The Field Trip Request module allows users to submit field trip requests, review their submitted requests and the status of the requests. Users part of the approval chain can review and approve requests as well as review Approval History. This module also allows users to assign drivers and complete the field trip containing all billing and allocation information for transportation.
1. From the Setup menu, click Profiles.

2. The Profiles screen defaults to the Permissions tab.
3. Select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down.
4. Select the Role from the pull-down, such as Admin.
5. Select the applicable Profiles from the pull-down.
6. Click Submit.
7. Click the Transportation tab.
8. Select the View check box for the applicable Field Trip Request permissions.

Field Trip Request: Select the View check box to enable permission to the Field Trip Request screen.
Close Fieldtrips: Select the View check box to gives users the ability to close/complete field trips clicking the Complete Collection button from the Complete Field Trip tab.
Reopen Fieldtrips: Select the View check box to give users the ability to reopen field trips that have been closed/completed. When enabled, users can click the Uncomplete Collection button to reverse the collection of funds to be made from the school to transportation on the Complete Field Trip tab.
View All Fieldtrips: Select the View check box to allow users to view all users' drafts, templates, and submitted requests by selecting the View All Users check box displayed on the Drafts, Templates, and Field Trip History tabs.
Print/Email Fieldtrips: Select the View check box to allow users to print and email field trips.
Edit Fieldtrips: Select the View check box to allow users to create and edit field trips.
Negative Budgets: Select the View check box to allow users to use negative budget as Allocations for field trips.
Allow Final Destination / Date Edit: Select the View check box to allow users to enter and edit the Final Destination field as well as the Date field.
Cancel Approved Field Trips: Select the View check box to allow users to Cancel approved field trips from the Field Trip History tab.
Can Edit Approved Field Trips: Select the View check box to allow users to make edits to an already approved field trip.
9. Click Save.
See Profiles for more information.
1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. From the Drafts tab, you can create a new field trip draft as well as continue editing Existing Drafts. Before continuing, be sure the correct fiscal year is selected from the pull-down; it defaults to the current year.
3. To create a new draft, start be entering a field trip request name in the provided text box. Then, click Create.

General Field Trip Information
Upon clicking Create, you will taken to the Current Field Trip tab where additional details can be entered and the request can be submitted.
The trip Number is assigned automatically. The Field Trip Status updates automatically as well. The Creator lists your name, and the Created Date displays as the date the draft was created.
1. Select the Requesting Facility from the pull-down.
2. If a specific organization is sponsoring the field trip and has been registered (recorded in Setup), select the Sponsoring Organization from the pull-down.
3. Enter the Date the field trip is supposed to take place.
4. If the field trip is Recurring; i.e. if the same trip will take place on more than one occasion, select the corresponding check box. Upon selecting this check box, the Date text box is replaced by Date Range text boxes.
You can continue and complete the General Information section manually; however, these fields will be auto-populated once you generate a trip in the Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs section.
5. Enter the number of students who are expected to attend the field trip in the # of Students text box.
6. Enter the number of adults who are expected to attend the field trip in the # of Adults text box.
7. Enter the number of students who are in wheelchairs who are to attend the field trip in the # of Wheelchairs text box.
8. Enter the number of bus aides that are required to attend the trip, if applicable, in the # of Bus Aides text box.
9. The # of Buses needed automatically populates based on the # of Students entered but can be edited as needed.
10. Enter the number of bus drivers needed from the Driver Pool to identify if you need a district provided driver.
11. Enter the number of School Provided Drivers needed; entering a number here identifies if you are using a school provided driver, such as a Coach of a traveling team.
12. Enter the # of Star Seats (infant seats) needed for the trip, if applicable.
13. Enter your username for your school email address in the Requested By text box in order to receive emailed updates regarding the request. The domain is set up by default.
14. Enter the name of the Pick Up Contact at the requesting facility.
15. Select the Final Destination from the pull-down.
If the applicable destination is not present on the pull-down, click the green plus sign to Add Field Trip Facility to the list.
16. Enter the Estimated Trip Miles in the provided text box.
17. Select the Are To Go Lunches Required? check box if the student require a lunch for the trip.
a. If the check box is selected, you can also select the Cafeteria Manager Notified check box to indicate that the manager has been informed of the trip.
b. Enter the Number of Lunches required.
18. When all information has been entered/selected, click the Generate button.
Upon clicking Generate, the Generate Locations pop-up displays where you can enter additional details about the field trip.
The information required here varies depending on the information entering previously, such as whether the field trip is recurring or not.
1. Enter or adjust the Date Range, as needed.
2. For recurring field trips, select how often the trip occurs from the Recurs Every pull-down, such as every Week, 2 Weeks, or Month. Then, select the Recurring Days from the pull-down, such as every 2 Weeks on Wednesday.
3. Enter the requesting school's information starting with the school's Location for pick-up, such as Bus Loop.
4. Next, select the facility Code from the pull-down. If the school's code is not present, you can click the green plus sign to Add Field Trip Facility.
5. If an additional description is required for the pick-up location, enter details in the Description text box.
6. Enter the number of students attending the trip in the # Students text box.
7. Enter the number of adults attending the trip in the # Adults text box.
8. Enter the number of students who are in wheelchairs who are to attend the field trip in the # Wheelchairs text box.
9. Enter the number of bus aides that are required to attend the trip, if applicable, in the # Bus Aides text box.
10. If there are multiple locations from which students are to be picked up for the field trip, click Add Additional Location. Once clicked, you will see each additional location listed.

To remove any added locations, click Delete Additional Location.
11. Enter the field trip destination information starting with the destination's Location for drop-off, such as Zoo Parking Lot B.
12. Next, select the destination Code from the pull-down. If the destination's code is not present, you can click the green plus sign to Add Field Trip Facility.
13. If an additional description is required for the drop-off location, enter details in the Description text box.
14. Enter the One Way Distance in Miles in the provided text box.

Click Estimate to auto-calculate the miles based on the Locations entered.
Click Map to open Google Maps in order to determine the distance of the trip in miles.
15. Select the Are To Go Lunches Required? check box if the student require a lunch for the trip.
16. Enter the Number of Lunches required.
17. Select the Cafeteria Manager Notified check box to indicate that the manager has been informed of the trip.
18. Select the Star Seats Required? check box if infant seats are required for the trip. Then, enter the Number of Star Seats? needed.
19. Enter the number of bus drivers needed from the Driver Pool to identify if you need a district provided driver.
20. Enter the number of School Provided Drivers needed; entering a number here identifies if you are using a school provided driver, such as a Coach of a traveling team.
21. If the field trip is an Overnight Trip, select the corresponding check box.

22. If the field trip is a No Return Trip, select the corresponding check box.
23. Enter the time of pick-up from the original location (the school) in the Pick-Up School text box. Enter the time the bus should arrive at the destination in the Drop-Off Destination text box.
24. Enter the return time of pick-up in the Pick-Up Destination text box. Enter the time the bus should arrive back at the school in the Drop-Off School text box.
25. When all information has been entered/selected, click Generate. You also have the option to click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Current Field Trip tab.
26. Once you click Generate, the Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs section auto-populates based on the information entered in the Generate Locations pop-up. The information displayed here can be edited as needed. Click any of the blue underlined text fields or pull-downs to make changes.
Below the table displays the Total Time of the trip as well as the Est[imated] Cost of the trip.
27. You can add more pick-up and drop-off information by using the last row of the table and pressing the Enter key when all data has been entered or you can click Generate to add information via the Generate Locations pop-up.
28. To delete the computed pick-up and drop-off location and times, click the delete button (red minus sign).
1. Select the account that will be allocated from the school (requesting facility) to the transportation department. Select the applicable elements from the pull-downs, such as Facility, Fund, Function, etc. The elements displayed depend on the district.
If a Sponsoring Organization is selected, the Fund and Function fields auto-populate based on the selection made and cannot be modified; all remaining elements can be edited as needed.
2. When all elements have been selected, enter the Amount to be paid from this account towards the trip. The amount defaults to the estimated trip cost but can be edited as needed in order to split the cost between different accounts.
3. When the accounting strip has been selected and the Amount has been entered, while clicked into a text box, press the Enter key to commit the line of data. The line will turn blue and the delete button will display when the line has saved.
Once the line has been committed, the Budgeted, Committed, Encumbered, Expended, and Balance columns automatically populate based on account information. These columns will automatically update as the trip is completed and the money is expended.
4. Add as many accounts as needed until the total cost of the trip is covered.
Finalizing the Field Trip Request
1. Attach any applicable Files in the corresponding section. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.
2. Post any necessary comments. The comments left here are for internal use only, meaning only other staff members will have access. To add a comment, simply type the comment in the white text field. Then, click the Post button.
3. To Submit the field trip request, click the corresponding button. Once submitted, the field trip request displays on the Field Trip History tab. For more information about field trip history, see the Field Trip History section.
From this screen, you can also Print Unofficial documentation by clicking the corresponding button.

a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
b. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. From the Drafts tab, you can create a new field trip draft as well as continue editing Existing Drafts. Before continuing, be sure the correct fiscal year is selected from the pull-down; it defaults to the current year.
3. To View All Users who have started a draft, click the corresponding button. Note: Only select users have permission to view all users' drafts.
a. Upon viewing all users' drafts, you can Hide All Users to display only your own drafts again.
4. To view drafts applicable to a specific facility, select te facility from the provided pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Facilities.
5. From the Existing Drafts section, you can edit the Name of the drafts by clicking in the Name text box and making changes as needed.

6. To view the draft in order to edit or submit the field trip request, click the View button. Clicking View takes you to the Current Field Trip tab. For more information on completing a Field Trip Request, see Creating a Field Trip Draft. Click the Drafts tab to return to the drafts.
7. To create a copy of an existing draft, click the Duplicate button.
a. Upon clicking Duplicate, you will be prompted to enter a new draft title. Click OK when done or click Cancel to return the Drafts tab.

The copy created opens in the Current Field Trip tab. For more information on completing a Field Trip Request, see Creating a Field Trip Draft. Click the Drafts tab to return to the drafts.
8. To delete a draft, click the delete button (red minus sign).
1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. Click the Templates tab to create a template that can be used to create field trip requests as many times as needed.

3. From the Templates tab, you can create a new template as well as continue editing Existing Templates. Before continuing, be sure the correct fiscal year is selected from the pull-down; it defaults to the current year.
4. Name the template and click Create.

5. Enter as much information as desired in order for other users to create field trip requests. The rest of the information in the top section can only be completed upon creating a draft.
6. Click Generate to add information to the template via the Generate Locations pop-up, which populates the Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs section. For more information on completing this section, follow the steps described in Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs.
7. Allocations cannot be added to a template. However, Files and Comments can be added as needed. See Finalizing the Field Trip Request for more information on adding Files and Comments.
8. All information added saves automatically. Click the Templates tab to view the create template in the Existing Templates section.

9. To view templates created by other users, click View All Users.

a. To Hide All Users and display templates only you created, click the corresponding button.
10. To view templates applicable to a specific facility, select te facility from the provided pull-down. The pull-down defaults to All Facilities.
11. Once the template has been created, you can click the text underlined in blue to edit the Name.

12. To create a copy of the template and edit it as needed for other uses, click the Duplicate button.
13. Click the View button to view and edit the template.

14. Click the Use button to use the template and create a field trip request draft. Once Use is clicked, you will be prompted to enter a name of the new field trip request draft.
a. Name the draft and click OK. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Templates tab.

Once the draft is named, the Current Field Trip tab is opened. From this point forward, you are creating a new draft. For more information, follow the steps outlined in Creating a Field Trip Draft.
15. To remove any existing templates, click the delete button.

1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. Once a field trip request has been submitted, click the Field Trip History tab to view the status of your request.

3. To view field trip history for a specific fiscal year, select the fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
4. To View All Users who have submitted a request, click the corresponding button. Note: Only select users have permission to view all users' requests. The requests that display when View All Users is selected depends on permissions set up via Setup > Accounting Strips.

a. Upon viewing all users' requests, you can Hide All Users to display only your own requests again.

5. Select the Facilities for which you want to view field trip history from the pull-down. The default is All Facilities.

From this tab, you can review the Creator of the request, the Name, the field trip Number assigned, the Type of trip, the Status of the request, the Created Date, the Start Date and End Date of the field trip, Total Hours, Cost, Requesting Facility, the # of Students, # of Adults, # of Wheelchairs, the # of Bus Aides, the # of Buses, and whether or not the field trip has been Completed.
6. Hover over the Status of the request to view the Approval Chain; i.e. the user(s) responsible for reviewing and approving your request. The Approval Chain shows which users are pending (hourglass) and which users have approved the request (green check mark). If the request is denied by any one user in the approval chain, the request will be sent back to the creator of the request as denied.
7. Click the View button in the last row of the table to open the request in the Current Field Trip tab.
Once a field trip request has been approved, the Complete Field Trip tab displays. From this tab, you can enter additional information in order to complete the trip. This step would take place after the field trip has taken place. For more information see Complete Field Trip.
8. Click the Duplicate button to create a copy of the request. Clicking Duplicate will create a new draft.

a. Upon creating a copy, you will be prompted to enter a name of the new field trip. Click OK once the name has been entered. You can also click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Filed Trip History tab.
9. Click Cancel to cancel the field trip.
The “Requesting Facility” and “Sponsoring Organization” properties can be added as signposts to the Field Trip Request flow type via Setup > Approval Flow > Field Trip Request.
- Sponsoring organizations are set up via Transportation > Setup > Sponsoring Organizations tab. Facilities are set up via Setup > Settings > Facilities tab.
1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. If you are a part of the Approval Chain for field trip requests, you will see a tab called Pending Approval. Click the tab to review all requests in order to be approved, denied, or sent back to originator.
3. To view pending approvals for a specific fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.

4. The Show only my pending check box is selected by default. To view requests pending approval by other users part of the approval chain, clear the selected check box.
The Pending Approvals table displays the Type of request, the Requester, the Start Date and End Date of the field trip, the Name of the request, the assigned Number, and the Status of the request, such as Pending, Approved, Denied.
5. Hover over the Status of the request to view the Approval Chain; i.e. the user(s) responsible for reviewing and approving your request. The Approval Chain shows which users are pending (hourglass) and which users have approved the request (green check mark). If the request is denied by any one user in the approval chain, the request will be sent back to the creator of the request as denied.

6. Click the View button in the last row of the table to open the request in the Current Field Trip tab.
From the Current Field Trip tab you can review all of the information in order to make an informed decision about the request. To Approve, Deny, or Send Back to Originator for edits, you can scroll to the bottom of the screen while on the Current Field Trip tab or click the Pending Approval tab.
From this tab, you must select a specific Driver Pool from the pull-down to apply to the field trip request. The pool selected determines the drivers who will be assigned to the trip once approved. Driver Pools are set up via Transportation > Setup > Bus Driver Pools.

7. On the Pending Approval tab, click the Approve button to approve the field trip request.
8. Click the Deny button, to deny the request.
9. Click Send Back to Originator to send the request back to the requester with a message as to what needs to be edited and resubmitted. Once the message has been entered, click the Send button. To cancel, click the X.

10. From this screen, you can also Print Unofficial documentation by clicking the corresponding button.
a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
b. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
The “Requesting Facility” and “Sponsoring Organization” properties can be added as signposts to the Field Trip Request flow type via Setup > Approval Flow > Field Trip Request.
- Sponsoring organizations are set up via Transportation > Setup > Sponsoring Organizations tab. Facilities are set up via Setup > Settings > Facilities tab.
1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. If you are a part of the Approval Chain for field trip requests, you will see a tab called Approval History. Click the tab to review all approved or denied requests.
The Approval History table displays the Type of request, the Requester, the Start Date and End Date of the field trip, the Name of the request, the assigned Number, and the Status of the request, such as Approved or Denied.
3. Hover over the Status of the request to view the Approval Chain; i.e. the user(s) responsible for reviewing and approving your request. The Approval Chain shows which users are pending (hourglass) and which users have approved the request (green check mark). If the request is denied by any one user in the approval chain, the request will be sent back to the creator of the request as denied.

4. Click the View button in the last row of the table to open the request in the Current Field Trip tab.
1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. Click the Field Trip History tab.
3. Once the field trip request has been approved by all users in the Approval Chain and a Driver Pool has been selected by one of the approvers, as described in Pending Approval, click the View button next to the approved request.
4. From the Current Field Trip tab, scroll down to the Pick-Ups/Drop-Offs section to review drivers assigned or to assign drivers.
Scroll to the right to see the column called Drivers. The drivers that have been assigned display in the column next to each scheduled trip.
Next to each driver's name, displays a status, such as Pending, Accepted, Rejected, or Deleted.
5. Depending on the Setup of field trips, you may have the option to Assign School Driver and Assign Driver Aide by clicking the corresponding button.
a. From the Manually Assign School Provided Driver or Manually Assign Bus Driver Aide pop-up window, select the driver/aide from the pull-down and click Assign. Click Cancel to return to the Current Field Trip tab.

6. Scroll to the right to see the column called Drivers. The drivers that have been assigned display in the column next to each scheduled trip.

Next to each driver's name, displays a status, such as Pending, Accepted, Rejected, or Deleted.
7. Click Print to print the Driver Acceptance Form.
8. Based on the information completed on the Driver Acceptance Form, you can select from the following buttons: Accept, Reject, or Delete.
Once the Accept, Reject, or Delete button is selected, the Revert button displays allowing you to revert to the previous state.
9. Once a driver is deleted, you must assign another driver. See step 5 or click Queue Pull to assign the next driver in line based on programmed union regulations. If the selected driver declines the trip, the next driver in line as per union regulations will be assigned the trip, and so on. However, if the Queue Pull needs to be overridden, you have the option to Manually Assign drivers by clicking the corresponding button.
a. When Manually Assign is selected, a Manually Assign Bus Driver pop-up is displayed. Select the driver from the pull-down and click Assign. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Current Field trip tab.

10. You can review Field Trip Drivers statuses in the upper right corner of the screen.

1. In the Transportation menu, click Field Trip Request.

2. Click the Field Trip History tab.
3. Once the field trip request has been approved and taken place, click the View button next to applicable field trip.
4. From the Current Field Trip tab, the Complete Field Trip tab becomes available; click the tab to enter the remaining details in order to mark the trip as complete.

The first section of the screen displays Approved Info from the field trip request.
5. To complete the field trip, you must complete the Finalized Info section.
6. The # of Students, # of Adults, # of Wheelchairs, # of Bus Aides, the # of Buses, the # of Star Seats as well as the Driver Pool and School Provided Drivers pulls from the original request. Edit these numbers as needed to ensure the numbers are accurate and up-to-date.
7. Upon completing the trip, the drivers will submit the required documentation regarding the trip in order to complete the Drivers section. Once submitted, enter the Bus #, Starting Mileage, Ending Mileage, the Arrive At time, and the time the bus Returned At in the corresponding text boxes.
As the Drivers information is entered, the Total Mileage and Final Cost fields are updated.
If the trip is a recurring field trip, the Finalized Info section displays for each trip, which can be used to record data from the driver and allow a collection of funds to be made from the school to transportation. Each recurring trip can be completed separately, after which, an unofficial invoice can be generated/printed.
8. If the district has enabled additional expenses, enter Sunpass expenses and Other Expenses in the provided text boxes.

As the finalize information is entered, the Total Mileage and Final Cost fields are updated.
10. Once all of the information has been entered, click Complete Collection to allow for a collection of funds to be made from the school to transportation.
11. Click Print Unofficial Invoice to print an invoice to be sent to the applicable party responsible for payment. Districts can use the invoice as documentation upon receiving funds from the responsible party.
12. Click Cancel Collection to cancel the collection of funds.
a. Once canceled, click Uncancel Collection to reopen billing and apply the collection of funds, if applicable.
13. The Allocations established in the Allocations section of Creating a Field Trip Draft are pulled in to the final field trip data; however, accounting strips can be edited as needed before completing the field trip. Once completed, allocations cannot be edited.
a. To edit accounts, click the pull-downs to change selections or click into any of the text fields that are underlined in blue.
b. Click the delete button to delete an accounting strip and add new information.
14. If needed, you can attached documents to the field trip via the Files section, such as driver forms.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.
15. Post any necessary Comments. The comments left here are for internal use only, meaning only other staff members will have access. Comments will not print on the receipt.

a. To post a comment, enter your comment in the text box and click Post.
16. From this screen, you can also Print Unofficial documentation by clicking the corresponding button.
a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
b. Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, data has been sorted by clicking Name once.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.