Documentation for Administrators

Mass Assign Payments

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The Mass Assign Payments screen allows users to efficiently assign payments to students with outstanding invoices for a selected product.

Mass Assigning Payments

1. In the Billing menu, click Mass Assign Payments.

2. From the Mass Assign Payments tab, select the Product from the pull-down.

3. Click Run Report.

Mass Assign Payments

The report displays students who have been invoiced for the selected product including their Student ID, Student Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Description, Invoice Due Date, Invoiced Amount, and Invoice Balance.

Mass Assign Payments

4a. To assign payments en masse, click Mass Update.

a. Select the Column to be updated, and enter/select the Value. Then, click Update. In the example displayed, the Payment Amount will be updated to $25.00 for all students.

Mass Assign Payments

b. All updated fields display in yellow. Make any other edits to individual fields or by clicking Mass Update again.

Mass Assign Payments

Apply Mass Updates before making individually changes. If you make individually changes, then apply a Mass Update, all of your individual entries for that column will be lost.

4b. To assign payments individually, enter the Payment Amount, select the Payment Type, and enter the Check # (if applicable). Enter these for all applicable students one at a time.

All updated fields display in yellow.

Mass Assign Payments

5. Click Save to apply payments.

Once payments are applied, the students are removed from the report.

To review applied payments, see Student Billing and/or ERP > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale.

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