Documentation for Administrators

Close Accounts

Updated on

The Close Accounts screen allows users to finalize account closures according to the fiscal year, chosen general ledgers, fund and project specifications, and designated destination accounts selected from a pull-down featuring liability general ledgers.

Close Accounts

1. From the Setup menu, click Close Accounts.

Close Accounts

2. From the Close Accounts tab, select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down.

Close Accounts

3. Select the account(s) you would like to close from the Close Account(s) pull-down.

Close Accounts

For each Close Account, if it is a liability account, then the journal reflects the sum of the credits subtracted by the debits for the fiscal year for each fund and creates a line that debits the total amount.

If the Close Account is an asset account, then the journal reflects the sum of the debits subtracted by the credits and makes a line that credits the total amount.

4. To close accounts based on a specific fund, select the Fund from the pull-down. This option empowers you to close accounts such as 1510, which are allocated to different closeout accounts depending on the fund.

5. Select the Project Detail check box to close down accounts at the project level for the selected fund. Instead of consolidating into a single lump sum, this feature generates a journal with comprehensive details including the fund and project specifics.

Close Accounts

6. Select the Into Account from the pull-down. The Into Account reflects the sum of the debits created above subtracted by the sum of the credits created above and makes a line that credits for that amount.

7. Click Create Manual Journals.

When accounts are closed, a manual journal draft that has a 1-sided line is created for each Fund and each Close Account, and each Fund and the Into Account. The journal date is the last day of the fiscal year selected. Note: If an accounting strip does not exist for a fund, then it will be created.

8. Once a manual journal draft is created, click the link to view and submit the draft via Budgeting/General Ledger > Manual Journals or Internal Account Manual Journals. Manual Journals must be submitted and approved to complete the close process.

Close Accounts

Journal lines with a $0.00 amount will be skipped, as well as Internal Accounts entries.

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