The Deposits screen is used to mark receipts as having been deposited, thus making the associated funds available in the system.
Deposits from prior fiscal year can be deposited within first five days of the new year.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Deposits.

2. The Deposits screen defaults to the Undeposited Payments tab.
3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down to load the correct payments to be deposited.

Once a receipt is posted, it displays in the Payments section of the screen.
4. Review the receipt information in the Payments section starting with the Payment Date, Customer name, Payment Type, Receipt #, Transaction #, Reference #, Amount paid, the Account number, the User who processed the payment, and the Facility.
The reference number is the last 4 digits of the credit card used on the transaction or the reference number from the receipt.
You can also review any Refunds that occurred, as well as the Refund Date, Customer name, Type of refund, Receipt #, Transaction #, Amount refunded, the Account number, the User who processed the refund, and the Facility.
5. Click the Receipt # link to open Point of Sale > Transaction History, Receipts, or Internal Account Receipts.
6. Enter the deposit Reference Number in the provided text box.

The Add reference number to Deposits setting must be enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable in order to add a reference number to deposits.
7. Select the Bank to which deposits are to be made from the corresponding pull-down.
8. Enter the Deposit Date in the provided text box; i.e. the date the payments should be deposited to the select bank.
9. Select the payments/refunds to be deposited by selecting the applicable check box next to each payment. You can also click Check All to quickly select all displayed payments that are linked to the appropriate Account.
You can only select Payments and/or Refunds for the selected Bank if the Account of the transaction is set up as an Asset Account or Liability Account via Setup > Bank Accounts.
As you make your selections, the Deposit Total automatically calculates the amount to be deposited.
10. Add any Files or Comments using the two sections provided.
a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files.
b. Click the Scan File button next to the Select button, which will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.
c. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click Post.
11. Click Submit to finalize the deposit.
All information regarding the submitted deposit now displays on the Deposited Payments tab.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Deposits.

2. The Deposits screen defaults to the Undeposited Payments tab.
3. Select the Bank to which deposits are to be made from the corresponding pull-down.
4. Click Load From Cashout to load payments linked to a specific cashout transaction via Cashouts in order to be deposited.
5. Enter the Cashout Number in the provided text box when the Load From Cashout pop-up window displays. The Cashout Number is the cashout ID number given once finalized.

6. Click Search.
All applicable transactions are loaded onto the screen for selection.
Follow the steps in Undeposited Payments to complete the deposit.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Deposits.

2. Click the Deposited Payments tab.
3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down to load the correct deposited payment history.
The Deposited Payments tab displays the Deposit # (number), Deposit Date, the Bank, User who performed the deposit, the Reference #, the Receipt Type, and the Amount.
4. Click View to review deposit information in a pop-up window including the Payment Date, Customer name, Payment Type, Receipt/Transaction #, Deposit Reference #, Receipt Reference #, Description, and the Total of each payment.
The pop-up window also displays the Current Page Total and Grand Total for deposited payments. If there are multiple pages of payments, the Current Page Total reflects the total of the page displayed, while the Grand Total reflects the total of all the payments combined.
5. From the pop-up window, you can review and/or add Files and Comments.
a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files.
b. Click the Scan File button next to the Select button, which will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.
c. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click Post.
You also have the ability to voids deposits and print deposit slips; see the two corresponding sections for more information: Voiding a Deposit and Printing a Deposit Slip.
6. When your review is complete, click the X to close the pop-up window and return to Deposited Payments.

1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Deposits.

2. Click the Deposited Payments tab.
3. Click View for the applicable deposit.
4. Click Void Deposit.
a. Click Yes to void the deposit.

A confirmation message displays once voided and the payments reappear on the Undeposited Payments tab.

5. Click the X to close each pop-up window when complete.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Deposits.

2. Click the Deposited Payments tab.
3. Click View for the applicable deposit.
4. Click Print Deposit Slip.
5. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. You can also download the file to your computer by clicking the download icon.

a. Click the X to close each pop-up window when complete.

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters and start over.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.