The Add Employee screen allows users to add new employees including a profile enrollment record.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Add Employee.

2. Enter the required information in order to conduct an employee search to ensure the employee being added doesn't already exist in the system, such as First Name, Last Name, etc. The required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
3. Click Search.
If the employee already exists in the system, their information will display upon conducting your search.
a. Click View to view the existing employee's information via Human Resources > Employee to ensure you aren't adding a duplicate employee.
4. Once you've confirmed the employee isn't already in the system, click Create User.
5. The Add Enrollment Record check box is selected by default, which create an enrollment record for the employee and assigns them the selected profiles during the selected timeframe. If you do not want to create a profile enrollment record at this time, clear the selected check box.
6. Select the SIS Profiles that apply to the employee from the pull-down.
7. Select the ERP Profiles that apply to the employee from the pull-down.
8. Select the applicable Schools that the employee should have access from the provided pull-down.
9. The Start Date defaults to the current date but can be changed, as needed. The Start Date to the End Date determine when the selected Profiles apply to the employee. To enter or edit the dates, click the field.
10. Enter any applicable comments in the Comment section.
11. Click Continue.
Click Return To Search to conduct a new employee search.

12. The fields displayed may differ between districts. Complete the required fields and any additional information, as needed.
You cannot continue to add the employee unless the fields displayed in the Errors panel are addressed. Click on the listed errors to quickly navigate to the fields.
13. Click Save to complete the process of adding a new employee.
Click Return To Search to conduct a new employee search.
Click Back to go back to the previous screen and make changes.

When the employee has been successfully added, a pop-up window displays that "The user has been created."
14. Click Go To User to view the employee via Human Resources > Employee.
15. Click Create Another User to start the process over and create another employee.