The College Readiness Report provides college readiness data on selected students.
1. From the Assessment menu, click College Readiness Report.

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the student.
To generate the College Readiness Report for all students, leave the Student text box empty.
For more information on conducting a student search, see Searching for Students.
3. There are also Readiness Tests filters that can be applied to the College Readiness Report. Select the SAT, ACT, and PERT check boxes to pull students who have test results in the selected test(s). You can also select the Only Show Students With Tests check box to display only the students who have taken these tests.

The Readiness Tests filters can be updated after the report has been generated.
4. Select the Search All Schools and Include Inactive Students check boxes to include the applicable students.

a. If Include Inactive Students is selected, two additional options will display: Include Previous Years Inactive Students and Use Most Recent Enrollment; select the corresponding check box to include the applicable students.

5. Click Search to generate the report. If needed, you click Reset to clear your search and start over.
1. To change the tests filters applied in the last step, select the appropriate check boxes in the Readiness Tests section. Then, click Run Report to refresh the report.
The Student Info section displays student IDs, student names, and grade levels. For Florida districts, an FLEID column will also display.
The second section of the report is divided by the selected Readiness Tests, and subdivided into the parts of each test; student scores are listed for each corresponding part of the Readiness Tests.
Notice that some of the scores are highlighted in green; this indicates that the student is college ready for that subject area.
Use the Filter text box located at the top of each pull-down for a quick search. Begin typing the name or number of the desired field.

Click the Check all visible and Clear selected links for quick selections. In the example shown, the College Readiness Report will be generated for students with the selected Enrollment Codes.

To return to the Search Screen and start your search over, click the Search Screen tab.
Click the floppy disk icon next to the listed number of Students to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet.
If looking for specific information housed within the resulting students, type the information in the Search text box provided and press Enter.
To make the report full screen, click on the expansion icon (four arrows) next to the Search text box. Once in full screen mode, click the icon again to exit full screen.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, results have been sorted by clicking on Student Name twice; therefore, the listed students start with Z.