Documentation for Administrators

Manual Journals

Updated on

The Manual Journals function allows users to enter transactions that are not automatically recorded in the ERP system, such as employee travel.

Creating Manual Journals

If categories have been enabled as required in Setup > Settings > Manual Journals > Category Required you will be required to ensure a selection has been made for these flagged categories.

For example, if Revenue has been selected as the Category, and Category Required is enabled, you cannot submit a manual journal without a selection being made for Revenue.

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

Manual Journals

3. From the Drafts tab, enter a Title in the provided text box to begin a new manual journal draft.

Manual Journals

4. Click Create.

Manual Journals

5. Clicking Create opens the Edit Draft tab where you can begin entering information as it pertains to the manual journal.

6. Select a Linked Record Type from the pull-down to directly affect a Purchase Order, AP Invoice, Check, Receipt, Vendor, AR Invoice, Field Trip, or a Manual Journal.

Manual Journals

7. If a selection is made from the Linked Record Type in the previous step, the Linked Record pull-down populates with corresponding transactions that can be tied to the Manual Journal. Select the applicable purchase order, invoice, check, receipt, vendor, field trip, or manual journal from the Linked Record pull-down.

When the manual journal contains encumbrances but is not linked to a purchase order via the Linked Record Type and Linked Record pull-downs, upon submission, a warning message displays explaining that the encumbrance will not appear on the Purchase Request/Order Report. Click Yes to continue or click Cancel to return to the manual journal in order to make adjustments.

8. Enter the applicable Journal Date; i.e. the date the journal should be posted. This is a required field. If a Journal Date is not entered, you cannot submit the manual journal.

9. If you enter a closed fiscal year in the Journal Date field and have permission to Month 13+ via Setup > Profiles > Budgeting/General Ledger, the Month 13+ pull-down displays. If creating this manual journal as an audit correction, select the applicable month from the pull-down; options include 13-20.

Month 13 is used to post entries for when the auditor visits and asks for corrections. Using Month 13+ allows you to run the Trial Balance and Expenditure/Revenue Report that reflect financial statements (June / Month 12) and be able to run corrected financial statements (as of month 13). If there are multiple rounds of audit changes, Month 13-20 can be selected.

If you choose Month 13, then the journal posts as normal, except the journal fiscal month will post as 13 regardless of the journal date entered.

Manual Journals

You are required to select a month from the Month 13+ pull-down when the following conditions have been met:

The Month 13+ profile permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Budgeting/General Ledger tab.

The previous Fiscal Year is closed.

If you are submitting the manual journal draft in the previous (closed) Fiscal Year.

When Month 13+ is applied, you can post a journal into the selected closed year.

10. Select the applicable source from the Source Name pull-down in either the Expense Journal Lines or the Revenue Journal Lines section.

Manual Journals

11. Select the applicable Debit and Credit accounts from the corresponding pull-downs.

Each Source​ Name can be linked to specific Debit​ and Credit​ accounts when setting up the system via Setup > Settings > Manual Journals.

12. Select the Bank from the provided pull-down, if applicable.

Manual Journals

13. Select the correct elements that make up the applicable accounting strip in either the Expense Journals Lines section or Revenue Journal Lines section.

Manual Journals

14. Enter a manual journal Description in the provided field, if applicable.

Manual Journals

15. Enter the Amount in the provided field.

Manual Journals

16. When all information has been entered for that particular line of data, press the Enter key to save. Once saved, the line turns blue and a delete button (red minus sign) displays.

Manual Journals

17. Enter as many expense or revenue journal lines as needed, then review the Summary, which display Expense, Revenue, and Debits & Credits.

18. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

19. To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box, and click Post.

20. When finished, click Submit.

21. Click Print to print the manual journal draft for you records.

If you do not want to submit the manual journal draft because it is not complete, you can always access the draft at any time from the Drafts tab in the Existing Drafts section. While creating a manual journal, data entered saves automatically.

If a manual journal draft fails and one of the errors include "Invalid budget," a budget amendment is created that comprises every missing budget for $0. The amendment will be titled "Auto-Budgets for [mjd_title]-[mjd_id]." If a draft amendment already exists, any additional missing budgets will be added to the existing amendment.

Importing Expense and Revenue Journal Lines

The Manual Journals screen allows users to import expense and revenue journal lines if data has already been recording in another system. Once converted to a CSV file or transfered to an Excel spreadsheet, the information can be imported into a manual jornal.

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. Follow the beginning steps described in Creating Manual Journals until you start to enter journal lines manually. Instead, click Import to import data already recorded on an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file.

Manual Journals

The spreadsheet should contain the following columns: Source Name, Debit, Credit, Bank, Facility, Department, Fund, Function, and all applicable accounting strip elements, the Amount, and an optional Description.

3. Search for and select your spreadsheet. Then, click Open.


Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.

4. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.


5. Click Import CSV to import the journal lines.

Manual Journals

6. Imported data populates in the Expense or Revenue Journal Lines section. Edit data as needed by clicking the text fields or by clicking the pull-downs to change selections.


7. To delete imported journal lines, click the delete button (red minus sign).

Manual Journals

8. Follow the rest of the steps described in Creating Manual Journals in order to complete and submit the manual jornal request.

Viewing and Editing Existing Manual Journal Drafts

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

Manual Journals

3. From the Drafts tab, review the Existing Drafts section for all manual journals started but not submitted for approval.

Manual Journals

4. If you have permission to view manual journal drafts created by other users, click View All Users.

Manual Journals

a. Upon viewing manual journal drafts created by all other users, click Hide All Users to only see drafts created by you.

Manual Journals

5. To delete an existing draft, click the delete button (red minus sign).

Manual Journals

6. To edit the title of a draft, click the Title field of the corresponding manual journal, and change the title as needed.

Manual Journals

7. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the manual journal draft.

Manual Journals

a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new draft. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Drafts tab with no changes made.

8. Click View to open the draft in the Edit Draft tab. For more information about creating manual journals, see Creating Manual Journals.

Manual Journals
Manual Journals History

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. Click the Manual Journals History tab to view all manual journal submissions.

Manual Journals

3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

4. If you have permission to view manual journal history submitted by other users, click View All Users.

Manual Journals

a. Upon viewing manual journal history submitted by all other users, click Hide All Users to only see submissions made by you.

The Manual Journals History screen displays the following information: the Title of the manual journal, the Journal Number (only assigned once the manual journal draft is approved), Linked Record (such as a purchase order), the Requester, the Request Date (date the draft was created), the Journal Date (the date the journal is posted), the Voided/Reversed Date (if applicable), Voided/Reversed By, the Revenue Total, Expense Total, and the Approval Status.

5. Hover over the Approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the manual journal draft and approving or denying the request.

A green check mark indicates an Approved status.

An hourglass indicates a Pending status.

A red X indicates a Denied status.

6. While your manual journal draft is pending, you have the option to Cancel it by clicking the corresponding button.

7. You can View the manual journal at any time regardless of the Approval Satus by clicking the corresponding button.

Upon viewing manual journals, you will have additional options. For journals that have been approved, can also be voided (as long as you have the profile permission). From the Edit Draft tab, click Void/Reverse located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Manual Journals

If the journal has been voided, the Voided/Reversed Date and Voided/Reversed By columns populate with the latter displaying a voided journal link, such as Void Manual Journal #5711. Click the link to open the manual journal in the Edit Draft tab where the journal must be submitted as a manual journal void.

Manual Journals

The journal is not voided in the system until the Void Manual Journal draft is submitted and approved.

8. Click Duplicate to make a copy of the manual journal in order to submit another with the same information; once copied, data from the original can be edited as needed.

a. Upon clicking Duplicate, you will be prompted to enter a draft title. Once named, click OK to create the draft. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Manual Journals History with no changes made.

9. If a manual journal has been linked to a record, such as a purchase order, click the Linked Record link to open the original record. In the example displayed below, clicking the PO: 20142465 link opens Purchase Requests/Orders > Current Request tab.

Manual Journal Templates

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. To create a manual journal template from which to create and submit manual journals in the future, click the Templates tab.

Manual Journals

3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

Manual Journals

4. From the Templates tab, enter the template Title and click Create.

Manual Journals

5. Clicking Create opens the Edit Template tab where you can save as much information as needed, such as the Linked Record Type and some of the Expense Journal Lines or Revenue Journal Lines where the Amount and other fields can be edited at a later date upon submission.

Data entered saves automatically.

6. Once created, templates can be used from the Templates tab. To access created templates, click the Templates tab and view the Existing Templates section.

Manual Journals

7. Click Use to use the template in order to submit a manual journal.

Manual Journals

a. Clicking Use prompts you to name the draft. Click OK to continue with you manual journal. Click Cancel to return to the Templates tab with no changes made. For information about creating a manual journal from the Edit Draft tab, see Creating Manual Journals.

8. To open the template and edit it again, click View.

9. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the manual journal template.

a. Clicking Duplicate prompts you to enter the name of the new template. Once you've entered the title, click OK to complete the copying process or click Cancel to return to the Templates tab with no changes made.

10. If you have permission to view manual journal templates created by other users, click View All Users.

Manual Journals

a. Upon viewing manual journal templates created by all other users, click Hide All Users to only see templates created by you.

Manual Journals

11. To delete an existing template, click the delete button (red minus sign).

Manual Journals

12. To edit the title of a template, click the Title field of the corresponding template, and change the title as needed.

Manual Journals
Pending Approval

If you are a part of the Manual Journals approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying submissions, the Pending Approval tab displays with drafts awaiting approval.

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. Click the Pending Approval tab.

Manual Journals

The Pending Approval tab displays the following information: the Title of the manual journal, the Journal Number (only assigned once the manual journal draft is approved), Linked Record (such as a purchase order), the Requester, the Request Date (date the draft was created), the Journal Date (the date the journal is posted), the Voided/Reversed Date (if applicable), Voided/Reversed By, the Revenue Total, Expense Total, and the Approval Status.

3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

Manual Journals

4. Hover over the Approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the manual journal draft and approving or denying the request. You should see your name displayed here.

Manual Journals

5. Click View to view the journal via the Edit Draft tab.

Manual Journals

a. Upon viewing manual journals, with the appropriate profile permissions, you can edit the manual journal. Changes made save automatically regardless of whether or not the journal is approved or denied.

Manual Journals

You can also Approve, Deny, Print and/or Send Back to Originator from this screen.

Manual Journals

6. From the Pending Approval tab, click Duplicate to make a copy of the manual journal in order to submit another with the same information; once copied, data from the original can be edited as needed.

Manual Journals

a. Upon clicking Duplicate, you will be prompted to enter a draft title. Once named, click OK to create the draft. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Pending Approval tab with no changes made.

7. Click Approve to approve the request or click Deny to deny the request.

Manual Journals

8. Click Send Back to Originator to deny the request and send it back to the originator with notes, so the requester can make changes and resubmit the manual journal.

Manual Journals

a. Enter your notes in the text box, then click Send.

Manual Journals

9. If a manual journal has been linked to a record, such as a purchase order, click the Linked Record link to open the original record. In the example displayed below, clicking the PO: 20142465 link opens Purchase Requests/Orders > Current Request tab.

10. The Show current pending check box is selected by default, which ensures only your pending journals display. Clear the selection to display pending journals for all users; i.e. other users part of the approval chain.

Manual Journals

Once approved or denied, the manual journal record moves to the Approval History tab.

Approval History

If you are a part of the Manual Journals approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying submissions, the Pending Approval tab displays with drafts awaiting approval, once approved or denied, you can review all manual journal requests via the Approval History tab.

1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Manual Journals.

2. Click the Approval History tab.

Manual Journals

The Approval History tab displays the following information: the Title of the manual journal, the Journal Number (only assigned once the manual journal draft is approved), Linked Record (such as a purchase order), the Requester, the Request Date (date the draft was created), the Journal Date (the date the journal is posted), the Voided/Reversed Date (if applicable), Voided/Reversed By, the Revenue Total, Expense Total, and the Approval Status.

Manual Journals

3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

Manual Journals

4. Hover over the Approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the manual journal draft and approving or denying the request.


A green check mark indicates an Approved status.

An hourglass indicates a Pending status.

A red X indicates a Denied status.

5. Click View to view the journal via the Edit Draft tab.

Upon viewing manual journals, you will have additional options. For journals that have been approved, can also be voided (as long as you have the profile permission). From the Edit Draft tab, click the Void/Reverse button located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Manual Journals

If the journal has been voided, the Voided/Reversed Date and Voided/Reversed By columns populate with the latter displaying a voided journal link, such as Void Manual Journal #5711. Click the link to open the manual journal in the Edit Draft tab where the journal must be submitted as a manual journal void.

Manual Journals

The journal is not voided in the system until the Void Manual Journal draft is submitted and approved.

6. Click Duplicate to make a copy of the manual journal in order to submit another with the same information; once copied, data from the original can be edited as needed.

a. Upon clicking Duplicate, you will be prompted to enter a draft title. Once named, click OK to create the draft. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Approval History tab with no changes made.

7. If a manual journal has been linked to a record, such as a purchase order, click the Linked Record link to open the original record. In the example displayed below, clicking the PO: 20142465 link opens Purchase Requests/Orders > Current Request tab.

Additional Features

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question in the Filter text box to pull it to the beginning of the list.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

Manual Journals

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Manual Journals

At any point while on the Manual Journals screen, you have the ability to search for journals by typing the manual journal number in the Look up Journal # text box and pressing the Enter key.

Manual Journals
Journal Source Summary Chart

This chart provides documentation on how journal entries are created in the Focus ERP system. It describes the sources for each entry, and the system interface triggers for each source.

Source Text Type Affects GL Balance Committed Encumbered Expended Completed Budgeted Collected Accrued
Purchasing Sources
AP Create Request Request No Add

AP Request Reallocated Request No Add

AP Request Unallocated Request No Subtract

AP Request Canceled Request No Subtract

AP Request Denied Request No Subtract

AP Request Rollover Request No Add

AP Request Change Request No

Source Text Type Affects GL Balance Committed Encumbered Expended Completed Budgeted Collected Accrued
AP Request Approved Reqeust Yes Subtract Add

AP Order Reallocated Request Yes

AP Order Unallocated Request Yes

AP Order Close Request Yes

AP Order Liquidated Request Yes

AP Order Rollover Request Yes

AP Invoice Committed Invoices No Add

AP Invoice Uncommitted Invoices No Subtract

Source Text Type Affects GL Balance Committed Encumbered Expended Completed Budgeted Collected Accrued
AP Invoice Unencumbered Invoices No

AP Invoice Expended Invoices No


AP Warrant Issue Checks Yes

Subtract Add

Void AP Warrants Checks Yes

Add Subtract

AP EOY Invoice Expended Checks Yes


AP EOY Invoice Voided Checks Yes


AP EOY Warrant Issued Checks Yes

Subtract Add

AP EOY Warrant Voided Checks Yes

Add Subtract

AP Revenue Warrant Issue Checks Yes

Source Text Type Affects GL Balance Committed Encumbered Expended Completed Budgeted Collected Accrued
Manual Journal Sources
GL Manual Committed Manual GL No Add

GL Manual Uncommitted Manual GL No Subtract

GL Manual Encumbered Manual GL Yes Subtract Add

GL Manual Unencumbered Manual GL Yes

GL Manual Expended Manual GL Yes


GL Manual Unexpended Manual GL Yes


GL Manual Manual GL Yes

GL Manual Accrued Manual GL Yes

GL Manual Collected Manual GL Yes

Source Text Type Affects GL Balance Committed Encumbered Expended Completed Budgeted Collected Accrued
Budget Maintenance Sources
BM Expense Budget Amendment Budgets No


BM Revenue Budget Amendment Budgets No


BM Expense Budget Revision Budgets No


BM Revenue Budget Revision Budgets No


Accounts Receivable Sources
AR Accrued Invoice Yes

AR Unaccrued Invoice Yes

AR Collected Invoice Yes

AR Uncollected Invoice Yes

Source Text Type Affects GL Balance Committed Encumbered Expended Completed Budgeted Collected Accrued
Manual Journal Sources

This documentation provides information on how journal entries are created in the Focus ERP system. The sources for each entry and the system interface triggers for each source are explained.

Manual Journal Entry Source Impact to Budget
GL Manual Committed
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Committed from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount is committed to the budget. The General Ledger balance is unchanged.
GL Manual Uncommitted
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Uncommitted from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount committed to the budget is subtracted from the total committed. The General Ledger balance is unchanged.
GL Manual Encumbered
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Encumbered from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount committed to the budget is subtracted from the total committed and added to the total encumbered balance.
GL Manual Unencumbered
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Unencumbered from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount is subtracted from the total encumbered balance.
GL Manual Expended
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Expended from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount is added the total expended balance. The General Ledger balance is unchanged
GL Manual Unexpended
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL ManualUnexpended from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount is subtracted from the total expended balance. The General Ledger balance is unchanged.
GL Manual
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
GL Manual Accrued
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Accrued from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount is added to the total accrues receivable balance.
GL Manual Collected
Budgeting/GL > Manual Journal Entries > Edit Draft Tab > Source Pull-Down/Submit Button
When you select GL Manual Collected from the Source pull-down menu and submit your manual journal entry, the associated journal amount which will leave the total collected amount.
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