The Bank Accounts screen allows users to set up bank accounts, p-cards, p-card statement cycles, and fuel cards.
Bank Accounts are automatically added here when banks are requested and approved via Employee Self Service > Employee Requests > Direct Deposit request.
1. In the Setup menu, click Bank Accounts.

2. Click the Bank Accounts tab.

3. To add a new bank account, enter information in the top blank row.
4. Enter the bank account Code in the provided text box.
5. Enter the Name of the bank in the provided text box.
6. Enter the Address of the bank in the provided text box.
7. Enter the Account Number in the provided text box.
8. Enter the bank's Routing Number in the provided text box.
9. Enter the ABA Number in the provided text boxes. The ABA Number defaults based on the entered Routing Number.
10. Enter the Next Check Number default in the provided text box.
11. Select the applicable bank account Fund from the pull-down, if applicable.
12. Select the applicable Asset Account from the pull-down.
13. Select the applicable Liability Account from the pull-down.
14. If the bank account pertains to specific facilities, select them from the Facility pull-down.
15. The Active check box is selected by default; clear the selected check box to make the bank account inactive.

16. Enter the Immediate Destination Payables and the Immediate Destination Payroll in the provided text boxes to identify alternate numbers in the ACH file. In the ACH, CheckExporter will check for this field first before falling back to the routing number. This will have the flexibility to be used or ignored for any given bank, in Accounts Payable, Payroll, both or neither.
17. Enter the Alternative Name of the bank account in the provided text box.
18. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the line of data. The line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays once saved.
Once saved, you can still edit all fields except the Fund pull-down by clicking and editing text fields or clicking pull-downs to change the selection made. Clear the Active check box, as needed. Changes save automatically.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the bank account.
You can delete bank accounts that are duplicates added by mistake; however, the logic deletes of the bank table do not allow you to delete other bank accounts.
The P Cards tab allows users to add purchasing card accounts, then assign users and card processors, etc., as appropriate. The P Cards tab also allows users to link the P-Card account to a specific allocation and statement cycle.
If you have Manage P-Cards permission only and don't have permission to Manage Internal P-Cards, the IA column is concealed, and new entries default to null in the IA column. Any attempt to alter this column through unauthorized methods will result in an error. For users with permissions to edit both Manage P-Cards and Manage Internal P-Cards, the IA column operates normally without any special restrictions.
See Profiles > Setup tab for more details.
1. In the Setup menu, click Bank Accounts.
2. Click the P Cards tab.

3. To add a new purchasing card account, enter information in the top blank row.
4. Enter the P-Card # in the provided text box.
5. Enter the Bank Name in the provided text box.
6. Enter the Start Date and End Date that apply to the account in the provided text boxes.
7. Select the applicable user from the User Assigned Card pull-down, such as the principal or director of the school.
8. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down.
9. Select the user that should be designated as the Card Processor from the pull-down, such as the bookkeeper or secretary; i.e. the user who is responsible for the Pcard Purchase Order Draft via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.
10. Select the Card Type from the pull-down.
11. Select the applicable accounting strip using the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, Function, etc.
12. Select the Status from the pull-down. The Status defaults to Active.

13. If the P-Card is applicable to Internal Accounts, select the check box.
14. Select the Default Vendor from the pull-down to assign a primary vendor to the P Card. When transactions are processed, this vendor will be automatically associated with the card unless manually changed. This helps streamline purchases by pre-selecting the most common vendor used for that card.
15. Select the Statement from the pull-down to associate the P Card with a specific statement cycle. Statements track and reconcile P Card transactions over a defined period, typically aligning with monthly or billing cycles. Selecting the correct statement ensures that transactions are grouped and processed under the appropriate reporting period.
16. Select the Use Type from the pull-down to determine the purpose or category assigned to the P Card, such as Personal, General, Travel, or Field Trip, which helps in tracking and managing transactions accordingly.
When creating P Card purchase orders, manually or via upload, the Use Type information will populate in the Comments for Vendors text section in Purchase Requests/Orders and/or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.
17. When all information has been entered/ selected, press the Enter key to save the P-Card account. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
18. Click Import to import purchasing card accounts from a CSV file.

a. Search for and select the CSV file on your computer, then click Open.
Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.
b. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.
c. Click Import CSV to import the accounts.
Imported data displays in the P Cards section.
Once saved or imported, you can still edit all fields by clicking and editing text fields or clicking pull-downs to change the selection made. Clear or select the Internal Accounts check box, as needed. Changes save automatically.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the P-Card account.

1. In the Setup menu, click Bank Accounts.
2. Click the PCard Statement Cycle tab.

3. To add a new purchasing card statement cycle, enter information in the top blank row.
4. Enter the P-Card Cycle Name in the provided text box.
5. Select the P-Card Cycle Date from the pull-down.
6. Select the Card Type from the pull-down.
7. Select the Default Vendor from the pull-down.
8. When all information has been entered/ selected, press the Enter key to save the P-Card Statement Cycle. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
Once saved, you can still edit all fields by clicking and editing text fields or clicking pull-downs to change the selection made. Changes save automatically.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the statement cycle.

1. In the Setup menu, click Bank Accounts.

2. Click the Fuel Cards tab.

3. To add a new fuel card, enter information in the top blank row.
4. Enter the Fuel Card # in the provided text box.
5. Enter the Bank Name in the provided text box.
6. Select the Facility from the pull-down.
7. Select the applicable user from the User Assigned Card pull-down.
8. Select the applicable accounting strip using the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, Function, etc.
9. Select the Status from the pull-down. The Status defaults to Active.

10. If the fuel card is applicable to Internal Accounts, select the check box.
11. Select the Default Vendor from the pull-down.
12. When all information has been entered/ selected, press the Enter key to save the fuel card. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
Once saved, you can still edit all fields by clicking and editing text fields or clicking pull-downs to change the selection made. Clear or select the Internal Accounts check box, as needed. Changes save automatically.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a fuel card.

13. Click Import to import fuel card accounts from a CSV file.

The CSV must contain the following information: Fuel Card Number, Bank Name, Facility, User Assigned Card, Active, and Default Vendor. The following information can be included but is not required: Accounting strip elements such as Fund, Function, Object, Revenue, Center Project, etc.
a. Search for and select the CSV file on your computer, then click Open.
Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.
b. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.
c. Click Import CSV to import the accounts.
Imported data displays in the P Cards section.
Once saved or imported, you can still edit all fields by clicking and editing text fields or clicking pull-downs to change the selection made. Clear or select the Internal Accounts check box, as needed. Changes save automatically.
If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.