The School Report displays the school information fields for all schools in the district on one report. Users with the Edit permission for this report can update school fields for individual schools or can mass update fields for all schools.
Logging fields and computed tables are not included on the School Report.
1. In the Setup menu, click School Report.

The School Report is displayed, including all the active schools in the district.
2. To include inactive schools in the report, select Include Inactive.
The report will update to include inactive schools.
3. To include computed fields on the report, select Include Computed.
The report will update to include computed fields.
4. Click the i icon next to a school Title to open the School Info screen in a new tab.
5. Click the Expand View icon next to a school to view all the school information fields for the school in a pop-up window for easier viewing.
6. In the pop-up window, click the left or right arrows to navigate to the previous or next school in the list. Click Close to close the pop-up window.
7. Click the Next and Prev buttons to navigate through the pages of the report. Enter a Page number in the text box and press Enter to navigate directly to that page.
The maximum number of records included on each page of the report can be customized. Columns can also be hidden from the report, as needed. Your settings will be remembered the next time you return to the report.
1. To hide or show certain columns on the report, click Toggle Columns.
2. In the pop-up window, select or deselect the columns you want to show or hide from the report. Click the X when finished.

3. Edit the Page Size to view more or fewer schools on each page of the report.
The School Report can be filtered based on any of the report columns. You can also save the filtered report. See Saving the Filtered School Report for more information.
1. Click the Filter button so that it displays ON.
Filters display above each column.
2. In the filter text box, begin typing the filter criteria.
The report will filter as you type.
3. Click the down arrow to select a filter option.
4. To add an additional filter to a column, click the green plus icon.
5. To remove a filter from a column, click the red minus sign.
6. To remove all filters, click Filter so that it displays OFF.
After filtering the report, the report can be given a title and saved. Once saved, the report is available in a pull-down on the School Report screen, along with the Default report, and can be re-run as needed. The saved report is also available in the Reports menu under My Reports, and in the Saved Reports screen, where it can be shared with other users if you have permission to publish reports.
1. After filtering the report, click the Save icon.
Your Toggle Columns and Page Size settings will also save to the report.
2. In the pop-up window, enter a Report Name and click Save.

The saved report is now available in the pull-down, along with the Default report.
3. If you make additional filter changes to the saved report, click the up arrow icon to update it.
4. In the pop-up window, modify the Report Name, if desired, and click Save.

5. To delete a saved report, select the report from the pull-down and click the delete icon.
6. In the confirmation message, click OK.

Saved reports are available in the My Reports section of the Reports menu, and on the Saved Reports screen.

From the Saved Reports screen, reports can be shared with specific schools and profiles if you have permission to publish reports.
When mass updating the School Report, be sure you have filtered the report to only view the schools that need to be updated. Even though you can only see one page of the report, this feature mass updates all pages.
1. After filtering the report to view the desired schools, click Mass Update.
2. In the pop-up window, select the Column to update.
3. Enter or select the Value.
4. Click Update.

The updated values are highlighted in yellow on the report.
5. Click Save.
The School Report can be exported to Excel or printed as needed.
1. To export the report to Excel, click the Excel icon next to Export. Follow your browser's prompts to open or save the file.
2. To print the report, click the Print icon next to Export. In the print dialog window, select the options to print the report