The 1099 Vendor Report is a great way to access all vendors that will receive a 1099-MISC form or 1099-NEC form. The report also includes object element information from which the vendor was paid, the total amount of checks paid, the total of manual payments, and combined totals.
1. Before running this report, it is important that all correct vendors be marked as 1099 vendors. In order to mark a vendor or check a vendor, in the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Vendors/Customers.

a. Locate the vendor in question and click the View button.
b. Select the 1099 check box in the General section of the Current Contact.
See Vendors/Customers for more information.
2. In the Purchasing / Accounts Payable menu, click 1099 Vendor Report.

3. Select the 1099 Form Type from the pull-down. When 1099-MISC is selected, only those vendors receiving a 1099 MISC will be returned. When 1099-NEC is selected, only those vendors receiving a 1099 NEC will be returned.
4. Select the correct Calendar Year from the pull-down.
5. Enter the Threshold in the provided text field, which is used to set a minimum payment amount that determines which vendors are included in the report. Specifically, it ensures that only those vendors who have received payments equal to or exceeding a certain dollar amount during the reporting period are included in the 1099 report.
6. Select the check box to Include all vendors marked 1099 for the corresponding vendors.
7. Select the check box Only show vendors with manual payments to see corresponding results. If you select this check box, you will have to leave Include all vendors marked 1099 unselected.
8. Click Run Report.
From this report, all vendors that will receive a 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC form can be reviewed depending on the 1099 Form Type selected. The report displays columns for vendor Number, Tax ID, vendor Name, vendor Address, Object element tied to the vendor, Check Payments amount, Manual Payments amount, and the Total for each vendor.
The Object column is important in reviewing this report. The object column will display the box to which payments are to be printed. Most vendors should be set up with box 7. If a box number is not listed, objects will need to be set up.
9. To check object setup, in the Setup menu, click Settings. From the Settings screen, click the Objects tab.
a. Each object eligible for 1099 payments should be flagged with Yes in the 1099-Eligible column with the correct box number selected in the 1099-MISC Amount Code column. If a vendor is getting paid on an object, it must be set up on this screen as 1099 eligible.
b. The 1099-NEC Amont Code selected determines the monetary placement on the printed 1099 NEC.
See Settings for more information.
10. You can compare the results from the 1099 Vendor Report with results of the Check Report for accuracy. In the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Check Report.
a. To ensure accurate results, select All years from the year pull-down before running the report.
b. Use the report’s filters for Check Date (from) and Check Date (to) to customize the report. For example, you could enter 06/12/2023 in the Check Date (from) field and 06/19/2024 in the Check Date (to) field.
See Check Report for more information.
11. If a vendor has $0 in all boxes on the 1099, look at the Check Allocation Report to make sure objects on the check are set up for 1099s. To access the Check Allocation Report, from the Purchasing / Accounts Payable menu, click Check Report. Located at the top the screen, click the Check Allocation Report tab.
To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.
The Excel icon in the Export section allows you to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet. Click the icon to download the file.
To print the report, click the Print icon in the Export section.
Click Filters to further breakdown the report.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.