The Accounting Strips screen allows users to set up users' permission to specific accounts, which can be broken down by elements and modules, such as FA (Fixed Assets) or HR/PR (Human Resources/Payroll). Once given permission, users can use the accounts to make purchases, make changes, and more. For example, if a user has permission to an accounting strip in AP (Accounts Payable), the user can use that account to pay for a PO.
1a. In ERP, in the Setup menu, click Accounting Strips.

1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Accounting Strips.

The Accounting Strip Permissions table displays users and their current account permissions including the User name, Position Code, the Type of account, the applicable elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., and the applicable modules, such as AP (Accounts Payable), AR (Accounts Receivable), etc.
When you are creating new accounting strips, Focus ensures the resulting strip(s) only comprise elements for which you have access.
2. To add an accounting strip permission, enter information in the top row.
3. Start by selecting the User from the pull-down.

4. Select the Position Code from the pull-down to assign the corresponding permissions to users based on their position within the district.
5. Select the Type of account from the pull-down: Expense, Revenue, or Internal.
6. Enter the applicable element codes in the provided text boxes, such as Fund, Function, Object, Facility, Project, Program, Revenue, Internal Activity, Internal Sponsor, etc.
Wildcards can be used in element codes; i.e. If the user should have access to all functions beginning with "5," you can type "5XXX" in the Function text box. The X stands in as your wildcard.

If the user should have access to all element codes, you can enter an asterisk (*) in the provided text box. For example, if the user should have access to all functions tied to Fund 100, enter an asterisk (*).

7. Select all applicable modules for which the accounting strip is allowed to be used, such as AP (Accounts Payable), AR (Accounts Receivable), FA (Fixed Assets), HR/PR (Human Resources/Payroll), WH (Warehouse), and/or FIN (Finance) for Budgeting/General Ledger screens.

8. Select the READONLY check box to give the user permission to ready only or view but not use/edit. For example, if a user has permission to a specific accounting strip in the AP module, the user can view a PO that contains that accounting strip but cannot create a PO with said accounting strip.

9. When all information is entered or selected, press the Enter key to save the line of data.
You will know the data has saved because the line displays with the delete button (red minus sign).
You can repeat these steps as many times as needed to add different accounting strips or for different types of accounts, such as revenue accounts.
1a. In ERP, in the Setup menu, click Accounting Strips.

1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Accounting Strips.

The Accounting Strip Permissions table displays users and their current account permissions including the User name, Position Code, the Type of account, the applicable elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., and the applicable modules, such as AP (Accounts Payable), AR (Accounts Receivable), etc.
2. To edit information, click the appropriate pull-down and change your selection. Click a text field and edit the text, such as the element code. To change check boxes, clear the selection or select the check box, if applicable.

3. To delete accounting strip permissions, click the delete button (red minus sign).

From the pop-up window, click OK to complete the removal. Click Cancel to cancel the removal.

1. From the Setup menu, click Accounting Strips.

The Accounting Strip Permissions table displays users and their current account permissions including the User name, Position Code, the Type of account, the applicable elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., and the applicable modules, such as AP (Accounts Payable), AR (Accounts Receivable), etc.
2. To import permissions, click the Import button.
3. Search for and select your spreadsheet, which must be CSV or tab-delimited. Then, click Open.

Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload. Shown below is an example of a CSV file.
4. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.

5. Click Import CSV to import the accounting strip permissions.

6. Imported data populates in the Accounting Strip Permissions section. Edit data as needed by clicking the text fields or by clicking the pull-downs to change selections.
7. To delete imported permissions, click the delete button (red minus sign).

From the pop-up window, click OK to complete the removal. Click Cancel to cancel the removal.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.