The Receivables Report provides an archive of all invoices that are paid at a future date. Outstanding Invoices generated from the Point of Sale and Invoices generated toward Funding Sources are also included in this report.
1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receivables Report.

2. Click the Receivables Report tab to generate the report.
See Customer Report for information on generating this report.
3. Select and enter the applicable search criteria in order to generate the report.
4. Select the Current check box to include current invoices (today to 30 days old) in the report.
5. Select the 31 to 60 Days check box to include invoices that are 31 to 60 days old. The report calculates the aging of the reports based on the due date of the item.
6. Select the 61 to 90 Days check box to include invoices that are 61 to 90 days old. The report calculates the aging of the reports based on the due date of the item.
7. Select the 91 and Over check box to include invoices that are 91+ days old. The report calculates the aging of the reports based on the due date of the item.
8. Use the As Of Date text box to pull invoices as of a specified date (Invoice Date).
9. Use the Invoice Date Range text boxes to enter a beginning and an ending date in order to pull invoices generated over a specific timeframe.
10. Enter a Customer/Student ID in the text box to pull invoices that pertain to the specific customer or student only.
11. Enter an Invoice Number in the text box to pull a specific invoice into the report.
12. To pull invoices as they pertain to specific facilities, select them from the Facility pull-down.
13. To pull invoices as they pertain to specific funding sources, select them from the Funding Source pull-down.
14. Select the Waived check box to include invoices that have been waived.
15. Select the Include Paid check box to include invoices that have been paid.
The report displays fully deferred students regardless of whether or not the Include Paid filter is applied.
16. When all search criteria has been entered, click Run Report to generate the report.
The Receivables Report displays the Invoice Date, Invoice #, Customer/Student ID, Customer Name, Facility, Invoiced Amount, Outstanding Balance, the Item, Paid Amount, Payment Source, Funding Source Invoice #, Customer Comments, Waived, Due Date, Current, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, and 91+ Days.
When Educational Credit is received via Funding Sources > Receive Payment tab, the amount of the credit shows in the Paid by Deferral column.
- When running the report and selecting the box to “Include Paid,” the Paid by Deferral and Total Deferred Amount columns match if all money has been received.
- The overage checks do not affect outstanding balances in either report after the money has been received from the funding source.
The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box. Notice in the report displayed that the Customer/Student ID and the Customer Name columns have all been removed.
If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected via Toggle Columns.
The Current Page Totals and Grand Page Totals are listed at the bottom of the report.
The Current Page Totals displays the total for select columns, such as the Invoiced Amount total for the selected page. In this case, there are multiple pages; therefore, the current page total displays the total for Page 1.
The Grand Page Totals displays the total for the entire report for select columns, such as Outstanding Balance. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.
Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.
1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receivables Report.

2. Click the Customer Report tab to generate this report.
See Receivables Report for information on generating this report.
3. Select and enter the applicable search criteria in order to generate the report.
4. Select the Current check box to include current invoices (today to 30 days old) in the report.
5. Select the 31 to 60 Days check box to include invoices that are 31 to 60 days old. The report calculates the aging of the reports based on the due date of the item.
6. Select the 61 to 90 Days check box to include invoices that are 61 to 90 days old. The report calculates the aging of the reports based on the due date of the item.
7. Select the 91 and Over check box to include invoices that are 91+ days old. The report calculates the aging of the reports based on the due date of the item.
8. Use the As Of Date text box to pull invoices as of a specified date (Invoice Date).
9. Use the Last Invoiced Date Range text boxes to enter a beginning and an ending date in order to pull invoices generated over a specific timeframe.
10. Enter a Customer/Student ID in the text box to pull invoices that pertain to the specific customer or student only.
11. To pull invoices as they pertain to specific facilities, select them from the Facility pull-down.
12. Select the Include Paid check box to include invoices that have been paid.
The report displays fully deferred students regardless of whether or not the Include Paid filter is applied.
13. Select the Hide Fully Deferred check box to hide all invoices that have been deferred and are to be paid by by a funding source or other.
14. Select the District-Wide Balances check box to calculate and display the district-wide outstanding balance, which overides selected facilities upon generating the report.
15. When all search criteria has been entered, click Run Report to generate the report.
The Customer Report displays the Customer/Student ID, Customer Name, Invoiced Amount, Total Paid, Paid By Student, Outstanding Student Balance, Paid By Deferral, Total Deferred Amount, Outstanding Deferred Balance, Customer Credit, Last Invoiced, Lastest Due Date, Outstanding For, Current, 31-60 Days, 61-90 Days, and 91+ Days.
Invoiced Amount - (Total Deferred Amount + Paid By Student) = Outstanding Student Balance.
The Latest Due Date displays the latest due date that the student has for outstanding invoices. If the due date for an item is a future date, the amount for those invoices displays in the Current aging columns. But if the Due Date is 3/1/21 and today’s date is 4/20/21, the 31-60 Days column displays the amount that is still outstanding for the items.
When Educational Credit is received via Funding Sources > Receive Payment tab, the amount of the credit shows in the Paid by Deferral column.
- When running the report and selecting the box to “Include Paid,” the Paid by Deferral and Total Deferred Amount columns match if all money has been received.
- The overage checks do not affect outstanding balances in either report after the money has been received from the funding source.
The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.
If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected via Toggle Columns.
The Current Page Totals and Grand Page Totals are listed at the bottom of the report.
The Current Page Totals displays the total for select columns, such as the Invoiced Amount total for the selected page. In this case, there are multiple pages; therefore, the current page total displays the total for Page 10.
The Grand Totals displays the total for the entire report for select columns, such as Outstanding Student Balance. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.
Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk save icon to name and save the report.

a. To save a report, click the floppy disk save icon, then name and Save the report.

b. You can also click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.

d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Receivables Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the Page text box and press Enter.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet, where it can then be saved to your computer.
To print the report, click the Print icon in the Export section.

a. You can add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.