Documentation for Administrators

ISP Page

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The ISP (Individualized Student Plan) Page acts as a “one-stop show” for post-secondary students allowing counselors and other applicable users to view and/or edit student information while helping students navigate and attain their selected academic goals. The ISP Page contains students’ demographic information, grades, test history, and school schedule all on the same screen. Users can utilize the dynamic career and school goals selections to easily view students’ current or possible graduation paths.

The ISP Page is only available for post-secondary students.

ISP Page: LA Districts
ISP Page

If you do not have view access to select fields, the value of the field displays as blank.

Merit Certificates and/or Critical Notes (LA)

If a student has an active re-enrollment restriction record in student demographics or if a student has a merit certificate for the current school year, the information displays in a banner text box as shown below. To view additional information on the merit certificate or re-enrollment, access the respective tabs of the student record via Students > Student Info.

If the student has an active re-enrollment restriction, the information is displayed in red text. If the student a merit certificate for the current year, the information is displayed in green text.

LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

The demographics section displays First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Student ID, Grade, Gender, Birthdate, Student’s Personal Email Address, Phone, and Address.

ISP Page

1. Enter or edit the student's name using the applicable fields.


The eye icon indicates that the field is read only.


2. Click the pencil icon to edit the Grade field in Students > Student Info > Enrollment tab.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

3. Click the Gender pull-down to change the Gender selection.


4. Enter, select, or edit the Birthdate as needed.

ISP Page

5. Enter or edit the Student Personal Email Address as needed.

ISP Page

6. Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the Phone number or Address in Students > Student Info.


a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh.

ISP Page

Once the screen is refreshed, the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

7. Click Save to apply changes made.

ISP Page

The Education section displays for LA districts only and pulls student information straight from the student’s demographics > “CALPADS” or applicable tab to auto populate the following fields: Years of School Completed, Highest Degree or Diploma Earned, Labor Status, Parent/Guardian of K-12 LAUSD Student, Employment Barriers, and Orientation.


ISP Page

1. Enter or edit the Years of School Completed using the text field.

2. Select the Highest Degree or Diploma Earned from the corresponding pull-down.

3. Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's Labor Status in Students > Student Info.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

4. Select the Parent/Guardian of K-12 LAUSD Student Old check box to inform the counselor that the student must have a parent or guardian present during meetings and/or whether the parent/guardian is responsible for completing the student's online application.

5. Select the Employment Barriers from the corresponding pull-down.

ISP Page

The eye icon indicates that the field is read only.


The Orientation field displays Yes if the student has either an active or inactive schedule record for any of the following courses:


6. Click Save to apply changes made.

ISP Page
Student Status

The Student Status section displays for LA districts only and pulls information straight from the selected logging fields in the students' demographic to auto-populate the following status fields if the current date falls between the start/end date on the logging field record: ACCT, Economic Special Needs, Income, and AEWC.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's status in Students > Student Info.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page
Disability Status

The Disability Status section displays for LA districts only and pulls the selected student’s disability status information found in the demographic record populating the Description, Start Date, and End Date fields.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's status in Students > Student Info.

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

The Assessments section displays for LA districts only and pulls the selected student’s Test History information to auto-populate the following fields for TABE, CASAS, HiSET, TASC and GED tests: Test Name, Test Component, Test Date, Test Score, and Result.

ISP Page

For more information about logged Assessments, see Assessment > Test History.


The Grades section displays the Course, Grade, Enroll Date,Drop Date, and Subject/Pathway.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's grades in Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank or Grades > Course History.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page
Current & Upcoming Schedule

The Current & Upcoming Schedule section displays the Course, School, Teacher, Section, Room, Enroll Date, Drop Date, Days, Total Scheduled Hours, and Attended Hours.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's schedule in Scheduling > Student Schedule.

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page
Goals and Student Progress Status

The Goals section allows users to track students' goals including Learn English, Earn High School Diploma, Get Career Training, Help my Family, Personal Goal, and Other.

ISP Page

1. Select the applicable check boxes to indicate the student's goals and click Save.

ISP Page

Once the student's goals are selected, you must click Save in order to refresh the Student Progress Status section which will then reflect the students goals and progress.

2. If you select the Learn English check box, the Student Progress Status section will populate with the six courses in the ESL program that the student is required to complete in order finish the program. The courses are listed in the ESL Goal row of the chart. These courses will display in blue, indicating that the course is required. Below in the Achievement row of the chart, the various test statuses will display in different colors according to the following conditions: 

  • Green will indicate the student has completed the course. A passing grade has been posted and a completion code of C has been assigned.
  • White will indicate that the student’s course completion code for the course is not C. For example, in the case that the student is a leaver. White will indicate the student does not have a schedule for the course. 
  • Gray will indicate that the course is not applicable. For example, if a student is scheduled in a higher-level course and the pre-requisites were overridden. 
  • Yellow will indicate that the student is actively scheduled into the course.
LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

3. If you select the Earn High School Diploma check box, you can also select additional goals pertaining to this goal.

a. Select the Want to Go to College and/or Want to Enter the Military check box(es) to indicate additional goals.

b. Select the type of diploma the student strives to earn from the Which High School Diploma pull-down.


The Which High School Diploma pull-down displays with Graduation Programs set up via Grades > Graduation Requirements that are not flagged as CTE using the corresponding check box.

Upon selecting a graduation program, the Student Progress Status section will populate with a chart representing the student’s academic progress towards the completion of the credits and subjects set forth in their assigned graduation program. The horizontal axis lists the subjects contained in the graduation program. The chart contains two bars, the bar in blue represents the student’s goal, and the number directly above the blue bar represents the number of credits required to fulfill the subject requirement. The bar in green represents the student’s progress towards the goal, and the number directly above the green bar represents the number of credits the student has earned towards the required credits. 

LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

Below the Student Progress Status, the Test Goal section will consist of the selected student’s required tests parts. All test parts listed in this section will display in light blue to indicate that the test subject is a required subject.

LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

Below the Test Goal is the Test Achievement section. This section will consist of the selected student’s current test statuses. The various test statuses will display in different colors according to the following conditions: 

  • Passed - Green indicates student has passed
  • Failed - Pink indicates student has Failed
  • Pending - White will indicate student has not attempted the test (no test results are available for the test part)
  • Incomplete - White if any test part is pending or failed. The battery will be marked as incomplete.
LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

4. If you select the Get Career Training check box, you can select additional goals pertaining to this goal.

a. Select the student's reason for career training such as Get a Job, Retain a Job, or Get a Better Job.

b. Select the student's Primary Career Pathway Interest from the pull-down.

c. Select the student's Secondary Career Pathway Interest from the pull-down.

ISP Page

The Primary Career Pathway Interest and Secondary Career Pathway Interest pull-downs populate with the graduation programs/pathways that are flagged as CTE via Grades > Graduation Requirements.

If the goal Get Career Training is selected, the Student Progress Status section populates with the student’s educational progress towards completion of the required courses for their selected goal. The Goal row of the section will list the required courses. The Achievement row will display the status of the student’s progress towards completion of the courses. The various test statuses will display in different colors according to the following conditions:

  • Green will indicate the student has completed the course. A passing grade has been posted and a completion code of C assigned.
  • White will indicate that the student’s course completion code is not C for the course. 
  • Yellow will indicate that the student is actively scheduled into the course.
  • White will indicate that the student does not have a schedule for the course. 
  • Gray will indicate not applicable. For example, if the student is scheduled into a higher-level course and the pre-requisites were overridden for the course.

5. Upon meeting with the student, you can also indicate if the student has additional goals and select the corresponding check boxes for the following: Help my Family, Personal Goal, and/or Other.

ISP Page
Career Services

Career Services Received is an LA only section that displays career services information typically stored on the Counseling tab of the student’s record. Records from multiple years will display here.

ISP Page

1. Select the School Year from the pull-down.

2. Select the Career Services Received Code from the pull-down.

3. Press the Enter key to log the line of data, then click the Save button.

ISP Page

4. To delete a record, click the delete button (red minus sign). Then, click Save to apply changes.

Transition Services

The Transition Services Received section is an LA only section that displays transition services information typically stored on the Counseling tab of the student’s record, which auto-populates the following fields for transition services achieved: School Year and Transition Services Received Code. Records from multiple years are displayed.

ISP Page

1. Select the School Year from the pull-down.

2. Select the Transition Services Received Code from the pull-down.

3. Press the Enter key to log the line of data, then click the Save button.

4. To delete a record, click the delete button (red minus sign). Then, click Save to apply changes.

Supportive Services

The Supportive Services Received is an LA only section that display transition services information typically stored on the Counseling tab of the student’s record and auto-populates the following fields for supportive services achieved: School Year and Supportive Services Received Code. Records from multiple years are displayed.

ISP Page

1. Select the School Year from the pull-down.

2. Select the Supportive Services Received Code from the pull-down.

3. Press the Enter key to log the line of data, then click the Save button.

4. To delete a record, click the delete button (red minus sign). Then, click Save to apply changes.

Training Services Received

The Training Services Received is an LA only section that display training services information typically stored on the Counseling tab of the student’s record and auto-populates the following fields for supportive services achieved: School Year and Training Services Received Code. Records from multiple years are displayed.

ISP Page

1. Select the School Year from the pull-down.

2. Select the Training Services Received Code from the pull-down.

3. Press the Enter key to log the line of data, then click the Save button.

4. To delete a record, click the delete button (red minus sign). Then, click Save to apply changes.

ISP Status

The ISP Status is an LA only section that displays data contained in the ISP Status logging field originally stored on the Counseling tab of the student’s record, which auto-populates the following fields for ISP Status: Yea, Program, Meeting Date, File, Minutes, and User.. Records from multiple years are displayed.

ISP Page

1. Select the Year from the pull-down.

2. Select the Program from the pull-down.

3. Enter the Meeting Date or select the date from the calendar pop-up window to record the date the meeting occurred.

4. Select the applicable number of Minutes from the pull-down.

5. Press the Enter key to save the line of data. Then, click the Save button.

ISP Page

6. Hover over No File to upload and attach documentation.

a. Click Scan to scan a file.

b. Click Upload to upload a document from your computer.

c. Click Take Photo to take a photo with your computer's web camera.

ISP Page

The User field automatically populates with the name of the user who entered the information.

ISP Page

The Notes section of the page displays the data contained in the Notes logging field originally stored on the Counseling tab of the student’s record. Records from multiple years will display here.

ISP Page

1. Enter the Date or select the date from the calendar pop-up window.

2. Enter the applicable Comments in the text box.

3. In the Who text box enter the name of whom the note is applicable.

4. Press the Enter key, then click the Save button.

ISP Page

5. Hover over No File to upload and attach documentation.

a. Click Scan to scan a file.

b. Click Upload to upload a document from your computer.

c. Click Take Photo to take a photo with your computer's web camera.


6. To delete a Notes record, click the delete button (red minus sign). Then, click Save to apply changes.

ISP Page
ISP Page: All Other Districts
ISP Page

If you do not have view access to select fields, the value of the field displays as blank.


The demographics section displays Student Name, Student ID, Grade, Gender, and Birthdate.

ISP Page

1. Click the pencil icon to edit the Student Name via Students > Student Info.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

The eye icon indicates that the field is read only.


2. Click the pencil icon to edit the Grade field in Students > Student Info > Enrollment tab.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

3. Click the Gender pull-down to change the Gender selection.

ISP Page

4. Enter, select, or edit the Birthdate as needed.

ISP Page

5. Click Save to apply changes made.

ISP Page

The Address section contains the student's Address, Phone, and Student E-mail Address.

ISP Page

1. Click the pencil icon to edit the Address or Phone field.


a. Clicking the edit icon opens Students > Student Info where you can make changes as needed.

Student Info

b. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

2. Enter or edit the Student E-mail Address as needed.


3. Click Save to apply changes made.

ISP Page
Test Results

The Test Results section displays the selected student’s Test History information to auto-populate the following fields for TABE, CASAS, HiSET, TASC and GED tests: Test Name, Test Component, Test Date, and Test Score.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's Test Results in Assessment > Test History.

ISP Page

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page

The Grades section displays the Course, Grade, Enroll Date, and Drop Date.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's grades in Grades > Final Grades, GPA, & Class Rank or Grades > Course History.

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page
Current & Upcoming Schedule

The Current & Upcoming Schedule section displays the Course, School, Teacher, Section, Room, Enroll Date, Drop Date, and Days.

ISP Page

Click the pencil (edit) icon to edit the student's schedule in Scheduling > Student Schedule.

a. Once changes have been made and saved, navigate back to the ISP Page and click Refresh so the new information populates the ISP Page.

ISP Page
Goals and Student Progress Status

The Goals section allows users to track students' goals including Learn English, Earn High School Diploma, and Get Career Training.

1. Select the applicable check boxes to indicate the student's goals and click Save.

ISP Page

Once the student's goals are selected, you must click Save in order to refresh the Student Progress Status section which will then reflect the students goals and progress.

2. If you select the Learn English check box, the Student Progress Status section will populate with the six courses in the ESL program that the student is required to complete in order finish the program. The courses are listed in the ESL Goal row of the chart. These courses will display in blue, indicating that the course is required. Below in the Achievement row of the chart, the various test statuses will display in different colors according to the following conditions: 

  • Green will indicate the student has completed the course. A passing grade has been posted and a completion code of C has been assigned.
  • White will indicate that the student’s course completion code for the course is not C. For example, in the case that the student is a leaver. White will indicate the student does not have a schedule for the course. 
  • Gray will indicate that the course is not applicable. For example, if a student is scheduled in a higher-level course and the pre-requisites were overridden. 
  • Yellow will indicate that the student is actively scheduled into the course.
LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

3. If you select the Earn High School Diploma check box, you can also select additional goals pertaining to this goal.

a. Select the Want to Go to College and/or Want to Enter the Military check box(es) to indicate additional goals.

b. Select the type of diploma the student strives to earn from the Which High School Diploma pull-down.


The Which High School Diploma pull-down displays with Graduation Programs set up via Grades > Graduation Requirements that are not flagged as CTE using the corresponding check box.

Upon selecting a graduation program, the Student Progress Status section will populate with a chart representing the student’s academic progress towards the completion of the credits and subjects set forth in their assigned graduation program. The horizontal axis lists the subjects contained in the graduation program. The chart contains two bars, the bar in blue represents the student’s goal, and the number directly above the blue bar represents the number of credits required to fulfill the subject requirement. The bar in green represents the student’s progress towards the goal, and the number directly above the green bar represents the number of credits the student has earned towards the required credits. 

LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

Below the Student Progress Status, the Test Goal section will consist of the selected student’s required tests parts. All test parts listed in this section will display in light blue to indicate that the test subject is a required subject.

LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

Below the Test Goal is the Test Achievement section. This section will consist of the selected student’s current test statuses. The various test statuses will display in different colors according to the following conditions: 

  • Passed - Green indicates student has passed
  • Failed - Pink indicates student has Failed
  • Pending - White will indicate student has not attempted the test (no test results are available for the test part)
  • Incomplete - White if any test part is pending or failed. The battery will be marked as incomplete.
LAUSD ISP Final.docx - Google Docs

4. If you select the Get Career Training check box, you can select additional goals pertaining to this goal.

a. Select the student's reason for career training such as Get a Job, Retain a Job, or Get a Better Job.

b. Select the student's Primary Career Pathway Interest from the pull-down.

c. Select the student's Secondary Career Pathway Interest from the pull-down.

ISP Page

The Primary Career Pathway Interest and Secondary Career Pathway Interest pull-downs populate with the graduation programs/pathways that are flagged as CTE via Grades > Graduation Requirements.

If the goal Get Career Training is selected, the Student Progress Status section populates with the student’s educational progress towards completion of the required courses for their selected goal. The Goal row of the section will list the required courses. The Achievement row will display the status of the student’s progress towards completion of the courses. The various test statuses will display in different colors according to the following conditions:

  • Green will indicate the student has completed the course. A passing grade has been posted and a completion code of C assigned.
  • White will indicate that the student’s course completion code is not C for the course. 
  • Yellow will indicate that the student is actively scheduled into the course.
  • White will indicate that the student does not have a schedule for the course. 
  • Gray will indicate not applicable. For example, if the student is scheduled into a higher-level course and the pre-requisites were overridden for the course.
Industry Certifications

The Industry Certifications section pulls from the Technical Education tab (or applicable tab) of Students > Student Info to populate the following fields: Industry Cert, Outcome, and Date.

ISP Notes

ISP Notes section displays the data contained in the ISP Notes logging field originally stored on the ISP tab of the student’s record including the following fields: Date, Notes, Entered By, and files uploaded. Records from multiple years are displayed.

ISP Page

1. ISP Notes cannot be added here but fields can be edited with editing permission. To edit the fields, click the field and make changes as needed.


2. Hover over No File to upload and attach documentation.

a. Click Scan to scan a file.

b. Click Upload to upload a document from your computer.

c. Click Take Photo to take a photo with your computer's web camera.


3. Click Save to apply changes.

ISP Page
Placement Info

Placement Info displays Program Number, Certificate Seeking, Employment, In Field of Interest, Licensure Exam, and Cohort Year.

ISP Page

1. Enter the Program Number is the text box.

2. Select if the student is Certificate Seeking from the corresponding pull-down.

3. Select the student's Employment status from the pull-down.

4. Indicate whether the student is currently working In Field of Interest from the corresponding pull-down.

5. Select the student's status of Licensure Exam from the corresponding pull-down.

6. Select the student's Cohort Year from the pull-down.

7. Press the Enter key, then click the Save button.

ISP Page

8. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete the placement info record. Then, click Save to apply changes.

Printing the ISP Page

Added the “Print” button to the ISP Page, which allows users to select the sections / “Blocks” to include in the printout.

1. Click Print.

ISP Page

2. Select the sections to include in the printout from the Blocks pull-down.

ISP Page

3. Click Finalize Print.

ISP Page
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