The Assigned User Report allows users to review a report of all assigned assets and the corresponding users. The report includes the assets' information as well as the assigned users' information.
Profile permissions are required for viewing the Assigned User Report, which can be enabled via Setup > Profiles > Fixed Assets tab.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Assigned User Report.
The Assigned User Report screen defaults to the Asset Report.
2. Start by selecting the applicable facilities from the Facility pull-down. To review fixed assets for all facilities, select all facilities, or leave the pull-down blank.
3. Select the applicable department from the Department pull-down. To review fixed assets for all departments, select all departments from the pull-down or leave the pull-down blank.
4. Select the applicable buildings from the Building pull-down. To review fixed assets for all buildings, select all buildings from the pull-down or leave the pull-down blank.
5. Select the applicable rooms from the Room pull-down. To review fixed assets for all rooms, select all rooms from the pull-down or leave the pull-down blank.
6. Select the applicable categories from the Category pull-down. To review fixed assets for all categories, select all categories from the pull-down or leave the pull-down blank. Categories listed include non-inventoried and inventoried categories.
7. To filter the report based on asset assignment, select the group of assignees from the Assigned pull-down. Options include Student, Staff, and Unassigned. Leaving the pull-down empty, pulls all assignment levels.
8. Click Run Report.
The Assigned User Report displays the Barcode, Facility, Building, Room, Department, and Category of the asset, as well as the assigned user's Last Name, First Name, Middle, Number, Grade (applicable to students), User Type, and the Assigned Date.
The User Report allows users to review users and groups of users assigned or unassigned to fixed assets broken down by user facility, asset facility, etc.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Assigned User Report.
2. Click the User Report tab.
3. Select the applicable User Type from the pull-down. The type of user select here determines the types of other pull-downs displayed; for example, if Student is selected, you will see the Student Facility. If User is selected, you will see the User Facility.
4. Select the assignment status from the Assigned pull-down.
If you select Unassigned from the Assigned pull-down, follow the next step to select a User Facility, then click Run Report.
5. Select the applicable User Facility or Student Facility from the pull-down to break down the report based on the facilities assigned to users/students.
6. Select a user from the User ID or Student ID pull-down to run the report by a specific user/student.
7. Select the Include Current Year Inactive Students check box to include students made inactive during the current school year. This additional check box doesn't display for users.
8. Select the Include Previous Year Inactive Students check box to include students made inactive in previous school years. This additional check box doesn't display for users.
9. Select the applicable Asset Facility from the pull-down to break down the report based on facilities assigned to the assets.
10. Select the Asset Department, Asset Building, Asset Room, and/or Asset Category from the corresponding pull-downs to further filter the report based on these selections.
11. Click Run Report.
The User Report displays different information based on the search criteria used.
When Staff is selected from the User pull-down and Assigned is selected from the Assigned pull-down, the report displays the Last Name, First Name, Middle, Number, Asset Facility, Barcode, Assigned Date, Summer Device, and Notes.
When Student is selected from the User pull-down and Assigned is selected from the Assigned pull-down, the report displays the Last Name, First Name, Middle, Number, Student Facility, Grade, Enrollment Status, Asset Facility, Barcode, Assigned Date, Summer Device, Notes, Parent Contact, Parent Contact Phone, and Parent Contact Email.
When Staff or Student is selected from the User type pull-down and Unassigned is selected from the Assigned pull-down, the following information displays: Last Name, First Name, Middle, Number, and Grade (for Students).
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk icon to name and save the report.
a. Name the report and click Save.
b. Click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Assigned User Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.
The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.
If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected via Toggle Columns.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information, see Filters.
The Page Size determines the numbers of results displayed per page. To customize the Page Size, click the field and enter in the desired amount, such as 20.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.