Documentation for Administrators


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Permissions to access certain modules and view and edit specific screens and fields can be assigned to users by profile. For example, you may have different profiles set up for system administrators, school administrators, school counselors, cashiers, the CFO, etc. Varying levels of permissions are set for each profile. A system administrator profile may have access to all screens, fields, and modules, while a cashier profile may only have access to the screens, fields, and modules that are pertinent to the cashier's job duties. When a user is assigned a profile, the user is given all the permissions set for that profile.

For information on how to assign a profile to a user, see User Info > Permissions Tab.

In order to view and edit user permissions, you must have Profiles view permission set on the Setup tab. If you have View Only Access permission, you can view the permissions but cannot edit permissions.

Adding a New Profile

A new profile can be added to the system by selecting the permissions type, the user role, and giving the new profile a title.

1. From the Setup menu, select Profiles.

2. On the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, click the blue Edit Profiles link.

The Edit Profiles pop-up window is displayed. The existing user profiles are listed. The top row of the table is used to add a new user profile.


The profile Role defaults to Admin for all ERP profiles.

3. Enter a Title for the new profile. Some districts elect to use an ERP prefix for all ERP related profiles to differentiate between ERP and SIS profiles.


4. Enter the Description for the profile in the provided text box, if needed.


5. Select the Super User check box for system administrator profiles that will have the ability to add other users and create and edit user profiles for other super users.


6. Press Enter to add the new user profile. The profile is added to the list and is auto-saved. Note: You will know the profile has saved when the line turns blue and a red minus sign (delete button) appears next to it.


For information on Copy From…(copying profiles), see the section Copying from an Existing Profile.

7. Click the X at the top-left corner of the Edit Profiles window to return back to the Profiles screen.

Profile permissions can now be set up for the profile. Please see the section Viewing and Editing Profile Permissions.

Viewing and Editing Profile Permissions

Permissions for one or multiple profiles can be viewed and edited at one time. This is useful if multiple profiles share similar permissions and you want to modify all of the selected profiles at once.

1. From the Setup menu, select Profiles.

2. In the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, select the type of permissions you want to view and edit in the Permission Type pull-down.

  • Menu: Select this option to set up permissions for each of the screens and functions in Focus.
  • User Fields: Select this option to set up permissions for each of the user fields located in a user’s record.
  • Employee Fields: Select this option when it pertains to the Employee Self Service (ESS) module to control which screens/fields are accessible to specific profiles (many of the Employee fields are the same as the User fields).

The profile Role defaults to Admin for all ERP profiles. Applicant is also available for selection for districts utilizing Aplicant Tracking.

3. Select the Profile. One or multiple profiles can be selected.

4. Click Submit.

Viewing and Editing Menu Permissions

1. Select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down. Permissions are organized by menu. The menu titles are organized by tabs in a left side panel.


2. Select the Role and Profiles from the corresponding pull-downs as described in Adding a New Profile.


3. Click Submit.


4. Click on a menu tab to view all corresponding permissions for each sub-menu from the left panel.


Within each menu/tab, the permissions are organized by menu sub-header. The menu sub-headers are highlighted in orange. For example, within the Budgeting/General Ledger section of the screen, permissions are organized into Budget, Planning, and Journal sub-sections. This makes it easy to locate the permissions on the screen, since they mimic the layout of the Budgeting/General Ledger menu.


The Find text box can be used to search for keyword(s) in profile permissions. Enter a keyword in the Find text box and press the Enter key or click the magnifying glass to conduct a search. Permissions that contain the search keyword(s) are highlighted in yellow. Other permissions on the menu/tab are highlighted in gray.


Click the magnifying glass or press the Enter key to scroll through the search results on the applicable tabs.


5. Select the View check box next to a screen to give the profile view and edit rights to that screen.


6. Select the View check boxes in the orange sub-header to select all the View check boxes for permissions within the sub-header. You can then clear the selection of the View check boxes to clear any selections already made.


If you are viewing multiple profiles, a check mark indicates all selected profiles have the permission. If the check box is empty, none of the selected profiles have the permission. If the check box contains a hyphen, at least one of the selected profiles has the permission and at least one of the selected profiles does not have the permission.

7. Click Save to apply profile permission changes. The button turns red when changes have occurred.

Viewing and Editing User and Employee Field Permissions

1. Select User Fields or Employee Fields from the Permission Type pull-down.

User and Employee Fields permissions are organized by category (tab) in the employee's or user’s record. The categories are highlighted in orange.

2. Select the View check box next to a field to give the profile users read-only access to the field. Select the Edit check box next to a field to give the profile users edit rights to the field. Select the Require Approval check box to require an administrator to approve the change request in SIS > Students > Change Requests before the change is made in the system.

In order for the profile users to have edit rights, the View and Edit permissions must be selected. If the Edit check box is selected, but the View check box is left cleared, the profile users will not have the correct permissions.

For logging fields, each individual field is listed and has its own View, Edit, and Require Approval permissions. This allows you to give the profile view/edit access to only certain fields within the logging field.

3. Select the Create check box next to a logging field to allow the user to add rows to the logging field and edit all fields within the logging field. Select the Delete check box next to the logging field to allow the user to delete a row in a logging field.

4. Select the View, Edit, or Require Approval check boxes in the orange header to select all the View, Edit, or Require Approval check boxes for fields within the category. You can then clear the selection for any permissions you do not want the profile users to have.

If selections have already been made/saved, selecting the check boxes in the orang header will alter previously made selections.

5. Select the Create or Delete check boxes in the orange header to select all the Create or Delete check boxes for logging fields within the category. You can then clear the selection for any permissions you do not want the profile users to have.

If you are viewing multiple profiles, a check mark indicates all selected profiles have the permission. If the check box is empty, none of the selected profiles have the permission. If the check box contains a hyphen, at least one of the selected profiles has the permission and at least one of the selected profiles does not have the permission.

6. The Save button at the top-right corner of the screen turns red once any changes are made. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Copying from an Existing Profile

Instead of setting permissions for a new profile from scratch, a new profile can be created by copying permissions from an existing profile. This is helpful if the new profile will have many of the same permissions as an existing profile. Once the permissions are copied, you can make adjustments to the new profile’s permissions as needed.

1. From the Setup menu, click Profiles.

2. On the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, click the blue Edit Profiles link.

3. In the Edit Profiles pop-up window, locate the profile you want to populate with permissions. Next to the profile, click the Copy From… button in the Copy From column.


4. In the Copy Profile pop-up window, select the profile from which you want to copy permissions. Then, click Copy.

5. The permissions are copied from the selected profile. You can now go into the populated profile and make any edits to permissions as needed.

6. Click the X at the top-left corner of the Edit Profiles window to return back to the Profiles screen.

Deleting a Profile

1. From the Setup menu, click Profiles.

2. On the Permissions tab of the Profiles screen, click the blue Edit Profiles link.

3. Locate the profile in question via the pop-up screen. When located, click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the profile.


If you try to delete a profile that already has users attached to it, a pop-up displays warning you that This profile is currently used by (7) user(s). If users are attached to the profile, the profile cannot be deleted. Click OK to return to the previous screen. says

4. Clicking the delete button will open a confirmation pop-up window. Click OK to continue deleting the profile. You also have the option to Cancel by clicking the corresponding button.

Permissions Explained
The Module Report

The Module Report lists the profiles that have permissions to the selected Modules.

1. For a report on profile permissions sorted by module, from the Setup menu, click Profiles. Then, click the Module Report tab.

The user Role defaults to Admin for all ERP profiles.

2. Select the module(s) from the Module pull-down. The module(s) you are selecting here are set up just as they are on the Permissions tab when setting all profile permissions. Modules are ordered alphabetically by menu and screen title.

3. Click the Submit button to generate the report.

In the report, you will see the Title of the profile and the Module.

Using the Profiles Report

1. For a report of users listed by profiles, from the Setup menu, click Profiles. Then, click the Profile Report tab.

The user Role defaults to Admin for all ERP profiles.

2. Select the Profiles from the pull-down from which you would like to pull permission data.

3. Click the Submit button to generate the report.

The report is broken down by User, then Profile, User ID, and the EIN (Employee Identification Number) if applicable.

4. For more details regarding a specific user’s permissions click on Permission Details. You could also run the Permission Report; see the section on Using the Permission Report for more details.

Using the Permission Report

1. For a combination of the Module and Profile Report, from the Setup menu, click Profiles. Then, click on the Permission Report tab.

The profile Role defaults to Admin for all ERP profiles.

2. Select the module(s) from the Module pull-down. The module(s) you are selecting here are set up just as they are on the Permissions tab when setting all profile permissions. Modules are ordered alphabetically by menu and screen title.

3. Select the Profiles from the pull-down from which you would like to pull permission data.

4. Click the Submit button to generate the report.

Clicking Submit will generate the User Permission Report.

This report is broken down by User, Profile, User ID, EIN (Employee Identification Number) if applicable, Module, and Permission.

Additional Features

For a quick search, use the Filter text box. You can begin typing the name of a profile, module, etc. and it will display at the top of the list. This feature is available on all pull-downs.

You can utilize the Check all visible and Clear selected links under the Filter text box on select pull-downs. To select all pull-down options, click Check all visible. To clear all selections made, click Clear selected.

To export any generated reports to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Use the Filters feature to further breakdown any report or table when looking for data. Click on the word Filters or OFF to turn them on.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

If a report/table contains several pages of information, Page numbers display. Click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers that contain the black double arrows. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, Title was clicked once.

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