Documentation for Administrators


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The Employee screen allows users to search for employees and view employees' Demographic records, Jobs, Deductions, Pay History, and Files. From the Employee screen, there are two ways to search for users: the Search Screen, the User List, or the employee pull-down. Once an employee is selected, you can view the employees' records, add or edit employee information, log in as the employee, and more.

Primary Info

The tabs displayed in Demographics are all customizable, and, therefore, will vary for all districts. However, there are a few standard tabs that are built into the software and uneditable, such as Permissions and Teacher Schedule. Other tabs, such as W4, are built in but can be customized; therefore, the title of the tab may vary. To set up and customize the tabs, from the Human Resources menu, click Employee Fields.

1. Click the Primary Info tab to view the employee's name, username, password, and more.


From the Primary Info tab, you add or edit any of the fields displayed, such as the employee's First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Name Suffix, Username, Password, and more.


Click any of the following text boxes and make changes as needed: First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Name Suffix, Username, Password, and Social Security Number.

Select the Force Password Change check box to force the selected employee to change their password upon logging into their Portal.

Click the Attach to Users pull-down to select the users who will be linked to the selected employee.

2. If any additions or alterations are made on any of the tabs, be sure to click the Save button before navigating away from the screen to ensure data is saved.


3. Click the badge icon to print the user's ID badge.

General Tab

Utilize the General tab by including the user’s E-mail Address, Florida Education Identifier, Phone Number, and more. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.


Note that only the following fields are built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: E-mail Address; Experience Length (Years); Florida Education Identifier; Florida Educators Certificate Number; Phone Number; Social Security Number; Staff Number Identifier, Local; FLEID Verified; Former or Maiden Name; and Place of Birth.

Permissions Tab

The Permissions tab is a standard tab meaning the fields cannot be edited. All users have this tab displayed on the Employee screen. Use this tab to assign profiles and permissions to specific users. If profiles are set up via SIS > Users > Profiles and/or ERP > Setup > Profiles, but the user has not been assigned a profile from this tab, the user will note have access to anything set up. Note: For information about fields on the Permissions tab, see User Fields.

Adding a new SIS and ERP Profile

If the same information is being entered for SIS and ERP Profiles, such as Start Date and the assigned Schools, you can set the SIS and ERP Profiles on the same line.

1. To set up a new permission, use the top blank row. Select the SIS Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.


2. Select the ERP Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.


While you can select SIS and ERP Profiles together for the same record, it may be more beneficial to create two separate records in case the two permissions have different start and/or end dates.

3. Select the Schools the user should have access to using the pull-down. Select as many schools as needed here.


4. Enter the Start Date. This is the date you need the user to begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).

5. The End Date is optional. If the user should only receive access to the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s) for a specific period of time, you can enter an Enter Date.


The End Date field should be complete when a user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).

6. If needed, you can enter a Comment for the permissions given.


7. When all fields have been completed, press Enter to commit the line of data. When the line has been committed, it will turn yellow and a delete button (red minus sign) along with a View button displays.


Pressing Enter does not save the data. To save the committed line, click the Save button at the top of the screen.

8. Click the Save button to save the data. Once saved, the line will turn blue.

9. To view one specific permissions record, click the View button. Once selected, click Return to Permissions to navigate back to the original Permissions tab.


You may also have access to delete a permissions record via the delete button (red minus sign); however, doing so is not recommended. Instead, you should utilize the End Date field as a way to end the permission originally given. If a permissions record is deleted, it could interfere with audit trails and approval flow permissions, as well as various other fields.

Adding New ERP Profiles

1. To set up a new permission, use the top blank row. Skip SIS Profiles and select the ERP Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.


While you can select SIS and ERP Profiles together for the same record, it may be more beneficial to create two separate records in case the two permissions have different start and/or end dates.

2. Select the Schools the user should have access to using the pull-down. Select as many schools as needed here.


3. Enter the Start Date. This is the date you need the user to begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).

4. The End Date is optional. If the user should receive access to Internal Account Sponsor for a specific period of time, you can enter an Enter Date.


The End Date field should be complete when a user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).

5. If needed, you can enter a Comment for the permissions given.


6. When all fields have been completed, press Enter to commit the line of data. When the line has been committed, it will turn yellow and a delete button (red minus sign) along with a View button displays.


Pressing Enter does not save the data. To save the committed line, click the Save button at the top of the screen.

7. Click the Save button to save the data. Once saved, the line turns blue.

8. To view one specific permissions record, click the View button. Once selected, click Return to Permissions to navigate back to the original Permissions tab.


You may also have access to delete a permissions record via the delete button (red minus sign); however, doing so is not recommended. Instead, you should utilize the End Date field as a way to end the permission originally given. If a permissions record is deleted, it could interfere with audit trails and approval flow permissions, as well as various other fields.

Adding New SIS Profiles

1. To set up a new permission, use the top blank row. Select the SIS Profiles from the pull-down. Select as many profiles as desired.


2. Skip the ERP Profiles pull-down and continue to Schools. Select the Schools the user should have access to using the pull-down. Select as many schools as needed here.


While you can select SIS and ERP Profiles together for the same record, it may be more beneficial to create two separate records in case the two permissions have different start and/or end dates.

3. Enter the Start Date. This is the date you need the user to begin using the selected profile(s) for the selected school(s).

4. The End Date is optional. If the user should receive access to Activities for a specific period of time, you can enter an Enter Date.


The End Date field should be complete when a user becomes inactive and no longer has access to the system. Otherwise, the user will still have access to the selected profile(s) and school(s).

5. If needed, you can enter a Comment for the permissions given.


6. When all fields have been completed, press Enter to commit the line of data. When the line has been committed, it will turn yellow and a delete button (red minus sign) along with a View button displays.


Pressing Enter does not save the data. To save the committed line, click the Save button at the top of the screen.

7. Click Save to save the data. Once saved, the line will turn blue.


8. To view one specific permissions record, click the View button. Once selected, click Return to Permissions to navigate back to the original Permissions tab.


You may also have access to delete a permissions record via the delete button (red minus sign); however, doing so is not recommended. Instead, you should utilize the End Date field as a way to end the permission originally given. If a permissions record is deleted, it could interfere with audit trails and approval flow permissions, as well as various other fields.

Teachers Tab

1. Utilize the Teachers tab by including the user’s certifications, Homeroom Number,  and more. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.


Note that only the following field is built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: Certification.

2. To add a Certification for the user, select the Subject Area, Level, and Type from the pull-down. Then, enter the Certification Number, Issue Date and the Expiration Date. Select the Scope from the provided pull-down.


a. Level: The teacher’s certified Level. For levels 0-9 and A, B, C, D, H & K, all Grade Levels of the students scheduled into the teacher’s class must match the Level indicated in order for the Teacher to be In-Field for that Section.

b. Subject: The FLDOE defined Core Academic Subject or Endorsement Codes.

c. Type: The FLDOE defined certification Type.

d. Issue Date: The certification was awarded on this date. There needs to be a date populated in this Field in order for the logic to work as expected.

e. Expiration Date: Date the certification was expired. The expiration date Is taken into account when computing the Teacher’s I/o & HQ Licensure Status with Focus’ automated feature.

f. The Scope field is used to indicate the Type of Certification, Licensure, or Qualification Status applicable to the teacher’s position in the class being reported. The Scope field, if populated on a Teacher’s Cert, can drastically change the automation output for Data Element 108150 for Certification / Licensure / Qualification Status.

The Scope Explained

& TCHR MISSING CERT Element 108150 will be

& TCHR HAS CERT Element 108150 will be

[A] Adjunct
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[A] Instructional Staff Member holding an Adjunct Teaching Certificate
[E] Exam
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[S] Certificated Instructional Staff member Teaching In-Field – Teacher Demonstrated Subject Area Expertise
[G] Grandfathered
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[H] Certificated Instructional Staff in Core Subject Qualified for HOUSSE
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[H] Certificated Instructional Staff in Core Subject Qualified for HOUSSE
[S] Substitute w/ RG Cert
[B] Substitute
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught
[O] Board Approved
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[P] Pending
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught
[L] State License
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught
[V] Virtual Teacher
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught
[I] Instructional Staff Member Certified/ Licensed in the Field being Taught
[Z] Substitute 6077
[B] Substitute
[B] Substitute
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[N] Non-Certified Instructional Staff Member possessing expert skill or knowledge of particular subject or talent appointed by the School Board
[O] Out-of-Field Board Approved
[V] Prekindergarten instructor qualified to teach Voluntary Prekindergarten Classes

& TCHR MISSING CERT Element 131037 will be

& TCHR HAS CERT Element 131037 will be

[A], [E], [G], [H], [O], [P], [L] or [N]

Course Level Based:

[Z] Course not HQ Core (if Course Catalog is Null/ No)

[C] Elementary Not Certified

[D] Middle/ High School Not Certified

[G] Other

Course Level Based:

[Y] Highly Qualified (If Course Catalog is Yes)

[Z] Course not HQ Core (If Course Catalog is Null/No)

[G] Other

[S], [V] or [Z]
[G] Other

Course Level Based:

[Y] Highly Qualified (If Course Catalog is Yes)

[Z] Course not HQ Core (If Course Catalog is Null/No)

[G] Other

[Z] Course not HQ Core

Course Level Based:

[Y] Highly Qualified (If Course Catalog is Yes)

[Z] Course not HQ Core (If Course Catalog is Null/No)

[G] Other

3. If adding a new certification, use the top blank row to begin making selections.


4. When finished, press Enter to commit the line. The line of data will turn yellow and the delete button will display (red minus sign) when committed. Note: Pressing Enter does not save the data.


5. Click Save to save the data. The line turns blue once saved.

Licenses Tab

The Licenses tab contains information related to any professional licenses held by the user. Users can easily keep track of professional qualifications, expiration dates, and any necessary renewal processes. This can be particularly important for industries where maintaining active licenses is required for legal compliance or professional standards.

1. Click the Licenses tab.


a. License Type: This field indicates the type of license or certification that the user holds. For example, it could be a teaching license, a medical license, a driver's license, a software certification, or any other type of professional credential.

b. License Number: This field displays the unique identification number associated with the user's license. This number is typically assigned by the issuing authority and serves as a way to uniquely identify the license.

c. License Date Acquired: This field shows the date when the user obtained or acquired the license. It indicates the date on which the user fulfilled all the requirements necessary to obtain the license, such as passing an exam, completing a training program, or meeting certain experience criteria.

d. License Date Expires: This field displays the expiration date of the user's license or certification. Most professional licenses and certifications are valid for a limited period of time and require renewal to remain active. The expiration date indicates the deadline by which the user needs to renew their license to continue practicing or using their credential.

2. Click View to open and view information for the selected license only.


a. Click Return to Licenses to go back to the main screen.


3. If adding a new license, use the top blank row to begin making selections.


4. When finished, press Enter to commit the line. The line of data will turn yellow and the delete button will display (red minus sign) when committed. Note: Pressing Enter does not save the data.

5. Click Save to save the data. The line will turn blue once saved.

Teacher Schedule Tab

The Teacher Schedule tab only displays for Teacher profiles or users tagged to a course.

Although none of the information displayed here can be edited, it is a great tool for gaining teacher profile information as all classes are listed, which includes Classes this teacher is teaching, Classes this teacher is co-teaching, and Inclusion Classes.

1. To view the teacher's classes in a planner format, click the Weekly Planner slider.

The Weekly Planner will not display correctly unless start and end times are defined in SIS > Setup > Periods setup.

a. You can click any of the courses shown via the Weekly Planner to open a new tab/window (depending on your browser settings) of the Courses & Sections screen for that specific course.

2. If more than one marking period apply to the teacher, i.e., if the teacher is scheduled to teach classes in several different marking periods, you can select a different one from the Marking Period pull-down.

3. If the teacher has been scheduled to teacher specific classes, as shown in the first section: Classes this teacher is teaching, you can click the Course link(s) to open the course.

Clicking the Course link will open a new tab/window (depending on your browser settings) of the Courses & Sections screen for the specific course.

Charter/Contracted Emp Info Tab

If your district is utilizing the Charter/Contracted Emp Info tab via ERP (Finance), the information will display here. Depending on permissions, you may also have the ability to edit the information displayed here. For more information specifically on this tab, see the article titled, Charter/Contracted Emp Info.


Note that only the following fields are built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: Fiscal Year Benefits, FY Salaries - Addt'l Compensation, Fiscal Year Salaries, MSP, SP, PJR, IP, IL, Final Evaluation Code, Charter Staff Attendance, Survey 5, Multi-District Employee (Survey 2 Only), Experience, Benefits, Additional Compensation, Additional Job Assignment, Payroll Information - Salary Adjustment, Payroll Information - Base, Survey 2 & 3, Separation Reason, Separation Date, Midpoint Evaluation for Newly Hired Classroom Teachers, Original Position Date, Continuous Employment Date, Current Position Date, Employee Type, Primary Job Code, Primary School, Survey 2, 3 and 5, Status, Qualified Paraprofessional, Gender, and Highest Degree Earned.

Communications Log Tab

Since the tab names are customizable, this tab is sometimes labeled Letter Log.

1. Utilize the Communications Log by tracking meetings and other correspondents by logging them here. You can log the Date, the person who conducted the meeting/contact (Contact Made By), Notes about the meeting, and supporting Files that need to be attached.

2. If you need to upload a file, hover over No Files to make the Scan, Upload, and the expansion arrow display.

a. To scan a document, click the Scan button, which will open Dynamsoft for downloading. Once downloaded, you can begin scanning documents directly into Focus from your scanner.

b. To upload a document, click the Upload button to browse your computer for files.

c. Click on the expansion arrow to drag and drop files directly into the pop-up box or click the Choose a file or drag it here button to browse and attach a file.

d. Once a file has been attached, you have the option to view the file, download the file, and delete the file, in that order. See the image for the icons.

3. To log a new entry, use the top blank row. When all information has been entered, press Enter to add the line.

a. When finished, click Save or none of the data will be saved.


You can utilize the ELL tab to document ELL specifics that pertain to certifications, etc. for specific users, as shown in the image.

The certification data entered here will be utilized by the district's HR department; however, it is important that certifications be entered on the Teachers tab.

Employee Summary

Click the Employee Summary tab to review the user's employee information, such as Full Name, Contact Info, Active Positions, Salary, and Supplements.


Note that only the following fields are built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: Supplements, Salary, Active Positions, Contact Info, Mail Address, Home Address, W4 Information, Full Name, and Employee Identification Number.

Employee Demographic Tab

Utilize the Employee Demographic tab to document employee specifics, such as Original Hire Date, Continuous Employment Date, Birthdate, Marital Status, etc.


Field Description
Original Hire Date Enter the employee’s original hire date; i.e. the first time they ever worked in the district.
Leave Accrual Date
Enter the date the employee begins to accrue leave during their first month of employment, if applicable.
Continuous Employment Date
Enter the employee’s continuous employment date, which is used when an employee continues employment within the same district but within a different position.
Rehire Date
Enter the date the employee was rehired by the district after a previous termination, if applicable.
Vacation Years
Enter the number of Vacation Years the employee has earned based on the years of service calculated for the employee.
Birth Date
Enter the employee’s birthdate. 
Marital Status
Select the employee’s Marital Status from the pull-down, such as Divorced, Legally Separated, Married, etc.
Handicap Condition 1-3
Select the employee’s applicable handicap conditions from the pull-down, such as Hearing Impaired, Physically Impired, Speech Impaired, etc.
Military Veteran
Select the check box to inicate that the employee is a military veteran.
Select the check box to inicate that the employee is retired.
Medicare Eligible
Select the check box to inicate that the employee is eligible for medicare.
Ethics Training
Select the check box to indicate that the employee has completed their ethics training.
Retirement Date
Enter the employee’s official date of retirement.
State Identifier
Enter the employee's ten-character code used by the school district locally to uniquely identify an employee. This staff identifier must be different than the Social Security Number or the district-defined number used in lieu of a social security number provided in the Social Security Number data element field.
Citizenship Status
Select the employee’s citizenship status from the pull-down, such as Citizen, Alien, Non-citizen National, or Permanent Resident.
Citizenship Status Expiration Date
If the employee’s citizenship status has an expiration date; enter the date in the text box.
Exempt From Public Record
Select the check box to keep the employee’s address and phone number from displaying on specific reports. For instance, some employees, like the spouse of a police officer or a judge, might be exempt from having their address and phone number released in a public records request.
Check Location
Select the facility where the employee will be receiving their checks from the pull-down. This field is aaplicable for employees that receive paper checks.
Bus Route
Enter the employee’s Bus Route, if applicable.
Drop Beginning Date
Enter the beginning drop date for Florida employees in the Drop program, which changes how their Florida Retirement is processed. At the end of the Drop program, the employee must retire.
Drop Ending Date
Enter the ending drop date for Florida employees in the Drop program, which changes how their Florida Retirement is processed. At the end of the Drop program, the employee must retire.
Highest Degree Earned
Select the employee’s highest degree earned from the pull-down, such as Masters, Bachelors, Associates, etc.
Retirement Eligibility Date
Enter the date the employee is eligible to retire.
State Retirement Sys Num
Enter the employee’s state retirement system number.
ACA Assessment Date
Enter the employee’s ACA (Affordable Care Act) assessment date.
ACA Offered
Select the check box to indicate that the employee has been offered ACA (Affordable Care Act).
ACA Stability Date
Enter the employee’s ACA (Affordable Care Act) stability date.
ACA Status
Select the employee’s ACA (Affordable Care Act) status from the pull-down, such as In Assessment, In Stability, or In Standard Measurement. 
Select the employee’s gender from the pull-down.
Ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino)
Select the check box if the employee is Hispanic or Latino.
Race: Black or African American
Select the check box if the employee is Black or African American.
Race: Asian
Select the check box if the employee is Asian.
Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Select the check box if the employee is Native Hawaiian or an Other Pacific Islander.
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Select the check box if the employee is American Indian or Alaska Native.
Race: White or Caucasian
Select the check box if the employee is White or Caucasian.
Years of Experience
Enter the number of years the employee has invested in the district as an employee.
Regular Service Separation Date
Enter the date the employee was separated from the district; i.e. the date the employee left the district due to resignation, retirement, or other.
Separation Reason
Select the reason the employee was separated from the district from the pull-down, such as retirement, resignation personal reasons, staff reduction, etc.
Health Insurance Offered
Select the check box to indicate that the employee was offered health insurance. 
Reported New Hire
Select the check box to indicate that the employee was reported to the state as a new hire.
Benefits Cancellation Date
Enter the date the employee’s benefits were cancelled, if applicable. 

Note that only the following fields are built into the software; the rest of the fields shown were customized by the district: Benefits Cancellation Date, Leave Accrual Date, Ethnicity (Hispanic or Latino), Reported New Hire, Health Insurance Offered, Separation Reason, Regular Service Separation Date, Years of Experience, Race: White or Caucasian, Race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Race: Asian, Race: Black or African American, Gender, ACA Status, ACA Stability Date, ACA Offered, ACA Assessment Date, State Retirement Sys Num, Retirement Eligibility Date, Highest Degree Earned, Drop Ending Date, Drop Beginning Date, Sick Bank Membership, Bus Route, Check Location, Exempt From Public Record, Citizenship Status Expiration Date, Citizenship Status, State Identifier, Retirement Date, Ethics Training, Medicare Eligible, Retiree, Military Veteran, Handicap Condition 3, Handicap Condition 2, Handicap Condition 1, Marital Status, Birth Date, Vacation Years, Rehire Date, Continuous Employment Date, Original Hire Date, and Florida Education Identifier.

Personnel Evaluation

Utilize the Personnel Evaluation tab by including the employee's evaluations, which include the Fiscal Year the evaluation took place, the Final Evaluation (Mid Year or Full Year), Evaluation Rating, etc.

State Reporting Tab

Utilize the State Reporting tab by including the employee's Qualified Paraprofessional information, Performance Pay, and Reading Endorsement Competencies, etc. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software for reporting purposes, etc.

W4 Information

This tab will only display for districts utilizing the ERP system, as this information pulls from and ties directly into the Human Resources/Payroll module.

1. Utilize the W4 Information tab by including the employee's W4 Status, Allowances, exemptions, etc. The fields shown on this tab are important to complete as they tie into other fields in the software.

W4 Allowances under 17: Depends under 17 x $2,000 is used to reduce the employees annual taxable wages.

W4 Allowances Other: A dollar amount x $500 is used to reduce the employees annual taxable wages.

4a Other Income (per check): A dollar amount which is recorded on the new W4 as an annual amount increases taxable wages.

4b Deductions (per check): Reduce taxable wages due to other deductions.

Use Multiple Jobs: Determines the tax table used (setup via Payroll > Maintenance > Tax Tables tab).

IRS Lockout date range: When within the entered IRS Lockout date range, employees will not have access to enter W4 Information until after the IRS Lock End date.

Direct Deposit

1. For details about the employee's Direct Deposit information, select the corresponding tab.


Here you can see the Account Number, Account Type, Amount being deposited to the account, Percent being deposited, etc. In the image shown, editing permissions have been granted; however, most users will not have permission to edit this tab.


2. Click View to open each record and view and or edit it one by one. To return to the main screen, click Return to Direct Deposit.

The Percent field displays if the field has been enabled via Setup > Profiles > Permission Type: Employee Fields.

3. To add a new direct deposit account, start be entering the Account Number in the provided text box.

4. Select the Account Type from the pull-down, such as Checking or Savings.

5. Enter the Amount that should be deposited into the account in the provided text box. Here you can divide up earnings between one or more accounts by a flat amount.

6. Enter the Percent that should be deposited into the account in the provided text box. Here you can divide up earnings between one or more accounts by a percentage.

7. Select the Bank from the corresponding pull-down.

8. Select the Catch All check box to ensure that any remaining amount is deposited to this account in case the listed accounts do not make up for the entire amount earned.

9. Enter the Priority number in the text box to determine the order in which deposits should be made.

10. Select the Status of the account from the pull-down, such as Active or Inactive. Selecting Inactive from the Status pull-down ensures the account is not used for deposits; this can be utilized instead of deleting the account.


11. Press the Enter key to save the line of account information. Then, click Save.


12. To edit an existing account, click the field and make changes, as needed.


a. Edited fields display in yellow. Click Save to apply changes.


13. To delete an account, click the delete button (red minus sign).


a. The account removed is grayed out. To delete the account and apply changes, click Save.

Audit Trail

While viewing the employee's demographic tab, you can also view the employee's Audit Trail. Click the tab to view the employee's recorded audits.


For more information, see Audit Trail.

Employee Audit Trail

The Jobs tab ties the position to the employee, along with salary and benefits.

When the job Group number is updated, the primary position toggle updates automatically.

1. Click the Jobs tab at the top of the screen.


2. The Jobs tab displays several options starting with the fiscal year pull-down. Change the selection using the pull-down to view jobs for a different year. Changing the year to view positions from a different year, allows you to view and edit data for the listed position.


3. Select the Service Verification check box to create an employee transcript of all positions held within the district, which includes the Year, Facility, Position, Job Title, Starting and Ending position dates, the amount the employee was Paid while working in the position, the number of days Worked in the position, the assigned Calendar for the position, and the Type of employment.


The print the Service Verification transcript, click the Print icon in the Export section.


4. To view all of the employee's past jobs, click Show Previous Years. All positions the employee has held will be listed including active positions; however, the data will be inactive for editing. Selecting Show Previous Years displays different information, such as Hrs/Day for hours worked in a day, which is helpful when you need to view a summary of the employee's complete work history at the district. This is helpful when you researching an employee for years of experience, job changes, etc.


The Show Previous Years check box selection displays the Year, the pay type Group, if the listed position is the employee's Primary Position and/or Primary Job, the Facility, the Position, Job Title, Starting and Ending position dates, the Term Code (if the employee was terminated from the position), the amount the employee was Paid while working in the position, the number of Auth[orized] positions currently active, the number of Avail[able] positions to be filled, the assigned Hrs/Day (hours per day) to be worked, and computed FTE based on Hours/Day and position control hours per day.

5. The standard Positions columns includes Allocation, Lock Allocation, Recommendations, Time & Attendance Job Schedule, Time & Attendance Special Request(s), and Time & Attendance Timecards Auto Dockage.


a. Click the Allocate button to open the Position Information / Staff Position Allocation / Insurance Override Allocation pop-up window.

From this pop-up window, you can review employee information from the Position Information section.

Use the Staff Position Allocation section to review and edit how the employee's salary is being allocated. To add a new allocation, enter information in the bottom blank row. To edit allocation already established, click the applicable text boxes or pull-downs to make edits or change selections.

Use the Insurance Override Allocation section to specify a different allocation for an employee's insurance deductions, ensuring that unique or special circumstances are accurately reflected in their payroll processing.

Follow the steps below to enter data for both the Staff Position Allocation section and the Insurance Override Allocation section.


i. Start by establishing the percentage to be paid for each listed allocation in the Percent column. In the example shown, one allocation will be used to fund the employee's entire salary (100.00 percent).

ii. Select the elements that make up the accounting strip to be allocated from the corresponding element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, Center, Project, etc.

iii. Enter the Starting and Ending date that the account should be used to pay the employee's salary.

iv. When all information has been entered, click in a text box and press the Enter key to save the allocation. Once saved, the delete button (red minus sign) displays, which can be clicked to delete any listed allocations.


The ability to delete job, position, and supplement allocations is enabled by the permission Job Allocations (Delete) set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.

b. When Employee Allocations are entered, the Lock Allocation check box is selected by default, which locks the current allocation assigned to the employee ensuring that any changes on the position control record will not impact the employee if and when the allocation is changed and applied to staff positions.

If the Employee allocation is entered and the box is checked and a change is then made on the position control record and pushed to all employees in the position, the employee in question would not get that update. But as soon as you uncheck the box, they then get the allocation that is sitting on the position control record when the screen refreshes.

c. Click Recommendations to view the employee's recommendation status, provisional status, approval status, and more. From here, you can also generate recommendation letters.


i. Select the Provisional check box to indicate that the recommendation being made is not final and may be subject to change meaning that the decision is temporary or subject to further review or confirmation.

ii. Enter any corresponding notes in the Provisional Notes field to explain why the Provisional check box has been selected, such as Employee's reappointment status is contingent upon successful completion of ongoing professional development training.

iii. Select the employee's Recommendation status from the pull-down, such as Recommendation for Reappointment or Non-Renew.

iv. Enter any corresponding Notes to explain the Recommendation status selected, such as why the employee has been assigned the Non-Renew code. For example, the employee's contract is not being renewed due to budget constraints and the elimination of their position within the department.

v. If you are the School/Department head and have approved the recommendation, you can select the School/Dept Approve check box.

vi. If you are head of the Human Resources department have approved the recommendation, you can select the HR Approve check box.

vii. If you are head of the Human Resources department and have approved or not approved the recommendation and need to include notes explaining your approval or disapproval, enter your comments in the HR Notes field, such as HR does not approve the recommendation for reappointment due to recent performance issues highlighted in the employee's performance evaluation.

viii. Select the Vacant check box to indicate that the position the employee is currently occupying is vacant, meaning there is no employee currently assigned to that position.

ix. Click Generate to create an employee agreement/recommendation letter, which is viewable via Human Resources > Employment Agreement Maintenance.

See Recommendations for information on the set up process and for more details on each of the fields presented here.

d. If job schedules have been set up via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup, schedules will be assigned by Position Control. However, you can override the schedule assigned by selecting a different Job Schedule from the pull-down. The schedule dictates the employee's hours of employment for check in and check out, break times, and more.

e. If special requests have been set up via Human Resources > Time & Attendance Setup, you can apply a request for the employee by selecting it from the Special Request(s) pull-down. Otherwise, the employee will be capable of submitting special requests themselves via Punch In/Out section on their Portal; special requests includes unique events or activities such as field trips, athletic events, covering another teacher's class, fundraisers, etc. Note: Special Request(s) can also be assigned by Position Control.

Employees can be assigned Special Requests without being assigned a Job Schedule in order to allow employees that are full-time and do not have a schedule to log special requests from the Punch In/Out section on the Portal.

f. If applicable, select Timecards Auto Dockage from the pull-down to override selections made via Position Control. Select Ignore from the pull-down so salary employees will not be docked automatically when their total clock-in time is less than the expected hours worked for their position. If you select Negative Overtime, then wages will be docked if the employee has clocked in for less than the expected total hours. The dockage will be applied as a negative overtime record, which will subtract an amount from their paycheck.

If the Show Additional Extended Leave Job Fields setting is enabled via Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab, the following fields display: Term[ination] Date, Final Status, and Notes. Once enabled, the selected fields can be utilized for employees on extended leave.

g. If applicable, select the Time & Attendance Manager from the pull-down to designate a manager/user responsible for for reviewing and approving/denying timecards and other applicable requests related to Time & Attendance.

h. Select the Time & Attendance Manager Locked? check box to lock the selected manager in the Time & Attendance Manager pull-down so it will not be altered even if changes are made to the position.

i. Select a user from the Time & Attendance Timekeeper pull-down to make the user responsible for reviewing and approving Time & Attendance via Human Resources >Time & Attendance Approval. The Timekeeper can also be assigned to Employee Self Service > Employee Requests and View/Edit Timecards via Setup > Settings >ESS.

j. Select the Time & Attendance Timekeeper Locked? check box to lock the selected timekeeper in the Time & Attendance Timekepper pull-down so it will not be altered even if changes are made to the position.

6. Enter the Term Date in the provided text box.

7. Select the Final Status from the pull-down.

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8. Select the TKL Code from the pull-down, if applicable.

These codes need to be applied when, for example, an employee is working as a Cook at Focus High School, but the user responsible for the Cook's logged time, is located at the district in the Food Service department. The Cook's job is billed through the high school's allocation, but the high school doesn't approve the Cook's time; in which case, you'd select the Code for the Food Service department from the TKL Code pull-down.


TKL Codes are set up via Setup > Government Codes > TKL Codes.

9. Enter any applicable Notes in the provided text box.

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10. Click show in the Change Log column to display a history of staff position changes.


The Staff Position History pop-window displays Modified By, Reason for change, Modified Time, Group, Primary Position. Primary Job, Facility, Position, Job Title, Starting, Ending, Term Code, TKL Code, Hrs/Day, Lock Allocation, Time & Attendance Job Schedule, Time & Attendance Special Request(s), Time & Attendance Timecards Auto Dockage, Time & Attendance Manager, Time & Attendance Manager Locked?, Time & Attendance Timekeeper, and Time & Attendance Timekeeper Locked?.


a. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove any incorrect position history.

11. Upon viewing the Position section, you can customize the columns displayed by clicking Toggle Columns. Clear the selected check boxes to hide the column. Only selected columns will display in the report. Note: Once a column is hidden, it will remain hidden until the check box is selected again via Toggle Columns.


12. Click the Details button next to the applicable position to open the Pay Settings & Overview section, the Step Pay Calculation section, the Min/Max Pay section, the Allocation section, the Board section, the Misc section, and the Encumbrance -- Last Check Run section.


In order to view job Details via the corresponding button, you must have permission to Job Details (View) enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab > Staff section.

13. When details have been reviewed and/or entered, click Hide to hide all corresponding sections. Changes made save automatically.


14. Click the Supplements button next to the applicable position to display supplement details in the Supplements section.


If there are supplements present on each individual position, the Supplements button is highlighted in yellow.

In order to view job Supplements via the corresponding button, you must have permission to Job Supplements (View) enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab > Staff section.

15. When supplements have been reviewed and/or entered, click Hide to hide all corresponding sections. Changes made save automatically.


16. To delete a position, click the delete button (red minus sign).


The ability to delete positions is enabled by the permission Job (Delete) set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.


Wage Calculation and Pay Overview

Select the Pay type for wage calculation from the pull-down to manually set or change the pay type for a staff job, providing greater control and preventing automatic changes that could affect wage calculations.


The Paid section lists the amount the employee has been paid to date (for the year).

The Contract Remaining section lists the remaining amount to be paid for the year.


Click Show to view a history of wage changes.


The Wage Change Log displays Triggered By (why the change was logged), Modified By (user responsible), Modified Date, Modified Time, Step, Contract amount, Annual amount, Period amount, Daily amount, Hourly amount, Days, Hrs Per Day, Starting and Ending Date, Type, and the Override explanation.


Click the white X to close the pop-up.

Step Pay Calculation

The Step Pay Calculation section displays the employee's salary information for the selected position. This section is also used to set wage information for employees who are individually assigned a wage amount that falls within a minimum and maximum pay range.

1. Making a selection from the Override Period Pay Calculation pull-down overrides any pro-rated pay. If an employee is to be paid out as opposed to having money withheld during the summer months, the pull-down offers a couple of different options to pay the employee when necessary, such as Contract pay divided by remaining checks including summer checks, Annualized pay divided by total checks, or Contract pay divided by checks in contract period.


2. Click Explain the rates to display an Answers pop-up, which explains the changes made to the employee's pay.


a. When you are finished reviewing the Answers, click the white X to close the pop-up window.

3. To change the selected Step, click the pull-down and make the applicable selection.

4. Click Explain the rates for updated numbers, based on the Step selected.


An Answers pop-up displays explaining the changes made to the employee's pay.


a. When you are finished reviewing the Answers, click the white X to close the pop-up window.

5. The Step Pay Calculation section displays the Step, the employee's Annual Wages amount to be paid, the employee's Contract amount to be paid, the amount to be paid per Period, the amount to be paid Daily, the amount to be paid Hourly, the amount of Hrs Per Day to be worked, the number of Days to be worked as per the employee's contract, the Starting and Ending dates to be worked, as well as any salary adjustments and the amount to be adjusted.


The min/max amounts are set for these steps in Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Slots/Steps > Rates.

The Days field automatically updates when the employee’s assigned calendar is changed via Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Calendars.

If any changes have been made to the Step, Starting or Ending dates, or salary adjustments or the amount adjusted, the Last Modified By columns will display the user who made the changes, as well as the Last Modified Date, and the Last Modified Time.


The profile permission, View "Modified by Name" determines whether you can see the following columns: Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, and Last Modified Time. The profile permission is set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.

6. To add a new step, use the bottom blank line and start by selecting the Step to be added.


a. Enter the Starting and Ending dates that apply to the step to be added.

b. Select all applicable salary adjustments from the Sal Adj 1-5 pull-downs and enter the adjustment amount.


c. When all information has been entered, click into a text box and press the Enter key to save the step. When the information has saved, the Contract, Period, Annual, Daily, Hourly, Days, Hrs Per Day, and Days columns automatically populate.


7. To delete a step, click the delete button (red minus sign).


The ability to delete step pay is enabled by the permission Job Salary Slots (Delete) set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.


The Allocation section shows how the employee's salary will be charged. The information displayed here pulls from the Allocate button in the Positions section discussed above in step 5a in the Jobs section.



The Board section can be utilized to add new employee records to the Board Packet (Human Resources > Board Packet), which can be used to review new hires, contract changes, etc.

Field Description
Was On Agenda The check box will automatically be selected when the Human Resources Board Packet that contains the employee’s information is printed.
Contract Status Select the employee’s contract status from the pull-down, such as annual, probationary, multiyear, etc.
Next Contract Status If applicable, select the employee’s next contract status from the pull-down.
Type Select the Type of changes that have occurred for the employee and the reason the employee’s information is to display on the Board Packet, such as Changes made, Employment, Transfers, or Promotions.
Description Enter an optional description explaining the Type selected, such as new hire employee.
Employment Board Date Enter the employment board date...
Leave Type If the employee is not actively working, select the type of leave from the pull-down, such as Leaves or Separations (terminations).
Leave Description Enter an optional leave description to explain the Leave Type selected, such as, Employee is on Maternity Leave.
Leave Date Enter the date the leave is set to occur. 


The Misc. section contains data related to the employment type (regular, temporary duty), original hire date, etc.

Field Description
Employment Type Select the employee’s employment type from the pull-down, such as regular full-time, regular part-time, temporary full-time, student, other, etc.
Worker Type Select the employee’s worker type from the pull-down, such as Student, who doesn't earn leave or receive benefits or Non-Leave, who doesn’t earn leave.
WCI Enter the employee’s WCI; i.e. the employee’s worker compensation class. The WCI is tied to the employee’s job code in the set up process and determines how much money the district pays each month for the employee’s workers compensation insurance. 
State Job Code Enter the employee’s state job code.
Hire Enter the employee’s original hire date for the selected position.
Start Enter the employee’s start date; i.e. the date the employee actually began working in the position.
Slot Changed If a slot change occurred while the employee was in the selected position, enter the date changed. 
Job Termination If the employee was terminated from the selected position, enter the termination date.
Responsibility Facility Select the facility responsible for the employee in the selected position.
Years Experince Enter the number of years experince the employee has accumulated.
Don’t increment pay in forecasting Select the check box to ensure the employee will not be moved to the next step during the next school year. Select the check box if the employee is not eligible for a step during the next school year and should be budgeted/forecast for the same pay rate the following year.
Leave Accrual Ineligible Select the check box to designate the employee as ineligible for leave accruals for the applicable job, which means that no leave, such as sick, vacation, or any other type of accrued leave, will be accumulated for this employee.

Encumbrance -- Last Check Run

1. The Encumbrance section displays the monies encumbered for the selected employee.

2. Click Explain for information regarding deductions, remaining check runs, contract information, paid check runs, and more.

When you are finished reviewing the Answers, click the white X to close the pop-up window.


The Supplements sections displays all of the employee's supplements as they pertain to the selected position.

1. Upon reviewing existing supplements, you can select the Explain check box for a complete description of how the supplement was calculated. Selecting the Explain check box can be helpful when researching why a particular supplement is being paid in a particular way.


Selecting the Explain check box displays an Explain pop-up window, which includes details about how the supplement is being calculated and paid. When your review is complete, click the white X to close the window.


2. The Facility of employment for the applicable position when the supplement was added is listed in the second column. The applicable Position when the supplement was added is also listed.

3. The number of Avail[able] positions to be filled displays for the applicable supplement and position.

4. The Step selection from the pull-down displays the employee's salary information for the listed supplement and position, as defined via Step Pay Calculation.

5. The Supplements section also displays the Annualized Amount paid for each existing supplement, along with Min/Max Amount allowed to be acquired in supplements, and the Percent paid.


6. The effective Starting and Ending date for each supplement displays.

The Starting date is a required field.

7. The number of Pays is how many times the employee will receive payments against the supplement in total. The Contract amount is the total amount to be paid against the supplement as allowed by the employee's contract.

8. The Total Period pay is the amount the employee will receive from a particular supplement from each pay period (per check). The appended supplements, Period Appended displays separately from the supplements period pay, Period Supplement.


9. The number of Remaining Pays is the number of payments remaining to be made against a supplement. The Paid amount is the amount already paid against the supplement. And, the Balance is the different between the amount paid and the amount owed.


10. The Deductions columns indicate how supplemental pay will be deducted before being paid to the employee and includes FICA, Ret (retirement), Ins (insurance), and Ftax (federal taxes).

FICA: If Yes is selected from the pull-down; the supplement money will be taxed by FICA before being paid to the employee.

Ret: If the earnings from this supplement will affect Retirement, Yes is selected from the pull-down. I.e. The supplemental money will be used to calculate retirement contributions.

Ins: Selecting Yes here determines if the money from this supplement is to be included in the insurance calculation.

Ftax: This field helps determine how the supplement will be taxed; if this is left blank, the supplement will be taxed against the standard Federal Tax tables. Other options include 25% tax or Dont Tax.

11. The Desc text box displays any notes or descriptions pertaining to the supplement.

12. Click the Allocation button to open the supplement allocation pop-up window where you can review and edit how the supplement is being allocated. To add a new allocation, enter information in the bottom blank row. To edit an allocation already established, click the applicable text boxes or pull-downs to make edits or change selections.


a. Start by establishing the percentage to be paid for each listed allocation in the Percent column. In the example shown, one allocation will be used to fund the entire supplement amount (100.00 percent).

Supplements can be suspended when it meets the following criteria: Supplements (<1% and  0%) are suspended. Review the suspended data in the image below:

Row 1: 100% ← doesn’t meet the criteria to be suspended (<1% and ≠ 0%)

Row 2: 0.0001% ← meets the criteria to be suspended (<1% and ≠ 0%)


The ability to suspend supplements is driven by the permission Job Supplements Suspend (Edit) enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.

b. Select the elements that make up the accounting strip to be allocated from the corresponding element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, Center, Project, etc.

If activated by Focus, Active Elements and Inactive Elements display in separate tabs from which to choose.


c. Enter the Starting and Ending date that the account should be used to pay the supplement.

d. When all information has been entered, click in a text box and press the Enter key to save the allocation. Once saved, the delete button (red minus sign) displays, which can be clicked to delete any listed allocations.

The ability to delete supplement allocations is enabled by the permission Job Allocations (Delete) set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.

Users with Jobs (View) permission set via Setup > Profiles can also view supplement allocations but the Staff Supplement Allocation pop-up window data remains inactive so changes cannot be made.

13. Click the Payments button to view a list of all payments made against the supplement to the employee.

Clicking the Payements button displays a pop-up window, which lists all applicable check runs (Run), the corresponding Check Date, the Amount paid against the supplement, and the Run Status, such as In process or Finalized.


14. Click History to view a complete history of supplements and any applied changes.


Clicking the History button opens the History pop-up window, which displays the following details of the supplement change: When, Who, Because, Suspend, Facility, Position, Step, Annualized, Min/Max, Percent, Starting date, Ending date, Pays, Contract amount, Period Supplemented, Period Appended, Total Period, FICA, Ret, Ins, Ftax, and Desc.


15. To add a new supplement, use the bottom blank row to enter/select information pertaining to the supplement.


a. Select the Facility and Position from the pull-downs, as well as the Step.


b. Once the Step is selected the Min/Max Amount automatically populates but can be edited as needed. The Percent defaults to 100; edit the amount as needed. Enter the Starting and Ending dates. The Number Of Pays is automatically populated depending on the Effective Starting and Ending dates entered, but can be edited as needed. You can also define a Period Pay amount.


c. Select the applicable selection from the FICA, Ret, Ins, and Ftax pull-downs and enter a description in the Desc text box.


d. When all information has been entered/selected, click into a text box and press the Enter key to save the line of data. You will know the data has saved when a delete button (red minus sign) displays.


16. Once the line has been saved, the Allocation and Payments buttons display. Click the Allocation button to add or edit supplement allocations. Since the supplement was just added, there will be no records to display if the Payments button is clicked.


17. To edit existing supplements, click the corresponding pull-downs to change the selection or click the underlined text boxes to edit the text, as needed. You can also delete supplements by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).


The ability to delete supplements is enabled by the permission Job Supplements (Delete) set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.


The Deductions tab is used to add and review benefits and deductions.

1. Click the Deductions tab at the top of the screen.


2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the provided pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.


3. Select the Show Dropped Deductions check box to display deductions that have been dropped as indicated by a date in the Dropped column. Dropped deductions display in all applicable sections, such as the Calculated by Job section, as shown in the image.

4. Click Explain Automated Deductions to view additional information pertaining to deductions that are manually assigned and computer controlled.


The Calculated by Job section lists benefits that do not get processed (unless the attached job is also processed in the payroll run); Note: For percentage-based calculations, the dollar amounts are only calculated based on the specified job’s pay.

Data displayed in the pull-downs and populated in select fields is set up via Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Job tab.

The Calculated by Employment section lists benefits that are attached to a job and processed only if the attached job is processed; for percentage-based calculations, all of the employee’s jobs paid in the payroll run are included in the calculation.

Data displayed in the pull-downs and populated in select fields is set up via Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Employment tab.

The Taxes section displays benefits that are not tied to a specific job and are processed every time the employee is paid. In addition, the calculations are based on all of the employee’s paid jobs in the payroll run.

Data displayed in the pull-downs and populated in select fields is set up via Payroll > Deduction > Taxes tab.

The Totals for each section and each column in various sections display in the last row of each table, as shown in the image.


Calculated by Job

1. To add a deduction to the Calculated by Job section, enter data in the bottom blank row.


2. Start by selecting the Status from the pull-down, which defines how the deduction will be processed, Manually Controlled or Computer Controlled.

Benefit type deductions are locked if the Status is Computer Controlled.

3. Select the Suspend check box  to flag the deduction/contribution even if it has an end date to be treated as inactive. Multiple deductions can be selected in the Suspend column at a time.

The Suspend flag is ignored for deduction adjustments.

4. Select the employee's applicable Job from the pull-down.

5. Select the type of deduction from the Class pull-down, such as Social Security/Medicare, Child Support, Federal Taxes, etc.

The class can be set up via Setup > District Codes > Deduction Classes tab. Once defined, they can be selected and used to filter on reports. For example, if all retirement benefits are categorized in the 012 class, in running a report, the filters could be used on class 012 to view all of an employee’s retirement benefits.

6. Depending on the Class selected, select the Subclass from the pull-down; for example, if you selected Federal Taxes as the class, you could select Additional Withhld (Withheld) as the subclass. Subclasses contain the specific amount and percentages that are associated with the benefit, how it should be charged to Finance, as well as the corresponding Vendor.

7. Enter the Contribution Percent or Contribution Amount or enter the Deduction Percent or Deduction Amount in the corresponding text box. The fields available depends on the Class and Subclass selected.

8. Enter the Employee Amount and Limit in the provided text boxes. Select the applicable timeframe from the By pull-down, such as Life, Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, or Monthly.

  • Leave the By pull-down blank if there is no limit amount.
  • If there is a limit amount, select Life from the pull-down to ensure that Focus stops taking the deduction if the deduction ever exceeds the limit, which could be in 10 years, for example.
  • Select Fiscal Year from the pull-down to ensure that Focus stops taking the deduction when it goes over the limit for the fiscal year.
  • Select Calendar Year from the pull-down to ensure Focus stops taking the deduction when it goes over the limit for the calendar year.
  • Select Monthly from the pull-down to ensure Focus stops taking the deduction when it goes over the limit for the month (based on payroll run's check date).

9. Select the Legal Lock check box if the deduction specified cannot be Dropped. Selecting the check box also makes the amounts uneditable. This is useful for specific deductions that are court ordered, such as Child Support. This feature also prevents the employee from signing onto ESS and requesting that the deduction be removed or changed, which can usually be done for other deductions like optional health care coverage.

10. Select the corresponding Vendor, such as FL Retirement System for a retirement deduction.

11. Enter the date the employee's contribution or deduction is set to take effect in the Enrolled text box. If the deduction/contribution is taking effect over a specific period of time, enter the Dropped date as well.

You have 30 days in the previous contract year to end an employee's deduction using the Dropped field.

The Enrolled date entered reflects the number entered in the Months in Advance field via Human Resources > Benefits > Plans tab; for example, if 3 Months in Advance is entered, the Enrolled date (12/01/2019) entered for the employee will update to three months before the date entered (09/01/2019) when Recalculate Benefit Deductions is clicked.

12. Select the 1095C status from the following options in order to generate 1095C forms for printing via Human Resources > Print 1095C: None, Employee Only, Employee + Spouse, and Employee + Family.

13. Enter the Bank code to indicate the bank that will be used in the transaction, as well as the bank Account number, and the Reference number, if applicable.

14. When all information has been entered/selected, click into a text box and press the Enter key to save the data. When the data has saved, the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

15. You can edit all active pull-downs displayed in blue to change the selection made, as well as all underline text boxes.

16. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a deduction or contribution.

Calculated by Employment

1. To add a deduction to the Calculated by Employment section, enter new data in the bottom blank row.


2. Start by selecting the Status from the pull-down, which defines how the deduction will be processed, Manually Controlled or Computer Controlled.

3. Select the Suspend check box  to flag the deduction/contribution even if it has an end date to be treated as inactive. Multiple deductions can be selected in the Suspend column at a time.

The Suspend flag is ignored for deduction adjustments.

4. Select the employee's applicable Job from the pull-down.

5. Select the type of deduction from the Class pull-down, such as Social Security/Medicare, Child Support, Federal Taxes, etc.

The class can be set up via Setup > District Codes > Deduction Classes tab. Once defined, they can be selected and used to filter on reports. For example, if all retirement benefits are categorized in the 012 class, in running a report, the filters could be used on class 012 to view all of an employee’s retirement benefits.

6. Depending on the Class selected, select the Subclass from the pull-down; for example, if you selected Federal Taxes as the class, you could select Additional Withhld (Withheld) as the subclass. Subclasses contain the specific amount and percentages that are associated with the benefit, how it should be charged to Finance, as well as the corresponding Vendor.

7. Enter the Contribution Percent or Contribution Amount or enter the Deduction Percent or Deduction Amount in the corresponding text box. The fields available depends on the Class and Subclass selected.

8. Enter the Employee Percent or Employee Amount and Limit in the provided text boxes. Select the applicable timeframe from the By pull-down, such as Life, Fiscal Year, Calendar Year, or Monthly.

  • Leave the By pull-down blank if there is no limit amount.
  • If there is a limit amount, select Life from the pull-down to ensure that Focus stops taking the deduction if the deduction ever exceeds the limit, which could be in 10 years, for example.
  • Select Fiscal Year from the pull-down to ensure that Focus stops taking the deduction when it goes over the limit for the fiscal year.
  • Select Calendar Year from the pull-down to ensure Focus stops taking the deduction when it goes over the limit for the calendar year.
  • Select Monthly from the pull-down to ensure Focus stops taking the deduction when it goes over the limit for the month (based on payroll run's check date).

9. Select the Legal Lock check box if the deduction specified cannot be Dropped. Selecting the check box also makes the amounts uneditable. This is useful for specific deductions that are court ordered, such as Child Support. This feature also prevents the employee from signing onto ESS and requesting that the deduction be removed or changed, which can usually be done for other deductions like optional health care coverage.

10. Select the corresponding Vendor, such as FL Retirement System for a retirement deduction.

11. Enter the date the employee's contribution or deduction is set to take effect in the Enrolled text box. If the deduction/contribution is taking effect over a specific period of time, enter the Dropped date as well.

12. Enter the Bank code to indicate the bank that will be used in the transaction, as well as the bank Account number, and the Reference number, if applicable.

13. When all information has been entered/selected, click into a text box and press the Enter key to save the data. When the data has saved, the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

14. You can edit all active pull-downs displayed in blue to change the selection made, as well as all underline text boxes.

15. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a deduction or contribution.


1. To add a deduction to the Taxes section, enter data in the bottom blank row.


2. Start by selecting the Status from the pull-down, which defines how the deduction will be processed, Manually Controlled or Computer Controlled.

3. Select the Suspend check box  to flag the deduction/contribution even if it has an end date to be treated as inactive. Multiple deductions can be selected in the Suspend column at a time.


The Suspend flag is ignored for deduction adjustments.

4. Select the type of deduction from the Class pull-down, such as Social Security/Medicare, Federal Taxes, etc.

The class can be set up via Setup > District Codes > Deduction Classes tab. Once defined, they can be selected and used to filter on reports. For example, if all retirement benefits are categorized in the 012 class, in running a report, the filters could be used on class 012 to view all of an employee’s retirement benefits.

5. Depending on the Class selected, select the Subclass from the pull-down; for example, if you selected Social Security/Medicare as the class, you could select Employee or Employer as the subclass. Subclasses contain the specific amount and percentages that are associated with the benefit, how it should be charged to Finance, as well as the corresponding Vendor.

6. Enter the Amount in the corresponding text box, if applicable.

7. Enter the date the employee's deduction is set to take effect in the Enrolled text box. If the deduction is taking effect over a specific period of time, enter the Dropped date as well.

8. When all information has been entered/selected, click into a text box and press the Enter key to save the data. When the data has saved, the delete button (red minus sign) displays.

9. You can edit all active pull-downs displayed in blue to change the selection made, as well as all underline text boxes.

10. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a deduction.

Pay History

The Pay History tab displays the employee’s current and past pay stubs.

1. Click the Pay History tab at the top of the screen.


2. The Run History tab displays check runs that took place in order to process a check for the selected employee and allows you to view data pertaining to that check run. The Check History tab displays information about the actual check cut to the employee.

3. To begin you review of the employee's pay history, enter a Starting and Ending Check Date in the provided text boxes. Note: At least a Starting date must be entered. If the Ending date is left blank, all checks until the current date will be pulled. Once the date(s) have been entered, data updates automatically on both tabs.


The Run History tab displays the name of the check Run, the Check Date, Check Number, Hours worked, the number of hours Imputed; the Imputed wage column is made up of taxes owed on any life insurance coverage calculating over $50k. Employees must pay taxes on the amount over the $50k, that fee will be shown in the Imputed column.


The Wages earned is displayed, as well as Supplements earned, Adjustments made, any Misc. Pay, Other types of payments; any additional earnings outside of the employee’s normal contracted payments will be shown here.

The Gross Pay amount earned is displayed, as well any Deductions or Contributions made, and the employee's Net Pay.

If the check run was voided or a change was made to allocations, an indication displays in the Voided and Reallocated columns. A reallocation is performed when the employee's wages were taken from the incorrect budget (accounting strip), and it's necessary to change the allocation so money is pulled from a different account than what was used when the Payroll run was posted.

4. Click View Details for information about the Run Info, Totals, Wages, Deductions, Contributions, Allocations, and Reallocations of a check run.


The Run Info section displays the employee's Name, EIN, payroll Run, Check Date, and Check Number.


The Totals section displays the Gross Total Wages, Gross Taxable Wages, Gross FICA Wages, Net Total Amount, Gross Retirement Wages, and Gross Medicare Wages.


The Wages section displays a breakdown of wages earned based on the pay type Grp (group), Pay Type, Wage Type, Hours worked, and the amount of hours Imputed, to calculate total Earnings.


The Deductions section displays a breakdown of all deductions made starting with the Class, the name of the Deduction, and the Amount that was deducted.


The Contributions section displays a breakdown of all contributions made starting with the Class, the name of the Contribution, and the Amount that was contributed.


The Allocations sections displays how the check was allocated according the set up accounting strips. This section lists the applicable elements tied the selected account, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., and the Amount that was allocated.


The Reallocations sections displays reallocations performed when the employee's wages were taken from the incorrect budget (accounting strip), and a change has been made to the original allocation so money is pulled from a different account than what was used when the Payroll run was posted.

a. When all information has been reviewed, click the white X to close the window and return to Run History.


5. Click the Check History tab for the name of the check Run, the Check Date, the Check Number, the Type of payment, the Bank Name, bank Account number, the employee's Net Pay for said run, and an indication column with the Voided amount, if applicable.


If the Direct Deposit: Can View Account Number profile permission is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab, you can view Direct Deposit account numbers in the Check History report, as well as on the Check Register report in Payroll > Payroll Reports.

In the last row of each table for each tab, the Totals are listed for select columns, such as Net Pay.


The Files tab displays all files uploaded on behalf of the employee and allows users to upload applicable documents.

1. Click the Files tab at the top of the screen.


All set up file folders groups and file folders (via Setup > Settings > Employee Files) display here.

2. Click the red arrow to view or upload files, as well as leave comments.


3. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

Once the files is uploaded, you can delete the file as needed by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).

Click the file link to download and view the file.

4. Post any necessary Comments by typing the comment in the provided text box and clicking Post.

Once posted, comments cannot be deleted or edited. The date, time, and the user's name are posted along with the comment.


The View Benefits tab displays any benefits, such as vision, dental, medical, etc. applied to the selected employee. The Benefits tab also houses the Dependents tab, which allows users to enter dependent details as they pertain to benefits received.

View Benefits

1. Click the Benefits tab at the top to view all applicable benefits for the selected employee.


2. Click the View benefits tab.


The View benefits tab displays the employee's Retirement Date (if applicable), Years of Experience, Benefits Cancellation Date (if benefits are being cancelled), and Benefit recalc[ulation] month.


All applied benefits are displayed in the table listed below the Benefits section.


The applicable Plan is listed along with the Coverage Code, Relief Code, Rate Title, Rate, Edit Rate, Employer Subsidy Amount, Total Rate of Plan, Adjustments, the Start Date, End Date, FRS indicator (or your state's retirement system), Withhold indicator, and Dependents.

The information displayed here is originally set up via Humar Resources > Benefits.

The deduction amount should be the amount from the employee check and the contribution is what the school board pays towards the cost of the plan. The Total Rate of Plan is what is being paid to the insurance company for the cost of the plan for that employee.

These fields are updated when the Recalculate Benefit Deductions process is run via Humar Resources > Benefits and should not be manually adjusted. The numbers are updated from the integration with the district benefits program. Manual updates normally only take place when there is no integration established.

3. Enter the correct number in the following field text boxes, if edits need to be made: Edit Rate, Edit Subsidy Amount, and Adjustments.


4. To change the Plan, Coverage Code, or Relief Code, click the applicable pull-down and change the selection. The Start Date and End Date can be edited, as well. Select the FRS check box and the Withhold check box, if applicable.


5. Click the Dependents button to add, edit, or delete dependents.


a. Select the Dependent from the pull-down and press the Enter key to save the entry.


b. To edit a selection, click the Dependent and change the selection. Changes save automatically.

c. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a dependent.

d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the benefit from the employee.


The ability to delete benefits depends on the Benefits: Can delete permission set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab.

7. To add a new benefit, select the Plan, Coverage Code, and Relief Code from the applicable pull-downs, enter any applicable Adjustments, a Start Date, End Date, select the FRS check box, and the Withhold check box, if applicable.


8. When all information has been selected and entered, press the Enter key to save the line of data. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays.


9. Click the Dependents button to add, edit, or delete dependents.


a. Select the Dependent from the pull-down and press the Enter key to save the entry.


b. To edit a selection, click the Dependent and change the selection. Changes save automatically.

c. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a dependent.

d. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The information displayed on this tab updates as the Recalculate Benefit Deductions process is run via Human Resources > Benefits.


Employees can add or edit their dependents during open enrollment periods via Employee Self Service > Benefits > Personal Info.

1. Click the Benefits tab at the top to view all applicable benefits and dependents for the selected employee.

2. Click the Dependents tab.


3. Enter the employee's dependent(s) starting with their First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name in the provided text boxes.


4. Select the dependent's Relationship to the employee from the corresponding pull-down.


5. Enter the dependent's SSN in the provided text box.

6. Enter the dependent's Street Address, City or Town, State or Province, and Country and ZIP code in the provided text boxes.

7. Enter the dependent's Home Phone, Email Address, and Birth Date in the provided text boxes.


8. Select the Full-time Student check box if the dependent is enrolled in school full-time.

9. Select the Disabled check box if the dependent is disabled.

10. Press the Enter key to save the dependent's information.


To add more dependents, enter information in the top blank row.

11. To edit existing dependent information, click the applicable field and make changes as needed. Changes save automatically.


12. To delete a dependent, click the delete button (red minus sign).


Employees can add or edit their beneficiaries during open enrollment periods via Employee Self Service > Benefits > Personal Info.

1. Click the Benefits tab at the top to view all applicable benefits and beneficiaries for the selected employee.

2. Click the Beneficiaries tab.


3. Select the Priority of the beneficiary, Primary or Contingent, from the pull-down.


4. Enter the Share % for the beneficiary in the provided text box.


5. Enter the beneficiary's First Name, Middle Initial, and Last Name in the provided text boxes.

6. Select the beneficiary's Relationship to the employee from the corresponding pull-down.

7. Enter the beneficiary's Date of Birth in the provided text box.


8. Enter the beneficiary's Address, City, State, and ZIP code in the provided text boxes.

9. Enter the beneficiary's Phone number in the provided text box.

10. Press the Enter key to save the beneficiary's information.


To add more beneficiaries, enter information in the top blank row.

11. To edit existing beneficiary information, click the applicable field and make changes as needed. Changes save automatically.


12. To delete a beneficiary, click the delete button (red minus sign).

Qualified Events

The Qualified Events tab allows users to identify A Qualifying Life Event (QLE), which is a life change that allows the employee to change their insurance coverage mid plan year.

1. Click the Benefits tab at the top to view all applicable benefits for the selected employee.

2. Click the Qualified Events tab.


3. Select the Name of the event from the provided pull-down.

The Name pull-down populates from the Open Enrollment set up codes defined via Human Resources > Benefits > Open Enrollment > Qualified Event Codes tab.

4. Enter the Reason for the qualifying event in the provided text box.

5. Enter the date the employee is allowed to enroll in new benefits in the Start Date text box.

6. Enter the last date the employee is allowed to request changes to benefits in the End Date text box.

7. Enter the Effective Date in the text box to indicate the date changes will become active once approved.


8. Press the Enter key to save the entry.


9. Click any fields to edit data. Changes save automatically.

Withheld Benefits

The Withheld Benefits tab allows users to determine benefits being withheld from the employee.

1. Click the Benefits tab.

2. Click the Withheld Benefits tab.


3. Enter the Reason why the benefit is being withheld in the provided text box.


4. Select the Benefit from the pull-down.

5. Press the Enter key to save the entry.


6. Click the Reason field to make changes or click the Benefit pull-down to change the selection. Changes save automatically.


7. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a withheld benefit.


The Files tab allows users to review attached Files upon submitting a request for benefits via Employee Self Service > Benefits, users can also upload necessary files on behalf of the employee.

1. Click the Benefits tab.

2. Click the Files tab.


3. Upload the necessary files, such as Spousal Affidavit, Overage Dependent Affidavit, etc., these vary depending on your district. To upload a file you have several options.


a. Click Scan to scan a document from the scanner connected to your computer.


b. Click Upload to attach a file from your computer.

i. Select the file and click Open.


c. Click Take Photo to upload a photo using a camera connected to your computer.

d. If a file has been uploaded, click the file to view it, click the cloud to download the file, or click the X to delete the file.

Benefit Payments

The Benefits Payments tab allows users to setup payments for applied Benefits. The Benefit Payments tab is mostly updated when the FRS payment is received via Human Resources > Benefits > FRS Contribution tab and when each Payroll > Run Payroll is posted. This screen can also be manually updated for the walk in payments, e.g. an employee on medical leave.

1. Click the Benefits Payment tab.


2. Benefits Payments displays existing payments already established starting with the Benefit, Payment Source, Payroll Run, Payment Amount, Payment Date, Plan Coverage Month, and Who Paid.


3. To add a new benefit payment, start by selecting the Benefit from the corresponding pull-down, which must first be established via the Benefits tab.


4. Select the Payment Source, such as Check, the state's retirement system (FRS for Florida), Payroll, etc. to determine how the benefit will be paid.


5. Enter the Payment Amount to determine how much is owed for the benefit per month.


6. Enter the starting Payment Date.


7. Enter the number of months the benefit and payments will be applied in the Plan Coverage Month text box.


8. Select who is responsible for the payments from the Who Paid pull-down, such as Employee, Employer, or the state's retirement system (FRS for Florida).


9. When all information has been selected/entered, press the Enter key to save the line of data. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button displays (red minus sign).


10. To edit new or existing benefit payments, click the pull-down to make a new selection or click the text boxes to edit text.


11. To delete a benefit payment, click the delete button (red minus sign).


12. The Page Total and Grand Total of the Payment Amount column are displayed at the bottom. The Page Total displays the total of the current page and the Grade Total displays the total of all pages. These totals will differ if there are multiple pages of benefit payments.


13. Click the Print coupon for text area to select a date for which to print a benefits invoice for the month selected.

Once a date is selected, the coupon automatically displays in a print preview. Print the coupon or save the coupon to your computer as needed.

Deleting a User

When the permission Delete Users is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab, a trash icon displays on the Employee screen next to the Save button, which allows you to delete users. Note: The trash can icon only displays when there is no data in the following tables: 

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Employee.

2. Conduct your user/employee search. See Searching for an Employee for more information.


3. Click the delete button (trash can icon) to delete the user.


4. From the pop-up window, click Yes to delete the user.


The user is deleted and Focus navigates back to the Search Screen.

Additional Features

Use the Filter text box located at the top of the pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name of the desired field.


Select the Exact check box to filter the results to match your text exactly.


Click Check all to quickly select all options or click Clear to quickly clear all selections.


Some of the tabs offer the Export section. To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information, see Filters.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image displayed, data has been sorted by clicking Contribution Amount twice.

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