The School/Department Payroll Entry allows users to enter payroll entries for employees as they pertain to employee timecards, overtime, leave, and misc. pay, as well as as assign a payroll run to the entries in order to be paid out in the selected run via Payroll > Run Payroll. Users can also set and review restrictions set up for employees who have access and make entries from this screen.
Enable the View All Department Entries permission so that all pending records display for Timecard, Overtime, Leave, and Misc Pay. The permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Payroll tab.
The Timecard tab allows users to enter time worked for hourly employees.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Timecard tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.
4. To enter hours for an employee, click or remain on the Current tab.
5. Select the applicable employee(s) from the pull-down or select All Staff Members to determine who displays in the Employee pull-down, which allows you to add hours for these employees. Then, click Refresh.
6. To add a new entry, enter data starting with the Employee in the top row.
7. Select the Employee from the pull-down.
8. Select the applicable employee's Job from the pull-down, if the employee selected works more than one position. If the employee only works one position, the pull-down defaults to that job.
9. Enter the Date Worked in the text box.
10. Enter the Hours worked in the text box.
11. Enter any applicable Notes in the provided text box.
Once saved, the hours added here are added to the Hours Total and Hours Grand Total displayed in the last two rows. The Hours Total displays the Total of the current page while the Hours Grand Total displays the total of hours for all pages (all records).
12. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Once saved, the following columns automatically populate: Origin, accounting strip (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.), and Percent.
13. Edit the accounting strip, as needed.

14. You can also edit the Percent if you need to split the allocation between multiple accounts. To split the allocation between two accounts, enter the percentage to be paid by the first one, such as 70 percent. Then, click the green plus sign in the last column.

Enter the second accounting strip and ensure the percentages are equal to 100 percent.

15. Click Files & Comments to attach files and add comments that pertain to the hours worked.
As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
a. Click the white X to close the Files & Comments pop-up window.
To delete hours added, click the delete button (red minus sign).
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Timecard tab.
4. To view a history or timecard records, click the History tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Select the Staff Member(s) for which history is to be viewed from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Staff Members but can be changed, as needed.
6. Enter a Date Range to specify a time frame of records.
7. Select the Fiscal Year for which the records are to be pulled. The year defaults to the current year.
8. Click Load.
If changes are made to the report filters, the Load button changes to Refresh. Click Refresh to update the report once the filter(s) are changed.
The History report displays the Pay Run in which the hours were paid, the Employee paid, the Job for which the employee was paid, the Date Worked, the Hours worked, Notes, Files & Comments, the Origin of record, the Facility, the Department, the accounting strip (Fund, Function, Facility, etc.), and the Precent paid from the account.
The Hours Total displays the Total of the current page (Page 1) while the Hours Grand Total displays the total of hours for all 6 pages (all records).
9. Click the Files & Comments button to view any attached files and posted comments.

The Overtime tab allows users to enter overtime worked by employees to be assigned to a payroll run and paid.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Overtime tab.
4. To enter hours for an employee, click or remain on the Current tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Select the applicable employee(s) from the pull-down or select All Staff Members to determine who displays in the Employee pull-down, which allows you to add hours for these employees. Then, click Refresh.
6. To add a new entry, enter data starting with the Employee in the top row.
7. Select the Employee from the pull-down.
8. Select the applicable employee's Job from the pull-down, if the employee selected works more than one position. If the employee only works one position, the pull-down defaults to that job.
9. Enter the Hours of overtime worked in the text box.
Once saved, the hours added here are added to the Hours Total and Hours Grand Total displayed in the last two rows. The Hours Total displays the Total of the current page while the Hours Grand Total displays the total of hours for all pages (all records).

10. Select the Type of overtime from the pull-down, such as Extra Hours, Time and Half, Double Time, or Holiday.

11a. Select the work Week for which the overtime applies from the pull-down.
12. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Once saved, the following columns automatically populate: Origin, accounting strip (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.), and Percent.
1. Click Import to import data from a CSV file if you have information stored on your computer already. This allows you to bypass entering information manually.
2. Search for and select your CSV file. Click Open.
Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.
3. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.

4. If there are errors present in the CSV file, click Download to review the issues.

5. Click Import CSV to import the accounts.

Imported data displays in the overtime section.
13. Edit the accounting strip, as needed.

14. You can also edit the Percent if you need to split the allocation between multiple accounts. To split the allocation between two accounts, enter the percentage to be paid by the first one, such as 70 percent. Then, click the green plus sign in the last column.

Enter the second accounting strip and ensure the percentages are equal to 100 percent.

15. Click Files & Comments to attach files and add comments that pertain to the hours worked.

As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
a. Click the white X to close the Files & Comments pop-up window.
To delete hours added, click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Overtime tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

4. To view a history or overtime records, click the History tab.
5. Select the Staff Member(s) for which history is to be viewed from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Staff Members but can be changed, as needed.
6. Enter a Date Range to specify a time frame of records.
7. Select the Fiscal Year for which the records are to be pulled. The year defaults to the current year.
8. Click Load.
If changes are made to the report filters, the Load button changes to Refresh. Click Refresh to update the report once the filter(s) are changed.
The History report displays the Pay Run in which the hours were paid, the Employee paid, the Job for which the employee was paid, the Hours worked, the Type of overtime, the Week the overtime was worked, Notes, Files & Comments, the Origin of record, the Facility, the Department, the accounting strip (Fund, Function, Facility, etc.), and the Precent paid from the account.
The Hours Total displays the Total of the current page while the Hours Grand Total displays the total of hours for all pages (all records).
9. Click the Files & Comments button to view any attached files and posted comments.

The Leave tab allows users to enter leave approved for employees to be factored into an assigned payroll run. For information about leave setup, see Human Resources > Leave Maintenance.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Leave tab.
4. To enter leave for an employee, click or remain on the Current tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Select the applicable employee(s) from the pull-down or select All Staff Members to determine who displays in the Employee pull-down, which allows you to enter leave for these employees. Then, click Refresh.
6. To add a new entry, enter data starting with the Employee in the top row.
If leave requests have been imported into Focus via FTP from Frontline Absence Management or other generic absence managements systems, they will display on this tab as an entered record. Note: The following must first take place: SIS > Setup > Scheduled Jobs create and run the “Frontline Leave” scheduled job. The scheduled job is dependent on the integration section: “Frontline Leave and Sub Fulfillment” set up via ERP > Setup > Settings > Integrations tab.
7. Select the Employee from the pull-down.
8. Enter a From and To date in the text boxes to log the leave time frame.
9. Select the applicable employee's Staff Job from the pull-down, if the employee selected works more than one position. If the employee only works one position, the pull-down defaults to that job.
10. Select the Bucket Group from which leave is being taken, such as Sick Time, Comp Time, Personal Unpaid, etc.
All leave buckets display including inactive buckets so you have the ability to use these buckets even though they may not want employees using said buckets when creating leave requests via Employee Self Service > Employee Requests. Buckets are marked as Inactive via Human Resources > Leave Maintenance > Buckets tab.
11. Select the Reason from the pull-down; for example, for Sick Time, you could select Sick Instructional, Sick Non-Instructional, etc.

The Bucket Group and the Reason pull-downs populate based on information setup by the district via Human Resources > Leave Maintenance.
12. The Hours default to the hours normally worked for the Staff Job selected. You can change the Hours as needed.
Once saved, the hours added here are added to the Hours Total and Hours Grand Total displayed in the last two rows. The Hours Total displays the Total of the current page while the Hours Grand Total displays the total of hours for all pages (all records).
13. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Once saved, the Origin column automatically populates. Leave entries pulled from employee leave requests display as Employee Request: Date requested.
1. Click Import to import data from a CSV file if you have information stored on your computer already. This allows you to bypass entering information manually.
2. Search for and select your CSV file. Click Open.
Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.
3. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.

4. If there are errors present in the CSV file, click Download to review the issues.

5. Click Import CSV to import the accounts.

Imported data displays in the leave section.
14. Click Files & Comments to attach files and add comments that pertain to the leave entry.

As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
a. Click the white X to close the Files & Comments pop-up window.
To delete a leave entry, click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Leave tab.
4. To view a history or leave records, click the History tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Select the Staff Member(s) for which history is to be viewed from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Staff Members but can be changed, as needed.
6. Enter a Date Range to specify a time frame of records.
7. Select the Fiscal Year for which the records are to be pulled. The year defaults to the current year.
8. Click Load.
If changes are made to the report filters, the Load button changes to Refresh. Click Refresh to update the report once the filter(s) are changed.
The History report displays the Pay Run in which the leave is being processed, the Employee, the From and To time frame of leave, the Staff Job, the Bucket Group from which leave is being taken, the Reason for leave, the Hours/Day being taken, Notes, Files & Comments, and the Origin.
The Hours/Day Total displays the total of the current page 1 while the Hours/Day Grand Total displays the total of hours for all 5 pages (all records).
9. Click the Files & Comments button to view any attached files and posted comments.

10. Click Manual Sub Allocation to view and/or edit the substitute costs. These allocations are used when your district processes a Leave Invoice from the vendor.
To edit the allocations, use the applicable pull-downs or split the percentage between two allocations by changing the Percentage and adding another allocations. You can split the allocations between two or more allocations as long as they all equal 100%. Click the white X when finished to close the pop-up window.
In order to edit the sub allocations, the permission “Edit Sub Allocation History” must be enabled via the Payroll tab of Setup > Profiles, which controls the charging of substitute costs.
The Substitute tab allows users to enter substitutes' time for payroll. For information about leave setup, see Human Resources > Leave Maintenance.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Leave tab.
4. Click the Substitute tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Select the Leave Request from the pull-down.
6. Click Load.
If you change the Leave Request, click Refresh.
7. To record a substitue for the leave request submitted, use the empty row and start entering data.
8. Select the Substitute from the pull-down.
9. Select the Sub Job from the pull-down, if more than one job has been assigned to the substitute.
10. The Date Worked defaults to the date of leave requested by the employee, but you can change the date as needed.
11. The Hours/day defaults to the number of hours assigned for the sub job but can also be edited as needed.
12. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Once saved, the following columns automatically populate: accounting strip (Facility, Department, Fund, etc.) and Percent.
13. Edit the accounting strip, as needed.

14. You can also edit the Percent if you need to split the allocation between multiple accounts. To split the allocation between two accounts, enter the percentage to be paid by the first one, such as 70 percent. Then, click the green plus sign in the last column.

Enter the second accounting strip and ensure the percentages are equal to 100 percent; i.e. 70% + 30% = 100%.

To delete an entry, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Misc Pay tab allows users to enter miscellaneous pay, such as leave pay outs, money granted for supplies, etc. Misc Pay entails any kind of payment made to employees outside of their contract.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Misc Pay tab.
4. Click the Current tab to add an entry.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Enter the Title and the Code to create a batch.
6. Press Enter to save the batch.
7. Click View Batch.

Upon selecting a batch, a pop-up displays where you can enter misc pay for an employee.
8. Select the Employee from the pull-down.
9. Select the employee's Job from the pull-down assigned via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job, you can select the applicable job from the pull-down.
10. Enter the number of Hours to be paid for misc pay.
11. Enter the Rate of pay per hour.
12. The Amount calculates automatically based on the Hours and the Rate entered.
13. Select the applicable Supplement from the pull-down for state reporting.
14. Select Yes or No from the FICA pull-down to indicate whether FICA should be deducted when processing misc pay.
15. Select Yes or No from the Ret pull-down to indicate whether retirement should be deducted when processing misc pay.
16. Select Yes or No from the Ins pull-down to indicate whether insurance should be deducted when processing misc pay.
17. Select Yes or No from the Ftax pull-down to indicate whether federal taxes should be deducted when processing misc pay.
18. Select Yes from the NonCash pull-down to indicate that you are reducing wages to fix an error in deductions.
19. Enter any Notes in the provided text box.
20. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
21. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip.
22. Press the Enter key to save the misc pay entry.
23. If you entered anything less than 100 Percent to be paid out from the selected accounting strip, click the green plus sign to assign a percentage to be paid from a different accounting strip.

You can click the green plus sign as many times as needed to divide pay between multiple accounting strips.
1. Click Import to import data from a CSV file if you have information stored on your computer already. This allows you to bypass entering information manually.
2. Search for and select your CSV file. Click Open.
Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.
3. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.

4. If there are errors present in the CSV file, click Download to review the issues.

5. Click Import CSV to import the accounts.

Imported data displays in the misc pay pop-up window.
24. Click Files & Comments to attach files and add comments that pertain to misc pay.

As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
a. Click the white X to close the Files & Comments pop-up window.
To delete a leave entry, click the delete button (red minus sign).

26. Click the white X to close the batch pop-up window.

The Hours, Amount, and Count fields populate based on misc pay entries made. The Hours and Amount fields display the totals, and the Count displays the number of entries made.
The last row displays the Total for each column per page, and the Grand Total for all pages (applicable if there are multiple pages of batches).
27. Edit the title and code of batches by clicking the Title text box and the Code pull-down.

Delete a batch by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).

Deleting a batch also deletes all batch entries.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Misc Pay tab.
4. To view a history or misc pay, click the History tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

5. Select the Staff Member(s) for which history is to be viewed from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Staff Members but can be changed, as needed.
6. Enter a Date Range to specify a time frame of records.
7. Select the Fiscal Year for which the records are to be pulled. The year defaults to the current year.
8. Click Load.
If changes are made to the report filters, the Load button changes to Refresh. Click Refresh to update the report once the filter(s) are changed.
The History report displays the batch Title, the Pay Run where the misc pay was distributed, the Code, Hourly Processing, the Hours entered per batch, the Amount paid per batch, and the Count of records per batch.
The Totals displays the total of the current page for the Hours, Amount, and Count columns while the Grand Total displays the total of for each column for all pages (all records), if multiple pages are present.

9. Click the View Batch button to view batch details, such as Pay Run, Employee, Job, Hours, etc.
10. From the pop-up window, you can also view attached files and posted comments by clicking the Files & Comments button.

The Assign Run tab allows users to assign payroll entries made on each tab, such as timecard, overtime, etc. to a payroll run via Payroll > Run Payroll where payment will be carried out.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Assign Run tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

4. Select the Type of pay run, such as Timecard, Overtime, Misc Pay, etc. Note: The additional filters depend on the Type selected; for example, selecting Timecard allows you to select Staff Member(s) and enter a Date Range, while selecting Misc Pay only allows you to select Staff Member(s).
5. Select the Staff Member(s) for which history is to be viewed from the corresponding pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Staff Members but can be changed, as needed.
6. Enter a Date Range to specify a time frame of records.
7. Click Load.
8. Select the Assign Run Code from the pull-down to determine which payroll run will be used to pay for the timecard hours (in the example shown below).
9. Select the Update check box for all corresponding records to be paid via the select payroll run or click Select All to select all records at once.
10. Click Assign Run to attach the entry to the existing payroll run via Payroll > Run Payroll.
11. Click Revert to remove an entry from the select payroll run.
In the pop-up window, review entries add to the select payroll run and click Revert as needed where applicable. If a payroll run has always been finalized, it cannot be reverted.
Clicking Revert puts the timecard entry back on the Assign Run tab to be assigned again.
12. Click Notify to send a timecard verification notification to the selected Hourly or Substitute employees. The notification prompts the employee to log in to Employee Self Service, access the Payroll Review Center, and review their timecard details, including Job, Date Worked, Hours, and Facility. Employees can then verify or dispute the timecard, triggering further workflow actions.
The Permissions tab allows users to assign employees/users to override accounting strip permissions established via Setup > Accounting Strips for select facilities.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Permissions tab.
The current payroll Run information displays on all tabs, which includes the Run title and Pay Date. Hover over the i icon with the computer mouse for the Fiscal Year and Run Date.

4. To add new permissions, enter information in the top row.
5. Select the employee or user from the Employee pull-down.
The Employee pull-down displays all users including those that are not employees. Users that are not employees are added via SIS > Users > Add a User.
6. Select the facilities for which the employee/user should have permission from the Facility pull-down.
7. Select the Can View Flex check box if the selected employee should have access to employees that are linked to all facilities, not just the facilities selected.
8. Press Enter to save the permission.
Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
9. You also have the ability to make changes to existing permissions. Click the Employee pull-down or the Facility pull-down to change the selection. Select the Can View Flex check box or clear the selected check box, as needed.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a permission.

The Assign Time & Attendance tab allows users to review Time & Attendance records and select specific records that should be assigned to a payroll run in order to be paid out via Payroll > Run Payroll, as well as return specific records to approvers, and view generated payroll records.
1. From the Payroll menu, click School/Department Payroll Entry.

2. Select the Manager Facility from the pull-down.
3. Click the Assign Time & Attendance tab.
Review the Records and corresponding data including Employee name, Fiscal Year, Period, Paytype: Position(s), and Hour(s).
4. Click View Generate Payroll Records to review payroll record details for Timecards, Overtime, and Leave.
a. Click the arrows next to Timecards, Overtime, and Leave to view details for each section.
Each section displays Employee, Facility, Job, Date Worked, Hours, and the applicable accounting strip.
5. Click the Records tab to go back to the main screen and assign specific Time & Attendance records to a payroll run.
6. Select the Select check box(es) to assign the records to a payroll run. You can also click Select All to quickly selects all records.
7. Select the applicable payroll run from the Tools pull-down, then click Assign Selected.
8. You also have the option to click Return selected weeks to approvers, which will send the selected records back the assigned Approvers to review and ensure data is correct.
See Time & Attendance Setup and Time & Attendance Approval for more information about the approval process.