The Change Requests screen displays pending change requests submitted by parents and other users that require approval by the school.
Please see Change Requests Setup for information on how to set up the Change Requests module.
1. In the Students menu, click Change Requests.

This screen can also be accessed by clicking the change requests Portal alert, which indicates how many change requests are awaiting approval.
The pending change requests for the selected school are displayed. On this screen, you will see the Date the request was made, the Student in question, Student ID, the Requester, and the Change (Before and After) being submitted.
2. Click the Student ID link to open Student Info in order to review information before approving or denying the request.

3. In the first column are Approve and Deny buttons. In order to approve a request made and apply changes to the student's record, click Approve. If you do not want to apply requested changes to the student's record, click Deny.
4. Click Cancel to remove the change request. This option is different from denying a request which removes the record.
5. Whether you are approving or denying a request, a confirmation pop-up window will display upon selecting one of the buttons. To Cancel the action, click the corresponding button. To proceed and either Approve or Deny the request, click Yes.

6. If you select Yes, an additional pop-up window will display letting you know that the action has taken place, as shown in the image below. Click the X to exit the window and return to the main Change Requests screen. Note: Upon approving or denying a request, the request will automatically be removed from the list.

For information regarding changes to students' records, see the Audit Trail (Students).
Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
For more information see Filters.
To change the number of results displayed on the screen, click the Page Size text box and enter the desired number of results per page. The default is 40 records per page.