Documentation for Administrators

Teacher Gradebook Usage

Updated on

The Teacher Gradebook Usage screen allows administrators to review how teachers are using the Gradebook. The report displays the number of assignments, the due date of the most recently added assignment, the assigned date of the most recently added assignment, and the date and time of the most recent grade change for each teacher at the school for the marking period selected at the top-right of the screen.

Viewing the Teacher Gradebook Usage Report

1. In the Grades menu, click Teacher Gradebook Usage.

2. Select Only Include Graded Sections, if desired. Only graded sections will be included on the report. If a teacher only has ungraded sections, the teacher will not be listed on the report.

Teacher Gradebook Usage

The report lists each teacher at the school along with the number of assignments, the due date of the most recently added assignment, the assigned date of the most recently added assignment, and the date and time of the most recent grade change across all of the teacher's gradebooks for the marking period selected at the top-right of the screen.

Teacher Gradebook Usage

3. Click a teacher link to open the teacher's record in User Info.

Teacher Gradebook Usage

4. To sort the report by a specific column, click the column header. For example, click the Number of Assignments column header once to sort the report by least number of assignments to most number of assignments. Click the header again to sort the report by most number of assignments to least number of assignments.

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