The Leave Invoicing screen allows users to reconcile substitute billing between the district and a 3rd party substitute billing company, such as PESG.
The Mismatched Employee tab displays all events in which the system cannot match the imported file to an employee. The Mismatched Employees tab helps the district verify that the employee who required a substitute was on leave on the applicable day. If the employee with the leave record's EIN is not in the district database, the record displays in the report.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Mismatched Employee tab.
The Mismatched Employee tab displays the Error, Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Sub Pay, Total pay, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to clear or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4a. Click Clear # row(s) to acknowledge the bad data should be skipped, which prevents the error from displaying again.
a. To proceed and clear the items from the listing, click Clear.
4b. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have added the missing employee to the system and fixed the bad data.
a. Click Yes to continue and reprocess missing data.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
The Invalid Leave tab displays records where the employee exists, but the leave bucket that was specified in the import file for the employee's leave is invalid. For example, if VAC is the district's code for vacation leave and the vendor sends VC, then the leave would show up on this report because the system does not recognize the VC leave code.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Invalid Leave tab.

The Invalid Leave tab displays the Error, Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Confirm #, Reason for leave, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Sub Pay, Total pay, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to clear or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4a. Click Clear # row(s) to acknowledge the bad data should be skipped, which prevents the error from displaying again.
a. To proceed and clear the items from the listing, click Clear.
4b. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have changed/updated the unidentified leave bucket and fixed the bad data.
a. Click Yes to continue and reprocess missing data.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
The Invalid Location tab displays records where the facility code provided for the employee on leave in the import file is not a valid facility code.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Invalid Location tab.

The Mismatched Job tab displays the Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Sub Pay, Total pay, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to clear or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4a. Click Clear # row(s) to acknowledge the bad data should be skipped, which prevents the error from displaying again.
a. To proceed and clear the items from the listing, click Clear.
4b. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have changed/updated the invalid facility code and fixed the bad data.
a. Click Yes to continue and reprocess missing data.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
As part of the import file, an employee job/payroll group code is provided. If the job is not found for the employee number provided, then the record displays on the Mismatched Job tab.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Mismatched Job tab.
The Mismatched Job tab displays the Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Sub Pay, Total pay, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to clear or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4a. Click Clear # row(s) to acknowledge the bad data should be skipped, which prevents the error from displaying again.
a. To proceed and clear the items from the listing, click Clear.
4b. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have changed/updated the unidentified leave bucket and fixed the bad data.
a. Click Yes to continue and reprocess missing data.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
The system verifies that the leave provided in the import file exists in the Focus payroll system to ensure the district is not paying for a substitute replacing an employee not currently on leave (where no leave record can be found). Any imported leave that isn't found in the payroll system, displays on the Mismatched Request tab.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Mismatched Request tab.
The Mismatched Request tab displays the Error, Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Bgrp (Bucket Group), Reason for leave, Imported Reason, Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Sub Pay, Total pay, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to clear, accept, or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4a. Click Clear # row(s) to acknowledge the bad data should be skipped, which prevents the error from displaying again.
a. To proceed and clear the items from the listing, click Clear.
4b. Click Accept # row(s) to accept records without leave which will allow the items to be posted with the leave entries. Unlike the other accept options that have been reviewed where the data has to be fixed or the records have to be skipped, you can accept the billing record even though the employee leave record is not on file.
a. Click Accept to proceed with accepting records without leave.
4c. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have changed/updated information manually and fixed the bad data.
a. Click Yes to continue and reprocess missing data.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
In order to properly bill the district for the substitute, a valid account strip must be found. If there is not a valid account strip for the substitute record then it displays on the Invalid Allocations tab.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Invalid Allocations tab.
The Invalid Allocations tab displays the Batch, Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Bgrp (Bucket Group), Reason for leave, Imported Reason, Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Sub Pay, Total pay, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to clear or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4a. Click Clear # row(s) to acknowledge the bad data should be skipped, which prevents the error from displaying again.
a. To proceed and clear the items from the listing, click Clear.
4b. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have added the applicable account strip to the system and fixed the bad data.
a. Click Yes to continue and reprocess missing data.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
The Invoice Records tab displays all imported and unposted invoices.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Invoice Records tab.
The Invoice Records tab displays the Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Bgrp (Bucket Group), Reason for leave, Req, Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Hours, Rate, Sub Pay, FICA, SUTA, FUTA, Wkr Comp, Liability, Admin, Cost, Total amount, Imported, Date Imported, and the Invoice/Pay Date.
3. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have added or updated the missing/bad data in the system.
a. Click Yes to open invoices for the items selected just as they were when they were initially imported.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
The Charged Strips tab is an alternative to the summarized Invoice Records tab, this tab displays the invoice detail by employee, leave, and the account strip charged.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Charged Strips tab.
The Charged Strips tab displays the Batch, Last and First name of the employee, Emp[loyee] ID, Date, Cntr (Center), Bgrp (Bucket Group), Reason for leave, Confirm #, Sub Last and Sub First name, Sub ID, Amount, Date Imported, Invoice/Pay Date, the accounting strip, Pct (Percent), Invoice Pay Date, Allocated.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to process or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4. Click Process # row(s) to post the selected records to finance. These records do not have any errors and are ready to be posted/processed.
5. From the pop-up window, select the applicable account elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
6. Edit the Effective Date, as needed, by clicking the text box.
7. Review the selected strips and click Reallocate to post the invoice data.
The Charged Accounts tab is an alternative to the summarized Invoice Records tab, which displays the invoice detail by account strip charged.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Charged Accounts tab.
The Charged Accounts tab displays the accounting strip elements, such as Fund, Function, etc., the Invoice/Pay Date, and Allocated percentage.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to process or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4. Click Process # row(s) to post the selected records to finance. These records do not have any errors and are ready to be posted/processed.
a. From the pop-up window, select the applicable account elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
b. Edit the Effective Date, as needed, by clicking the text box.
c. Review the selected strips and click Reallocate to post the invoice data.
5. Click Reprocess to run all the open invoices through the error-checking process again. If data has been cleaned up, those records will show up on this tab. For example, if you added missing leave that was displayed on the Mismatched Request tab, that bad record will be removed from the Mismatched Request tab and display on the Charged Accounts tab once it has been reprocessed because it is now a valid request.
a. Click Yes to reprocess all open invoice items just as they were when reimported.
b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.
The Funds/Projects tab is an alternative to the summarized Invoice Records tab, which displays the invoice detail by Fund and Project codes.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Leave Invoicing.

2. Click the Funds/Projects tab.
The Funds/Projects tab displays the Fund, Project, the Invoice/Pay Date, and Allocated amount.
3. Select the check boxes in the Select column next to the applicable records to process or reprocess.
Click Select All to select all records at once. Click Unselect All to clear all selected check boxes.
4. Click Process # row(s) to post the selected records to finance. These records do not have any errors and are ready to be posted/processed.
a. From the pop-up window, select the applicable account elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
b. Edit the Effective Date, as needed, by clicking the text box.
c. Review the selected strips and click Reallocate to post the invoice data.
5. Click Reprocess to process the record again. You might want to reprocess a record if you have added or updated the missing/bad data in the system.
a. Click Yes to reprocess all open invoice items just as they were when reimported.

b. The Reprocess Missing Data pop-up displays. Click Close when your review is complete.