The discipline code triggers the SESIR popup and if actions and codes are used it will trigger the subset of actions.
When the Referral Actions and Codes table has been set up and is in use.
They must be exactly the same.
Any action that violates the student code of conduct resulting in an office referral is what districts commonly refer to as incidents. Many districts think of the referral as the initial submission and when the office acts on it, it becomes an incident. The state has a defined set of discipline code violations called SESIRs that MUST be reported. If the code violation is not one that must be reported, it is considered non-SESIR and Focus calls it a referral. If the code violation is a SESIR code and must be reported, Focus considers it an incident.To distinguish which referrals are DOE reported we look for actions that are not coded as “D” – D is local so in referral setup all referrals the districts does not want to state report should have the action code set to D. These are the allowable codes for discipline actions:
Portal - once checked, the portal alert “new referrals” goes away or the number of referrals is reduced for Administrators. Teachers receive a portal alert of “Processed Referral” to allow the teachers to view the action on the referral they wrote.
Parent/Student - once checked, this will allow the Parent/Student to view the referral (based on permissions for each field on the referral)
State Reporting - Focus will only pull data from processed referrals. If the reviewed by administrator is not checked, it’s as though the referral does not exist
Involved in Hate Crime Zero-Tolerance:Expulsion
School-Related Arrest Involved in Bullying
Use of Alcohol Use of Drugs
Weapon Use Other’s involved
Once the SESIR code is selected on the referral and the SESIR box pops up, select the tab labeled “Add to Existing SESIR”
If multiple students were engaged in the same infraction, the referral only has to be created once and then can be “copied” for the other involved students. The incident date, description, reporter, and discipline code is duplicated. The action records are not.
The reason the action records don’t duplicate is to provide the administrator discretion in assigning disciplinary action without impacting the audit trail by removing a code and replacing it with another.
The discipline_referrals table is where referrals are stored. The discipline_incidents table is for a SESIR. They are joined by the discipline_incidents_join_referrals table.
If there is a SESIR and Referral(s) linked together, the incident ID from the SESIR will be used for the referral as well for state reporting. Errors occur if they do not have the same ID at the state.
Current and future attendance will populate the attendance screen. If a current or prior attendance date is changed on the referral, this will not transfer to the attendance screen.
Whether the Discipline box is checked on the attendance code setup screen for a specific attendance code