Documentation for Administrators

Phone Communication

Updated on

The Phone Communication feature allows users to create recorded messages, Text-to-Speech messages, and SMS text messages to send to Parent Contacts, Students, or Staff.

SMS text messages can be created as a draft and/or template to be used in Workflow Triggers.

Phone Communication Set Up
System Preferences

1. In the Setup menu, click System Preferences.

System Preferences

2. Click the Default School Preferences tab, then click the General tab.

System Preferences

3. Enter your district's Twilio Number, Twilio SID, and Twilio Auth Token in the provided text boxes.

System Preferences

4. If your district is using a Twilio campaign and wants to utilize Twilio Messaging service to send SMS as well as phone calls, select the Use Twilio Messaging Service For SMS check box. This setting should only be enabled for districts utilizing SID.

5. Enter the Twilio Messagaing Service SID in the provided text box. If utilizing SID to send messages via Phone Communication, this field must be populated.

System Preferences

6. Enter the Maximum Number of Time to Retry Failed Call/Text Events, which determines how many times a message is resent until successful or documented as officially failed. Note: This feature is not applicable to calls that have not been answered.

System Preferences

7. In the Do Not Send Calls Before This Time text box, enter a time to determine the hours in which messages should not be sent. After the time entered, messages will be sent. The time defaults to 5:00 am.  I.e. enter the time that calls should start being sent out.

System Preferences

I.e. enter the times that calls should be sent out in the Do Not Send Calls Before This Time and Do Not Send Calls After This Time text boxes. If you enter 7:00 am and 8:00 pm, calls will be sent between these times but not before or after.

8. In the Do Not Send Calls After This Time text box, enter a time to determine the hours in which messages should not be sent. Messages will not be sent after the entered time and not before the time entered in the Do Not Send Calls Before This Time text box. The time defaults to 10:00 pm. I.e. enter the time calls should stop being sent out.

9. Click the School Preferences tab or the Default School Preferences tab, then click the General tab.

10. Select a Call Out System Student Reenrollment Form from the pull-down. If a call fails when sent to the student phone, the form selected here will be a required form for the student. If a call fails, it is presumed the contact information must need to be updated which can be done using the form. Note: The form will also display on the Parent Portal.

The forms in the pull-down are enabled on the Application Editor.

System Preferences

11. Select a Call Out System Parent Reenrollment Form from the pull-down. If a call fails when sent to the parent phone, the form selected here will be a required form for the parent. If a call fails, it is presumed the contact information must need to be updated which can be done using the form.

The forms in the pull-down are enabled on the Application Editor.

12. Click Save.

See System Preferences for more information.

Profile Permissions

1. In the Users menu, click Profiles.


2. From the Permissions tab, select Menu as the Permission Type and Admin as the Role.

Select applicable Profiles from the pull-down.

Click Submit.


3. Click the Students tab.


4. In the Students section, select the View check box for Phone Communication. The View permission allows you to view but not edit the Phone Communication screen including the Drafts, Templates, and Request History tabs.

Select the Edit check box to create templates and drafts which can then be send out to students and parents.


5. Select the View check box for Attendance Callouts to enable the Attendance tab on the Phone Communication screen. If you have edit permissions to Phone Communication, you can set up the callouts for when certain attendance codes are entered.

6. Select the View check box for Blocked Numbers to enable the "Blocked Numbers" tab, which allows you to view a report of all the students and users that have chosen to Block or Unsubscribe from calls and texts.

7. Select the View check box for View All Users to enable the "Show All Records" button, which allows you to see records that were entered by other users on any tab. Note: The records displayed aren't limited to the user's school defined permissions; therefore, if enabled, the user/profile will be able to view all records for all schools.

8. Select the View check box for Verify Phone Numbers to view phone numbers enabled as Caller ID information.

Select the View and Edit check box to add new phone numbers that will display as the Caller ID when phone messages are sent out. Note: The Phone Numbers enabled display as the Caller ID for phone messages only not for SMS text messages.

9. Select the corresponding Edit check boxes to allow users to Create Call Messages and/or Create Text Messages.

10. Click Save.

11. From the Permissions tab, select Menu as the Permission Type and Teacher as the Role.

Select applicable Profiles from the pull-down.

Click Submit.


12. Click the Students tab.


13. In the Students section, select the View check box for Phone Communication. The View permission allows teachers to view but not edit the Phone Communication screen including the Drafts, Templates, and Request History tabs.

Select the Edit check box to allow teachers to create templates and drafts which can then be send out to students and parents.


14. Select the View check box for Verify Phone Numbers to view phone numbers enabled as Caller ID information.

Select the View and Edit check box to add new phone numbers that will display as the Caller ID when phone messages are sent out. Note: The Phone Numbers enabled display as the Caller ID for phone messages only not for SMS text messages.

15. Select the corresponding Edit check boxes to allow users to Create Call Messages and/or Create Text Messages.

16. Click Save.

See Profiles for more information.

Scheduled Jobs

1. In the Setup menu, click Scheduled Jobs.

Scheduled Jobs

2. Select Phone Communication Processing from the scheduled jobs pull-down. Click Create Job.

This job sends any message that is set to run before the job's scheduled time, along with attendance based messages.

Scheduled Jobs

See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

Phone Communication

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Drafts tab.

Phone Communication

Click Show All Records to view message drafts created by other users.

Phone Communication

Click Show My Records to hide message drafts created by other users and only view your own messages.

Phone Communication

3. Enter a Title.

Phone Communication

4. Select the message Type from the pull-down. Options include SMS (text messages) and/or Phone Call.

5. If Caller ID has been set up from the Phone Numbers tab, select the Caller ID you'd like to use for the outgoing call. If additional Phone Numbers have not been set up, the Caller ID defaults to the Twilio Number enabled by the district via System Preferences. Note: This is applicable to Calls Only (Type: Phone Call).

6. Enter/Select the Scheduled Send Date in the provided text box. This is the earliest date that the message will be sent.

7. Enter/Select the Scheduled Send Time in the provided text box. This is the earliest time that the message will be sent.

8. Select how often the message will be sent from the Recurring pull-down. Options include:

N/A: This message will be sent one time.

Daily: This message will be scheduled to be sent at the same time set every day.

Weekly: This message will be scheduled to be sent at the same time every week (7 days apart).

Monthly: This message will be scheduled to be sent at the same time every month (30 Days apart).

Annually: This message will be scheduled to be sent at the same date and time every year.

a. If you've selected a Recurring option, enter the Recurring End Date to determine when the message should no longer be sent out.


9. Press the Enter key to add the message draft. Then, click the Save button.

Phone Communication

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a draft.

Phone Communication

In the confirmation pop-up window, click OK. says

Click Save to apply changes.

Phone Communication
Adding/Editing Messages

1. Click Edit Message to create/edit the message.

Phone Communication

The Edit Message pop-up window displays information depending on the message Type enabled, SMS and/or Phone Call. In the image displayed, both options have been selected, so SMS and Phone Call features are displayed on their corresponding tabs.

Phone Communication

Voice Recording

1. Click the Phone Call tab.

Phone Communication

2. Select Recorded as the Call Type to create a recorded message.

3. If recording your message, click Record and speak your message clearly. Note: You must ensure that the microphone on your computer has been enabled in your computer settings.

Click Finish Recording to stop the recording when complete.

There is a one minute time limit on recorded messages. If the recording has not been stopped by clicking Finish Recording before the one minute mark, the recording will automatically end. The Time Remaining feature displays the amount of time left to make the recording counting down from one minute.

There is a brief  pause before messages begin upon calls being answered by a person or by voicemail to ensure the entire message is recorded if sent to voicemail. Note: If a person answers the call, the message will begin once the person speaks as opposed to waiting 2-3 seconds.

4. Once recorded, click Play to review your message.

Phone Communication

Click Pause to pause the message.

Click Stop to stop the message from playing and go back to the beginning of the message.

Click Record at any time, to re-record you message.

Phone Communication

5. To use the Token Guide and insert variables into a recorded message, while recording, click Insert Data to place a Marker in the recording for where the variable should be placed.

Phone Communication

6. Once finished, you can see where in the message in the markers have been placed. Select the applicable Variable from the pull-down that should take the place for each Marker.

Phone Communication

7. Click Save.

Phone Communication

See Testing Messages for more information on the Test button.

Text-To-Speech Phone Call

1. If using Text-To-Speech call type, enter the content that will be read to receipts as a phone call in the provided text box.

Phone Communication

There is a Text-To-Speech word limit set to 180 words. The number of words present is displayed out of of 180 words, such as 16/180 as displayed below.

2. You can enter free text as well as click the variables available in the Token Guide to insert changing information to be customized based on the receipt of the call, such as Date, Student's Full Name, Attendance Code (Attendance Only), etc. To use the variable, ensure your cursor/mouse is positioned in the correct place in the message, then click the variable to be added.


The variables displayed with Attendance Only can only be used if you are utilizing the Attendance tab to set up attendance based messages.

3. Click Save.


See Testing Messages for more information on the Test button.

SMS (Text Message)

1. Click the SMS tab.

Phone Communication

2. In the SMS (Text Message) text box, enter the content that will display in the message sent out.

Phone Communication

There is a character indicator below the text box, which contains 50 characters per text message sent. The number of characters present displays against the number of text messages to be sent. Note: Newer mobile devices should receive the message as one text message. In the example displayed below 84 characters have been included in the message out of the number of text messages that will be sent (in this example, 84 characters / 2 texts).

Phone Communication

Once messages are sent, parents, students, or staff can Reply TODAY to stop receiving messages for the rest of the day or Reply UNSUBSCRIBE to never get messages again. The option to unsubscribe is only included in the first ever SMS text message sent to recipients.

3. You can enter free text as well as click the variables available in the Token Guide to insert changing information to be customized based on the receipt of the message, such as Date, Student's Full Name, Attendance Code (Attendance Only), etc.

Phone Communication

a. To use the variable, ensure your cursor/mouse is positioned in the correct place in the message, then click the variable to be added.


The variables displayed with Attendance Only can only be used if you are utilizing the Attendance tab to set up attendance based messages.

4. Click Save.

Phone Communication

See Testing Messages for more information on the Test button.

Attaching Recipients

1. From the Drafts tab, click Attach Recipients.

Phone Communication

2. Select the Contact Types that should receive the message using the corresponding check boxes. Options include:

Primary Contact Phone: Send to the phone number(s) of the 1st priority contact with a Custody flag value of "Y" and a Callout flag value of "Y" for each phone number.

Secondary Contact Phone: Send to the phone number(s) of the 2nd priority contact with a Callout flag value of "Y" for each phone number.

All Student Contacts: Send a callout to all of the students contacts regardless of priority or custody flag.

Student Phone: Send to the phone number of the student located on the Address block in Student Info.

Staff Phone: Send to the phone number of the user via a system field (custom_100000002) under the "General" section in User Info.

You can select as many contact types as needed.

Phone Communication

Callout and SMS options must be enabled via Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab for Address and Contact Details; otherwise, the options in the Student Info > Addresses & Contacts  will not display.

Address Fields

3. Select the Schools from the pull-down for which the message applies. In the example message used for schools being closed may apply to the majority of schools, but not all.

Phone Communication

4. Select the applicable Grade Levels for which the message applies. Grade Levels selections are based on the Schools selected.

Phone Communication

5. Click Student Search in order to specify the students or users who will receive the message.

Phone Communication

In order to conduct a Student Search, one of the following Contact Types must be selected: Primary Contact Phone, Secondary Contact Phone, or Student Phone.

The Student Search is not affected by the School(s) and Grade Level(s) pull-down and become inactive upon importing students per the student search.

a. Conduct a student search in the pop-up window. See Searching for Students for more information.

Phone Communication

The Student Search is limited to the selected school (school pull-down in the header). You can select the Search All Schools check box to search for students at all schools depending on your permissions.

b. Select the check boxes next to the applicable students to specify the students who will receive the message. Then, click Import Selected Recipients.

Phone Communication

The Imported Recipients display in the Add Recipients pop-up window which includes the Contact Type, Phone Number, Student Full Name, Contact Full Name, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the imported recipient or click Delete All Recipients to delete all recipients at once.

Phone Communication

6. Click User Search in order to specify the users who will receive the message.

Phone Communication

In order to conduct a User Search, Staff Phone must be selected from the Contact Types.

The User Search is not affected by the School(s) and Grade Level(s) pull-downs and become inactive upon importing users per the user search.

a. Conduct a user search in the pop-up window. Enter User data and click Search.


b. Select the check boxes next to the applicable users to specify the users who will receive the message. Then, click Import Selected Recipients.

Phone Communication

The Imported Recipients display in the Add Recipients pop-up window which includes the Contact Type, Phone Number, Student Full Name, Contact Full Name, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the imported recipient or click Delete All Recipients to delete all recipients at once.

Phone Communication

7. Click Upload CSV to import recipients in the Import Options section. You must first prepare a CSV file including the following columns: Phone Number, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Student First Name, Student Last Name, Student Nickname, Possessive Pronoun, and Personal Pronoun.

Phone Communication

a. Select the file from your computer. Click Open.


b. Use the pull-downs to associate the fields with the correct column headers in the file. If this CSV file includes a header row, ensure the Header check box is selected to prevent parsing the data in the first row.

Phone Communication

c. Click Submit.

The Imported Recipients display in the Add Recipients pop-up window which includes the Contact Type, Phone Number, Student Full Name, Contact Full Name, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

8. Click Save Recipients.

Testing Messages

1. From the Drafts tab, click Test.

Phone Communication

Messages can also be tested from the Edit Message pop-up window while creating them. At the bottom of the pop-up window, click Test.

Phone Communication

2. Enter your phone number in the provided text box for a sampling of the message (text and/or call) created. Click Test.


The example variables shown will be used for variables placed in your message.

Sending & Scheduling Messages

1. Depending on the Scheduled Send Date, you will have the ability to Send or Schedule messages.

If the Scheduled Send Date is set to today or a previous date with the current or past Scheduled Send Time, you can click Send to send messages right away.

Phone Communication

If you need to send out an emergency call or message, set the Scheduled Send Date and Scheduled Send Time to the current date and time or a previous date and time to send the message right away.

Once sent, the message will be removed from the Drafts tab and display on the Request History tab.

If the Scheduled Send Date is set to a future date or a future Scheduled Send Time (on the current date), you can click Schedule to schedule the call/text to be sent out on the entered date and time.

Phone Communication

The scheduled send date/time determine if the message gets sent now or sent when the scheduled job runs. The scheduled job is triggered to run every 15 minutes (automatically), so the job may not run at the exact time entered here, but the time entered places the message in the queue to be sent out with the scheduled job next time it runs.

Note: This does not mean calls will be sent out every 15 minutes; the scheduled job runs every 15 minutes ensuring all scheduled messages are sent out if there are any waiting to be sent out.

Once you click Schedule, the message will be removed from the Drafts tab and display on the Request History tab.

The scheduled job Phone Communication Processing looks at the Scheduled Send Date and Scheduled Send Time. The recommended runtime interval settings for the scheduled job should be set to whatever is most frequent (every 15 minutes) for the most accurate delivery times. See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

Duplicating Messages

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Drafts tab.

Phone Communication

3. From the existing drafts, click Duplicate next to the message you want to copy.

Phone Communication

Once copied, a duplicate message draft displays on the Drafts tab. Here you can make any necessary changes to customize the message. See Phone Communication for more information on creating a message.

Phone Communication
Request History

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Request History tab.

Phone Communication

The Request History tab displays the Status of the message, the Title, the Type, the Delivery Date, the Date Delivered, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

The Status displays as Sent when the text message and/or call was sent and answered or opened.

The Status displays as Pending Delivery if the message is scheduled to be sent and has not been sent yet.

3. Click View Message to view the message that was sent or is scheduled to be sent in a pop-up window.

Phone Communication

Click Close to close the pop-up window.

Phone Communication

4. Click View Recipients to view the recipient information for the message.

Phone Communication

5. Click View Report to view the Request History Report for a particular message.

Call Out System - Google Slides

Every recipient that met the criteria will display as a record in the report with the following information:

User Type: Displays Parent, Student, or Staff.

ID: Displays the Student ID or User ID.

Contact Name: Displays the Name of the contact.

Phone Number: Displays the Phone Number of the Parent, Student or Staff Contact that was used in the callout.

Status: Displays Completed when the call/text was sent and opened/answered successfully. Displays Failed when the call could not be completed as dialed or the text message could not be sent, most likely because the phone number is non-existent. Displays as Canceled when the scheduled job was cancelled while in progress.

In the Request History Report, if a phone number fails, a re-enrollment record will be sent to the Parent or Student of the failed number.  This will use the re-enrollment System Preferences to automatically send out a required re-enrollment form that can be used for the parents and/or students to update their phone numbers within Focus.

6. Click Cancel to stop the message from being sent or from being sent again (recurring messages).

Phone Communication

Clicking Cancel moves the message from the Request History tab back to the Drafts tab where the message can be edited or deleted.

Phone Communication
Message Templates

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Templates tab.

Phone Communication

Click Show All Records to view template drafts created by other users.

Phone Communication

Click Show My Records to hide template drafts created by other users and only view your own messages.

Phone Communication

3. Enter a Title.

Phone Communication

4. Select the message Type from the pull-down. Options include SMS (text messages) and/or Phone Call.

5. Press the Enter key to add the message draft. Then, click Save.

Phone Communication

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a template.

Phone Communication

Click Save to apply changes.

Phone Communication

If you try to delete a template that is currently being used for an Attendance message, a pop-up message displays alerting you that the template is being used with an attendance callout. In order to delete the template, you must first delete the Attendance message. See Attendance-Based Messages for more information. says
Adding/Editing Messages in Templates

1. Click Edit Message to create/edit the message.

Phone Communication

The Edit Message pop-up window displays information depending on the message Type enabled, SMS and/or Phone Call. In the image displayed, both options have been selected, so SMS and Phone Call features are displayed on their corresponding tabs.

Phone Communication

Voice Recording

1. Click the Phone Call tab.

Phone Communication

2. Select Recorded as the Call Type to create a recorded message.

Phone Communication

3. If recording your message, click Record and speak your message clearly. Note: You must ensure that the microphone on your computer has been enabled in your computer settings.

Click Finish Recording to stop the recording when complete.

There is a one minute time limit on recorded messages. If the recording has not been stopped by clicking Finish Recording before the one minute mark, the recording will automatically end. The Time Remaining feature displays the amount of time left to make the recording counting down from one minute.

There is a 2-3 second pause before messages begin upon calls being answered by a person or by voicemail to ensure the entire message is recorded if sent to voicemail. Note: If a person answers the call, the message will begin once the person speaks as opposed to waiting 2-3 seconds.

4. Once recorded, click Play to review your message.

Phone Communication

Click Pause to pause the message.

Click Stop to stop the message from playing and go back to the beginning of the message.

Click Record at any time, to re-record you message.

Phone Communication

5. To use the Token Guide and insert variables into a recorded message, while recording, click Insert Data to place a Marker in the recording for where the variable should be placed.

Phone Communication

6. Once finished, you can see where in the message in the markers have been placed. Select the applicable Variable from the pull-down that should take the place for each Marker.

Phone Communication

7. Click Save.

See Testing Messages for more information on the Test button.

Text-To-Speech Phone Call

1. If using Text-To-Speech call type, enter the content that will be read to receipts as a phone call in the provided text box.

Phone Communication

There is a Text-To-Speech word limit set to 180 words. The number of words present is displayed out of of 180 words, such as 16/180 as displayed below.

2. You can enter free text as well as click the variables available in the Token Guide to insert changing information to be customized based on the receipt of the call, such as Date, Student's Full Name, Attendance Code (Attendance Only), etc. To use the variable, ensure your cursor/mouse is positioned in the correct place in the message, then click the variable to be added.


The variables displayed with Attendance Only can only be used if you are utilizing the Attendance tab to set up attendance based messages.

3. Click Save.

Phone Communication

See Testing Messages for more information on the Test button.

SMS (Text Message)

1. Click the SMS tab.

Phone Communication

2. In the SMS (Text Message) text box, enter the content that will display in the message sent out.

Phone Communication

There is a character indicator below the text box, which contains 50 characters per text message sent. The number of characters present displays against the number of text messages to be sent. Note: Newer mobile devices should receive the message as one text message. In the example displayed below 84 characters have been included in the message out of the number of text messages that will be sent (in this example, 84 characters / 2 texts).

Phone Communication

Once messages are sent, parents, students, or staff can Reply TODAY to stop receiving messages for the rest of the day or Reply UNSUBSCRIBE to never get messages again. The option to unsubscribe is only included in the first ever SMS text message sent to recipients.

3. You can enter free text as well as click the variables available in the Token Guide to insert changing information to be customized based on the receipt of the message, such as Date, Student's Full Name, Attendance Code (Attendance Only), etc.

Phone Communication

a. To use the variable, ensure your cursor/mouse is positioned in the correct place in the message, then click the variable to be added.


The variables displayed with Attendance Only can only be used if you are utilizing the Attendance tab to set up attendance based messages.

4. Click Save.

Phone Communication

See Testing Messages for more information on the Test button.

Attaching Recipients

1. From the Templates tab, click Attach Recipients.

Phone Communication

2. Select the Contact Types that should receive the message using the corresponding check boxes. Options include:

Primary Contact Phone: Send to the phone number(s) of the 1st priority contact with a Custody flag value of "Y" and a Callout flag value of "Y" for each phone number.

Secondary Contact Phone: Send to the phone number(s) of the 2nd priority contact with a Callout flag value of "Y" for each phone number.

All Student Contacts: Send a callout to all of the students contacts regardless of priority or custody flag.

Student Phone: Send to the phone number of the student located on the Address block in Student Info.

Staff Phone: Send to the phone number of the user via a system field (custom_100000002) under the "General" section in User Info.

You can select as many contact types as needed.

Phone Communication

Callout and SMS options must be enabled via Students > Address Fields > Contact Detail Flags tab for Address and Contact Details; otherwise, the options in the Student Info > Addresses & Contacts  will not display.

Address Fields

3. Select the Schools from the pull-down for which the message applies. In the example message used for schools being closed may apply to the majority of schools, but not all.

Phone Communication

4. Select the applicable Grade Levels for which the message applies. Grade Levels selections are based on the Schools selected.

Phone Communication

5. Click Student Search in order to specify the students or users who will receive the message.

Phone Communication

In order to conduct a Student Search, one of the following Contact Types must be selected: Primary Contact Phone, Secondary Contact Phone, or Student Phone.

The Student Search is not affected by the School(s) and Grade Level(s) pull-down and become inactive upon importing students per the student search.

a. Conduct a student search in the pop-up window. See Searching for Students for more information.

Phone Communication

The Student Search is limited to the selected school (school pull-down in the header). Select the Search All Schools check box to search all schools depending on your permissions.

b. Select the check boxes next to the applicable students to specify the students who will receive the message. Then, click Import Selected Recipients.

Phone Communication

The Imported Recipients display in the Add Recipients pop-up window which includes the Contact Type, Phone Number, Student Full Name, Contact Full Name, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the imported recipient or click Delete All Recipients to delete all recipients at once.

Phone Communication

6. Click User Search in order to specify the users who will receive the message.

Phone Communication

In order to conduct a User Search, Staff Phone must be selected from the Contact Types.

The User Search is not affected by the School(s) and Grade Level(s) pull-downs and become inactive upon importing users per the user search.

a. Conduct a user search in the pop-up window. Enter User data and click Search.


b. Select the check boxes next to the applicable users to specify the users who will receive the message. Then, click Import Selected Recipients.

Phone Communication

The Imported Recipients display in the Add Recipients pop-up window which includes the Contact Type, Phone Number, Student Full Name, Contact Full Name, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the imported recipient.

Phone Communication

7. Click Upload CSV to import recipients in the Import Options section. You must first prepare a CSV file including the following columns: Phone Number, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, Student First Name, Student Last Name, Student Nickname, Possessive Pronoun, and Personal Pronoun.

a. Select the file from your computer. Click Open.


b. Use the pull-downs to associate the fields with the correct column headers in the file. If this CSV file includes a header row, ensure the Header check box is selected to prevent parsing the data in the first row.

Phone Communication

c. Click Submit.

The Imported Recipients display in the Add Recipients pop-up window which includes the Contact Type, Phone Number, Student Full Name, Contact Full Name, Created By, and Created At.

Phone Communication

8. Click Save Recipients.

Creating a Message from a Template

1. From the Templates tab, click Create Draft.

Phone Communication

Clicking Create Drafts automatically creates a new draft and navigates to the Drafts tab. See Phone Communication for more information on message drafts.

Phone Communication
Testing Template Messages

1. From the Templates tab, click Test.

Phone Communication

2. Enter your phone number in the provided text box for a sampling of the message (text and/or call) created. Click Test.


The example variables shown will be used for variables placed in your message.

Duplicating Templates

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Templates tab.

Phone Communication

3. From the existing templates, click Duplicate next to the template you want to copy.

Phone Communication

Once copied, a duplicate template displays on the Templates tab. Here you can make any necessary changes to customize the template. See Message Templates for more information on creating templates.

Phone Communication
Attendance-Based Messages

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Attendance tab.

Phone Communication

3. Select the Template from the pull-down.

Phone Communication

Templates must first be created from the Templates tab.

4. Select the Type to determine the frequency of the message.

Select Period-By-Period to look at the student’s period attendance, this will be run as often as the scheduled job is set.

Select Daily to look at the student’s daily attendance, this can be ran once a day.

5. If Caller ID has been set up from the Phone Numbers tab, select the Caller ID you'd like to use for the outgoing call. If additional Phone Numbers have not been set up, the Caller ID defaults to the Twilio Number enabled by the district via System Preferences. Note: This is applicable to Calls Only (Type: Phone Call).

6. Select the School(s) for which this job will be run.

The School(s) selected from the pull-down overrides the Schools selected in Attach Recipients when the Template is created; however, the Grade Levels are carried over.

7. Select the Attendance Codes that drive the message, such as Absent.


8. Select the Hour and Minute the job will run for Daily Types; Any/Any will default for Period-by-Period Types and use the scheduled job times to call out.

9. Press the Enter key to add the Attendance Message. Then, click Save.

Phone Communication

Attendance Messages are sent when the scheduled job Phone Communication Processing is run. See Scheduled Jobs for more information.

Setting Up Caller ID

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Phone Numbers tab.

Phone Communication

3. Enter the Title for the phone number to be used as Caller ID. Note: The Title is for internal use only and doesn't display as caller information.

Phone Communication

4. Enter the Phone Number that will display as Caller ID for outgoing phone calls.

5. Enter an Extension number linked to the phone number entered to be used as caller ID. You must enter the number you want to use as a caller ID, upon entering a phone number, the number must first be verified by Twilio. As a result, Twiliio will call that number and require you to enter a code to verify the number. The Extension field allows you to use phone numbers with extension numbers to receive the verification call. Once the number has been verified, the extension does not display on the outgoing caller ID.

6. Select the Public check box to allow other users to select the phone number from the Caller ID (Calls Only) pull-down upon creating or editing a message from the Drafts tab. If Public is selected, all users with permission to view and edit Phone Communication will have access.

7. If the Phone Number is made Public, you can determine the Schools that should have access to the Public caller ID phone number from the corresponding pull-down. If no schools are selected from the pull-down and the Public check box is selected, all schools will have access.

8. Press the Enter key to add the phone number. Then, click Save.

Phone Communication

9. You can make click the corresponding fields to make edits to all fields as long as the phone number hasn't been verified and used.


a. Edits display in yellow. Click Save to apply changes.

10. Click Verify Number to verify the phone number so it can be used as Caller ID.

Phone Communication

The number entered will be called where the receipt will be prompted to enter the code on the screen.

Once verified, the Verify Number button no longer displays and Verified displays in the corresponding column.

Phone Communication
Blocked Numbers Report

1. In the Students menu, click Phone Communication.

Phone Communication

2. Click the Blocked Numbers tab.

Phone Communication

The Blocked Numbers displays a report of all the students and users that have chosen to Block or Unsubscribe from calls and texts.

Phone Communication

The report displays the following columns:

User Type: Parent, Student, or Staff

Student ID: The Student ID that identifies the relationship to the parent contact

ID: Parent, Student, or Staff Focus ID

Contact Name: Parent, Student, or Staff first and last name

Phone Number: Phone number on record

Blocked: Y or N:

Y = Contact detail flag Blocked is Y

N = Contact detail flag Blocked is null

Unsubscribed: Y or N:

Y = Contact detail flag Unsubscribed is Y

N = Contact detail flag Blocked is null

Twilio Status: Blocked/Unsubscribed: Uses the most recent call record from Phone Communication and identifies the status of the phone

Phone Communication

Only records that have Blocked or Unsubscribed contact detail flags selected display OR records on the blocked list from Twilio.

Only records from the school selected (top right) are displayed. However, if you have permission to “View All Records” and click the Show All Records button, records from all schools for which you have access display in the report.

Phone Communication

3. Click the ID link to open User Info or Student Info.

Phone Communication
Additional Features

Click the modal icon to view individual records from a data table in a pop-up modal to alleviate having to scroll horizontally on large tables.

Phone Communication

Click the white arrows to navigate through the list of records.

Phone Communication

Begin typing the name or number of the desired field in the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search.


Click the Check all visible and Clear selected links for quick selections.

Phone Communication

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which is saved to your computer.

Phone Communication

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click Filters to further breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.

Phone Communication

See Filters for more information.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Phone Communication

The Page Size defaults to 20 records per page. To display more records per page, enter the number of records. In the example displayed, 10 has been entered. Therefore, page numbers displays.

Phone Communication

Click the Prev and Next buttons to navigate in between pages of data. You also have the option to enter a Page number and press Enter to jump to a page.

Phone Communication
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