The User Preference screen allows users to set default preferences for different functions throughout Focus.
1. In the Setup menu, click User Preference.

2. The screen defaults to the Your User Preferences tab.
3. Select the Filter Default On check box to automatically enable the Filters feature on all applicable screens.
See Filters for more information.
4. Select the Approval decision email check box selected to receive emails regarding requests that require your approval; i.e., where you are a part of the approval flow (Setup > Approval Flow).
5. Select the Device checkout email check box to ensure you receive emails when you check in and check out devices in Fixed Assets.

6. Select the Leave requests calendar invite check box to ensure a leave request invitation is sent to your email when your leave request has been approved in order to create a leave calendar event.

7. Select the Leave drill-down check box to ensure you have the ability to drill-down and review additional information via Human Resources > Leave Maintenance > Hours tab upon clicking on Employee and additional fields available here.

8. Select the Inactive Employee check box to automatically enable the "Include Inactive" check box when searching for employees via Human Resources > Employee. This settings also selected Inactive Employees by default when searching for employees from the Select Employee pull-down in the header.

9. Select the default Fiscal Year from the pull-down to set a default fiscal year for Applicant Tracking. Note: The selection made here inly impacts Applicant Tracking.

10. Select the Default to Internal check box to ensure the Expenditure/Revenue Report defaults to Internal as a Category Type when accessing the screen.
11. Select the Default Show Element Descriptions check box to ensure the Expenditure/Revenue Report defaults to Element Description as a Show Descriptions option when accessing the screen.

12. Select the Asset Transfers check box to receive emails regarding asset transfer requests that require your approval; i.e., where you are a part of the approval flow (Setup > Approval Flow).

Changes save automatically.
Hover over the information icon (i) for details about the setting.

13. Click Revert to default Preferences to change all the selections to the default selection: Filter Default On (enabled), Approval decision email (enabled), Leave request calendar invite (enabled), Leave drill-down (enabled), Inactive Employee (disabled), Default to Internal (disabled), Default Show Element Descriptions (disabled), Asset Transfers (enabled).
The Default User Preferences tab allows users with permission to set the default options for all other users.
1. In the Setup menu, click User Preference.

2. Click the Default User Preferences tab.
3. Select the Filter Default On check box to automatically enable the Filters feature on all applicable screens.
See Filters for more information.
4. Select the Approval decision email check box selected to ensure users receive emails regarding requests that require their approval; i.e., where they are a part of the approval flow (Setup > Approval Flow).
5. Select the Device checkout email check box to ensure you receive emails when you check in and check out devices in Fixed Assets.

6. Select the Leave requests calendar invite check box to ensure a leave request invitation is sent to users' email when their leave request has been approved in order to create a leave calendar event.

7. Select the Leave drill-down check box to ensure users have the ability to drill-down and review additional information via Human Resources > Leave Maintenance > Hours tab upon clicking on Employee and additional fields available here.

8. Select the Inactive Employee check box to make the Include Inactive Users check box enabled by default upon conducting a user search.

9. Select a Fiscal Year from the pull-down to set a default fiscal year for Applicant Tracking.

10. Select the Default to Internal check box to ensure the Expenditure/Revenue Report defaults to Internal as a Category Type when users access the screen.

11. Select the Default Show Element Descriptions check box to automatically enable the "Show Description" check box on the Expenditure/Revenue Report.

12. Select the corresponding check boxes in the Approval Emails section to determine when an email notification should be sent out when a request has been reviewed. Options include:
Field Trip Request (Transportation > Filed Trip Request)
Budget Maintenance (Budgeting/General Ledger > Budget Maintenance / Internal Account Budget Maintenance)
SSS Caseload Service
Applicant Tracking (Human Resources > Applicant Tracking)
Employee Action Form Requests (Human Resources > Employee Action Form)
Form Request (District-made forms submitted from the Forms menu.)
Courier Request (Warehouse > Courier Requests)
Element Request (Setup > Element Requests)
Cashout (Accounts Receivable > Cashouts)
Position Change Request (Human Resources > Position Control Changes)
Employee Requests (Employee Self Service > Employee Requests)
Asset Transfers (Fixed Assets > Transfer Requests)
POS Receipt (Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale)
Manual Journals (Budgeting/General Ledger > Manual Journals / Internal Account Manual Journals)
Time Cards (Employee Self Service > View/Edit Timecards)
Release Invoices (Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Release Invoices)
Purchase Orders (Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders / Internal Purchase Requests/Orders)
Purchase Order Change Orders (Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders and/or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders; Note: This setting depends on the Change Order notification recipients setting via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.)
Return Request (Warehouse > Returns)
Work Order Request (Work Orders > Work Order Requests)
Changes save automatically.
Hover over the information icon (i) for details about the setting.