Documentation for Administrators

Uploaded Files

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The Uploaded Files screen is used to view the files that have been uploaded for the user and the letters/messages that have been logged for the user that have been designated to be a part of the user's cumulative folder. Additionally, Form Builder forms that have been finalized for the user are displayed. Keywords and phrases can be redacted from uploaded files. Selected documents can be exported as a zip file or as a PDF.

Uploaded files, logged letters/messages, and Form Builder forms display on this screen if they were tagged to be a part of the user's cumulative folder.

In Users > User Fields, the Academic Record Category must be selected on the Edit Field screen for an upload field in order for those files to be included on this screen.

In Users > Print Letters & Send Email, the Academic Record Category must be selected for a letter in order for it to be included on this screen. Only users with the profile permission "Edit Academic Record Category" for Print Letters & Send Email can select an Academic Record Category for a letter.

In Students > Communication, the Academic Record must be selected for a message in order for it to be included on this screen. When the Academic Record is selected on the message, the message is automatically logged. Only users with the profile permission "Academic Record" for Communication can select the Academic Record for the message.

In Setup > Form Builder, the Academic Category must be selected for the form in order for it to be included on this screen once the form is finalized for the user.

When an upload field or letter is flagged with an Academic Record Category, the system will retroactively add any previously uploaded files and logged letters for the user to the Uploaded Files screen. 

The Academic Record Category options (Category A and Category B) are defined by the Florida Department of Education ruling 1b-24.003 Ref-10357 GS7  on records retention.

Users who have the profile permission "View Unredacted Files" under User Info have the ability to view user Social Security numbers in files, as well as keywords and phrases that have been redacted. Users without this permission will have Social Security numbers and keywords and phrases redacted.

The system uses the value entered in the user's Social Security Number field in User Info to redact the files. If there is not a Social Security number entered into the Social Security Number field in the user's record, the system will not redact Social Security numbers present in documents.

Viewing a User's Uploaded Files

1. In the Users menu, click Uploaded Files.

Uploaded Files

2. On the Search Screen, enter search criteria to locate the user and click Search.

See Navigating & Searching for more information on searching for users.

Uploaded Files

3. Click the user in the search results.

Uploaded Files

The Uploaded Files screen can also be accessed directly in the user's record by clicking the User Files link at the top of the User Info screen.

User Info

On the left side of the screen, any uploaded files that have been designated to be a part of the user's cumulative folder are listed under Uploaded Documents. On the right side of the screen, any generated letters/messages that have been designated to be a part of the user's cumulative folder are listed under Letter Log.

Uploaded Files

The Formbuilder Forms section of the screen displays any forms that have been finalized for the user (submitted and approved, if approval was required) that have been designated to be a part of the user's cumulative folder.

Uploaded Files

4. To view an individual file, letter, or form, click View next to the item.

Uploaded Files

The item opens in a pop-up window.

Only PDF and PNG files are currently supported for the View function.

5. Click the X to close the window when finished.

Uploaded Files

Redacted information, including the user's Social Security number or other redacted keywords or phrases, will be covered with a black bar when viewing an uploaded file. Only users with the profile permission "View Unredacted Files" under User Info have the ability to view user Social Security numbers as well as keywords or phrases in files that have been redacted.

Uploaded Files

6. To export one or multiple files, letters, or forms as a zip file or PDF, select the check boxes next to each desired item. Alternatively, select the All check box to select all items, select the Category A check box to select all Category A items, or select the Category B check box to select all Category B items.

Uploaded Files

7. When finished selecting the desired items, click Export Zip or Export PDF.

When Export Zip is clicked, the zip file will download to your computer.

When Export PDF is clicked, the files/letters/forms will be downloaded to your computer in one PDF file. All of the selected files must be in a PDF format in order to export or an error will occur.

Users with the profile permission "View Unredacted Files" under User Info also have the Export Redacted Zip and Export Redacted PDF buttons. Clicking Export Redacted Zip or Export Redacted PDF will export the redacted version of the files, while clicking Export Zip or Export PDF will export the files with the Social Security numbers and redacted keywords and phrases being visible.

Users without the profile permission "View Unredacted Files" only have the Export Zip and Export PDF buttons, and exported files will be redacted.

Uploaded Files
Searching Files by Keyword or Phrase and Redacting a Keyword or Phrase

A specific keyword or phrase can be searched to view uploaded files that contain the keyword or phrase. Additionally, users with the profile permission "View Unredacted Files" under User Info can redact a keyword or phrase from uploaded files.

If user Social Security numbers are stored in Focus, the Social Security number will be automatically redacted from files and letters.

If a file has been recently uploaded for a user, it will not be available for text searching and redacting until it has been processed by the scheduled job "Document Management." A warning message will display on the screen: "User has uploaded files that have not been processed. You will not be able to text search or redact these files until they are processed." If you have the profile permission "Manually Process Files" under User Info enabled, the "Manually Process Files Now" button will display along with the warning message. Click this button to process the files now, instead of having to run the Document Management scheduled job.

Uploaded Files

1. To search for uploaded files containing a specific keyword or phrase, enter the keyword or phrase in the Search box and press Enter.

Uploaded Files

The files that contain the keyword or phrase are listed, along with the page number of the document where the word or phrase was found.

Uploaded Files

2. To view the document in a pop-up window, click View.

3. To redact the word/phrase from the document, click Redact.

Only users with the profile permission "View Unredacted Files" under User Info will have the Redact button available.

Uploaded Files

When Redact is clicked, the document will open in a pop-up window, with the word or phrase covered with a black bar. Close the pop-up window when finished.

Uploaded Files

When the screen is refreshed, the Redactions button will now display next to the file at the top of the screen for users with the "View Unredacted Files" permission.

4. To view the redactions made to a file, click Redactions.

Uploaded Files

The pop-up window displays the redactions that have been made to the file.

5. To remove a redaction, click the minus sign.

Uploaded Files

6. In the confirmation message, click OK. Close the pop-up window when finished. says
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