Documentation for Administrators

Gradebook Templates

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The Gradebook Templates screen allows the district to set up templates that populate assignment categories and assignments into the Gradebook for specific schools and courses. Permissions can be given to teachers to add additional categories and assignments and modify the categories and assignments included in the template. Permissions can also be given to teachers to add additional standards to assignments and remove standards from assignments included in the template.

Only one template can be applied per teacher Gradebook. Attempting to create a second template for a school or course will result in an error.

Adding a New Gradebook Template

1. In the Grades menu, click Gradebook Templates.

2. In the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, select Add New Template.

3. Enter a Title for the template.

4. Select the Enabled check box to enable the template for use.

It is advised to wait until the template is complete before enabling it for use.

5. Select Force Category Weighting to force Gradebook categories to be weighted for sections using this template.

If the "Force Category Weighting" option is enabled for the template, the Gradebook configuration option "Weight grades by assignment category" will not be available when configuring the Gradebook, as weighting will be forced. If a section has a Gradebook template where the "Force Category Weighting" option is not enabled, or the section has no Gradebook template, the Gradebook configuration option "Weight grades by assignment category" is available. If the "Force Category Weighting" option is enabled for a template after a teacher has already configured their Gradebook, the "Weight grades by assignment category" option will be ignored, as weighting will be forced.

6. The Add and Modify permissions are selected by default. Deselect the Add and Modify permissions for Categories, Assignments, and Standards as needed.

Selecting "Add" for Categories or Assignments will allow teachers to add categories or assignments in the Gradebook, in addition to those provided in the template.

Selecting "Modify" for Categories or Assignments will allow teachers to modify or delete the categories or assignments populated from the template.

Selecting "Add" for Standards will allow teachers to add standards to template assignments. Selecting "Modify" for Standards will allow teachers to remove standards from template assignments. If neither of the Standards options are enabled for the template, teachers will not see the options to add standards or remove standards when viewing the template assignment in the Gradebook.

7. In the Courses to include section of the screen, select All Courses to assign the template to all courses. To assign the template to specific courses, enter the course numbers in the provided text box. To exclude certain courses, enter the course numbers in the Courses to exclude text box.

An asterisk can be used as a wildcard in the course number. For example, entering 10013* in the Courses to include section will assign the template to all course numbers that begin with 10013.

8. In the Applied Schools section, select the schools that will use this template. All Schools is selected by default.

If a template already exists that is assigned to all schools, another "All Schools" template cannot be created. If no schools are selected, an error will occur.

9. Click Save next to the Title.

If the template is not enabled, the word "Disabled" will display in parentheses next to the template title in the pull-down. The Assignment Categories panel is displayed to begin adding categories to the template.

Editing a Gradebook Template

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. Modify the template title, enabled status, teacher permissions, courses to include or exclude, and applied schools as needed and click Update.

Deleting a Template

Deleting a template will detach the template from the courses where it is assigned, but it will not delete the populated items in the teacher's Gradebook. The Gradebook will still have the assignment categories, assignments, and associated data as though the teacher had manually set up the Gradebook on their own. Any permission restrictions are removed, giving teachers full access to add or modify assignment categories, assignments, and standards.

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. Click Remove next to the template title.

A warning message displays, indicating that deleting this template will detach it from the courses that have this template assigned. It will also indicate the number of sections that are using this template.

3. Click Delete.

Adding an Assignment Category to a Gradebook Template

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. In the Assignment Categories panel, enter a Category title in the blank row.

3. Enter the category Weight.

A category title and weight are required.

4. To have the lowest assignment grades dropped from the student's grade, enter the number of assignments in the Drop Lowest field.


5. To set the color that will display on the category header in the Gradebook, click the Color icon.


6. In the pop-up window, select the color and click Submit.


Teachers with the profile permission "Edit Template Category Color" under Gradebook Categories & Assignments will be able to edit the category color for their Gradebook in Gradebook Categories & Assignments. Administrators with the profile permission "Edit Template Category Color" under Gradebook Assignments (teacher program) will be able to edit the category color for a teacher Gradebook on the Gradebook Assignments screen.

6. Click Add.

Editing an Assignment Category in a Gradebook Template

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. In the Assignment Categories panel, click Edit next to the desired category.

The fields are enabled for editing.

3. Make the desired changes and click Done when finished.

Deleting an Assignment Category from a Gradebook Template

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. In the Assignment Categories panel, click the red minus sign next to the desired category.

3. In the confirmation message, click OK.

Adjust the weights of the remaining categories so their percentages add up to 100.

Adding an Assignment to an Assignment Category

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. In the Assignment Categories panel, click the Category link in which to add an assignment.

The Assignment panel is displayed at the right side of the screen.

3. In the blank row, enter a Title and number of Points for the assignment. These fields are required.

4. If desired, enter the number of Questions, select an Assigned and Due date, select the Marking Quarter, assign Standards, and enter a Description.

If the system preference "Use Proficiency Gradebook" is set to "For all sections," it is required to select at least one standard on the assignment in the Gradebook template. If you attempt to add an assignment to the template without a standard selected, an error will display indicating a value is required in the Standards field. If the system preference "Use Proficiency Gradebook" is set to "If Enabled on Grading Scale," a warning message will display if you attempt to add an assignment to the template without a standard selected. The warning states "If this template may be used for a Proficiency Gradebook section, at least one standard should be selected per assignment."

5. Click Add.

Editing an Assignment

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. In the Assignment Categories panel, click the Category link in which to edit an assignment.

3. In the Assignment panel at the right side of the screen, edit any of the assignment fields as needed.

The changes auto-save once you Tab or click out of the field.

Deleting an Assignment

1. Select the template in the pull-down at the top-left corner of the screen, if not already selected.

2. In the Assignment Categories panel, click the Category link in which to delete an assignment.

3. In the Assignment panel on the right side of the screen, click the red minus sign to the left of the assignment.


4. In the confirmation message, click OK.

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