Documentation for Administrators

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

Updated on

The Verification Sheets feature gives admin and teachers the ability to confirm, print, and verify (sign) attendance, which can be a great asset for auditing purposes and state reporting. In addition, the same sheets can be transformed into a roster for a substitute to easily take attendance.

Hidden Students are not included in Verification Sheets and Sub Rosters. Students can be flagged and unflagged as Hidden from Student Info (as long as the district has enabled the field in Student Fields).

Generating & Printing Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

1. From the Attendance menu, click Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters.

This navigates to the Verification Sheets/Sub Roster screen where Verification Sheet Options displays.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

2. Select the Teacher for whom you need an attendance sheet/roster. You can select as many teachers as needed.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

3. Select the Period from the pull-down. You can select one, multiple, or all periods as needed. For Verification Sheets, select all periods for which attendance is taken. For Sub Rosters, select all periods that a substitute will be present.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

4. Enter the Timeframe for which you need verification of attendance. Note: This can be set to a future date if wanting to use as Sub Rosters for taking attendance. For Verification Sheets, enter the FTE window in the provided text boxes.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

5. Select a Mode.

If using as attendance verification, select One page per class. This selection will break up attendance by class.

If using as a sub roster, select One page per day per class (with empty Absent / Present / Tardy columns); this will allow for the sub to fill in the blanks (take attendance) as needed.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

6. You can also choose from the Extra section.

You can include Page Breaks between each section for each course.

You can Print school name, which will include the school name at the top of the page next to the teacher's name. This ensures that the school name is prominently displayed, making the sheets more informative and easier to use.

You can Print teacher signature lines; this extra can be helpful if using for state reporting and/or auditing purposes.

Hide empty classes (i.e. classes without any assigned students): This option is useful when a teacher has a placeholder class with no enrolled students.

Use FTE Period: FTE windows must be set up by the district for this option to apply FTE dates to data being pulled into the Verification Sheets. The report displays FTE periods and ADA Overrides when Use FTE Period is selected. Note: This selection was customized for Texas.

Show classes that don’t take attendance: This option is useful for specials in Elementary school or Study Hall in Secondary school where a substitute will need to know who should be in the class regardless of whether or not attendance is taken.

Do not display Student IDs: Select the check box to hide student ID number when generating verification sheets or sub rosters.

Include Room Number: Select the check box to print the room number in the header of the sheet/roster.

Print Student Alert Icons: Select the check box to display alert icons on the printed verification sheets. Note: The alerts printed on the sheets must first be set up via Setup > Edit Rules & Workflow > Alert Icons tab and must be enabled so teachers have permission to view them; i.e. select the applicable Teacher profiles from the Profiles pull-down.

Date columns per course period: Enter the number of date columns that you would like to print. The column defaults to 14; overflow days generate on additional pages.

Student Name Format: Select the Student Name Format from the pull-down to determine how student names display in the report.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

7. When all selections have been made, click the Print or Preview buttons to verify and print attendance sheets and/or sub rosters. It is recommended that you preview the attendance sheets before printing to be sure they are accurate.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

8. Shown in the image is an example of the One Page per day per class (with empty Absent / Present / Tardy columns) Mode. When finished previewing, click Return to Focus to print.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

9. Shown in the image is an example of the One page per class Mode. As seen in the image, these attendance sheets do not have the empty columns and show all of the dates of attendance set in the Timeframe. When finished previewing, select Return to Focus to print.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters

If you selected Print teacher signature lines, they will appear when printing; they do not display in the Preview.

10. Once all selections have been made and the rosters or sheets have been previewed, click Print for a print preview. From this screen, click the Download icon to download the page to your computer, or click the Printer icon to print the page.

When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters screen.

Verification Sheets/Sub Rosters
Did You Know?

The Verification Sheets and Sub Rosters adheres to your preferred Student Name Display settings. If you customize how student names are displayed in other parts of the system, these preferences will be consistently applied to the Verification Sheets/ Sub Rosters, such as System Preferences > Enrollment tab: Show Preferred Name fields on Add a Student and/or Users > My Preferences > Student Listing tab: Student Name Format.

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