Documentation for Administrators

Bulk Create Students

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The Bulk Create Students screen allows post secondary schools to enroll any number of students into a selected section simultaneously. Users will also be prompted to select a Funding Source, Start and End Date, as well as users, such as Parents, to be linked.

Bulk Creating Students

1. In the Students menu, click Bulk Create Students.

Bulk Create Students

The Bulk Create Students screen allows post secondary schools to enroll any number of students into a selected section simultaneously by entering the required information.

Bulk Create Students

Be sure the correct school is selected from the school pull-down located in the header, if you have access to multiple schools.

Bulk Create Students

3. Enter the Number of Students being enrolled.

Bulk Create Students

4. Select the Section or the Course to which students are to be enrolled from the Enroll in Course or Enroll in Section pull-down. Note: This field is not required. If a selection is not made, only an enrollment record will be created.

Bulk Create Students

The section/course to which the students are enrolled depends on the system preference enabled via Setup > System Preferences > School Preferences / Default School Preferences > Scheduling tab: Schedule the section with the most available seats for each course in Bulk Create Students.

When enabled, you can select the course from the Enroll in Course pull-down. 

When disabled, you can select the section from the Enroll in Section pull-down.

5. Select the applicable Funding Source from the pull-down.

Bulk Create Students

6. Enter the Start Date and End Date for enrollment.

Bulk Create Students

Once the student is scheduled into the applicable section, attendance can be taken as of the State Date entered here, which displays on the students' schedules.

7. Select the applicable Parents to be linked from the pull-down. Once linked, parents will display via Students > Student Info > Addresses & Contacts > Linked Users.

Bulk Create Students

8. Click Create Students.

Clicking Create Students creates an enrollment record for the selected school as well as a schedule record for the selected section (if a section is selected).

Once students are created, a confirmation displays along with a link to each record.

Bulk Create Students

You can access the list of students created once you've navigated away from this screen via Students > Add/Drop Report.

9. Click the link to open Student Info and update information as necessary for all students added.

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