Documentation for Administrators

Ed-Fi Setup

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The Ed-Fi Setup screen is used to set up the integration between Focus and Ed-Fi. This setup is year-specific, and can accommodate a single ODS or multiple ODS instances for different years.

Completing Ed-Fi Setup

1. In the Setup menu, click Ed-Fi Setup.

Ed-Fi Setup

2. At the top of the screen, enter the URL, Auth Token URL, Client ID, and Client Secret. These credentials are provided by the third party. Optionally, enter the Identity URL and Local URL. Enter the Local Namespace to push descriptor values from Focus to Ed-Fi in your custom namespace. This prevents having to use the Ed-Fi mapping. For assessments, enter the Assessment Namespace.

Some vendors may only give the base URL for the ODS. If this happens, add /data/version#/ed-fi to the end of the base URL given.

Ed-Fi Setup

3. Enter the State Education Id.

Ed-Fi Setup

4. In the Synced Resources pull-down, select the resources to be sent. Leaving the pull-down blank will send all resources.

Only select the LocalEducationAgency option if the District Records does not yet exist in the ODS.

5. In the Synched Schools pull-down, select the schools to be sent. Leaving the pull-down blank will send all schools.

If a school is sent and then is removed from the list, delete statements will be sent for the removed school.

Ed-Fi Setup

6. For Florida customers, select the Field to use for SchoolId, Field to use for StudentUniqueId, and Field to use for StaffUniqueId for FLEID.

Ed-Fi Setup

7. Click Save & Test Settings to save and test the credentials entered.

Ed-Fi Setup

Ed-Fi requires specific field aliases and custom values to be populated for the integration to work correctly. The Field Errors section beneath the General Settings displays any current field errors that need to be resolved.


There are two required custom fields that need to be either created or aliased appropriately for the Ed-Fi setup to work. Once the fields are set up and/or aliased properly, the field errors will be removed from the Ed-Fi Setup screen. These values are provided by the third party.

  • edfi3_education_organization_id 
    • This field needs to be created in Setup > District Fields with the exact alias provided.
    • If this value is already stored in a field in District Info, the alias will need to be updated to match.
  • edfi3_school_id
    • This field needs to be created in Setup > School Fields with the exact alias provided.
    • If this value is already stored in a field in School Info, the alias will need to be updated to match.
Setting Up Descriptor Maps

Descriptor maps are used to map the Focus values to their corresponding Ed-Fi values.

1. Select the Descriptor Map from the pull-down.

2. To import values from the previous year, click Import from Previous Year.

3. In the confirmation message, click Yes.

The values from the previous year will populate the table.

4. To add a new entry, in the blank row, select the Focus Value and corresponding Ed-Fi Value.

5. Press Enter to add the row.

When setting up the Term descriptor map, marking periods from the previous 6 years are available.

Use the Auto Map button to automatically map the Focus values to the Ed-Fi values. This will make a direct case insensitive match on each value and add the records that match. Auto Map will only work on default Ed-Fi values and not on any custom values created in the ODS. Custom values must be manually mapped.

Each Focus value must be mapped to an Ed-Fi value or a **DEFAULT** Focus value must be mapped to an Ed-Fi value. If any Focus values are not mapped AND there is no default, then the API will throw errors.

Using the Debug Menu

The Debug Menu allows for reviewing and resending data for each resource as needed.

1. Click Debug Menu.

Ed-Fi Setup

2. Click an option for a resource as needed.

  • Query: Returns the query used to pull the resource
  • Data: Returns the data from the resource query. Note: This dataset will be returned without any filters and as the year goes on may take time to load.
  • Delta: See Pending Changes
  • Pending Delete: See Pending Deletes
  • Transfer Data: Transfer Data for the specific Resource
  • Transfer All: Transfer Data for All Resources

Use the Transfer Data option to test or send individual endpoints on demand without needing to wait for or run the scheduled job.

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