Documentation for Administrators

Average Daily Attendance

Updated on

The Average Daily Attendance report displays average attendance for a specified time period, including average daily membership, student days present, student days absent, and more.

Viewing Average Daily Attendance for a School

1. In the Attendance menu, click Average Daily Attendance.

2. At the top of the screen, adjust the Report Timeframe by typing in the desired dates or clicking the calendar icons and selecting the dates.

3. The Include Secondary Enrollments check box is selected by default. Deselect the check box to exclude second school enrollments.

4. Click Go to refresh the report.

The report is displayed for the school selected at the top-right of the screen. The report is organized by grade level by default and displays statistics on daily membership, days present, days absent, and breakdowns of types of absences. The Percent of Students Chronically Absent is determined by comparing the days possible column, identifying the number of students meeting this criterion in the date range (where attendance code is set up to absent ac.state_code = ‘A’ for daily attendance) and computing the percent by summing these students and dividing by average daily membership; i.e. students with 10% absent during the date range.

Average Daily Attendance

5. To view the report grouped by month, select By Month in the pull-down and click Go.

The report now displays each month of the specified timeframe in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

6. To view the report by day, select By Day in the pull-down and click Go.

Average Daily Attendance

The report now displays each day of the specified timeframe in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

7. To view the report by student, select By Student in the pull-down and click Go.

Average Daily Attendance

The report now displays each student in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

8. Click on the student link to open the student's Absence Summary.

Average Daily Attendance

9. To view the report for a specific group of students, click Advanced Search.

Average Daily Attendance

10. Enter search criteria to locate the group of students and click Search.

See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.

The report is displayed, only showing attendance data for the students who qualified in the search.

Average Daily Attendance
Viewing Average Daily Attendance for All Schools

Users with permissions to all schools can view the report for the whole district.

1. At the top of the screen, adjust the Report Timeframe by typing in the desired dates or clicking the calendar icons and selecting the dates.

2. Select the All Schools check box.

3. The Include Secondary Enrollments check box is selected by default. Deselect the check box to exclude second school enrollments.

4. Click Go to refresh the report.

Average Daily Attendance

The report is displayed with totals from across all schools, organized by grade level by default.


5. To only include information for schools that are included in state reporting, select Only show state reportable schools at the top of the screen and click Go.

Average Daily Attendance

6. To group the report by school, select By School in the pull-down, and click Go.

Average Daily Attendance

The report now displays each school in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

7. To view the report grouped by month, select By Month in the pull-down and click Go.


The report now displays each month of the specified timeframe in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

8. To view the report by day, select By Day in the pull-down and click Go.


The report now displays each day of the specified timeframe in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

9. To view the report by student, select By Student in the pull-down and click Go.


The report now displays each student in its own line on the report.

Average Daily Attendance

10. To view the report for a specific group of students, click Advanced Search.


11. Enter search criteria to locate the group of students and click Search.

See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.

The report is displayed, only showing attendance data for the students who qualified in the search.

Average Daily Attendance

12. Select the Breakdown by School check box to have separate reports by school. Click Go to refresh the report.


Each school is listed with its own report.

Average Daily Attendance
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