Documentation for Administrators

Address Catalog

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The Address Catalog allows for imported addresses and zones to be set for the district's schools to validate that a student can attend a specific school based upon their residential address. To use the Address Catalog in Focus, the district's Address Catalog must be loaded into Focus, which is done during implementation. The system preference to use the Address Catalog for address validation must also be enabled in Setup > System Preferences. After the Address Catalog is imported, new records and changes can be manually made on the Address Catalog screen.

Enabling the Address Catalog for Address Validation

1. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.

2. To enable the preference for all schools in the district, click the Default School Preferences tab. To enable the preference for the school selected at the top-right corner of the screen, click the School Preferences tab.

3. Click the Enrollment tab.

4. Select Use the Address Catalog for address validation.

5. Click Save.

Adding an Address Range in the Address Catalog

1. In the Setup menu, click Address Catalog.

2. To add a new address range, enter the address information in the blank row next to the plus sign.

Entering a correct number range, number direction, and street direction in the Address Catalog is very important. If these do not match when entering a student address, the address will not validate.

3. Select the zoned schools for the address range.

If there is only one zoned PK (pre-kindergarten) school, elementary school, middle school, and high school for the address range, only the PK School, Elementary School, Middle School, and High School fields need to be defined. If an address range can attend two different schools, then the Secondary PK School, Secondary Elementary School, Secondary Middle School, and Secondary High School can be defined.

4. If the address range is on federal property, select the Federal Property check box.

5. Select Low Income Housing if applicable for the address range.

6. Enter the SAC number for the address range, if applicable.

7. Enter the Zone, Sub Zone, and Zone Group, if applicable.

8. Click Submit.

Editing an Address Range in the Address Catalog

1. In the Setup menu, click Address Catalog.

2. Click the applicable state, city, and street links to view the desired address range.

3. Edit the address range as needed and click Submit.

Mass Updating Address Ranges in the Address Catalog

1. In the Setup menu, click Address Catalog.

2. Click the applicable state, city, and street links to view the desired address ranges.

3. Click Mass Update.

4. Select the column to update in the pull-down.

2. Select or enter the value in the second field.

3. Click Run Mass Update.

4. Click Submit.

Deleting an Address from the Address Catalog

1. In the Setup menu, click Address Catalog.

2. Click the applicable state, city, and street links to view the desired address ranges.

3. Click the minus sign to the left of the row to delete.

Address Catalog

4. In the confirmation message, click Delete.

Find My School

This page allows users to type in their address and get a list of their zoned schools based on the Address Catalog. The page is accessed by appending /find-my-school to the end of the district's Focus URL.

1. Enter the find my school URL. For example,

Entering the find my school URL opens the School Zones for (district name) screen, as shown in the image below.

2. The student or parent can now enter in their Street Address and ZIP code in the provided text boxes and click Search. Note: Both the Street Address and ZIP fields must be completed.

3. The Zoned Pre-K, Elementary, Middle, and High Schools are listed if defined for the address in the Address Catalog, along with the schools' addresses and phone numbers.

School Zones for District - Live Demo - Focus

4. Click View on Map to open directions from the entered location to the school via Google Maps.

School Zones for District - Live Demo - Focus
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