position could have 4 employees all assigned 2 hrs/day.

Workman's Comp: The workers compensation field is used to specify the workers compensation group for which that the position should be reported. Valid workers compensation values are defined via Setup > Government Codes > Workmans Comp.

TKL: Select the timekeeping location or code linked to the position from the pull-down. TKL codes are set up via Setup > Government Codes > TKL Codes tab.

Schedule: If job schedules have been set up via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup, schedules can be assigned here. The schedule dictates the position's hours of employment for check in and check out, break times, and more.

Special Requests: If special requests have been set up via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup, you can apply a request for the position by selecting it from the Special Requests pull-down. Employees in said position will be capable of submitting special requests themselves via Punch In/Out section on their Portal; special requests includes unique events or activities such as field trips, athletic events, covering another teacher's class, fundraisers, etc. Note: Special Request(s) can also be assigned via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs.

Timecards Auto Dockage: You can select Ignore from the pull-down so salary employees will not be docked automatically when their total clock-in time is less than the expected hours worked for their position. If you select Negative Overtime, then wages will be docked if the employee has clocked in for less than the expected total hours. The dockage will be applied as a negative overtime record, which will subtract an amount from employees' paychecks.

Manager and Managed By: Enabled by the Use "Managed By" - Employee Requests setting via Setup > Settings > ESS tab to allow you to select which modules in Employee Requests should be managed by set up employees as opposed to the approval chain defined via Setup > Approval Flow.

You can set up specific employee positions as the designated person of approval for select requests by selecting the Manager check box.

You must also select the positions who are responsible for managing applicable employee requests for said position from the Managed By pull-down.

Timekeeper and Timekeeper Assigned:

Select the Timekeeper check box to set the position as the timekeeper in Time & Attendance.

Select the user who should be designated from the Timekeeper Assigned pull-down. The user will be responsible for reviewing and approving Time & Attendance via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Approval. The Timekeeper can also be assigned to Employee Self Service > Employee Requests and View/Edit Timecards via Setup > Settings > ESS.

Redlined: Select the Redlined check box to ensure that as employees leave this position, their allocation will be redlined or removed from the authorized employee count. This means that the position will not be refilled once vacated. The current employee can continue to hold the position, but once they terminate or transfer, the position will be effectively closed and removed from the list of available positions. This is often used for positions that are being phased out or eliminated.

Current Applicants: This number displays the number of employees who have applied for the select position.

Last Modified By, Date, and Time: These fields display name of the user who last made changes to the select position, as well as the date and time the last change was made.

THe ability to view the Last Modified By column depends on your permission to View "Modified by Name" set via Setup > Profiles.

7. Click View to open and edit additional information about the selected position.

Position Control

The Current Position tab displays additional details that are not visible from the Positions tab.

Position Control

Position: The position title is used to specify a district description for the position.

Code: The code, sometimes referred to as the position control code or billet code, is an internal code which is usually made up of numbers and/or letters that internally describe something about the position. This code might describe how the position is funded, the type of position (instructional, non-instructional, administrative, etc.), or any number of things. Typically a district will have an internal scheme for creating these codes.

Red Line: Select the Red Line check box to ensure that as employee(s) leave this position, their allocation will be “red lined” or removed from the authorized employee count. Therefore, an employee currently in this position can continue to hold the position but once he/she terminates the job associated with the position, the position is removed.

Pay Type: The pay type associated with the position defines elements like the number of total pays, calendars, start and stop dates, etc. The same pay type is usually associated with groups of employees, like Teachers or Administrators. Pay types are defined via Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Types.

Bargaining Unit: The bargaining unit automatically populates based on the pay type selected and the union that applies to the position. Bargaining units are set up via Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units tab.

Authorized: This field, along with the Hrs/Day field, control how many FTE employees can be assigned to a particular position. Typically this number is a whole number and represents the total number of full time employees that can be assigned to this position, but this number could be part of a whole number also. For example, if the district only budgeted for a ½ day teacher's aide, the authorized employees could be entered as 0.5.

Hrs Per Day: This number represents the number of hours per day for which the “Authorized Employees”are budgeted

Minimum Wage and Maximum Wage: Displays the minimum wage and maximum wage allowed for this position.

Job(s): The Job(s) field/pull-down displays the valid job titles associated with the position, allowing users to view or select the specific roles that can be assigned to this position when viewing position details.

Supplement Pays: Supplement Pays is the number of times a particular supplement gets paid over its lifetime. If the position is not a supplement position, then the field can be ignored. Supplement Pays is either equal to the number of checks in the contract period for that year, or it's 1 if the supplement is a lump sum. Note: The data entered here acts as a template providing default values for the supplement when it's added to an employee, but can be edited as needed per employee.

Manager and Managed By: Enabled by the Use "Managed By" - Employee Requests setting via Setup > Settings > ESS tab to allow you to select which modules in Employee Requests should be managed by set up employees as opposed to the approval chain defined via Setup > Approval Flow.

You can set up specific employee positions as the designated person of approval for select requests by selecting the Manager check box.

You must also select the positions who are responsible for managing applicable employee requests for said position from the Managed By pull-down.

Funding Source and Funding Percent 1-3: Displays the sources responsible for funding the positions, which can be broken down by percentages; this data is also reported to the state.

Type: The type of position displays here, such as regular position, etc., which can be further defined via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs > Details > Misc section > Employment Type pull-down.

Available Positions: Displays the number of position available to be filled by employees.

Current Hours: Displays the number of hours currently worked by filled positions.

Average Salary and Total Salary: The average salary, average salary of all employees in the position and total salary, total salary of all employees in the position, can be used to ensure the salaried are in line with the budgeted salary.

Click Open Postings to view the current open postings for the selected position.

Click Closed Postings to view the current closed posted; i.e. the positions filled or closed because they were removed.

Click View Active Employees to display all active employees who have been assigned to the position, if applicable.

Click View All Employees to display all employees who have been assigned to the position, if applicable.

In the pop-up window, the employee(s) EIN is displayed, along with the Employee name, Grp (group), Position title, Job title, Start Date, End Date, Hours per day, and  the Termination Code.

Position Control

Click the Employee name to open Human Resources > Employee.

a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the Current Position screen.

The Time & Attendance section allows you to select a Schedule, Special Request(s) applicable to the position, and/or Timecard Auto Dockage indicator.

Position Control
WA Custom Position Control Fields

If the setting WA Position Control Custom Fields is enabled via Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous, the following custom fields display: ESEA Required, Duty Code, Sub Program, Student ID Number, Pay Code, Classification, Authorized Salary, Adopted Salary, and Adopted FTE.

Duty codes, Sub Programs, and Classification codes are set up via Setup > District Codes; all other added fields are text fields.

Position Control

ESEA Required: Select the ESEA Required check box if Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is required for the job position.

Duty Code: Select the applicable Duty Code that applies to the position from the pull-down; these are WA state reporting codes that must be set up in District Codes first.

Sub Program: Select the applicable Sub Program that applies to the position from the pull-down; these are WA state reporting codes that must be set up in District Codes first.

Student ID Number: Enter an applicable Student ID Number if one is relevant for the position in the provided text box.

Pay Code: Enter an applicable Pay Code if one is relevant for the position in the provided text box.

Classification: Select the applicable Classification code that applies to the position from the pull-down; these are WA state reporting codes that must be set up in District Codes first.

Authorized Salary: Enter an applicable Authorized Salary if one is relevant for the position in the provided text box.

Adopted Salary: Enter an applicable Adopted Salary if one is relevant for the position in the provided text box.

Adopted FTE: Enter an applicable Adopted FTE if one is relevant for the position in the provided text box.

The Time & Attendance section is used to assign schedules, special requests, and the timecards auto dockage selection to all employees assigned to the selected position. Selections displays in each applicable pull-down when first created via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup.

Position Control

The TKL section is used to assign TKL codes to the position and optionally all employees associated with the position/jobs, ensuring consistent tracking and reporting of timekeeping and labor management.

Position Control

The Allocations section is used to specify from which allocations/accounts the position is funded.

Position Control

The allocations can be divided out multiple ways by specifying a percentage other than 100%. The only requirement is that the total of all the allocations equal 100%.

This same allocation will default into the employee's job when they are added to this position.

The Supplements section is used to set up supplements that are tied to a specific base position. These supplements are added to the employee job whenever the position is added to the employee. For example, there might be cell phone supplements that all principals receive. Instead of adding the supplement individually to each employee's job, the cell phone supplement can be tied to the principal positions so the supplement can be automatically added.

Position Control

The Budgeting Information section is used for budgeting of unfilled positions. If a position is unfilled the system will use the Budgeted Salary and the budgeted Deductions (board contributions) to calculate the budgeted cost for the position.

Position Control

If the position has employee(s) assigned, the budgeting module will use the actual employee salary and deductions (board contributions) to calculate the budget for the position.

Adding Positions

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Position Control.

2. Click the Positions tab.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down from which to view and/or edit positions.

4. Select facilities from the Facility pull-down.

5. The Effective Date shows the position filled counts based on the date specified in the text box. The date defaults to the current date, but the date can be edited to see how the positions were filled on different dates. For example, to see how the positions were filled on the first day of school, you could change this date to the first day of school.

6. Click Show Positions.

7. To add a new position, enter information in the first empty row.

8. Enter the Title, Code, Authorized positions, etc. For more information on each field, see Positions.

Position Control

9. Press the Enter key to save the position. Once saved, the View button displays.

Position Control

Notice the Page Total and Grand Total listed in the last rows of the screen. The Page Total displays the total of the following columns for the current page: Authorized, Available Unit(s), Filled Hour(s), and Filled Unit(s). The Grand Total displays the total of the same columns for all pages/records.

Position Control

10. Click View to add additional position information.

Position Control

11. Edit or enter the Position name and the position Code.

Position Control

12. Select the Red Line check box to ensure that as employee(s) leave this position, their allocation will be “red lined” or removed from the authorized employee count. Therefore, an employee currently in this position can continue to hold the position but once he/she terminates the job associated with the position, the position is removed.

13. Select the Pay Type associated with the position defines elements like the number of total pays, calendars, start and stop dates, etc. The same pay type is usually associated with groups of employees, like Teachers or Administrators. Pay types are defined via Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Types.

Bargaining Unit: The bargaining unit automatically populates based on the pay type selected and the union that applies to the position. Bargaining units are set up via Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units tab.

14. Edit the number of Authorized positions allowed, as well as the Hrs Per Day, as needed. The Authorized field, along with the Hrs Per Day field, control how many FTE employees can be assigned to a particular position. Typically this number is a whole number and represents the total number of full time employees that can be assigned to this position, but this number could be part of a whole number also. For example, if the district only budgeted for a ½ day teacher's aide, the authorized employees could be entered as 0.5.

15. Enter the Minimum Wage and Maximum Wage allowed for this position.

16. Select the Job(s) from the corresponding pull-down to associate specific job titles with the position, ensuring that only the designated roles can be assigned to this position for accurate tracking and management.

17. Enter the number of Supplement Pays, which is the number of times a particular supplement gets paid over its lifetime. If the position is not a supplement position, then the field can be ignored. Supplement Pays is either equal to the number of checks in the contract period for that year, or it's 1 if the supplement is a lump sum. Note: The data entered here acts as a template providing default values for the supplement when it's added to an employee, but can be edited as needed per employee.

18. You can set up specific employee positions as the designated person of approval for select requests by selecting the Manager check box. You must also select the positions who are responsible for managing applicable employee requests for said position from the Managed By pull-down.

Enabled by the Use "Managed By" - Employee Requests setting via Setup > Settings > ESS tab to allow you to select which modules in Employee Requests should be managed by set up employees as opposed to the approval chain defined via Setup > Approval Flow.

19. Select the applicable Funding Source 1-3 from the corresponding pull-downs, and enter the Funding Percent 1-3 in the provided text boxes. Selecting the applicable sources defines who is responsible for funding the positions, which can be broken down by percentages; this data is also reported to the state.

The Type of position displays here, such as regular position, etc., which can be further defined via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs > Details > Misc section > Employment Type pull-down.

Available Positions displays the number of position available to be filled by employees.

Current Hours displays the number of hours currently worked by filled positions.

The Average Salary, average salary of all employees in the position and total salary, Total Salary of all employees in the position, can be used to ensure the salaried are in line with the budgeted salary.

20. Click Open Postings to view the current open postings for the selected position.

21. Click Closed Postings to view the current closed posted; i.e. the positions filled or closed because they were removed.

22. Click View Employees to display all employees who have been assigned to the position, if applicable.

Position Control

In the pop-up window, the employee(s) EIN is displayed, along with the Employee name, Grp (group), Position title, Job title, Start Date, End Date, Hours per day, and  the Termination Code.

Position Control

Click the Employee name to open Human Resources > Employee.

a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the Current Position screen.

The Time & Attendance section allows you to select a Schedule, Special Request(s) applicable to the position, and/or Timecard Auto Dockage indicator.

Position Control

23. Select the Schedule from the pull-down, if job schedules have been set up via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup. The schedule dictates the position's hours of employment for check in and check out, break times, and more.

24. Select Special Requests from the pull-down, if special requests have been set up via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup. Employees in said position will be capable of submitting special requests themselves via Punch In/Out section on their Portal; special requests includes unique events or activities such as field trips, athletic events, covering another teacher's class, fundraisers, etc. Note: Special Request(s) can also be assigned via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs.

25. Select Ignore from the Timecards Auto Dockage pull-down so salary employees will not be docked automatically when their total clock-in time is less than the expected hours worked for their position. If you select Negative Overtime, then wages will be docked if the employee has clocked in for less than the expected total hours. The dockage will be applied as a negative overtime record, which will subtract an amount from employees' paychecks.

26. Select the Apply to all Employees button for Schedule, Special Requests, and/or Timecards Auto Dockage to apply the selection made in the pull-down to all employees assigned to the position.

The TKL section is used to assign TKL codes to the position and optionally all employees associated with the position/jobs, ensuring consistent tracking and reporting of timekeeping and labor management.

27. Select the TKL code that applies to the position, then click Apply to all Employees to assign the selected code to all employees assigned to the position.

Position Control

The Allocations section is used to specify from which allocations/accounts the position is funded. This same allocation will default into the employee's job when they are added to this position.

Position Control

If the job has an allocation with an expired element, it will be displayed in a view only section called Expired Allocations section.

28. Enter the Percent in the provided text box. The allocations can be divided out multiple ways by specifying a percentage other than 100%. The only requirement is that the total of all the allocations equal 100%.

29. Select the applicable accounting strip element from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, etc.

30. Enter the Starting and Ending date if the position is being allocated by said account for a specific amount of time.

31. Once all information is entered/selected, press the Enter key to save the line of data.

Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

32. Click Apply to staff positions to allocate all positions to the accounting strip identified. For example, all art teachers are being funded by a grant managed at the district level. The same allocation (regardless of facility) will be charged.

Position Control

If the allocation Percent is set to zero and the Apply to staff positions button is clicked, a staff job allocation will not be created.

The Supplements section is used to set up supplements that are tied to a specific base position. These supplements are added to the employee job whenever the position is added to the employee. For example, there might be cell phone supplements that all principals receive. Instead of adding the supplement individually to each employee's job, the cell phone supplement can be tied to the principal positions so the supplement can be automatically added.

Position Control

33. Select the Step from the pull-down.

34. Enter the Number of Pays in the provided text box.

35. Enter the Effective Starting and Effective Ending dates.

36. Select the applicable selection from the FICA, Ret, and Ins pull-downs.

FICA: If Yes is selected from the pull-down; the supplement money will be taxed by FICA before being paid to the employee.

Ret (retirement): If the earnings from this supplement will affect Retirement, Yes is selected from the pull-down. I.e. The supplemental money will be used to calculate retirement contributions.

Ins: Selecting Yes here determines if the money from this supplement is to be included in the insurance calculation.

37. Enter the percentage (%) in the provided text box.

38. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, Facility, etc.

39. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.

Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

40. Click the green plus sign to split the percentage with another accounting strip.

Position Control

The Budgeting Information section is used for budgeting of unfilled positions. If a position is unfilled the system will use the Budgeted Salary and the budgeted Deductions (board contributions) to calculate the budgeted cost for the position.

Position Control

If the position has employee(s) assigned, the budgeting module will use the actual employee salary and deductions (board contributions) to calculate the budget for the position.

41. Enter the Budgeted Salary in the provided text field.

42. Select the applicable Contributions from the corresponding pull-down.

43. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.


Once the files is uploaded, you can delete the file as needed by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).

Click the file link to download and view the file.

44. Post any necessary Comments by typing the comment in the provided text box and clicking Post.

Position Control

Once posted, comments cannot be deleted or edited. The date, time, and the user's name are posted along with the comment.

Importing Positions

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Position Control.

2. Click the Positions tab.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down from which to view and/or edit positions.

4. Select facilities from the Facility pull-down.

5. The Effective Date shows the position filled counts based on the date specified in the text box. The date defaults to the current date, but the date can be edited to see how the positions were filled on different dates. For example, to see how the positions were filled on the first day of school, you could change this date to the first day of school.

6. Click Show Positions.

7. Click Import to import position information from an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.

Position Control

See Adding Positions for detailed information on the information that should be contained in the spreadsheet before it is imported.

8. Search for and select your spreadsheet. Then, click Open.


Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.

9. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.

Position Control

10. Click Import CSV to import the position data.

Position Control

11. Review the Import Results, which includes the number of Records Imported, Records Rejected, and the Details for why the records were rejected.

a. When finished, click the white X to close the pop-up window.

Screenshot 2022-12-09 at 8.51.34 AM.png

12. Imported data populates. Edit data as needed by clicking the text fields or by clicking the pull-downs to change selections.

Editing Positions

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Position Control.

2. Click the Positions tab.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down from which to view and/or edit positions.

4. Select facilities from the Facility pull-down for linked positions.

5. The Effective Date shows the position filled counts based on the date specified in the text box. The date defaults to the current date, but the date can be edited to see how the positions were filled on different dates. For example, to see how the positions were filled on the first day of school, you could change this date to the first day of school.

6. Click Show Positions to see a list of positions tied to the facility selected or to add a position to that selected facility.

The Positions tab displays the Title, Code, Authorized slots, Available Hour(s), Available Unit(s), FMLA, Filled Hour(s), Filled Unit(s), Job Posted indicator, Allow 1 extra allocation until (date), Jobs linked to the position, Slots linked to the position, Pay Type, Facility, Hrs/Day, Workman's Comp, Schedule, Special Requests, Timecards Auto Dockage, and more.

Position Control

7. To edit positions, click the text boxes and edit the text or click the pull-down to change the selection. You can also select check boxes or clear selected check boxes.

Position Control

8. Click View to edit additional data for a selected position.

Position Control

Here you can click the text boxes and edit the text or click the pull-down to change the selection. You can also select check boxes or clear selected check boxes.

Edit the following sections as needed: Time & Attendance, Allocations, Supplements, Budgeting Information, etc. See Positions and Adding Positions for more detailed information.

Max Supplements

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Position Control.

2. Click the Max Supplements tab.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current year.

4. Click Show.

5. Select the appropriate Slot from the pull-down.

Position Control

6. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down.

7. Enter the maximum number of supplements in the Max Supplements text box.

8. Press the Enter key to save each line of information.

Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.


The Allocations tab allows users to view and edit all allocation records based on a selected fiscal year, facility, and effective date. Allocations are also editable in the Positions tab. The Allocations tab allows users to view all allocations for all positions at once.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Position Control.

2. Click the Allocations tab.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.

4. Select the applicable facility or facilities from the Position Facility pull-down. The selected facilities here pulls positions tied to said facilities.

5. Select the applicable facility or facilities from the Allocation Facility pull-down. The selected facilities here pulls allocations tied to said facilities.

6. Select the applicable project or projects from the Allocation Project pull-down. The selected projects here pulls allocations tied to said projects.

7. Enter or edit the Effective Date in the provided text box.

8. Click Show Allocations.

The report displays the Position Title, Position Code, Percent, Facility, Department, Fund, Function, and all other accounting strip elements.

Position Control

Allocations are used to specify from which allocations/accounts positions are funded. This same allocation will default into the employee's job when they are added to the position.

Adding Allocations

1. Select the Position Title from the corresponding pull-down.

Position Control

2. Enter the Percent in the provided text box. The allocations can be divided out multiple ways by specifying a percentage other than 100%. The only requirement is that the total of all the allocations equal 100%.

Position Control

3. Select the applicable accounting strip element from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, etc.

4. Once all information is entered/selected, press the Enter key to save the line of data.

Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

Position Control

Click the Position Code to open details about the position on the Current Position tab. See Adding Positions for details on the fields present on the screen.

Position Control

Editing & Deleting Allocations

1. Locate the allocation that needs editing, and click the field that needs editing.

2. Change the selection of the pull-down, enter a new percent or change the selection of an accounting strip element.

Position Control

Changes save automatically.

3. To edit an entire column at once, click Mass Update.

Position Control

a. From the Mass Update pop-up window, select the Column that is to be updated from the corresponding pull-down.

b. Select or enter the Value. Depending on the Column selected, a text box or a pull-down displays.

c. Click Update.

Position Control

d. The applicable Projects are updated en masse and are highlighted in yellow. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.

Position Control

4. To delete an allocation, click the delete button (red minus sign) next to the applicable allocation.

a. From the confirmation pop-up window, click OK. says

Click the Position Code to open details about the position on the Current Position tab. See Adding Positions for details on the fields present on the screen.

Position Control
Additional Features

From any of the tabs on the Position Control screen, you can quickly locate a position by typing the position code in the Look up Position Code text box and pressing the Enter key.

Position Control

The position details display in the Current Position tab, as shown in the image below.

Position Control

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Position Control

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Position Control

Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print the table of data.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters.

Position Control

For more information, see Filters.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Position Control

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Position Control

a. Select the Exact check box to display results that have an exact match only and hide partial matches to the entered text.

Position Control

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

Position Control

Click Toggle Columns to pick and choose which columns you want displayed. From the pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes to hide columns you don't want displayed in the report.

Position Control

Columns will remain hidden from the screen until you select the check box to make the column display again.

To change the amount of records displayed, click in the text field for Page Size. This is defaulted at 25 records a page. Enter the number of records you would like displayed per page and press Enter. Notice that when the Page Size is changed to 50 records, the Page numbers change to reflect the number of records per page.

Position Control
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