The Hall Pass Trends report provides detailed insights into hall pass usage. This report helps track student activity by allowing users to drill down into specific data, aiding in monitoring the school environment.
The Students tab in the Hall Pass Trends report provides a detailed view of student hall pass usage, searchable by date range, and defaults to the current school year. At the top of the report, the Average Pass Time is displayed, which is calculated as the average number of minutes all students have spent out of class. The report is sorted to highlight students with the most time out of class at the top, ensuring easy identification and analysis of those who spend significant time away from the classroom.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Pass Trends.

The Students tab is displayed by default.
2. The report date range defaults to the first day of school through the current date. Adjust the Start Date and End Date of the report, as needed, and click Search.
The report includes:
- Student - Displays the student name and ID number.
- Grade - Displays the student's current grade level.
- Number of Passes - Displays the total number of active passes within the report date range.
- Total Time - Displays the total amount of time the student has been out of class on hall passes within the report the date range.
- Average Pass Time - Displays the total minutes of all of the student's passes divided by the number of passes within the date range.
- Most Visited Location - Displays the location where the student was most active.
3. Click the student link to open the Student Hall Pass Report for the individual student. This report is also accessible by clicking the Hall Passes tab at the top of the screen when viewing a student's record in Student Info.
4. Click the link in the Number of Passes column to view a breakdown of the student's hall passes.
In the pop-up window, the Total Time Out of Class is indicated, as well as a list of the student's passes during the report date range. For each pass, the date and time the pass became active, the amount of time the pass was active, and location of the pass are indicated. If the student exceeded the pass length, the amount of time the pass was active is highlighted in red. There are also red indicators if the student did not check in, did not check out, had late check out, did not end their pass, or if the pass expired.
5. Click the X to return to the full report.

The Student to Student tab displays students who have been out on active hall passes at the same time and location, with their passes overlapping for at least one minute. You can search by date range, with the default setting being the current school year to current date. You can also set a threshold for the amount of overlapping passes and filter the report based on a specific location. This tab helps identify patterns and potential issues when multiple students frequently request passes at the same time.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Pass Trends.

2. Click the Student to Student tab.
3. The report date range defaults to the first day of school through the current date. Adjust the Start Date and End Date of the report, as needed.
4. Enter the Threshold for the number of overlapping passes between two students.
5. If you would like to view one or multiple specific locations, select the Location. Leave blank to return all locations.
6. Click Search.
The report includes:
- Student 1 - Displays the name and student ID of Student 1
- Student 2 - Displays the name and student ID of student 2
- Overlapping Passes - Displays the number of overlapping passes within the date range that meet the defined treshold
7. Click a student link to open the Student Hall Pass Report for the individual student. This report is also accessible by clicking the Hall Passes tab at the top of the screen when viewing a student's record in Student Info.
8. Click the Overlapping Passes link to view the details of the overlapping passes.
In the pop-up window, the dates, times, and locations of the overlapping passes are listed.

9. Click the X to return to the full report.

The Trending Locations tab provides a breakdown of locations within the school, allowing users to search by date range, with the default set to the current school year. The report lists locations based on the number of hall passes created, with the location having the most passes at the top and the one with the least at the bottom. This tab helps identify high-traffic areas and manage hall pass usage effectively.
1. In the Students menu, click Hall Pass Trends.

2. Click the Trending Locations tab.
3. The report date range defaults to the start and end date of the school year. Adjust the Start Date and End Date of the report, as needed.
4. Click Search.
The report includes:
- Location - Displays the location. The location with the most passes is at the top of the report, and location with the least amount of passes is at the bottom.
- Number of Passes - Displays the total number of passes issued for the location during the specified date range
- Total Time - Displays the total time students have spent out of class on passes for the location during the specified date range
- User - Displays the user who has approved/initiated the majority of passes for the location
5. Click the Number of Passes link to view the details of the passes for the location.
The pop-up window includes the student, date and time the pass was issued, and the amount of time the pass was active. If the student exceeded the pass length, the amount of time the pass was active is highlighted in red. There are also red indicators if the student did not check in, did not check out, had late check out, did not end their pass, or if the pass expired.

Expand View
Click the expand icon next to a row on a report to view the information for that row in a pop-up window.
Page Navigation
If the report contains multiple pages, click the Prev and Next buttons to navigate through the pages. Enter a page number in the text box and press Enter to go directly to that page in the report.
Export and Print
To export the report to CSV/Excel, click the Excel icon. To print the report, click the Printer icon and follow your printer's prompts.
To filter the report, click the Filter button so that it displays ON.
Enter the filter criteria in the text box above the desired column.
Click the down arrow to access additional filter options.
Click the green plus icon to add an additional filter field to the column. Click the red minus icon to remove the filter field for the column.
To turn off the filters, click the Filter button so that it displays OFF.
Page Size
To adjust how many records are included on each page of the report, modify the Page Size and press Enter.