Documentation for Administrators

Accommodation Options

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The Accommodation Options screen is used to set up the accommodation categories and specific accommodations for the Accommodations/Modifications custom screen in the IEP and/or 504 events. Access to this menu option is profile based.

Florida Statewide Assessments only allows existing accommodations for the instructional setting. Please be mindful of this if adding new accommodations.

Setting Up Categories

The Categories tab is where accommodation categories are set up. These categories house accommodations offered to students within certain SSS IEP and/or 504 events.

1. In the SSS menu, click Accommodation Options.

The Categories tab is displayed.

2. Type in the category Title.

3. Enter the Sort Order to identify the order in which the category will appear on the Accommodations table in an event.

4. Press Enter to save changes.

5. Click the red minus sign to delete any unwanted accommodation categories.

6. In the pop-up message, click OK to delete or click Cancel to return to the Categories screen without deleting.

Setting Up Accommodations

The Accommodations tab is where accommodations within the category are set up. These are accommodations offered to the student within certain SSS IEP and/or 504 events.

1. Click the Accommodations tab.

2. Select a Category from the drop-down.

3. Select the check box if this accommodation Receives State Funding.

4. Enter a Short Description of the accommodation.

5. Enter a Long Description of the accommodation.

6. Click out of the Long Description text box and press Enter to save.

7. Click the red minus sign in the row to delete an accommodation.

8. In the pop-up message, click OK to delete the accommodation or click Cancel to return to the Accommodations screen without deleting.

9. To edit an accommodation, turn on the Filters.

10. Type in the Category for editing.

11. Click the field that needs to be edited.

12. Make changes.

13. Click out of the field and the system will auto-save the changes.

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