Documentation for Administrators

Student Final Grades

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The Student Final Grades screen is used to review the final grades posted for students for a specific marking period. Many of the options are similar to the Report Cards screen, however, the grades are displayed in a table format that is easy to review instead of being formatted as a report card.

Viewing Student Final Grades

1. In the Grades menu, click Student Final Grades.

2. At the top of the screen, enter search criteria for the students you want to view on the report.

See Searching for Students for detailed instructions on the various ways to search for students.

Student Final Grades

If the Default User Preferences and/or My Preferences setting, "Use Legacy Search," is enabled, you have the option to use the legacy search or to use the new search. The Legacy Search is available by default to users on v.11; if the district is on v.11, the New Search will not display.

In the Student Search, to use the original search screen, click Use Legacy Search.

Note: The Legacy Search has been removed in version 12.0.57.

Student Final Grades

3. In the Marking Periods section of the screen, select how you want marking period names to display in the Display marking period names using pull-down.

4. Select the Marking Periods to include on the report.

5. Select the Marking period from which to pull data, which determines the marking period from which comments will pull.

6. Select Use data from most recent term if there is no grade in the term selected, if desired. This will populate the report with data (comments/conducts) from the most recent marking period for which data is present if the student does not have a grade for the marking period selected.

Student Final Grades

7. In the Include on Report Card section of the screen, select the options for the information to include on the report.

8. In the Options section of the screen, select a sorting option in the Sort Report Cards pull-down.

When a period teacher option is selected, the Display this Teacher on Each Report Card check box is available for selection.

9. Select an option for Grade Row Grouping. Course Number is selected by default and cannot be deselected, but you can also choose to group by Teacher and Course Period.

10. Select Use Transcript Title to use the Transcript Title from the Course Catalog instead of the Course Title.

11. Select whether to Abbreviate Marking Periods, Abbreviate Other Columns, Show Abbreviation Legend, Abbreviate Teacher & Course Name, and Hide percent symbol.

12. Select an Effective Date to display final grades entered as of the selected date.

13. Select Two-Sided Printing, if desired.

14. At the top of the screen in the search box, click Continue.

The report of student final grades is displayed.

Student Final Grades
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