The Recommendations report provides a comprehensive overview of recommendation statuses for employees and includes employee information, their recommendation status, provisional status, approval status, and more. This report also contains the ability to generate recommendation letters.
1. Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab > Misc section.
2. Select the the applicable fiscal year that should be made available in Recommendations from the Recommendation Year pull-down.
The options displayed here depend on the open fiscal years from Setup > Settings > Fiscal Years. In the example used below, the only option that will display in the Recommendation Year pull-down will be 2023.
3. Select the Recommendation Bargaining Units from the pull-down, which allows you to exclude certain Bargaining Units, such as Admin personnel and substitutes, from the Recommendation screen, if needed.
4. Click Save.
Employee Agreement Templates must be set up so they can be linked to Recommendation District Codes, as described in the next section. The Agreement Templates determine the Employee Agreements that will be generated for employees based on the Recommendation code assigned to said employees via the Recommendations screen from which letters can be generated using the assigned template and/or selected from the pull-down on the View/Create Agreements tab.
1. Human Resources > Employment Agreement Maintenance > Agreement Templates tab.
2. Click Create New Template to create a new agreement template for recommendations.
3. Enter the name of the template in the text box, such as Non-Renewal Recommendations. Then, click OK.
4. Enter the contents of the letter and use the Insert A Field feature to add names, position titles, etc. See the example letter below.
5. Click Save.
See Agreement Templates for more information.
Add Recommendations District Codes so users can assign codes to employees from the Recommendations report and determine the applicable Employee Agreement required to be completed by said employees.
1. Setup > Profiles > Setup tab > District Codes section.
a. Select the View check box to allow users to create, edit, and delete recommendation district codes, which can be used to assign a recommendation status for each employee listed in the Recommendations report.
2. Setup > District Codes > Recommendations tab.
Add codes such as "NR" for Non-Renew and "R" for Recommended for Reappointment with respective templates and statuses.
See Recommendations for details.
1. Human Resources > Employment Agreement Maintenance > View/Create Agreements tab.
2. Select the applicable Recommendation template from the Template pull-down, such as the Non-Renewal Recommendations template.
3. Select the Recommendation code from the pull-down to determine when said agreement is assigned/generated, such as Non-Renew.
4. Enter the Title in the text box, such as Non-Renewal Recommendation.
5. Enter the Published Date and Deadline Date in the provided text areas.
6. Click Create Agreement.
See View/Create Agreements for more details.
1. Setup > Profiles.
2. Click the Human Resources tab and scroll to the Reports section.
3. Select the View and/or Edit check boxes for the following permissions:
a. Recommendations: Select the View check box to give the profile access to the Recommendations report and the Recommendations pop-up window in Employee > Jobs.
b. Certification Info: Select the View check box to give the profile access to view and include the Certification Info column in the report.
c. Provisional: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as select or deselect the Provisional check box in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and the selection made but cannot edit the check box.
d. Provisional Notes: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as add Provisional Notes in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and notes made but cannot add data to or edit the field.
e. Recommendation: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as select the applicable recommendation district code from the report and in Employee > Jobs; Recommendation codes are set up via Setup > District Codes > Recommendations.
f. Notes: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as add Notes in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and notes made but cannot add or edit the field.
g. School/Dept Approve: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as select or deselect the School/Dept Approve check box in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and selection made but cannot edit the check box.
h. HR Approve: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as select or deselect the HR Approve check box in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and selection made but cannot edit the check box.
i. HR Notes: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as add HR Notes in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and notes made but cannot add or edit the field.
j. Vacant: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give the profile access to View the column as well as select or deselect the Vacant check box in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, the users can view the column and selection made but cannot edit the check box.
k. Generate Letters: Select the View and Edit check boxes to give users the ability to click Generate in order to generate letters for the selected employee based on the Agreement Template assigned to the employee based on the code assigned from the Recommendation pull-down in the report and in Employee > Jobs. If the profile has View only permission, users cannot click Generate in order to generate letters.
The Recommendations report provides a comprehensive overview of recommendation statuses for employees and includes employee information, their recommendation status, provisional status, approval status, and more. This report also contains the ability to generate recommendation letters.
Recommendation codes can also be assigned at the Employee level via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs tab > Positions section. Any information entered on the Employee screen displays in the Recommendations report.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Recommendations.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down to run the report for his selected year.
3. Select the employees who should be included in the report from the Employee pull-down; the pull-down defaults to All Employees.
4. Select the Facilities from which employees and data should be pulled from the pull-down; the pull-down defaults to All Facilities.
5. To filter the report by a Bargaining Unit, select the unit from the pull-down.
6. Enter the Effective Date to to specify the data displayed in the report according to the set date. The default is the current date.
7. To Show All Positions for all employees or the selected employee, select the corresponding check box; i.e. all positions assigned to the employee, not just the employee's primary position.
8. Select the Include Allocations check box to display allocation information in the report, such as Allocation Percent, Fund, Function, etc.
9. To Include Position Info in the report including Position Code, Job Posted, and Job Notes from Position Control, select the corresponding check box.
10. Click Run Report.
The Recommendations report displays the following columns if Include Allocations and Include Position Info is not selected: EIN (Employee Identification Number), Employee Name, Facility, Hours Per Day, Pay Type, Bargaining Unit, Contract, Position Title, Continuous Employment Date, Certification Info, Provisional, Provisional Notes, Recommendation, Notes, School/Dept Approve, HR Approve, HR Notes, Vacant, and Generate Letters.
11. Click the EIN to open Employee for the selected employee.

12. Select the Provisional check box to indicate that the recommendation being made is not final and may be subject to change meaning that the decision is temporary or subject to further review or confirmation.
13. Enter any corresponding notes in the Provisional Notes field to explain why the Provisional check box has been selected, such as Employee's reappointment status is contingent upon successful completion of ongoing professional development training.
14. Select the employee's Recommendation status from the pull-down, such as Recommendation for Reappointment or Non-Renew.
The codes displayed here are set up via Setup > District Codes > Recommendations tab.
15. Enter any corresponding Notes to explain the Recommendation status selected, such as why the employee has been assigned the Non-Renew code. For example, the employee's contract is not being renewed due to budget constraints and the elimination of their position within the department.
16. If you are the School/Department head and have approved the recommendation, you can select the School/Dept Approve check box.
17. If you are head of the Human Resources department have approved the recommendation, you can select the HR Approve check box.
Once the HR Approve check box is selected and the screen is refreshed, the following fields are locked: Provisional, Provisional Notes, Recommendation, Notes, School/Depart Approve, HR Approve, HR Notes, Vacant, and Generate.
18. If you are head of the Human Resources department and have approved or not approved the recommendation and need to include notes explaining your approval or disapproval, enter your comments in the HR Notes field, such as HR does not approve the recommendation for reappointment due to recent performance issues highlighted in the employee's performance evaluation.
19. Select the Vacant check box to indicate that the position the employee is currently occupying is vacant, meaning there is no employee currently assigned to that position.
See the appropriate steps for set up before generation is possible via Setting Up.
Recommendation letters can also be generated via Human Resources > Employment Agreement Maintenance > View/Create Agreements tab. From View/Create Agreements, you can generate letters based on pay types, contract types, facilities, by employee, and more. Letters can also be generated via Employee > Jobs.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Recommendations.

2. Enter the applicable report criteria and click Run Report.
For details on report filters, see Recommendations Report.
3. Click Generate.
In order to generate recommendation letters, the following criteria must be met:
- A Recommendation status/code must be selected from the corresponding pull-down for the employee in question.
- An Agreement Template must be created and assigned to the code via Setup > District Codes > Recommendations.
- An employee agreement must be created with the applicable Recommendation code assigned via View/Create Agreements.
See Setting Up for detailed information.
Once generated, a message displays that the Agreement has been created.
4. To view agreement information and status, in the Human Resources menu, click Employment Agreement Maintenance, then click the Pending Agreements tab.
5. Select the applicable recommendation Template and/or Agreement from the corresponding pull-downs. Add any other applicable filters, as needed, then click Get Agreements.
All generated letters display in the Pending Agreements section.
a. Click View to open and review the letter.
See Pending Agreements for more information.
Employees can review and sign letters/agreements via Employee Self Service > Employee Agreements.
a. Employees can click View/Sign Agreement.
b. Employees can then click I Agree to sign.
c. The agreement will then display on the Agreement History tab for employees where they can click View Agreement to review the letter at any time.
6. Once employees have reviewed and signed the letter/agreement, click the Signed By Employee tab to view these agreements.
7. Enter all applicable search criteria, such as Template and/or Agreement, then click Get Agreements.
All signed agreements are displayed.
a. Click View to open and review the letter/agreement.
See Signed By Employee for more information.