Documentation for Administrators

SSRS Reports

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The SSRS Reports screen allows users to generate and publish SSRS reports. The Generate tab is used to create an SSRS report batch request using student search and report parameters. The History tab contains a table of all batches and their current status: Error, Pending, or Completed. The completed PDF can be viewed or downloaded. The Publishing tab allows the report cards to be published to the Parent/Student Portal for specific schools, grade levels, and marking periods using report templates.

Setting Profile Permissions

1. In the Users menu, click Profiles.


2.   From the Permissions tab, select Menu from the Permission Type pull-down.

Select Admin from the Role pull-down.

Select the applicable Profiles from the corresponding pull-down.

Click Submit.


3. Click the Reports tab.


4. Select the View and/or Edit check box to give the selected profiles permission to View only or View and Edit SSRS Reports.


5. Select the Edit check box for Publish SSRS Reports to Portal to allow selected profiles to publish reports to Student and Parent Portals from the Publishing tab.

6. Select the Edit check box next to the applicable reports to grant the selected profiles edit access. Note: The reports displayed here will vary for each district depending on the reports created.


If the SSRS Report is generated from the ssrs_config.php file, then edit permission is controlled via Users > Profiles (Admin and Teacher).

If the SSRS Report is created from Reports > District Reports, then edit permission is controlled from the District Reports screen using the profiles selected from the Profiles pull-down for each report. Note: If no profiles are selected from the pull-down, the report will be accessible to all profiles.

District Reports

If users (profiles) do not have edit access to an SSRS Report, upon navigating to the SSRS Reports screen, the report will not display in the “SSRS Report” pull-down.

Focus supports a migration that automatically adds edit permissions for custom SSRS Reports defined in ssrs_config.php to all users who currently have edit permission for the SSRS Reports screen.

Student Search

The Generate tab is used to create an SSRS report batch request using student search and report parameters.

1. In the Reports menu, click SSRS Reports.

2. From the SSRS Report pull-down select the applicable report you'd like to generate.

SSRS Reports

When there is just one type of SSRS Report, that report becomes the default report so you do not have to manually select it from the SSRS Report pull-down.

3. Click the Generate tab.

SSRS Reports

The Generate tab displays a Student Search module in addition to the More Search Options link.

4. If searching for specific students by name or student number, enter the information in the Student text box. For more detailed information on how to conduct a student search, see Searching for Students.

To generate SSRS Reports for all students, leave the Student search text box empty.

5. For a more advanced search and the ability to define a specific subset of students, click More Search Options. In the example shown, Grade 09 has been selected; therefore, SSRS Reports will be generated only for students in 9th grade.

6. In the SSRS Reports section, make the appropriate selections in order to generate your reports.

7. Select the report Template from the corresponding pull-down. The options listed here are established by the district's configuration file.

8. Select the appropriate Marking Period from which data is to be pulled from the pull-down.

The Marking Period pull-down defaults to the blank option. When selected, the Student Search will return all students, as opposed to active student within a specific marking period. If the blank option is selected, the check box to Include Inactive Students will be hidden because all students will be pulled in the search.

9. If applicable, select the Rotation Day from the pull-down.

SSRS Reports

The rotation day is an option that is district specific. If a report uses the rotation day as part of the parameter set, Focus has queries that account for data needed when the report is generated.

10. Select how you would like to Sort reports from the pull-down; options include Teacher, Student Name, Grade Level, Homeroom, or Period.

11. In the Misc Options section, select the Multilingual check box to print SSRS Reports in multiple languages. Note: Reports must first be set up by the district in other languages.

Depending on the type of report you are generating and your district, you may have additional options, such as School Year, Run Type, SSRS Template, School, Student, etc.

SSRS Reports

The default order of the options in the School Year pull-down are in descending order (most recent year on top).

You have the ability to configure the number of years displayed in the syear pull-down, which currently defaults to 10 years. The function SSRSBatch::getCompletedSyearOptions(), accepts a parameter called 'function_param' in the ssrs_config.php file: 

'function' => 'SSRSBatch::getCompletedSyearOptions', // Optional: send a function parameter // For this function, the parameter configures how many syears back to retrieve; if no function_param is set, it gets the last 10 syears 'function_param' => 50,

12. Click Apply My Last Settings to apply the report settings submitted the last time you generated a batch of the report.

SSRS Reports

This button is available to reports created through ssrs.config.php file. The button is not available for SSRS Reports created through District Reports.

13. If student groups have been set up (Students > Student Groups), you can select to generate reports for a specific group of students using the Student Group pull-down.

14. To pull students from different schools, select the check box to Search All Schools.

SSRS Reports

15. Select the check box to Include Inactive Students in your student search. Selecting to Include Inactive Students will display two additional options: Include Previous Years Inactive Students and Use Most Recent Enrollment; select the corresponding check boxes to further filter the student search.

16. When the Student Search and/or More Search Options has been defined and all others options have been defined, click Search. If needed, you can click Reset to start over.

Generating SSRS Reports

Clicking Search on the last screen will navigates to a new SSRS Reports screen where you can select the appropriate students.

SSRS Reports

If a student was selected from the Student pull-down from the Generate tab, this section will be skipped and generating a batch will navigate directly to the History tab.

1. Select the students for whom you need SSRS Reports by selecting the check box next to each student. As students are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of students pulled originally.

SSRS Reports

In order to select all students all at once, select the check box in the header.

SSRS Reports

2. Before generating the reports, you have the option to name the batch of reports via the Batch Name (optional) text box.

3. Click Generate when all student selections have been made. Generating the report saves the report to the district server as a PDF; to view the report and additional details about the report, click the History tab. Note: When Generate is clicked, Focus automatically navigates to the History tab.

Viewing and Downloading Generated Reports from the History tab

The History tab contains a table of all batches and their current status: Error, Pending, or Completed. The completed PDF can be viewed or downloaded.

The History tab displays reports based on the school to which you have permission as defined in your Permissions via Users > User Info.

1a. Click the History tab for details about all reports previously generated.

SSRS Reports

1b. Depending on the type of report, the History may display automatically under the SSRS Report pull-down.

SSRS Reports

The History tab displays the View button, the Download button, Batch Name, the Status, the Date created, the School you were logged in to when the report was generated, Created in School Year, Created By, SSRS Template, Marking Period, School selected as part of the report, Student (if applicable), Sort Reports by (if applicable), Teacher (if applicable), Course (if applicable), and Section (if applicable).

SSRS Reports

2. Select the school(s) from the School pull-down to determine the history that is displayed.

3. Enter a timeframe in the From Date and To Date text boxes to determine the history displayed.

The From Date defaults to the first day of the select school year and the To Date defaults to the current date.

4. Click Search.

The Status column displays one of the following:

Error: An error message describes the problem. Once it has been resolved, click the Retry button to start the batch again.

Pending: If the batch is large, the file may still be downloading. A loading bar is visible, along with the number of students in the batch. If there are more than 10 students in the batch, you will be emailed when the batch is complete. Note: If you do not have an email address saved in User Info, you will not receive an email.

Completed: The PDF file is ready to be Viewed or Downloaded (and, then printed).

5. For completed reports, click View to review the report.

SSRS Reports

a. Clicking View opens the SSRS Report in a new window or tab (depending on browser settings) in a preview screen where you can download and/or print the report. From this screen you have several options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign).

If you are printing a large batch, it is recommended that you download the report to print instead of viewing and printing.

6. Click the Download button to download the report directly to your computer.

SSRS Reports

The file will download to your computer as a PDF where you can then open it to review and/or print, etc.

SSRS Reports

7. To delete an SSRS Report batch, click the delete button (red minus sign).

SSRS Reports
Publishing SSRS Reports

The Publishing tab allows the report cards to be published to the Parent/Student Portal for specific schools, grade levels, and marking periods using report templates. A Start Date must be defined.

In order to publish reports to Student and Parent Portals, you must have Publish SSRS Reports to Portal Edit permission via Users > Profiles; see Setting Profile Permissions for more information.

The Publishing tab displays reports based on the school to which you have permission as defined in your Permissions via Users > User Info.

1. Click the Publishing tab to publish the reports to the Student and/or Parent Portals.

2. Select the school(s) from the School pull-down to determine the published reports that display as well as for which school(s) you want to publish reports.

SSRS Reports

3. Click Search.

4. Select the appropriate School from the pull-down. You can select as many schools as necessary. The schools selected here determine which students' reports will be published.

5. Select the Grade Level fro the pull-down. You can select as many grade levels as necessary. The grade levels selected here determine which students' reports will be published.

SSRS Reports

6. Select the appropriate SSRS Template from the pull-down. The options listed here are established by the district's configuration file.

SSRS Reports

7. Enter the Custom Title in the text box to customize the title of the report as it displays on the Student/Parent Portal > Reports tab. If left blank, the published report will use the current default of '{Marking Period short name} - {SSRS Template title}' as the title of the report on the Student/Parent Portal.

SSRS Reports

8. Select the Marking Period from the pull-down to determine the student data to be published via the SSRS Reports.

9. Enter a Start Date in the provided text box to determine when the reports will be published. Note: If a date is not entered here, the reports will not be published. You also have the option of entering a Start Time.

SSRS Reports

10. If you want the reports to be published for students and parents for a limited amount of time, enter an End Date in the provided text box. You also have the option of setting a specific End Time.

SSRS Reports

11. Select the Multilingual check box to publish SSRS Reports in multiple languages. Note: Reports must first be set up by the district in other languages.

12. Select the Include Inactive Students check box to publish the report Portal link for inactive students as well, such as recent graduates.

13. When all information has been entered and selected, click a text box and press the Enter key to save the information. Once saved, the line will turn blue.

SSRS Reports

14. Once published, the SSRS Report displays on the Student and Parent Portals in the Reports tab, as shown in the image. Student can then click the download link to download and view the report in a PDF file.

When the next report card is published, it will display in place of the latest published report card. If other kinds of report cards are published, such as Standard Grades Report Cards, Report Cards, or Progress Reports, all reports will display simultaneously with the most recent of each card displaying.

Opening SSRS Reports as District Reports

If a District Report has been created as an SSRS Report, upon selecting the report from the SSRS Report pull-down, users can skip the Student Search via the Generate tab and click the "Edit/Run this District Report" button to open the report on the District Reports screen.

For information on how to create an SSRS Report as a District Report, see documentation on District Reports.

1. From the SSRS Reports screen, select the applicable SSRS Report from the pull-down.

SSRS Reports

2. Once the applicable report has been selected, click the Edit/Run this District Report button to open the SSRS Report in District Reports.

SSRS Reports

3. The report opens the Edit window in District Reports. Your abilities to edit the report vary depending on your profile permissions.

District Reports
Additional Features

Click the down arrow next to the student Photo to open the category menu, which includes quick links to the following screens/information, most of which can be accessed by Student Info: Demographics, Schedule, Grades or Course History, Absences, Add Referral, Test History, SSS, Enrollment, Requests, Standard Grades, Activities, Referrals, and Grad Reqs.

SSRS Reports

Click the floppy disk icon to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the example shown, results have been sorted by clicking Student twice; therefore, the listed students start with Y.

SSRS Reports

If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.

SSRS Reports

To make select lists full screen, click the expansion icon (four arrows). Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.

If results contain several pages of information, page numbers display. Click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number, then press Enter to jump to that page.

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click the Excel icon in the Export section.

To print data, click the Printer icon in the Export section.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

For more information see Filters.

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