The Leave Maintenance screen gives users the ability to setup all aspects related to personnel leave.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. Click the Hours tab.

3. To search for employee leave hours broken down by year, type, etc. Select the applicable data from the provided pull-downs and click Search.
4. Start by selecting the Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The Fiscal Year defaults to the current year.
5. To search for employee leave hours based on a specific payroll run, select the Pay Run from the pull-down.
6. When searching for a specific type of leave, select the Type from the pull-down, such as Earned or Initial.
7. To search for leave hours based on a specific employee, select the Employee from the pull-down; otherwise, All Employees will be included in the search.
8. To search for leave hours based on a specific Pay Type, select the types from the pull-down; otherwise, All Pay Types will be included in the search.
9. To search for leave hours based on a specific leave Bucket, select the bucket from the pull-down; otherwise, All Buckets will be included in the search.
10. To search for leave hours based on a previous payroll run, select the run from the Previous run pull-down.
11. To search for leave hours while considering Overtime, select Yes from the corresponding pull-down.
12. To search for leave hours based on the Primary Job status, select Yes or No from the pull-down.
13. Enter a date range in the Active Range text boxes to pull employees who are active during the timeframe.
14. Click Search.
The leave hours report is broken down by the following columns: EIN (Employee Identification Number), employee Name, Job Group, Ineligible, Pay Type, Bucket, Current, Available Transfer, Overridden, Hours, Transfer Credited Hours, Notes, Experience, Work Hrs Per Day, and Employment Type.
15. For more information about an employee's Hours, click the Explain button located in the last column.
Clicking the Explain button opens the Answers pop-up window, which explains the employee's experience, pay type, scheduled units, and the Hours calculation. Scheduled units refers to the earning schedule set up for each pay type on the Config tab. A unit is a work day. Therefore, if you work 7.5 hours a day, 1 unit earned is 7.5 hours, but if you work 8.0 hours a day, 1 unit = 8.0 hours.

The Experience data is driven by the Leave Accrual Date employee field via Human Resources > Employee > Applicable Tab (such as Employee Demographic tab) > Leave Accural Date.
a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
16. The Hours and Notes columns can be edited as needed, as indicated by the blue underlined text.

17. If changes are made, click Apply to save the changes.

Once changes have been made, a green check mark displays in the Overridden column.
The Manual Leave tab allows users to make Adjustments and review a report of Executive Leave, which displays pending leave to be reviewed, selected, and processed.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Manual Leave tab.

3. Click the Adjustment tab to make adjustments to a selected employee's leave.

4. Select the Employee in question from the corresponding pull-down.

5. Select the type of Leave Bucket to which the adjustment is to be made.
6. Select the Fiscal Year from the pull-down to override the current fiscal year, if needed. For example, if an employee that does not have a job in the current fiscal year needs his/her balance adjusted in the last year that they worked, you can select the applicable fiscal year.
Depending on the Employee and the Leave Bucket selected, the Bucket Balance displays the applicable leave Total, Earned, Initial, and Taken.

7. Enter the Adjust amount in the provided text box. You can enter a negative number if you need to create a negative adjustment.
8. Select the Adjust type from the pull-down, such as Taken if the Adjust amount is supposed to be taken from the selected Leave Bucket.
The Transfer Available amount displays the amount available to be transfered from the select Leave Bucket.
9. Enter the Transfer Credited Amount in hours.
10. Enter the Reason for Adjustment in the provided text box.
11. Click Adjust to make the changes final.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Manual Leave tab.

3. Click the Executive Leave tab to generate the report.

4. Run the Executive Leave report by first selecting the Fiscal Year from the corresponding pull-down.

5. Select the applicable Pay run from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to **Leave not assigned**, which pulls all leave not yet assigned for the selected fiscal year.
The Pending Leave report displays the Employee, the From and To leave date range, the Staff Job, the leave Bucket, the Reason, and the Hours/Day.
6. To process pending leave, make your selections. All pending leave is selected by default. To clear selections, you can click the selected check box for select pending entries or click Unselect All to clear all selections made.
7. Once your selections have been made, click Process leave to process pending entries.
8. You can make changes to pending leave before it is processed. To make changes, click the text field and make edits as needed or click the pull-down and change the selection. Changes save automatically.

The Groups tab allows users to set up the types of group for leave and leave buckets for the types of leave the district offers, such as Sick, Personal, Vacation, etc. Most districts set up the groups and the buckets as a one to one relationship; therefore, there is a “SCK-Sick Time” Group entry and a “SCK-Sick Time” Bucket entry that is tied to that group. When an employee takes leave, he/she is actually specifying from which group the time will be taken. The system then find the bucket that was assigned to the group in order to deduct time from the applicable bucket as well as check the bucket balance.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Groups tab.

The Groups tab displays existing groups and buckets, as shown in the image below.
3. To add a new group, scroll to the bottom of the screen and begin entering data in the last row starting with the Group Code.
4. Enter the Group Code in the provided text box; i.e. the code used to identify the group.
5. Enter the Group Title in the provided text box.
6. Select the Survey Type that applies to the group from the pull-down; options include Other, Personal, Sick, and Temporary.
7. Select the Employment Status from the pull-down; i.e. the way the group selected impacts the employee's status; options include Does not affect employment status, Leave of absence with pay, Leave of absence without pay, and Family Medical Leave Act.
8. Select whether or not a balance is required from the Balance Required pull-down; i.e. should the system check for a balance for the group. If Yes is selected, and the employee does not have enough leave balance in the bucket specified, the employee will be docked for the time. If No is selected, the employee will not be docked for the time.
An example of selecting Yes: For sick and vacation time, you cannot take more time then you have or you will be docked.
An example of selecting No: For temp duty, teachers are often taken out of class for internal meetings. So, they technically are at work but they are not doing their normal job. In this instance, they put the time out as “Temp Duty,” but they don’t have a temp duty leave balance; therefore, you want them to be able to take that time as temp duty, but not be docked for that time.
9. Select Yes or No from the Per Instance pull-down, which is used for leave that does not affect hourly balances.
10. Select Yes or No from the Ignore Previous pull-down, to determine if the following rule should be upheld or disregarded: Employee are required to be employed for a month before leave may apply. Note: This rule is set up via the Config tab.
11. Select Yes or No from the Limit Bucket pull-down.
12. If another group is impacted when this group is used for leave, select the group from the Change Also pull-down.
13. Select the Valid Reasons that apply to the group, such as Sick Leave, Jury Duty, Family Leave, etc. The pull-down is populated from entries made via the Reasons tab.
14. When all information has been entered and selected, press the Enter key to save the data. When the data has been saved, the line turns blue, the delete button and the Buckets button displays.
15. Click the Buckets button to set bucket priorities. You can set the priority of which bucket gets charged first, if you are setting up groups with multiple buckets. Click the gray up and down arrows to change the Order.

Multiple buckets could be tied to the same group and given a priority. For example, the district could have a SCK1 bucket and a SCK2 bucket. If the employee takes “SCK” “Group” time, the system will check to see if they have enough SCK1 time in that bucket to cover the leave, if not, it will move on to the SCK2 bucket.
16. To change the sort order of the groups, click the up and down arrows. Once changes have been applied, click the Save Order button.

17. All fields can be edited as needed. To edit text field, click the text box and make changes as needed. To edit pull-downs, click the pull-down and change the selection as needed.

18. To delete a group, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Buckets tab allows users to set up the types of buckets for leave that are to be included in set up groups. Most districts set up the groups and the buckets as a one to one relationship; therefore, there is a “SCK-Sick Time” Group entry and a “SCK-Sick Time” Bucket entry that is tied to that group. When an employee takes leave, he/she is actually specifying from which group the time will be taken. The system then find the bucket that was assigned to the group in order to deduct time from the applicable bucket as well as check the bucket balance.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Buckets tab.

The Buckets tab displays existing buckets, as shown in the image below.
3. To add a new bucket, scroll to the bottom of the screen and begin entering data in the last row starting with the Bucket Code.
4. Enter the Bucket Code in the provided text box; i.e. the code used to identify the bucket.
5. Enter the Bucket Title in the provided text box.
6. Select the applicable Bucket Group; i.e. the group where the bucket should be housed. Groups displayed in the pull-down are created via the Groups tab. Once selected, the bucket displays in the group's Bucket button.
7. Select Yes or No from the Closing Payment pull-down.
8. Enter the Max Balance, which is used to set the maximum balance that an employee can hold in a particular bucket. For example, some districts don’t allow employees to have more than 500 hours of sick leave. So if you go over, you lose it.
9. Select the Leave bank check box to indicate that the bucket can be used in making contributions, etc. to banks created via the Bank tab.
10. Select the Hide on Leave History when not used to hide the bucket from employees' Leave History.
11. Select the Hide balance when negative check box to display no balance when the balance is negative.
12. Select the Can request outside of workdays check box to allow employees to request leave on non-workdays, such as holidays and weekends. This typically applies when employees are requesting leave over a weekend.
13. Select the Inactive check box to prevent the bucket group from displaying on ESS Employee Requests for Leave only or from displaying in the Bucket Group pull-down via Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Leave tab > Current tab.
14. When all information has been entered and selected, press the Enter key to save the data. When the data has been saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
15. All fields can be edited as needed. To edit text field, click the text box and make changes as needed. To edit pull-downs, click the pull-down and change the selection as needed. Clear and select check boxes as needed.

16. To delete a bucket, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Reasons tab allows users to set up the types of Valid Reasons applicable for taking specific types of leave established on the Groups tab.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Reasons tab.
The Reasons tab displays existing valid reasons for leave, as shown in the image below.
3. To create a new reason, scroll to the bottom of the screen and begin entering data in the last row.
4. Start by entering the Reason Code in the provided text box; i.e. the code used to identify the reason.
5. Enter the Reason Title in the provided text box.
6. Select the applicable option from the Deduction Processing pull-down in order to determine which reasons are included on deduction exclusions; i.e., in the instance where sick pay should be excluded from hourly deductions, you'd select Sick from the Deduction Processing pull-down for the SK: Sick Leave reason.
The deduction exclusions relates to the deduction types figured by hours. They determine which hours are included in the total hours used to calculate the deductions by hours for employees. When calculating deductions by hours, you may want to include, for example, sick leave hours bot not vacation hours.
7. Select the Supplemental Benefit check box if leave time is found with the Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) reason code, to ensure the employee is receiving supplemental benefit pay.
District Codes and the Deduction will need to be updated.
Setup > District Codes > Deduction Processing > select Leave Supplemental Pay from the Exclude Wage Types pull-down.
Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Employment > Family and Medical Leave.
The leave will be tied to the PFML reason code, which is the indicator on the pay run for the employee.
8. Enter the applicable accounting strip broken down by element. Note: The listed elements will vary from district to district.
The additional fields (Facility, Department, Fund, ..) are used to specify account masking for any subs that may need to be utilized while select employees are on leave. For example, Object 7500 is common for subs.
Additional example: An employee is on leave and uses a reason code that has Object 7500 specified. If a sub is attached to this leave record, his/her sub time will be charged to the employees allocation strip, with the object code replaced with 7500.
9. When all information has been entered and selected, press the Enter key to save the data. When the data has been saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
10. All fields can be edited as needed. To edit text field, click the text box and make changes as needed. To edit pull-downs, click the pull-down and change the selection as needed.

11. To delete a reason, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Subs tab allows users to specify which pay types (all employees with a job in Focus have a pay type) can sub for other pay types.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Subs tab.

The Subs tab displays existing pay types and their corresponding substitutes, as displayed in the image below.
3. To Assign/Remove Pay Type, select the pay type from the corresponding pull-down.
4. Select the Pay Type via the Select check box for which the pay type is to be assigned or removed.

To assign or remove a substitute pay type from all listed pay types, click the Select All button. To Clear All selected check boxes, click the corresponding button.

5. Once selections have been made, click the Assign button to assign the pay type substitute or the Remove button to remove the already assigned substitute pay type.
6. All assigned substitute pay types display in the Allowable Subs column.
A district might have pay type AAA for qualified employees that can sub for teachers. They may also have pay type BBB for qualified employees who can sub for data entry clerks. Therefore, you would attach pay type AAA as a valid sub pay type for your teacher pay types. You would not want data entry clerks (BBBB) subbing for teachers.
The Bank tab allows users to set up leave banks, which allows employees to contribute to the bank and use the additional leave as needed. For example, if an employee would like to be a part of a sick bank, they will contribute to the bank annually or as needed. Once the sick bank has been established equipped with a decent number of hours, employees can apply to administration when additional sick time is needed, usually in cases of emergencies, such as surgery, disease, etc. If approved, said employees will be awarded the hours needed for sick time and no longer have to worry about pay being docked for taking leave.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Bank tab.

The Bank tab defaults to the Setup & Enlist tab, which allows users to set up types of leave banks and assign pay types, as well as enlistments; i.e. users who would like to contribute and be a part of the bank.
Click the Contribute Leave tab to review contributed leave and take an entered number of days from employees to be contributed to the bank; i.e. if the sick bank balance is low, the district may require a day to be contributed by all employees in order to increase the numbers of hours available.
Click the Award Leave tab to award leave to approved employees when requested from the select leave bank, such as sick leave.

1. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Bank tab, then click the Setup & Enlist tab.
2. All existing banks display in the Bank Setup section. To add a new bank, use the last row in the chart and begin entering data.
3. Start by entering the Bank name in the provided text box.
4. Select applicable buckets from the Award Bucket pull-down. The buckets selected here determine where leave hours will go when time is awarded via the Award Leave tab. The Award Bucket pull-down populates based on buckets marked as Leave bank eligible via the Buckets tab.
When a bucket is selected, the bucket is designated as a bank bucket where hours will be awarded and tracked. When an employee is awarded bank time, you don’t want to record these hours in the generic SCK bucket because you need to track what was awarded, used, and/or returned back to the bank as unused.
5. Select applicable buckets from the Contribute Bucket pull-down from which leave can be pulled in order to increase the leave bank balance to be distributed as needed.
6. Select the applicable pay types from the Allowed Pay Types pull-down. Selections made here determine the pay types eligible for contributions and awards.
7. Press the Enter key to save the data entered. Once saved, the line turns blue, the delete button (red minus sign) and the View Enlistments button displays.
8. To enlist employees into one of the setup banks, use the Enlistment section.
9. Select the applicable employees from the Employee pull-down. As employees are selected from the pull-down, information about the assigned banks display. Note: If a bank has never been assigned to an employee, they will not display in the report.
10. Select the applicable Bank from the corresponding pull-down to which the employees will be enlisted or dropped from the enlistment.
11. The Date defaults to the current date. Edit the date as needed.
12. Click the Show employees with Allowed Pay Types only button to display employees who have the Allowed Pay Types selected for the Bank selected. Once selected, you can click the Show All Employees button to display all employees regardless of the Allowed Pay Types selected.
13. To Enlist the selected employees in the selected leave Bank, click the corresponding button. Note: Al employees selected from the Employee pull-down will be enlisted in the bank, not just the employees displayed in the report.
a. Once enlisted, a pop-up displays confirmed the selected number of employees have been enlisted. Click the white X to close the window.

The report updates automatically, as show in the image below.
14. To Drop Enlistment for the selected employees from the assigned leave bank, click the corresponding button.
a. Once dropped, a confirmation pop-up window displays. Click the white X to close the window.

The report updates automatically, as displayed in the image below.
15. When enlistments have been updated, click the View Enlistments button in the Bank Setup section. You will also notice that the Enlistments column updates based on the number of employees assigned to the bank.

The Balance column reflects data entered via the Contribute Leave tab and the Award Leave tab.
The pop-up window displays active enlistments, which includes the Employee name, Date Start, Date End (if applicable), and Status. To display inactive enlistments as well as active enlistments, turn Show Active Enlistments Only off by clicking the toggle button.

a. Click the white X to close the window when finished.
1. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Bank tab, then click the Contribute Leave tab.

The Contribute Leave tab is used to pull a specified number of days from select employee(s) leave buckets in order to add the bank's balance.
2. Start by selecting the bank to which contributions are to be made from the Select bank pull-down.
3. Enter the number of days to be taken from select employees' leave buckets to be contributed in the Mass apply contribution amount (days) text box. Note: A number only needs to be entered here if you are pulling contribution en masse.
4. Click Modify selected contribution amount to deduct the hours and pull them into the desired bank. Note: Clicking this button will apply the entered number of contribution days to all employees. To apply contribution to select employees, see the process starting on step 5.
5. Manually enter the Contribution Amount (Hours) in the provided text field for applicable employees.
6. Be sure to select the check box to identify the employees that should have hours pulled for a contribution. If manual changes have been entered for all employees, click the Select All button.
7. Once employees have been selected, click the Apply to all selected button to take the contribution or click the Apply button to pull the contributed hours for only that employee.
8. When a contribution has been applied, either en masse or manually, the Contributed Hours column updates.
9. If you try to apply contributions, but need to refresh the Contribution Amount (Hours) when entering hours manually or trying to make change en masse, you can click the Refresh button and start over without changes being applied.
10. You may notice some rows in red; hover over the row for more information: This employee no longer has an allowed pay type. We recommend dropping their enlistment. To remove the employee from the leave bank, select the check box to identify the employee(s), then click Drop selected Enlistment(s).
11. Click View Transaction History to review contributions made in the Transactions window, which includes the Type of transaction, the Transaction Date, and the Amount.
a. Click the white X to close the window.
1. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Bank tab, then click the Award Leave tab.

The Award Leave tab is used to award a specific number of hours of leave to approved employees when requested from the select leave bank, such as sick leave.
2. Before awarding leave, you can review bank balances and information in the Bank Status section.

Listed here is the Bank name, the Bank Leave Bucket, the number of Enlistments (employees enrolled in the bank), and the Balance (in hours).
3. Click the View Enlistments button to review all employees enlisted in the bank. The pop-up window displays active enlistments, which includes the Employee name, Date Start, Date End (if applicable), and Status.
a. To display inactive enlistments as well as active enlistments, turn Show Active Enlistments Only off by clicking the toggle button.

b. Click the white X to close the window.
4. To award time to employee(s), start by selecting the applicable employees from the Employee pull-down in the Award section.

5. Select the Bank from the pull-down from which leave is to be taken and awarded to the employee(s).
6. Enter the Amount in hours in the provided text box that is to be awarded from the selected bank to the select employees.
7. Click Award to award the hours.

The selected employee(s) bank information displays when selected from the Employee pull-down. Once the hours are awarded the Awarded Hours, Awarded Total, and Bank Leave Bucket Balance columns update automatically.
8. If employees do not use all of the awarded time, the time can be recovered. In order to recover awarded leave, start by selected the Employee from the pull-down.
9. Select the Bank to which the hours will be recovered.
10. Enter the Amount in hours to be recovered.
11. Click Recover awarded leave.
The Recovered Hours column and the Bank Leave Bucket Balance column is updated to reflect changes.
12. Click View Transaction History to review awarded and contributed transactions made in a new window, which includes the Type of transaction, the Transaction Date, and the Amount.

Deposit: Contributions made.
Withdraw: Awarded leave.
Recovered: Recovered leave that was awarded and unused.
a. Click the white X to close the window.
The Executive Change tab allows users to conduct employee change requests including leave transfers and donations.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Employee tab.

3. Click the Executive Change tab.

Transfer Leave
1. Select the Employee that wishes to transfer leave from the corresponding pull-down.
2. Select Transfer Leave from the Employee Change Type pull-down.
Transferred time is time transferred from a prior Florida school district. The state allows employees to take it with them as long as they are moving from one Florida school district to another.
Donated time is time donated from one employee to another.
3. Select the Leave Bucket to which time is to be transfered from the pull-down, such as Sick bucket.
4. Enter the Transfer Amount in hours that will be transferred in from another district.
5. Enter the Transfer Credited amount in hours.
Time is transferred in but the employee does not get access to the time right way. For every hour the employee earned at the district, they get an hour “credited” from their transfer time, which then can be used.
6. Click the Transfer Leave button to apply the transfer.
7. The Current Available Transfer Hours and Current Earned Leave displays hours the employee has already had transferred from another district prior to this entry.
Donate Leave
1. Select the Employee that wishes to donate leave from the corresponding pull-down.
2. Select Donate Leave from the Employee Change Type pull-down.
Transferred time is time transferred from a prior Florida school district. The state allows employees to take it with them as long as they are moving from one Florida school district to another.
Donated time is time donated from one employee to another.
3. Select the employee to who the leave will be donated from the Donate To pull-down.
4. Select the Leave Bucket from which leave is to be donated.
5. From Employee Balance displays the selected employee's balance (From Employee pull-down) for the Leave Bucket selected.
6. Donate to Balance displays the employee's balance (Donate To pull-down) for the Leave Bucket selected.
7. Enter the Amount in hours that is to be donated.
8. When all information has been entered, to complete the donation, click Donate Leave.
Once leave has been donated, the From Employee Balance and Donate to Balance fields update automatically to reflect the new balances.
The History tab includes a history of all employee change requests (leave transfers and donations) conducted from the Executive Change tab, which displays the following columns: Type, Bucket, From Employee, To Employee, Date, and Files & Comments.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Employee tab.

3. Click the History tab.

The History report displays the Type of change, the Bucket, From Employee, To Employee, and the Date of the change.
4. Click the Files & Comments button to open and review or add files and comments as they pertain to the change.
a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box and click Post.
Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
The Files & Comments pop-up also displays a message indicating when a request for applicable employee changes were executed.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave Maintenance.

2. From the Leave Maintenance screen, click the Config tab.

3. Selecting the Contract Year from the pull-down.
4. Select the Pay Type from the pull-down to assign employees the leave accural schedule by pay type.
5. Select Yes or No from the pull-down to determine whether the district is going to Allow extra month to use leave.
6. Enter the Days to work in previous month to earn leave in the provided text box.
If an employee just started the last few days of the month, they might not qualify to earn leave for the month. This settings allows you to specify the minimum number of days employees have to work to be eligible to earn leave that month.
7. Select the Costing Method from the pull-down.