Documentation for Administrators

Internal Account Invoices

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The Internal Account Invoices feature is used to enter invoices for Standard POs, Blanket POs, Non-Purchase Orders, Utility Invoices, and Revenue Refunds. This module is an important step in the accounts payable process. Once a purchase order has been approved, received, and released (depending on the district’s process), an invoice will be created for payment. An invoice must be created before a batch of checks can be printed. Creating the invoice and the batch will be done from the Internal Account Invoices module.

Internal Account Invoices Navigation

1. In the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Account Invoices.

Internal Account Invoices

2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.

Internal Account Invoices

3. From the Batches tab, start by selecting your Center/Facility from the Facility pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

4. Enter the Batch Name in the provided text box.

5. From the Batch Type pull-down, select Standard (unless creating a different type of batch, such as PCard Transaction or PCard Repayment).

6. Press Enter/Return when done to save your information and create the batch.

Internal Account Invoices

Values do not appear in the Total and Invoice Count columns until invoices have been attached to the batch.

From the Batches tab, you can also Review/Post any batches already created in the Open Batches section.

7. Click the applicable tab.

Internal Account Invoices

At any point while on the Internal Account Invoices screen, you have the ability to search for invoices by using the Look up Invoice # feature at the top of the screen. You also have the option to add vendor criteria by selecting a vendor from the for vendor pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices
PO Invoice

1. Click the PO Invoice tab, once your batch has been created (as shown in Internal Account Invoices Navigation).

Internal Account Invoices

2. Select the created batch from the Batch pull-down.

3. Select the PO you wish to attach to the chosen batch from the PO # pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

4. Click Load.

Clicking Load displays several sections, such as General Information, Line Items, Invoices, and Request Allocations.

Internal Account Invoices

5. To view the details of the Purchase Order, including vendor information, line items, allocations, and any files or comments, follow the link provided in the PO # / Type field under General Information.

6. Review a PO by clicking on the link mentioned above or navigate to the Line Items section to review items purchased. To review accounting strip information regarding allocations, navigate to the Request Allocations section.

Internal Account Invoices

7. To create the invoice for this PO, navigate to the Invoices section. Enter the Invoice # (Number), Invoice Date, Due Date, Amount, and the corresponding account strip.


The Due Date populates based on the Vendor Payment Terms selected when the purchase order is created or by the selection made on the invoice.

8. Select the Vendor Location from the pull-down, which displays when more than one payment address is assigned to Vendors/Customers.

Internal Account Invoices

9. Select the applicable Vendor Payment Terms from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

Vendor Payment Terms must first be set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.

The Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms permission enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Accounts Payable section allows you to override the default Vendor Payment Terms on the Invoice based on the invoice due date.

10. Enter the quantity that is to be invoiced in the Invoice Qty text box.


The Invoice Qty field displays when the Show quantity paid and amount paid on applied line setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab. This field will be determined by the invoice posted on the PO. For example:

  • Quantity of 4 was ordered
  • Quantity of 2 was invoiced
  • Quantity Invoiced would reflect 2 on this line item

11. Select the applicable debit and credit accounts.

The selection of a Debit Account and a Credit Account is dependent on district settings and may not be available to everyone. This also applies to the different elements you may see listed here--every district uses different elements and a different element order. For example, this specific district uses Fund, Function, Object, Center, and Project for expense accounts.

12. If you create more than one invoice, you can select to print a Separate Check for each invoice.

Creating a PO Invoice with a negative amount that is selected as a Separate check, makes an error message display: An invoice with a separate check can't have a negative total amount.

13. For quicker entry, click Create an invoice based on a PO or Create multiple invoices based on a PO for additional invoices.

Internal Account Invoices

Click Create an invoice based on a PO to create one invoice for all line items and allocations for the original PO. If needing to create multiple invoices based on multiple allocations from the original PO, click Create multiple invoices based on a PO to create an invoice for each allocation line.

Clicking Create an invoice based on a PO defaults to the remaining encumbrance amount.

a. Clicking either of the links will auto populate invoice information pulled from the original PO. Note that the Invoice # and Invoice Date do not auto populate and must be completed.

b. Check to be sure the correct Amount has been entered and select Separate Check (if applicable).

c. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an invoice line if needed.

Internal Account Invoices

d. To add a line, type all information in the top line. Then, press the Enter key to commit the line.

Internal Account Invoices

Click the green plus sign to split an invoice between Centers/Facilities or other elements and accounts. Once clicked, an indented line will be added under the original invoice line. Note: This does not create a separate invoice or check.

14. Attach any additional Files and add any additional Comments.

Internal Account Invoices

15. Review the Total of the Invoice. Then, click Submit.

Upon submitting this invoice, it will post to the batch selected. Only when the batch is reviewed and posted will the invoice be ready to be processed into a check. Note: The process may vary depending on district procedures.

Non-PO Invoice

1. To attach a non-purchase order to a batch, navigate to the Non-PO Invoice tab from the Batches tab.

2. Once your batch is created (as shown in Internal Account Invoices Navigation), select it from the Batch pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

3. Select the Vendor from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

Some districts may also have the option to click the link for One time vendor (a vendor that is not in the system). Clicking this link will open a new pop-up window for vendor information. Enter the vendor Name, and Address; then click Save. Once saved, you will see the one time vendor populate in the Vendor pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

4. If your district has enabled the use of students as customers, select the applicable customer or student from the Customers pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

5. Click Load.

6. Navigate to the Invoices section to create the invoice.

Internal Account Invoices

7. Enter the Invoice # (Number), Invoice Date, Due Date, Amount, and the account strip.

Internal Account Invoices

The Due Date populates based on the Vendor Payment Terms selected.

8. Select the Vendor Location from the pull-down, which displays when more than one payment address is assigned to Vendors/Customers.

Internal Account Invoices

9. Select the applicable Vendor Payment Terms from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

Vendor Payment Terms must first be set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.

The Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms permission enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Accounts Payable section allows you to override the default Vendor Payment Terms on the Invoice based on the invoice due date.

10. Select any debit or credit accounts that may apply.


11. Select the Separate Check check box (if applicable).

Creating a Non-PO Invoice with a negative amount that is selected as a Separate check, makes an error message display: An invoice with a separate check can't have a negative total amount.

12. To save the line of data, press the Enter/Return key.


13. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an invoice line if needed.

Internal Account Invoices

Click the green plus sign to split an invoice between Centers/Facilities or other elements and accounts. Once selected, an indented line will be added under the original invoice line. Note: This does not create a separate invoice or check.

Internal Account Invoices

14. Attach any additional Files and add any additional Comments.

15. Review the Total of the invoice. Then, click Submit.

Upon submitting this invoice, it will post to the batch selected. Only when the batch is reviewed and posted will the invoice be ready to be processed into a check. Note: The process may vary depending on district procedures.

Utility Invoice

1. To create an invoice for services from a utilities company, such as electricity, click the Utility Invoice tab.

Internal Account Invoices

2. Once your batch is created, select it from the Batch pull-down.

3. Select the Use Vendor check box to use a vendor for the invoice, then select the Vendor from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

4. Clear the Use Vendor check box to create the invoice based on a purchase order, then select the PO # from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

5. Click Load.

6. Navigate to the Invoices section to create the invoice.

Internal Account Invoices

7. Enter the Invoice # (Number), Invoice Date, Due Date, Amount, Demand, KW Usage, GAL Usage, and the accounting strips, such as Fund, Center, etc.

Internal Account Invoices

The Due Date populates based on the Vendor Payment Terms selected when the purchase order is created or by the selection made on the invoice.

8. Select the Vendor Location from the pull-down, which displays when more than one payment address is assigned to Vendors/Customers.

Internal Account Invoices

9. Select the applicable Vendor Payment Terms from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

Vendor Payment Terms must first be set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.

The Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms permission enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Accounts Payable section allows you to override the default Vendor Payment Terms on the Invoice based on the invoice due date.

10. Select any debit or credit accounts that may apply.


11. Select the Separate Check check box, if applicable.

12. To save the line of data, press the Enter/Return key.

Internal Account Invoices

13. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an invoice line if needed.

Click the green plus sign to split an invoice between Centers/Facilities or other elements and accounts. Once selected, an indented line will be added under the original invoice line. Note: This does not create a separate invoice or check.

Internal Account Invoices

14. Attach any additional Files and add any additional Comments.

15. Review the Total of the invoice. Then, click Submit

Upon submitting this invoice, it will post to the batch selected. Only when the batch is reviewed and posted will the invoice be ready to be processed into a check. Note: The process may vary depending on district procedures.

Revenue Refund

1. For a refund from a revenue account, click the Revenue Refund tab.

Internal Account Invoices

The Revenue Refund feature should only be used for refunds from a revenue account for transactions where revenue was collected and the deposit was never expensed.

2. Once your batch is created (as shown in Internal Account Invoices Navigation), select it from the Batch pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

3. Select the Vendor from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

4. If your district has enabled the use of students as customers, you can select the applicable Students from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

5. Click Load.

6. Navigate to the Invoices section to create the invoice.

Internal Account Invoices

7. Enter the Invoice # (Number), Invoice Date, Due Date, Amount, and the accounting strips, such as Fund, Center, etc.


The Due Date populates based on the Vendor Payment Terms selected.

8. Select the Vendor Location from the pull-down, which displays when more than one payment address is assigned to Vendors/Customers.

Internal Account Invoices

9. Select the applicable Vendor Payment Terms from the pull-down.

Internal Account Invoices

Vendor Payment Terms must first be set up via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab.

The Allow Override of Vendor Payment Terms permission enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab > Accounts Payable section allows you to override the default Vendor Payment Terms on the Invoice based on the invoice due date.

10. Select any debit or credit accounts that may apply.

11. To save the line of data, press the Enter/Return key.

Internal Account Invoices

12. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an invoice line if needed.

Click the green plus sign to split an invoice between Centers/Facilities or other elements and accounts. Once selected, an indented line will be added under the original invoice line. Note: This does not create a separate invoice or check.

Internal Account Invoices

13. Attach any additional Files and add any additional Comments.

14. Review the Total of the invoice. Then, click Submit.

Upon submitting this invoice, it will post to the batch selected. Only when the batch is reviewed and posted will the invoice be ready to be processed into a check. Note: The process may vary depending on district procedures.

Reviewing & Posting the Invoice Batch

1. When all invoices have been attached to your batch, navigate back to the Batches tab.

You have the option to attach as many invoices to a batch as desired. This usually depends on the process for printing checks. To print one quick check, from the Purchasing / Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Quick Check before creating the invoice.

2. Locate your batch, review the Total and Invoice Count (the number of invoices attached to the batch). Click the Review/Post link to open the batch.

Internal Account Invoices

3. The link will open the Batch Review tab. From this screen, you can open any Requisitions, POs, or Invoices by clicking on the corresponding links. Note: Links will be underlined and highlighted in blue.

Internal Account Invoices

4. Select the Close check box if the PO will be complete after its corresponding invoice(s) are submitted. Note: This is only applicable to POs.

Internal Account Invoices

Closing a PO reduces its remaining encumbrance to zero. Open Blanket POs or POs with items still outstanding (not yet received and released) should remain open.

5. When ready, click the Post button to submit the batch for printing.

Invoice Templates

1. In the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Internal Account Invoices.

Internal Account Invoices

2. Click the Templates tab.

Internal Account Invoices

3. Enter the Template title in the provided text box.

4. Select the type of invoice template, such as Non-PO, Utility, or Revenue Refund.

Internal Account Invoices

5. Click Create.

6. Enter all applicale information that can be used to create future invoices.


The Templates tab also displays Existing Templates.

Internal Account Invoices

7. Click the Name field to edit the name of the Template.

Internal Account Invoices

8. Click Duplicate to create a copy of the template.

9. Click View to open the template and review or make edits.

Internal Account Invoices

10. Click Use to create an invoice based on the template.

Internal Account Invoices

a. In the pop-up window, select the Batch and Vendor from the corresponding pull-downs.

b. Click Use Template.

Internal Account Invoices

11. Click View All Users to view templates created by other users as well as your own.

Internal Account Invoices

a. Once displayed, click Hide All Users to hide templates created by other users.

Internal Account Invoices
Additional Features

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to download the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Printer icon to print data.

Internal Account Invoices

You can utilize the Files section by attaching any invoices, quotes, etc. that may be relevant to the PO, Non-PO, or Revenue Refund.

As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box. Then, click the Post button. The Comments section allows you to add internal comments--these comments will not print on the invoice. This is a great place for notes that will appear on the PO and Invoice, the Non-PO record, or Revenue Refund.

Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.

Click Filters to breakdown data.

Internal Account Invoices

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.

b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.

c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.

You can also sort by clicking on any of the header names with double black arrows. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending.

Internal Account Invoices
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