Documentation for Administrators


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The Lunches screen is used to set up lunch schedules for students. Students are assigned a lunch using lunch rules. The student's lunch assignment is displayed on his/her schedule.

Adding Lunches

1. In the Scheduling menu, click Lunches.

2. In the Lunches tab, enter the Title and Short Name for the lunch in the blank row.

3. Optionally, enter the Start Time, End Time, and Minutes for the lunch.


4. To associate this lunch with a specific bell schedule, select one or multiple Bell Schedule(s).


5. Press Enter or click Save to add and save the lunch.

Editing Lunches

Click a field to enable editing. The changes are auto-saved once you click or Tab out of the field.

Deleting Lunches

1. Click the red minus sign next to the lunch title.


2. In the confirmation message, click OK.

The lunch is removed.

Adding Lunch Rules

After lunches are set up in the Lunches tab, you can then create lunch rules to assign students to a lunch. Lunch rules can be set up based on period, teacher, and room.

1. Click the Lunch Rules tab.

2. In the blank row, select a Period.

3. Select a Teacher. One or multiple teachers can be selected. If a teacher is not selected for the rule, then a room must be selected.

4. Select a Room. One or multiple rooms can be selected. If a room is not selected for the rule, then a teacher must be selected.

For lunch rules, select a teacher OR a room. Selecting both creates an OR situation where the student will display the lunch on their schedule if the student has the teacher or is scheduled into the room.  This can cause more than one lunch to display for the student.

5. Select a Lunch.

6. Press Enter to add the row.

7. Click Save.

A rule will not save if it does not have a teacher or room selected. Hover over the row to view the error in a tool-tip.

Editing Lunch Rules

1. Click on a field and make the desired change.

2. Click Save.

Deleting Lunch Rules

1. Click the red minus sign next to the lunch rule.

2. In the confirmation message, click OK.

3. Click Save.

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