Documentation for Administrators

Print Student Information

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The Print Student Information screen is used to print information from specific Student Info categories for one or multiple students.

Printing Student Information

1. In the Students menu, click Print Student Information.

2. Click More Search Options to use the options that will define a specific subset of students for which information will be printed. More Search Options allows you to specify who you need to pull into the report.

Print Student Information

a. Click More Search Options to use the options that will define a specific subset of students for the Advanced Report. More Search Options allows you to specify who you need to pull into the report.

Print Student Information

i. The More Search Options feature displays as a pull-down where all applicable menu and menu options are displayed and can be used to conduct a search. Once a specific menu option is selected, additional search options can be entered or selected to conduct the search.

Print Student Information

Type the name of a field in the Search text box to quickly find a menu or information by which you want to filter/search. For example, you can type in "code" to yield results in Discipline, Florida Fields, and Student Fields.

Print Student Information

In the example shown, Absences > Daily Attendance has been selected allowing you to choose Absent Codes, set a Timeframe Between to dates, and Days Absent Between two dates.

Advanced Report

ii. Click the More Search Options pull-down to select as many search filters as needed. In the example shown, Test History has also been selected.

Advanced Report

iii. To remove a filter, click the black minus sign (delete button).

Advanced Report

iv. Some filters will allow you to duplicate the data. Click the black plus sign (add on) to duplicate the filter and filter by different data.

Advanced Report

You also have the ability to save searches, create student groups, and apply previously saved searches here. See Searching for Students for details.

Print Student Information

If the Default User Preferences and/or My Preferences setting, "Use Legacy Search," is enabled, you have the option to use the legacy search or to use the new search. The Legacy Search is available by default to users on v.11; if the district is on v.11, the New Search will not display.

In the Student Search, to use the original search screen, click Use Legacy Search.

Note: The Legacy Search has been removed in version 12.0.57.

Advanced Report

3. To run the parameters against a Student Group, select the applicable group from the corresponding pull-down.

Advanced Report

4. Select the Search All Schools check box to include students from all schools in your search.

Student Info

When you search all schools, and select a student, the student's primary school is selected from the Schools pull-down located in the header automatically.

5. Select the Include Inactive check box to include students who do not have an active enrollment record at the selected school or all schools (if Search All Schools is selected).

6. Select the Previous Years check box to include previous year of inactive data in your search.

7. Select the Use Most Recent Enrollment check box to use the most recent enrollment records when conducting a search that includes inactive students.

Advanced Report

8. At the bottom of the screen, select the category or categories to print. These categories may differ depending on district setup.

Print Student Information

9. Select Insert a Page Break before each new report, if needed.

10. Select Print All Logging Fields in Expanded View to print logging fields in an expanded view format for easier viewing.

Print Student Information

11. Click Continue...

Print Student Information

A list of students returned in the search are listed.

12. Select the check box next to each student to print, or click Check All to select all students in the list.

Print Student Information

The Invert Selected option is useful if you want to print most of the students in the list, except for a few students. Select the check boxes next to the students you do not want to print, and then click Invert Selected. The check boxes for the students you do not want to print are cleared, while the check boxes next to the rest of the students in the list become selected.

13. Click Prepare Report at the bottom of the screen.

Print Student Information

After the report is finished generating, a confirmation message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

14. Click Print Report.

15. Follow the prompts from your computer to view or print the report.

If Protected students are selected for printing student data, and you have the profile permission to View Protected Students, you will not see any changes. If you do not have permission to View Protected Students, but you have permission to Edit Student Addresses and Edit Student Contacts, you will not see any changes. If you do not have permission to View Protected Students and you do not have Edit Student Addresses or Edit Student Contacts, you will see not be able to see Address & Contacts information when printing but can still print other student data. For more information about how to set up a Protected Student, see Student Fields: Protected Student.

Did You Know?

The first five numbers in student Social Security numbers are masked with asterisks. The profile permission View Full SSN, enabled via Users > Profiles > Students tab, allows users to view the full Social Security number for students

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