The Internal Purchase Requests/Orders module allows users to create a new request, finish a previously saved request, and review the purchase history and status for each request in the approval flow process.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To create requests in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. From the Drafts tab, enter the title in the provided text box to begin a new purchase request draft.

4. Select the type of purchase request/order from the provided pull-down.

The options listed vary depending on your profile permissions established by the district via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab. Options include:
- Standard: A request for a one time item or service that doesn't pertain to any other types of requests.
- Blanket: A request to purchase an item or service on a larger scale to be paid over a period of time; for example, you could create a blanket request to purchase services from a lawn service whose services cost a fixed amount per year but are paid monthly. You'd create the request for the entire year and use the same purchase order to create monthly invoices, which will subtract from the total entered on the original purchase request/order.
- Warehouse: A request to purchase items from the district warehouse.
- Stock Warehouse: A request to purchase items in order to stock the warehouse.
- Utility: A request to purchase services from a utilities company, such as electricity.
- P-Card: A request which imports purchase card payments already made to be submitted for approval and/or processing.
- Payment Voucher: A request that creates a voucher and generates a check for payment but does not get a purchase order number assigned upon approval. Payment Vouchers are normally requested for reimbursing employee who paid for pre-approved purchases.
- Capital Improvement: A request for projects that include new construction, renovations, repairs, and major maintenance to existing facilities, and other major landscape improvements.
Districts do not receive/release P-Card POs; therefore, they are automatically released for payment in the check run when the invoice batch is posted. Other POs are received and released dependent on the settings via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.
5. Select the purchase order sub-type from the provided pull-down.

The options listed vary depending the sub-types setup by the district via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Purchase Order Subtypes. Options include:
- Travel: A request for travel, which includes submitting traveling funds, etc. that is linked typically to a Standard or Blanket purchase order type.
- Utility: A request to purchase services from a utilities company, such as electricity, which is typically linked to a Blanket purchase order type. The sub type can be excluded from the receive/release process whereas the standard, blanket, and utility PO cannot, which allows for quicker bill payment at the district level.
- Public Works: A request for to purchase services including construction, alteration, demolition, installation, or repair work done under contract and paid in whole or in part out of public funds.
The Approval Flow linked to the selected sub-type overrides the purchase order type selected in step 3.
6. Click Create.

Clicking Create opens the Current Request tab where you can begin entering information as it pertains to the purchase request.
Depending on the type of request/order selected, the required fields displayed on the Current Request tab will vary.
Standard, Blanket, Utility, P-Card, Payment Voucher, and Capital Improvement purchase orders display the same fields, as shown in the image below.
Warehouse and Stock Warehouse purchase orders display the same fields, as shown in the image below.
1. The Requisition # auto-populates once the request is submitted.
2. The PO # auto-populates once the requisition is approved and officially a purchase order.
3. The Author auto-populates with the user responsible for creating the request.
4. Select the applicable Vendor from which items or services are being purchased from the corresponding pull-down. When a vendor is selected, the vendor's payment address displays.
5. If your district is utilizing the Bids module, which allows vendors to place bids when users create bid requests, all awarded bids can be selected from the Bids pull-down, as they pertain to the selected Vendor.
Bids are setup via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Bid Requests.
6. If you're district isn't using Bids, you can enter a Contract Number in the provided text box, if applicable.
7. E-Verify indicates whether E-Verify authorization has been obtained to accommodate Florida law regarding contractors doing business with the school district. E-verification is documented via Vendors/Customers > Current Contact tab > General section.
8. Enter the Vendor Contact name if there is a designated contact person at the company for purchase order communications.
9. Select the Vendor Location from the pull-down, which displays when more than one payment address is assigned to Vendors/Customers.
10. Select the Vendor Payment Terms from the pull-down. Depending on the selection made, the Due Date is automatically populated upon creating the invoice.
Vendor Payment Terms must first be set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab > Vendor Payment Terms section.
If terms have been selected for vendors from the Payment Terms pull-down via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Vendors/Customers > Current Contact > General Section, the Vendor Payment Terms pull-down defaults to the selection already made.
If the Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Purchasing section, you can override the default terms set for vendors via Vendors/Customers.
11. Select the Terms & Conditions that should display on the finalized purchase order upon being printed or emailed to the vendor.
a. Once a selection is made, click the ? for more information about the terms and/or conditions selected. The Assigned Terms information displays in a pop-up window with the Term/Condition Title and the Description.
Terms & Conditions are setup by the district via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Terms & Conditions. If the district selects specific terms and conditions as mandatory, they will display on the PO but do not display in the Terms & Conditions pull-down.
12. Enter a Deadline Date if the items or services are required by a specific date.
13. The PO Status displays as Open until the PO is closed at the invoice level via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Internal Account Invoices.
14. The Request Type displays the type of request/order selected in step 3.
15. The Request Date/Status displays the date the request was submitted and the time or the status of the request when in draft form.
16. Enter the Order Contact if there is a specific user that is responsible for the purchase order.
17. Enter the Center/School Contact if there is a specific center/facility/school or user at the school who is responsible for the purchase order.
18. If items are to be delivered to a specific school/facility/center, select the facility from the Deliver To pull-down.
If the Default "Deliver To" on purchase orders setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable, the "Deliver To" pull-down defaults based on account strip permission for facility/center permissions. If you have more than one facility/center accounting strip permission, "Deliver To" defaults to NA and you can select from the pull-down.
19. Select the Requesting Facility from the corresponding pull-down.
20. To bill a specific facility for the purchase request/order, select the facility from the Bill To pull-down.
21. Select the applicable Buyer from the corresponding pull-down; Buyers are most commonly used by districts who assign specific capital purchase requests to one of several district-level Buyers (directors).
Buyers are setup by the district via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Buyers. Selecting a buyer links the purchase order to the applicable PO Approval Flow.
22. Select the applicable custom options from the Custom pull-down; if this pull-down is enabled by the district, you are required to select at least one option in order to submit the PO.
The Custom pull-down is setup by the district via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable > Custom Purchase Order Options.
The purchase request/order draft saves automatically and can be closed and reopened to be edited and submitted, as needed, from the Drafts tab. See the Existing Drafts section for more information.
23. Select Yes from the P-Card Eligible pull-down in order to link an imported P-Card purchase order draft.
This pull-down displays when the Allow IA Pcard Integration setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Internal Accounts. The Link PO to Imported P-Card Requests and Link Internal Accounts PO to Imported IA P-Card settings must also be enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab in order to link P-Card purchase orders. You must also have permission to Allow PO-PCard Requests Identifier set via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab in order to link P-Card purchase orders.
a. Once the PO is approved, you can select the applicable imported P-Card purchase order draft from the Linked PO pull-down.
b. Once linked, the PO link displays. Click the link to open a Link PO pop-up window that includes Line Items: Ref #, Item #, Description, Quantity, UOM, etc., and Allocations.

i. Select the check boxes in the Line Item section and the Allocations section to determine which items should be linked to the P-Card PO. Then, click Link PO.
c. Click Unlink to remove the linked PO.
The fields displayed depend on the settings via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.
1. Enter the Ref. # used to associate each Line Item with an Allocation (accounting strip). Different reference numbers can be used for items if multiple accounts will be used to pay for the items.
2. Enter the Item # that identifies the product or service.
3. To link the item to a Commodity Class, select it from the corresponding pull-down. Selecting a class from the pull-down allows you to track items purchased by the commodity class. For example, if you request to purchase pens, you could select the Classroom Supplies commodity class.
4. Enter the Description of the product or service.
5. Enter the Qty (quantity); i.e. the total number of items to be ordered.
Based on the quantity entered, the Qty Invoiced and the Qty Remaining fields display with the updated amounts. Qty - Qty Invoiced = Qty Remaining.
6. Enter the UOM (unit of measure), such as box, each, tray, etc.
7. Enter the Unit Price for the product or service; i.e. the price per item.
8. The Amount automatically calculates based on the Qty entered multiplied by the Unit Price entered.
Once the Amount is calculated, the Amount Remaining is automatically calculated, based on the Amount - Amount Paid = Amount Remaining.
An error displays when the allocation amount isn't equal to the line item total; i.e. changing the Ref # on Line Items will invalidate the Allocations and cause an error.
The Qty Invoiced, Amount Paid, and Amount Remaining fields display when the “Show quantity paid and amount paid on applied line” setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.
The Qty Invoiced field is determined by the invoice posted on the PO and the amount entered in the Qty Invoiced field displayed via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices and Internal Account Invoices screens. For example: Quantity of 4 was ordered, Quantity of 2 was invoiced, Quantity Invoiced would reflect 2 on this line item.
The “Amount Paid” field is determined by the invoice posted and warrant issued on the PO. If a warrant has not been issued, the field will be blank. For example: Total Invoice Amount was $22.82 , Line item was $6.00, Amount paid would reflect $6.00 on this line item.

9. Select the Shipping check box to identify the line item as the purchase shipping fee. When identified as shipping, the line item will not display in the receiving and releasing process.
10. After the information for each line is entered, press the Enter key to save the line item. You will know the line item has saved because the line displays with the delete button (red minus sign).
11. The Receivers column displays name of the user responsible for receiving the items via the Receive Orders screen, as well as the number of items received.
12. If reviewing an imported P-Card PO and the "Allow Sales Tax on Imported P-Card Purchase Orders" setting has been enabled but the vendor doesn't charge for sales tax, you can manually select the applicable tax from the State Sales Tax pull-down.

The Allow Sales Tax on Imported P-Card Purchase Orders setting can be enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable to apply sales tax to imported P-Card POs. GLs are pulled from Setup > Settings > Accounts. The tax amount is automatically included and calculated on the main line of the PO; however, if sales tax is not charged by the vendor, a State Sales Tax pull-down displays allowing you to select the appropriate type of tax that should be applied. Taxes are defined in the State Tax section.
- The amount of the P-Card request is not changed. The amount paid on the statement is the amount charged (not including the tax).
- The tax type and percent remains as a liability the district must pay to the State.
- At the final approval, the invoice is auto generated in the amount of the original charge and is added to the invoice batch.
- The tax liability is generated when the invoice batch is posted:
- AP PCard Tax Liability (Journal Title)
- The amount of the liability is credited to the GL when the Allow Sales Tax on Imported P-Card Purchase Orders setting is enabled, increasing the amount of the liability account.
- The debit GL will be pulled from Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous > "When an Invoice is posted."
- This would be expended to the original allocation on the P-Card PO.
- The tax liability is paid to the State monthly as a Non PO Invoice to clear the liability.
- AP PCard Tax Liability (Journal Title)
13. As line items are entered, you can review the Total of the Amount column of all products/services requested.
14. To delete a line item, click the delete button (red minus sign).
15. Until the request is submitted and approved, you can edit line item fields as needed, which is indicated by the blue underlined fields. Note: Your editing capabilities depends on your profile permissions.

16. If data has already been established in a spreadsheet, the information can be imported via the Import button directly from Excel. Click Import, search for and select your CSV file. An Import CSV pop-up displays.
a. Before importation, be sure to title each column correctly. The system will match the information, but you must verify that each pull-down is correct.
b. Once complete, click Import CSV to transport data.
1. Select the Item # from the pull-down. The Item # populates with items from the Warehouse > Catalog.
2. To link the item to a Commodity Class, select it from the corresponding pull-down. Selecting a class from the pull-down allows you to track items purchased by the commodity class. For example, if you request to purchase pens, you could select the Classroom Supplies commodity class.
3. Enter the Vendor Item # for the item being ordered.
4. Enter the Description of the product.
5. Enter the Vendor Qty (quantity); i.e. the total number of items to be ordered.
6. Select the Vendor UOM (unit of measure), such as box, each, tray, etc. from the pull-down.
7. Enter the Warehouse Units per Vendor Unit. If the vendor's UOM differs from the warehouse UOM, enter the number of items housed within the vendor's UOM that makes up the warehouse's UOM. For example, if you are ordering a box of copy paper and the warehouse's UOM for copy paper is case, you would type in the number of boxes that make up one case.
8. The Warehouse UOM auto-populates based on the Item # selected and the information pulled from the Warehouse > Catalog.
9. Enter the Unit Price for the product; i.e. the price per item.
10. The Amount automatically calculates based on the Vendor Qty entered multiplied by the Unit Price entered.
11. Select the Shipping check box to identify the line item as the purchase shipping fee. When identified as shipping, the line item will not display in the receiving and releasing process.
12. After the information for each line is entered, press the Enter key to save the line item. You will know the line item has saved because the line displays with the delete button (red minus sign).
13. The Receivers column displays name of the user responsible for receiving the items via the Receive Orders screen, as well as the number of items received.
14. As line items are entered, you can review the Total of the Amount column of all products requested.
15. To delete a line item, click the delete button (red minus sign).

16. Until the request is submitted and approved, you can edit line item fields as needed, which is indicated by the blue underlined fields. Note: Your editing capabilities depends on your profile permissions.
17. If data has already been established in a spreadsheet, the information can be imported via the Import button directly from Excel. Click Import, search for and select your CSV file. An Import CSV pop-up displays.
a. Before importation, be sure to title each column correctly. The system will match the information, but you must verify that each pull-down is correct.
b. Once complete, click Import CSV to transport data.
Once line items have been specified, you must complete the Allocations section where you can identify how items will be paid, broken down by the assigned Ref. #.
1. If line items have been assigned different reference numbers in order to pay for items with different accounts, the Ref. # is displayed in the pull-down. Select the applicable Ref. # to designate an allocation for all items linked to that reference number.
2. Use the remaining pull-downs to specify the account via the accounting strip elements, such as Facility, Fund, Function, Object, etc.
3. Enter the Amount for which the specified account will be responsible to pay. The Amount will populate automatically based on the reference number selected or the amount remaining to be paid.
4. Press the Enter key to save the allocation line.
The allocation lines display in red until the Total matches the Line Items Total.
5. If using multiple reference numbers to pay for items from multiple accounts, select the next Ref. # from the pull-down to submit another allocation line. When the reference number is selected, the remaining balance displays in the Amount field. Repeat steps 1-4 as many times as needed.

6. When an allocation line is entered, the Budgeted, Committed, Encumbered, Expended, and Balance columns display the applicable information as it pertains to the selected account and the amount that is to be paid. Click any of the links (highlighted in blue) to open a Budget Drilldown.
The Budget Drilldown displays different information depending on the link clicked. In the example displayed, the Budgeted link was clicked.
Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
7. Once the Total of Line Items matches the Total of Allocations, you can continue.
8. To delete an allocation line, click the delete button (red minus sign).
9. Until the request is submitted and approved, you can edit the allocations fields as needed, which is indicated by the blue underlined fields.
The Delete Comments While Pending profile permission allows users to delete Comments that have been posted while the Purchase Request/Order is pending (hasn't been approved or denied by the assigned approval chain).
The Delete Files While Pending profile permission allows users to delete Files that have been attached while the Purchase Request/Order is pending (hasn't been approved or denied by the assigned approval chain).
1. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

2. To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box. Then, click the Post button.

3. To leave specific comments for the vendor, type the comment in the Comments for vendor section. Comments typed here save automatically and can be edited at any time.

4. Once all information has been entered/selected, click Submit.
Once submitted, the requisition displays on the Request History tab.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To create/view requests applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. From the Drafts tab, scroll down to the Existing Drafts section for all purchase requests/orders started but not submitted.
The Existing Drafts section displays the Name of the request, the Cardholder, Last 4, Bank Name, the Type, the Request Date (if applicable), the Created Date, the Total.
4. If you have permission to view drafts created by other users, click View All Users.
a. Upon viewing drafts created by all other users, click Hide All Users to only see drafts created by you.
5. To delete an existing draft, click the delete button (red minus sign).

If the Delete Imported Pcard Drafts, permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles, you can delete imported P-Card drafts, as well.

6. To edit the title of a draft, click the Name field of the corresponding purchase request, and change the title as needed.

7. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the purchase request draft.
a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new draft. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Drafts tab with no changes made.

8. Click View to open the draft in the Current Request tab. For more information about creating purchase requests/orders, see Creating an Internal Purchase Request/Order.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To view requests applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. Click the Request History tab to view all purchase request/order submissions.

4. If you have permission to view request history submitted by other users, click View All Users.
a. Upon viewing request history submitted by all other users, click Hide All Users to only see submissions made by you.
The Request History screen displays the following information: Requester (if viewing all users), Type, Requisition #, PO #, Requesting Facility, Request Date, Purchase Date, Approved Date, Liquidated Date, Printed Date, Emailed Date, Name of the request/PO, Card Holder, Card #, Bank Name, Vendor, Contract Number, Buyer, Total, and Status of the request.
The Request History tab displays the Purchase Date as well if the Include Purchase Date in Drafts setting has been enabled, via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable.
5. Hover over the Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the requisition and approving or denying the request.
A green check mark indicates an Approved status.
An hourglass indicates a Pending status.
A red X indicates a Denied status.

6. You can View the request at any time regardless of the Approval Satus by clicking the corresponding button or by clicking the Requisition # link.
If a request has been denied or is pending, it cannot be edited. If a requisition has been approved for a PO, changes can be made with the appropriate profile permissions via Setup > Profiles.
a. Make changes to all necessary fields.
b. If changes are made to Line Items or Allocations, the PO has to be re-submitted for approval. Once changes have been made, click Submit.

7. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the purchase request/order.

a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new draft. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Request History tab with no changes made.

You can Duplicate a P-Card PO only after it has been cancelled or denied.
8. While your request is pending, you have the option to Cancel it by clicking the corresponding button.

You can cancel a request from the Current Request tab as well upon viewing the pending request.

9. If a request is pending, you can click Send Reminder to send an email to the next user in the Approval Chain who needs to review and approve or deny your request.

10. To print purchase orders, click the Print button next to the applicable purchase order. You also have the option to Print Unofficial, which prints the same PO watermarked UNOFFICIAL.

If the Print Pending Requisitions setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable, you can print requisitions pending approval with the unofficial watermark.
You can print from the Current Request tab as well upon viewing the purchase order.

To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.

11. To email the PO directly to the vendor, click the Email button next to the applicable purchase order.

You can Email from the Current Request tab as well upon viewing the purchase order.

a. From the Email PO # pop-up window, Select an email address to send this purchase order to from the pull-down Or enter an email address in the provided text box.

b. Select the Send copy to PO author check box to copy the original creator of the purchase order on the email sent so they receive a copy as well.
b. Click Send. To cancel, click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the Request History tab with no changes made.
12. To print or email multiple purchase orders in a batch, click Toggle Batch Options.

a. Clicking Toggle Batch Options adds the Print and Email check box selection columns to the Request History section, as well as the Print/Email Batch button.

If Toggle Batch Options is already enabled and the Print and Email columns are displayed, clicking it again, will disabled batch options and hide the Print and Email columns.
13. In the Print and/or Email columns, select the corresponding check boxes to print and/or email multiple POs at once. You can also click the Check All links to select all approved purchase orders to be printed or emailed.

Clicking the Check All links selects all purchase orders not just the POs displayed on the screen; therefore, if there are multiple pages of purchase orders, all of the applicable POs will be selected along with the ones displayed on the screen.
14. When all selections have been made, click Print/Email Batch.

a. From the Emails pop-up window, select an email address from the Existing Emails pull-down or enter a Manual Email address in the provided text box.

b. Select the Send Copy to PO Author check box to send a copy of the email to the author of the purchase order. Click Check All to select all check boxes displayed.

c. Click Send. To cancel, click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the Request History tab with no changes made.
If you click the X to close the pop-up window, the print preview for the selected POs to print will not display and your selections will have to be made again.
To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To view requests applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. Click the Request History tab to view and/or edit POs.

4. Click View or the Requisition # link to view and/or edit the PO in the Current Request tab.
5. Scroll to the PO Summary section for information about the purchase order.

If the PO has not been invoiced via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Internal Account Invoices, no information will display.

The PO Summary displays the PO #, the Invoice #, the Invoice Date, the Check #, the Check Date, the Check Void Date, and the Amount.
A negative Check # (-) indicates an ACH transaction.

6. Click the Invoice # and Check # links to open their corresponding screens: Internal Account Invoices or Internal Account Checks.

The PO Summary also displays the following amounts:
- Total Paid: The amount paid to the vendor via check or ACH.
- Pending Payment Total: The amount invoiced and waiting to be paid via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Internal Account Checks. This could also represent the amount waiting to be released via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Release Invoices (if applicable).
- Issued Encumbrance: The amount of the PO that is encumbered when the PO is created.
- Remaining Encumbrance: The remaining amount to be invoiced if the invoiced total differs from the PO total.
- Received Amount: The amount received via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Internal Receive Orders.
- PO Underpaid: The difference in the total invoiced and the total paid; i.e. the remaining balance to be paid to the vendor.

7. If the PO has been invoiced, but items have not been received, if applicable, click the Go To Receive link to quickly navigate to the corresponding screen.

Clicking Go To Receive opens Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Internal Receive Orders.
8. If a manual journal has been created against a PO via Internal Account Manual Journals, the Manual Journal Summary displays at the bottom of the screen.

The Manual Journal Summary displays the Manual Journal #, the Journal Date, the Requester, the Approved Date, the Journal Source Type, and the Amount.
9. Click the Manual Journal # link to open the manual journal.

The manual journal display via Budgeting/General Ledger > Internal Account Manual Journals.
10. If a manual journal is created against a PO, the Manual Journal # displays in red in the General section where the link can be clicked as well.

1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To view requests applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. Click the Request History tab to view and/or edit POs.

4. Click View or the Requisition # link to view and/or edit the PO in the Current Request tab.
5. Near the bottom of the screen, click Liquidate Balance to close the purchase order.

An error message displays when you try to click Liquidate Balance and there are unposted invoices attached to the purchase order preventing you from liquidating said PO.

Purchase orders are usually closed when an invoice is generated via the Internal Account Invoices screen. However, they can be closed as needed from the Current Request tab.
6. Once a PO has been closed, you can Re-open the request by clicking the corresponding button.

You must have the appropriate profile permissions to close and re-open POs enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab.

1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To view templates applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. To create a purchase request/order template from which to create and submit requests in the future, click the Templates tab.

4. From the Templates tab, enter the template title, select the type of PO and the sub-type of PO, then click Create.

5. Clicking Create opens the Current Request tab where you can save as much information as needed, such as the Vendor, Bill To, or Line Items and Allocations, all of which can be completed by the user upon using the template at a later date.
Data entered saves automatically.
6. Once created, templates can be used from the Templates tab. To access created templates, click the Templates tab and view the Existing Templates section.

7. Click Use to use the template in order to submit a request.

a. Clicking Use prompts you to name the draft. Click OK to continue with your request. Click Cancel to return to the Templates tab with no changes made. For information about creating a request, see Creating an Internal Purchase Request/Order.

8. To open the template and edit it again, click View.

9. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the template.
a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new template. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Templates tab with no changes made.

10. If you have permission to view templates created by other users, click View All Users.
a. Upon viewing templates created by all other users, click Hide All Users to only see templates created by you.
11. To delete an existing template, click the delete button (red minus sign).

12. To edit the name of a template, click the Name field of the corresponding template, and change the title as needed.

If you are a part of the Purchase Orders approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying submissions, the Pending Approval tab displays with requests awaiting approval.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To view requests applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. Click the Pending Approval tab.
The Pending Approval tab displays the following information: Fiscal Year, Type of request, Requisition #, Requester, Requesting Facility, Request Date, Purchase Date, Name, Card Holder, Card #, Bank Name, Vendor, Contract Number, Total, and Status.
4. Hover over the approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the request and approving or denying the request. You should see your name displayed here.

A green check mark indicates an Approved status.
An hourglass indicates a Pending status.
A red X indicates a Denied status.
5. Click View to view the request via the Current Request tab.

You can also click the Requisition # link to open and view the request.

a. Upon viewing purchase requests, with the appropriate profile permissions, you can edit the request. Changes made to Line Items or Allocations must be resubmitted by clicking Submit.

You can also Approve, Deny, or Send Back to Originator from this screen.

6. Click Approve to approve the request or click Deny to deny the request.

If the “Override Approval Flow” permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab, you can override the approval flow for purchase requests and orders. From the Current Request tab, select the approval flow user from the provided pull-down and click Approve in order to approve the PO for the selected user.
Note: The substitute approvers do not display in the pull-down with primary approval chain users.
a. If you Deny the request, you must enter a Denial Reason in the pop-up window, then click Send.

7. Click Send Back to Originator to send the request back to the requester in order to make changes and resubmit the request.

a. Clicking Send Back to Originator prompts you to enter some notes as to why you are denying the request and sending it back to be resubmitted. Enter your notes in the provided text box, then click Send. To cancel and close the pop-up window, click the white X.

Once sent back, the request will re-appear in the applicable user's Existing Drafts section. Notes sent to the user display in the Comments section of the request.
The Send Back to Originator option cannot be applied to change orders to ensure that approved Purchase Orders (POs) cannot revert to draft status, keeping the change order process streamlined. Change orders can only be approved, denied, or canceled. Change orders are defined as approved POs (from the Request History tab) that have been changed/edited and submitted. If you try to Send Back to Originator, an error message displays: A change order may not be sent back to originator.
8. The Show only my pending check box is selected by default, which ensures only your pending requests display. Clear the selection to display pending requests for all users; i.e. other users part of the approval chain.
Once approved, denied, or sent back to the originator, the request record moves to the Approval History tab.
If you are a part of the PO approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying submissions, the Pending Approval tab displays with requests awaiting approval, once approved or denied, you can review all purchase requests via the Approval History tab.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

2. To view requests/orders applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.

3. Click the Approval History tab.
The Approval History tab displays the following information: the Type of request, the Requisition #, PO #, the Requester, the Requesting Facility, the Request Date, Purchase Date, the Approved Date, the Printed Date, the Emailed Date, the Name of the request, Card Holder, Card #, Bank Name, the Vendor, Contract Number, the Total, and the Status of the request.
4. Hover over the approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the purchase request and approving or denying the request.
A green check mark indicates an Approved status.
An hourglass indicates a Pending status.
A red X indicates a Denied status.
5. Click View to view the request via the Current Request tab.

You can also click the Requisition # link to open and view the request.

6. Upon viewing purchase requests, with the appropriate profile permissions, you can edit the request. Changes made to Line Items or Allocations must be resubmitted by clicking Submit.

You can also Liquidate Balance, Print, Email, and Print Unofficial from this screen.

7. To print purchase orders, click the Print button next to the applicable purchase order. You also have the option to Print Unofficial, which prints the same PO watermarked UNOFFICIAL.

a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
8. To email the PO directly to the vendor, click the Email button.

a. From the Email PO # pop-up window, Select an email address to send this purchase order to from the pull-down Or enter an email address in the provided text box.

b. Click Send. To cancel, click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the Current Request tab with no changes made.
9. If a request is pending, you can click Send Reminder to send an email to the next user in the Approval Chain who needs to review and approve or deny your request.

10. To print or email multiple purchase orders in a batch, click Toggle Batch Options.

Clicking Toggle Batch Options adds the Print and Email check box selection columns to the Approval History section, as well as the Print/Email Batch button.

If Toggle Batch Options is already enabled and the Print and Email columns are displayed, clicking it again, will disabled batch options and hide the Print and Email columns.
11. In the Print and/or Email columns, select the corresponding check boxes to print and/or email multiple POs at once. You can also click the Check All links to select all approved purchase orders to be printed or emailed.

Clicking the Check All links selects all purchase orders not just the POs displayed on the screen; therefore, if there are multiple pages of purchase orders, all of the applicable POs will be selected along with the ones displayed on the screen.
12. When all selections have been made, click Print/Email Batch.

a. From the Emails pop-up window, select an email address from the Existing Emails pull-down or enter a Manual Email address in the provided text box.

b. Click Send. To cancel, click the white X to close the pop-up window and return to the Request History tab with no changes made.
If you click the X to close the pop-up window, the print preview for the selected POs to print will not display and your selections will have to be made again.
To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
To edit the displayed columns and decide which columns you want to view, click Toggle Columns.

a. The Toggle Columns pop-up displays giving you the ability to clear the check box for each header column. Doing so will hide the columns from the screen. To show hidden columns, be sure the box is selected.
Columns will stay hidden until reselected.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question in the Filter text box to pull it to the beginning of the list.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
At any point while on the Purchase Requests/Orders screen, you have the ability to search for purchase orders by typing the PO number in the Look up PO # text box and pressing the Enter key. To search for requests, type the requisition number in the Or Req # text box and press the Enter key.
The purchase order or request displays in the Current Request tab.
Enabled the Hide Allocation from Printed PO setting to hide the allocation/accounting strip from printed purchase orders via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable.