The Work Order Requests module allows users to input requests for work needed which can be linked to a Fixed Assets, pull in products from the Warehouse, and more. The Work Order Requests module includes the Drafts tab where users create work orders to be submitted, the Request History tab where users can review all submitted work order requests, the Pending Approval tab where users part of the Approval Chain can review and approve or deny requests, and the Approval History tab where users part of the Approval Chain can review approved or denied requests.
The Work Order Requests module includes the Drafts tab where users create work orders to be submitted.
1a. From ERP, in the Work Orders menu, click Work Order Requests.
1b. From SIS, in the Setup menu, click Work Order Requests.
2. From the Drafts tab, enter your work order request title in the provided text box.
3. Select the type of work order you are requesting from the pull-down.
4. Click the Create button to create your work order request draft.
5. Once your draft is created, it will save automatically and display via Work Order Requests > Drafts tab > Existing Drafts section where you can click the View button and continue completing the work order. The draft will display in this section until it is submitted.
From the Existing Drafts section, you can edit the Name by clicking the text box. You can also delete the draft by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).
Click the Duplicate button to make a copy of the draft. This tool comes in handy when submitting several similar work order requests without having to retype all of the information several times. Once clicked, a pop-up displays allowing you to name the new request. Once named, click OK.
All of the information entered in the original draft will pull into the duplicate. See the steps below on how to complete the work order request draft.
6. From the Current Request tab, you can begin completing your work order request.
The information required will vary from district to district depending on how work orders are set up via Work Orders > General.
7. If applicable, start by selecting the Priority Level from the pull-down, such as High, Average, or Low to indicate the level of importance and the urgency of which the work order must be completed.
8. Enter your E-mail Address or the e-mail address(es) of the user(s) who will be responsible for the work order. Any updates concerning the work order request will be sent to the email entered here.
Click and drag the arrow to extend the text area.
9. Enter your Phone Number or the phone number of the user that will be responsible for the work order in case contact must be made.
10. Enter the Time Available to complete the work order; for example, if the work order can only be completed in a classroom after 4:00PM, you would enter "after 4pm" in the provided text box.
11. Select the applicable Facility for which the work order request is being made from the pull-down.
12. Select the applicable Building for which the work order request is being made from the pull-down.
13. Select the applicable Room for which the work order request is being made from the pull-down.
14. For further details concerning a specific Area, enter the specifics in the provided text box.
15. Select an Issue Type from the pull-down, such as Electrical or Plumbing.
16. If the work order is associated with an existing fixed asset, select the Associated Fixed Asset from the pull-down. Selecting a fixed asset from the pull-down allows you to track repairs or additional costs from the submitted work order via the fixed asset itself.
17. Select any products that should be part of the work order from the Product pull-down. Once selected, the products can be used as replacement parts for the requested repair. When processed Work Order products from the Warehouse are used as Replacements via Work Order Requests, the changes will be reflected in the Warehouse > Catalog > Inventory Balance column.
a. Enter the Quantity (number of products needed) in the provided text box. Once a quantity is entered, press the Enter key to save the product.
b. The Unit Price and Amount will auto-populate based on the product selected and the quantity entered.
c. Click the existing Product pull-down to make a different selection, as needed. You can also simply click the Quantity text box and change the number of items needed. Changes save automatically. To delete the selected product, click the delete button (red minus sign). You can add as many products as needed by selecting all additional products from the top row.
If a fixed asset was selected in step 15, information pertaining to the Associated Fixed Assets will display: Barcode, Description, Remaining Life, and the Current Value of the asset.
18. Enter an Issue Description for additional details and directions for the repair.
19. Select the applicable accounting strip in the Allocations section. The accounting strip selected suggests from which account money will be withdrawn in order to cover the costs of the work order. Select the applicable element from each corresponding pull-down, such as Fund, Function, etc.
20. Enter the Amount in the provided text box and press the Enter key to save the allocation.
a. Click the existing element pull-downs to make different selections, as needed. You can also simply click the Amount text box and make edits as needed. Changes save automatically. To delete the specified allocation, click the delete button (red minus sign). You can add as many allocations as needed by adding accounting strips using the top row.
21. To add additional Comments concerning the work order, type the comment in the provided text box and click Post. Note: Once a comment is added, it cannot be deleted.
22. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first. The Files section could be used to attach photos or the repair needed and more.
23. When all information has been entered and the work order is ready to be submitted, click the Submit button.
Once submitted, your work order displays on the Request History tab. See the Request History section for more information.
The Request History tab allows users to review all submitted work order requests.
1. Upon submitting a work order request, you will be automatically directed to the Request History tab. To view Request History, click the corresponding tab. This is where you would navigate to view any submitted requested including those that are pending or those that have been approved or denied.
2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year but can be changed as needed.
3. Depending on your profile permissions, you may or may not have access to View All Users. If able, click this button to view requests submitted by all users.
Upon viewing only your own request history (not all users), in the Request History table you will see the following columns: Priority, Request Type, Work Order #, Name of the work order request, Issue Type, Issue Description, Request Date, Approved Date, Assignee, Location, Route, Amount, Approval Status, Completion Status, and the last column used to View, Cancel, Duplicate, or Send Reminder.
Upon viewing request history for all users, the Requester column is added to the table as the first column.
4. Hover over the Approval Status to see the Approval Chain; i.e. the Approval Flow created by the district which detrmines which user(s) are responsible for reviewing and approving, denying, or sending back the work order request (Setup > Approval Flow > Work Orders).
If an Approval Flow has not been set up by the district, the work order request will be approved automatically.
The Completion Status displays Processing before the work order has been added to a pick list to be completed. Once added to a Pick List, the status displays as In Progress. Once the request has been completed and marked as done on the worker's pick list, the status displays as Completed.
The last column contains several buttons: View, Duplicate, Cancel, and Send Reminder. The options vary and are depend upon the Approval Status.
5. Click View to open the request and view the submission. Clicking View will open the Current Request tab. Fields may be editable depending on the Approval Status.
6. Click Duplicate to create a copy of a submitted request. Clicking Duplicate will result in a pop-up window asking you to name the new request. This tool can be effective when a request has been denied. In order to make changes and resubmit the request, click Duplicate as a way to pull in all original information without having to re-enter everything. Click OK and see Submitting a Work Order Request for the following steps.
7. If the request is still Pending, you have the ability to Cancel the work order. That means that as long as the request is still waiting on approval by any number of approvers, you can cancel.
8. The last option for Pending requests only is to Send Reminder. This feature comes into play when your request has been sitting for a while waiting on an approver to approve or deny your request. Click Send Reminder to send an email to the next person in the Approval Chain.
Once Send Reminder is clicked, a pop-up displays indicating that A reminder has been sent to the next approver. The Send Reminder button is removed from the work order request for a period of time once clicked.
If the request has been approved, with the appropriate permissions enabled via Setup > Profiles > Work Orders tab, the additional buttons display: Print Worksheet, Enter Work Details, and Complete.
9. Click Print Worksheet to print the work order. The worksheet displays in a preview pop-up window where you can click the arrow to download the file to your computer, click the printer icon to print, and more.
10. Click Enter Work Details to add replacement costs, log additional costs, and add comments.
a. If any products were selected by the requester as items to be used in the repair from the warehouse, they will display in the Replacements section. Enter the Unit Price spent on the item for the work order.
b. If Additional Costs were required in completing the work order, enter the Description, the Quantity, and the Unit Price.
i. Press Enter the save the line of data and add another, if necessary.
ii. To edit the saved cost, simply click the applicable text box and make changes.
iii. To delete an additional cost record, click the delete button.
c. To add comments, enter the comments in the provided text box and click Post.
d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
11. Click Complete to update the work order as completed once the pick list has been assigned and completed. Clicking Complete updates the Completion Status as Complete.
If you have been set up as part of the Approval Flow for Work Orders, once a request is made it will be your responsibility to review and approve or deny the request via the Pending Approval tab.
1. From the Work Order Requests screen, click the Pending Approval tab.
While you can always access pending requests from the Work Orders menu, you also have the ability to click directly on them via the Alerts section on your home Portal screen.
2. Depending on your profile permissions, you may or may not have access to View All Pending requests. If able, click this button to view requests submitted by all users.
From this screen, you can view the Priority, the Request Type, Work Order #, the Name of the request, the Issue Type, Issue Description, Request Date, Approved Date, Assignee, Location, Amount, Approval Status, Completion Status, and the last column used to View, Approve, Deny, or Send Back to Originator.
Upon viewing requests prending approval for all users, the Requester column is added to the table as the first column.
3. Hover over the Approval Status to see the Approval Chain; i.e. the Approval Flow created by the district which detrmines which user(s) are responsible for reviewing and approving, denying, or sending back the work order request (Setup > Approval Flow > Work Orders).
The last column shows you several options: View, Approve, Deny, or Send Back to Originator.
Click View to open the request and view the submission. Clicking View will open the Current Request tab.
All information will be editable; however, if any changes are made to the original data, the work order will function as a new request requiring you to submit it.
b. The approver can also enter the estimated Start Date and Completion Date in the provided text boxes, as well as the estimated number of Hours it will take to complete the work order, such as 3.
c. If any products were selected by the requester as items to be used in the repair from the warehouse, they will display in the Replacements section. As the approver, you can edit the Warehouse Item selection and Quantity text box. You also have the option to add additional warehouse item replacements using the top row or to delete current items by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).
d. The Additional Costs section is inactive and cannot be edited. Once the work order is completed, if additional costs were needed and documented, they will be entered by the worker via Pick Lists > Manage Pick Lists > Enter Work Details button and populate here.
Upon viewing the request, you can also Approve, Deny, or Send Back to Originator using the buttons located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Click Approve to approve the request. Once approved, the request will disappear from the Pending Approval tab and appear on the Approval History tab. The Approval Status may still show as Pending if there are more approvers in the Approval Chain.
Click Deny to deny te request. If a request is denied, it will disappear from the Pending Approval tab and appear on the Approval History tab.
Click Send Back to Originator to send the request back to the requester with a message, as displayed below. Click Send to send the message and the request. Once sent back, the request will reappear in the Existing Drafts section of the Drafts tab (Work Order Request screen).
If you have been set up as part of the Approval Flow for Work Orders, once a request and approved, denied, or sent back to the originator, it will display in the Approval History tab.
1. From the Work Order Requests screen, click the Approval History tab.
From this screen, you can view the Priority, the Request Type, Work Order #, the Name of the request, the Issue Type, Issue Description, Request Date, Approved Date, Assignee, Location, Amount, Approval Status, Completion Status, and the last column used to View and/or Duplicate.
2. Hover over the Approval Status to see the Approval Chain; i.e. the Approval Flow created by the district which detrmines which user(s) are responsible for reviewing and approving, denying, or sending back the work order request (Setup > Approval Flow > Work Orders).
Click View to open the work order and view the submission. Clicking View will open the Current Request tab.
Click Duplicate to create a copy of a submitted request. Clicking Duplicate will result in a pop-up window asking you to name the new request. This tool can be effective when a request has been denied or when a similar request is needed. In order to make changes and submit the request, click Duplicate as a way to pull in all original information without having to re-enter everything. Click OK and see Submitting a Work Order Request for the following steps.
Click Cancel to cancel an approved work order.
You have the ability to cancel approved work orders when the permission “Cancel Approved Requests” is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Work Orders tab.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.
To customize the columns displayed on the Request History tab, click Toggle Columns.
a. In the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the selected check boxes to remove the columns from the Request History screen.
b. Select the check boxes to add the columns back to the Request History.
If a column is removed/hidden from the Request History, the column remains hidden until added back from the Toggle Columns pop-up window.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.
At any time while using the Work Order Request module, you can search for an existing work order by Work Order # (number). Enter the existing work order number in the provided text box and press the Enter key. Note: You cannot conduct a search for a work order request draft that does not have an assigned work order number.