The Vendors/Customers screen allows users to add vendors and customers as contacts, which includes payment methods, addresses, tax identification information, and more.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Vendors/Customers.

2. From the Contacts tab, click Add New Contact.

This opens the New Contact tab. From this screen you can enter all contact/vendor information to be saved in the system.
3. Start by selecting the Tax ID Type from the corresponding pull-down. Options include EIN (Employee Identification Number), SSN (Social Security Number), or Student ID.

4. Enter the Tax ID # in the provided field. The number entered here depends on the Tax ID Type.
5. Select the Vendor # Prefix from the pull-down, which determines the letter prefix that appears before the vendor or customer Contact # (once the contact has been saved and assigned a number). Options include V (Vendor), E (Employee), S (Student), T (Travel), C (Customer), U (Utility vendor), and R (Revenue Vendor).
A parent requesting a refund for lunch money from a student account would be registered as a Revenue Vendor because, the lunch money is collected as a revenue.
6. If applicable, enter the Vendor # and/or the Account # in the provided text field.
7. Select the Status of the vendor/customer from the pull-down; Options include Active, Inactive, or Hold.
A vendor can be put on hold if you are waiting on insurance information for a builder until you get proof of insurance. A vendor on hold will not be available for selection on purchase orders.
8. Select the 1099 check box if the vendor should be included in the 1099-MISC printing process.
9. Select the W9 check box if this form is required from the vendor.
The IRS Form W-9 is a Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification in order to obtain information from vendors hired as independent contractors. Once returned, this information is included on the Form 1099-MISC.
10. The Vendor Payment Type pull-down allows you to specify the preferred method of payment for a vendor. This selection ensures compliance with Florida law regarding contractors doing business with the school district, which requires E-Verify authorization for eligible vendors.
- Paper Check: Generates a traditional paper check for the vendor. Once processed, the check can be printed and mailed to the vendor. This is ideal for vendors without electronic payment capabilities or who require physical checks for their records.
- ACH Direct Deposit: Initiates an Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer, which electronically deposits funds directly into the vendor's bank account. This is preferred for vendors seeking faster payments and a secure, electronic transfer of funds.
- Manual Payment: Records payments made outside the system, such as cash transactions or payments handled through external platforms. This is useful for reconciling non-standard payments that do not follow regular system workflows.
11. Select the Vendor check box to identify the new contact as a vendor.
12. Select the Customer check box to identify the new contact as a customer.
13. Select the Warehouse check box to define the vendor as a warehouse vendor specifically.
14. Select the Public Records Exempt check box to exclude specific vendors from Public Records Requests, such as Police and Safety Officers.
15. Select the Does Not Collect Sales Tax check box if the vendor/customer doesn't collect state sales tax as defined via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab > State Tax section.
16. If the vendor has been identified as a Warehouse vendor via step 13, the Facility pull-down displays. Select the applicable warehouse facility from the pull-down.
17. Enter the vendor/customer Legal Name, Display Name, Payment Name, and/or Sort Name. Only the Display Name is required.
The Sort Name determines how the vendor/customer displays in the Choose a Contact pull-down via the Contacts tab.
18. Select the Debarred check box if the vendor/customer has been red-flagged.
19. Select the Group Invoices on Checks check box to group all invoices for one vendor on the same check when multiple purchase orders and invoices are issued for the same vendor. For example, across the district there can be 100+ invoices for multiple locations issued for Office Depot. Selecting the Group Invoices on Checks check box will group all invoices on one check to the vendor. Each invoice will be listed on the check remit.
20. Select the Non-Crime Certification check box to identify the vendor/customer with no past litigation.
Enter the applicable Addresses in the corresponding section.
21. Enter Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 information in the provided text fields.
22. Enter the City, select the State from the pull-down, enter the Zip Code, and the Country in the provided text fields.
23. Specify the type of address being entered by selecting the applicable check boxes; options include:
Primary: Select this check box if the address is the vendor's/customer's primary address.
Correspondence: Select this check box if the address entered will be used primarily for correspondences.
Payment: Select this check box if the address entered will be used to send payments.
Shipping: Select this check box if the address entered will be used for shipping purposes.
1099: Select this check box if the address entered will be used for 1099-MISC form for taxes.
If the Allow multiple vendor payment addresses settings is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab, you can set multiple Vendor payment addresses. If more than one Vendor Payment is logged for a vendor, a Vendor Location pull-down displays when the Vendor is selected via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders and Invoices or Internal Account Invoices.
24. Once all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the address.
You will know the address has saved because the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
25. Click Save to add the new contact.
Required fields are in bold. If any of the required fields have not been completed, you cannot save the contact. Note: While the Addresses section is not in bold, at least one primary address must be added in order to save the contact.
Once saved the information for the new contact displays in the Current Contact tab where more information can be added, such as the vendor/customer Payment Method. For more information about viewing and updating current contacts, see Viewing and Updating Current Vendors/Customers.
1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Vendors/Customers.

2. From the Contacts tab, find the applicable vendor/customer.
The Contacts tab displays the Vendor Number, Tax ID #, Display Name, Address, City, State Zip, Payment Method, Status, the Public Records Exempt status, and E-Verify.
3. The Limit To filter defaults to the letter A; therefore, all contacts that start with the letter A will display. Click All to show all contacts; click 0-9 for contacts that begin with a number. You can also click any of the other letters for all contacts that begin with the selected letter.
Once a filter is added, you can sift through the listed pages to find the correct contact by clicking the Prev and Next buttons or by typing a page number directly in the Page text box.
You can also click the Filters button to filter the listed contacts and apply filter rules.
To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information, see Filters.
4. Change the Show radio selection to display All contacts, only Active contacts, or only Inactive contacts. The selection defaults to Active.
5. Select the Include radio button to include Both vendors and customers in the displayed report or Vendors only, or Customers only.
6. Once the vendor/customer has been located, click View to open the contact via the Current Contact tab.
7. To quickly open a vendor/customer, click the Choose a Contact pull-down and select the contact from the pull-down.
Begin typing the name or number of the vendor/customer in the Filter text box to pull it to the beginning of the list.

8. While viewing a vendor/customer, to search for another contact, click the Contacts tab.

1. From the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Vendors/Customers.

2. From the Contacts tab, open the applicable vendor/customer as described in Searching for Vendors/Customers.
Once opened, review the vendor/customer information starting with the General section.

3. Edits can be made as needed to all fields except the Contact # assigned to the vendor/customer. Click the applicable field and make a new selection, edit the text, or select or clear the check boxes.
For more information about each of the fields found in the General section, see Adding Vendors/Customers.
4. Select the Payment Terms applicable to the vendor from the pull-down.

Vendor Payment Terms must first be set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab > Vendor Payment Terms section.
When Payment Terms are assigned to a vendor, the selections act as the default where applicable, such as, “Vendor Payment Terms” on the Purchase Request/Orders and the Internal Purchase Requests/Orders screens, “Vendor Payment Terms” on the Invoices section on the Invoices and Internal Account Invoices screens.
When the “Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms” permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Purchasing section, users can override the default terms set for vendors via Vendors/Customers. Note: There are separate permissions for Purchase Requests/Orders and Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.
When the “Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms” permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Accounts Payable section, users can override the default Vendor Payment Terms on Invoices based on the invoice due date.
5. Select the Minority that applies to the vendor or customer, if any, from the pull-down.

Minorities must first be set up via Settings > Accounts Payable tab > Minorities section.
Use the Contact Info section to add contact information to the vendor/customer, such as fax numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, etc. You can add as many forms of contact as needed.

5. Select the type of Contact Method from the corresponding pull-down, such as Main Phone number.

6. In the Details text box, enter the phone number or applicable information, such as e-mail address, fax number, web site, etc.

7. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the contact info.

When saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
8. The address(es) entered upon creating the vendor/customer, display in the Addresses section. Use this section add more addresses, if needed. You can also edit the existing addresses by clicking the applicable field and changing the selection, editing text, or clearing or selecting check boxes.

9. To add a new address, enter Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 information in the provided text fields.
10. Enter the City, select the State from the pull-down, enter the Zip Code, and the Country in the provided text fields.

11. Specify the type of address being entered by selecting the applicable check boxes; options include:
Primary: Select this check box if the address is the vendor's/customer's primary address.
Correspondence: Select this check box if the address entered will be used primarily for correspondences.
Payment: Select this check box if the address entered will be used to send payments.
Shipping: Select this check box if the address entered will be used for shipping purposes.
1099: Select this check box if the address entered will be used for 1099-MISC form for taxes.
12. Once all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the address.

You will know the address has saved because the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
See the Manual Journals Summary section for information on manual journals linked to the vendor via Manual Journals, such as the Manual Journal #, the Journal Date, the Requester, the Approved Date, the Journal Source Type, and the Amount.

13. Click the Manual Journal # link to open the journal via Manual Journals.
Upon reviewing information from the Vendor tab, see the General section to specify additional information. The information displayed here, is established upon creating the vendor but can be edited as needed.

14. Select or clear the selected check boxes for Debarred, Group Invoices on Checks, and Non-Crime Certification. See Adding Vendors/Customers for more information on each of these fields.
15. Establish the vendor's Payment Method by completing information in the corresponding section. Start by selecting how payments will be received from the E-Pay pull-down.
- Paper Check: This option designates that payments to the vendor or customer will be made via physical check. The system will generate a paper check for the vendor's payment, and the payment will be processed manually.
- ACH Direct Deposit: Selecting this option sets up an automated payment method, where funds are electronically transferred directly into the vendor's or customer’s bank account via Automated Clearing House (ACH). This method streamlines payment processing, reducing paper and manual intervention.
- Manual Payment: This option indicates that payments will be manually processed by the user, and may involve issuing payments outside the automated system (such as via a manual check or cash). It is typically used when the payment method is not automated or when an alternative method is required.

When you change a vendor's E-Pay status, the unpaid invoice's payment method is updated accordingly. If a vendor changes from E-Pay to non-E-Pay, the invoice will be flagged for paper check. Conversely, changing from non-E-Pay to E-Pay will remove the paper check flag from the invoice. Additionally, you have the option to override the default payment method when generating invoices.
16. Select ACH Direct Deposit if payments are to be wired directly to the vendor. Selecting ACH Direct Deposit from the E-Pay pull-down, enables the additional fields in the Payment Method section.

a. If using ACH, select the contact's Bank from the pull-down.
b. Enter the bank Account Number in the text field.
c. Select the Status of the bank from the pull-down.
d. Select the Type of bank account, Checking or Savings, from the pull-down.
17. Select Manual Payment from the E-Pay pull-down if payment are to be distributed manually, such as in the form of a check, not via ACH direct payments. No other fields in the Payment Method section are required if Manual Payment is selected.

If your district utilizing the Bids module (Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Bid Requests), which allows vendors to place bids when users create bid requests, all awarded bids display in the Bids section.

18. Click the Bid/Contract # to open the awarded bid. The Bids section also displays the Title of the Bid Request, the Contract Start Date, and the Contract End Date.
19. To link the vendor to Commodity Codes, select the Commodity Class from the corresponding pull-down.

20. Once the Commodity Class has been selected, press the Enter to save.

You will know the data has saved because the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.
Use the Insurance Info section to add the vendor's insurance.

21. Enter the vendor's Insurance Title, the Account #, and insurance Expiration Date.

22. When all information is entered, press the Enter key to save the insurance entry.
You know the insurance info has saved when the line turns blue, the delete button (red minus sign) and the View Files & Comments button displays.

23. Click View Files & Comments to attach and view files or post comments as they pertain to the vendor's insurance.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box. Then, click the Post button.

c. Click the white X to close the Files and Comments pop-up window.

24. Use the Files and Comments section to attach and view files or post comments that pertain to the vendor or customer.
This section displays on the Vendor tab and the Customer tab.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box. Then, click the Post button.

All changes save automatically as indicated by the Contact Saved button.

The contact displays Last Updated information which contains the date time of the latest update.

You cannot delete an address that is already being used in a purchase request/order.
Click Download PDF to download the contact's information to a pdf file that can be saved to your computer.

a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.