The Fingerprints screen allows users to review a report of employees whose fingerprint records are expiring. Users also have the ability to notify employees when renewals and updates are necessary.
The Expiring tab displays a report of all employees whose fingerprint records are expired or expiring based on the dates entered on the Fingerprint tab via Human Resources > Employee > Fingerprints.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Fingerprints.

2. Click the Expiring tab.
The Expiring tab displays a report of all employees whose fingerprint records are expired or expiring based on the dates entered on the Fingerprint tab via Human Resources > Employee > Fingerprints. The report includes the employees' EIN, Account Number, SSN, Name, Days Remaining before fingerprint records are expired, Screening Required, Status, the date the fingerprints were Entered, Taken, Cleared, Expired, Received, Submitted, if the record was Purged, the Type, and the employees' Email Address.
If fingerprint records are expired or about to expire, the Days Remaining column displays in red.
3. Click the EIN to open Employee.

4. Edit the underlined fields as needed by clicking the field and entering changes. To edit pull-downs, click the pull-down and change the selection.
Changes save automatically.
the ability to edit the report is driven by the Edit Fingerprint Entires permission enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.
5. Click the employee's name in the Email column to email the employee about their upcoming expiring records.
a. Enter the email Subject in the text box.

b. Enter the Message in the text box.
c. Click Send to send the email.
You and the employee must have an email address set up. Your email address must be set up via SIS > Users > User Info > General tab (or applicable tab that houses the email address field), and the employee's email address must be set up via Human Resources > Employee > General tab (or applicable tab that houses the email address field).
The email is sent and displays as shown below.
The List tab displays a report of all employees' fingerprints records based on the information entered on the Fingerprint tab via Human Resources > Employee > Fingerprints.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Fingerprints.

2. Click the List tab.

The List tab displays a report of all employees' fingerprints records based on the information entered on the Fingerprint tab via Human Resources > Employee > Fingerprints. The report includes the employees' EIN, Account Number, SSN, Name, Screening Required, Status, when fingerprints were Entered, Taken, Cleared, Expired, Received, Submitted, Purged, Type, and Email Address.
3. Click the EIN to open Employee.

4. Edit the underlined fields as needed by clicking the field and entering changes. To edit pull-downs, click the pull-down and change the selection.
Changes save automatically.

5. Click the employee's name in the Email column to email the employee about their fingerprint records.
a. Enter the email Subject in the text box.

b. Enter the Message in the text box.
c. Click Send to send the email.
You and the employee must have an email address set up. Your email address must be set up via SIS > Users > User Info > General tab (or applicable tab that houses the email address field), and the employee's email address must be set up via Human Resources > Employee > General tab (or applicable tab that houses the email address field).
The email is sent and displays as shown below.