The Government Codes screen allows users to set up various government codes used throughout Focus mainly pertaining to Human Resources, such as EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) codes, Contract Status types, termination and leave of absence codes (Separation Reason), Uniform Premiums, Workmans Compensation groups, Misc Rates for Poverty Amount and ACA percentage, and State Job Codes.
EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) codes are a standard set of codes established by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) These standard codes are part of the default system set up.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the EEO tab.
3. To add an equal employment opportunity code, use the bottom row and enter the Code, Title, and select the Status from the pull-down.
a. Press the Enter key to save the new code.
4. To edit a code, click the Code or Title text box or click the Status pull-down to edit the text or change the selection.
Changes save automatically.

5. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Contract Status tab allows users to set up the contract types for the district.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the Contract Status tab.
3. To enter a new contract status, use the bottom row and start by entering the new Code in the provided text box.
4. Enter the Title and the State Code in the provided text boxes.
5. Select the Status of the contract status code from the pull-down.
6. Press the Enter key to save the contract status code.
7. To edit a code, click the Code, Title, or State Code text box or click the Status pull-down to edit the text or change the selection.
Changes save automatically.
8. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Separation Reason tab allows users to set up job termination and leave of absence codes.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the Separation Reason tab.
3. To enter a new separation reason, use the bottom row and start by entering the new Code in the provided text box.
4. Enter the Title in the provided text box.
5. Select the Classification code from the pull-down, which will be used for state reporting.
Select Extended Leave from the Classification pull-down, to alert Position Control that the job has ended, but should not be shown as an open or as an available position.
6. Select whether or not the separation reason applied to FMLA from the corresponding pull-down.
7. Select Yes from the Rollover pull-down to consider jobs with this separation reason for rollover regardless of other criteria.
Separations Codes marked FMLA will only rollover if Rollover is set to Yes.
8. Enter the rollover qualified weeks in the Roll Weeks text field to calculate the duration for which the job can be rolled over.
10. Select the Status of the separation reason from the pull-down.
12. Press the Enter key to save the separation reason code.
13. To edit a code, click the Code, Title, or Roll Weeks text box or click the Classification, FMLA, Rollover, or Status pull-down to edit the text or change the selection. You can also select the No Show and Generic text boxes or clear selected check boxes.
Changes save automatically.
14. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Workmans Comp tab allows users to define workmen’s compensation groups.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the Workmans Comp tab.

3. To add a workmen's compensation group, use the bottom row and enter the Code and Title in the provided text boxes.

4. Press the Enter key to save the group.

5. To edit a group, click the Code or Title text box to edit the text.
Changes save automatically.

6. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Misc Rates tab allows users to specify Poverty Amount and ACA percentage.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the Misc Rates tab.
3. Enter the Year in the provided text box.
4. Select the Type from the pull-down.
5. Enter the Limit/Amount in the text box.
6. Enter the Percentage Rates in the text box.
7. Press the Enter key to save the misc rate.
8. To edit a rate, click the Year, Limit/Amount, or Percentage Rates text boxes to change the text. Click the Type pull-down to change the selection.
Changes save automatically.

9. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The State Job Codes tab allows users to set up state job codes for use in the Human Resources module.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the State Job Codes tab.
3. To add a new state job code, use the bottom row and start by entering the Job# in the text box.
4. Enter the state job code Title in the text box.
5. Select the applicable EEO (Employee Equal Opportunity) from the pull-down, which is used for state reporting.
6. Select the WC Group from the pull-down to assign an applicable group number of Workman's Comp Insurance (WCI) to the state job.
7. Select the applicable Bargaining Unit from the pull-down that applies to the state job.
8. Select the applicable IAN from the pull-down, which is the local equivalent of EEO and is used in building state files.
9. Select the Requires MHA Training check box to require employees assigned to this job code to complete a mental health awareness training.
10. Select the Status of the job code from the pull-down to define whether the job is currently in use.
11. Select the AIMS Plan Code from the pull-down to apply the corresponding code to the State Job Codes for payroll reporting purposes, based on your district's payroll settings.
12. Press the Enter key to save the state job code.
13. To edit the state job code, click the Job# or Title text boxes to change the text. Click the EEO, WC Group, Bargaining Unit, IAN, or Status pull-down to change the selection.
Changes save automatically.

14. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The TKL Codes tab allows users to set up time keeping location codes to be used via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs tab.
These codes need to be applied when, for example, an employee is working as a Cook at Focus High School, but the user responsible for the Cook's logged time, is located at the district in the Food Service department. The Cook's job is billed through the high school's allocation, but the high school doesn't approve the Cook's time; in which case, you'd select the Code for the Food Service department from the TKL Code pull-down.
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the TKL Codes tab.
3. Enter the Code in the provided text box.
4. Enter the Title in the provided text box.
5. Select the Status of the TKL code from the pull-down, such as Active or Inactive.
6. Press the Enter key to save the TKL code data.

7. Use the bottom row to add as many codes as needed.

The Federal Codes tab is utilized in the state of WA where different job titles within the school district are associated with specific federal codes (formerly referred to as SOC codes), which are standardized identifiers for occupational classifications.
Each job title within the school district is associated with a specific federal code (SOC code). These federal codes are used to categorize and classify the positions held by employees within the district.
Examples of job titles and their corresponding federal codes (SOC codes) include:
- "Behavior Information Specialist" - SOC code 29113
- "Speech Therapist" - SOC code 291127
1. In the Setup menu, click Government Codes.

2. Click the Federal Codes tab.
3. Enter the Code in the provided text box.
4. Enter the Title in the provided text box.

5. Select the Status of the federal code from the pull-down, such as Active or Inactive.

6. Press the Enter key to save the federal code data.

7. Use the bottom row to add as many codes as needed.