P-Card transactions must be uploaded to the PCard Transaction Upload screen so users can link the P-Card transaction to a purchase order. Once users link approved purchase orders to imported P-Card transactions, P-Card transactions are uploaded and create a purchase order requisition draft.
1. In the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Pcard Transaction Upload.

2. Click Choose File to select the file of p-card transactions.

a. In the pop-up window, select the applicable file, and click Open.

3. Once the file is selected, click Upload.

4. In Purchase Requests/Orders and/or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders, select Yes from the P-Card Eligible pull-down in order to link an imported P-Card purchase order draft.
This pull-down displays when the Link PO to Imported P-Card Requests setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable and the permission Allow PO-PCard Requests Identifier is also enabled via Setup > Profiles > Purchasing/Accounts Payable tab.